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Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1970, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY Zth, 1970 Keadal News We hati a fine service iu Ke ndal Sunday mornnug with visit ors from other churches. Mrs. M. Robinson came from Shiloli, Mr. V. Peacock fromn Elizabcthviile and Mr. and Mrs. S, i suca ter from Newtoiiviile with Mrs. IMin- ielly. The choir sang "The OhC Rug«,ed Cross" sud Dr. G. J. Minielly toiti the ehiîdren a story. Then he preached a ser- mon commemorating the fonty- fifth aunivensary of the United Churcli of Canada. 11e said he re- me'j'bered that great event in Toronto' whcn lie was bcgiuning lligh Sehool but planning ou tihe ministry. 11e was present lu Maple Leaf Gardenis,, that great sports arena when if was packed witb thie represcutatives of, thnee churches, wlie departed after the service as oie United Churcli. H1e i)zed thse Uniteti Churcli Crest te ilustrate bis message. On _wendiav evening the Board met te plan' sc'e of the details ef 0cr Centcnhal on June 7. The new lieating syslemn by clectric- ity is nearing comipietion, se the three steves are te be solti. Mr. Roy Mrcer saidi he weuld have the antique dealer value them as we have badi scveîral wanting te puichase them. Mir. Art I 0W 55 arranging about a ioud speaker for the occasion. Mr-R oss Jackson is te sec a- bout removiug the huge blocks of cernent from the parking lot. Per- Psaps the boy scouts miglit sec about placing the chairs en' the grounds that Sunday merniug. Their leader is te ho contacteti. The Orangemen efthtie district will h ave their annual dhurci parade te Kendal Churcli next Sunday morniug at 11:15. The Guides ant iBrewinies will aise parade. If was decideti that a notice shoulti be puf on flic ncw lIRIC.KLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCINAHL Phone 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We aIse do chimncv Turn on the Fin With a MU ~ Fox builds -the world's ýmost wanted mini-bikes! Exciting trbail models for Trail Blazing, hunting, fishing end camping Finest campus bikes for swi4ngers, shoppers, swimmers A "hot dogger' scrambler that's flot a bit timid for the fled or track, Many models are Street licensable. f. Tun andMe FUIN Wfehave 'emi Low as $195 013 'N, PHONE 983-5207 bulletin board telling al these ý;isitor., about Kendal Centennial to be held the following Sunday, June 7. 0Our minister 11ev. T. Snelgrove ,nd cur îepresentative Mhýs C. Stewart wili travel with 11ev. B. î-ïg and their representative Mr. Sa il hapinan to the Bay of iùîinte Corîference which- is heid in Kingston, on Tuesday, Wednes- day and Thursday of this week. Au it 'em copied from Miss C. W. Stewart's new book "Kendai Mr. and Mrs. Amos McMuilen ,ed ou the Sixth Line west of mndal on the former Hodge farm. .ow owned by Leonard. Hay. Their daughters wei'e Pearl (Mrs. Rich- ,ardson) now of Arizona; Gertie (Mrs. James Spicer) Toronto. Mrs. Rîce lloneywell (Helen Spic- er) daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Spîcer sang at the Dedicatien Ser- vice of our organ in May 1955. Dr. Keith Spicer, their son, lectures at Glendon College, York Uiiver- sity, and also at Scarborougli Col- lege. He h is s a commcntator on CB.C. Eaily lu 1970 hie was ap- poited by thse Pederal Goveru- nient as Cinada's first commis- siener of officiai languages. This history of Kendal wilI soon be off the press. MmTr. Bruce Cathcart is iu Bow- ianville Hlospital suffering from whip Issh. She was following a car on Fridpy evening that slow- Sd up te turn in at the Dutch Oven, the car foilowing ber at a highý rate of speed slammed' jute thse back of hier car. isFrd on The former Aima Irene Thomas passed away Sunday, May 17h at Sunset Lodge, Bowmanviiie, in ber 87th year. She, was the daughter of Wil- liam and Evalena Thomas of thé Lakeýhore, Newcastle.' She was educated at the Lakeshore Public Sèhool, Newcastle THigh Sehool and Petcrbeorough INormial Sehooli. ,After teacbing for a number of years in West Durham schools, she was married t0 Fred W. Bow- en of the third uine, Clarke Town- ship, where she iived most of her life. After the ýdeafli of ber husband lu Juiy 1949 she resided in Orono for a number of years and then after convaîescing from a fract- ured hip moved f0 Newcaetie. She was active in many com- munity projects - Home and School Aýssociâtions, Durham Club of Toronsto, Womens' Insti- tutc suad the Orono Senior Citi- SClub. iec vns one of. the or- outc f Pubi"', Speaking Cern peticJns fr the public school t tucuts of Durham Ceunty. With ber knowledge of'Durham County over a period of many ysris she coutributcd many facts a-t1 anecdoies'te local historicai re 'earch. She wwa a , b - of New'castle U'ited Chu' t andi the, United-. Chu rch Wo ie. - She h'c ' ýsby oe edaugh- t' e r, uc ýnt!c and Len- us a1 *'"'was hcld at No 'hcu~. Iu'xselChapel, ï:-", Tli o il e 'dia , -TYay 19, Pcv . hSrntb f",iciatîng, in- tcrheutin the hmily plot in -a nxnville Cemnetery. P ub ea' xi tii : Russell Os- brn ~~a"'~ G'b.on, William sdiV lt-, Ptt7, r, Elroy Gîh- son aud- John Stockdale. Fredrick S. Wood Seriously sick for one week, the death occurreti Wednesday, May 13r at the OGliaýwa G"neral Hos- pital, of Frederick Sainuel Wood cf 294 DlvÈ->ion S'. lie vias lu his 801hi ycar. The fuerai service was heid a the Morris Funerai Chapel, Bow- manville atf 2 p.m. ou Saturday, conducfcd by Mev. Basil Long, miuister of Orono United Churcli. Intermenf was lu Orono Cemefery A son of the late James Wood sud Mary McQuillen, the deceas- ed was born August 2, 1890, af Orono sud *was marnied there, November 8, 1916. A resident of Oshawa for about 25 years,,he had lived prcvîously lu Orono. Mr. Wood worked for flic Orono Crcamery Ce. as s driver sud af- ter moving te Oshawa was cm- ploed by Ideal Dairy Limited sud the Anglo Canadian Dnug Ce. He retired ciglit years ago. -1He was a member of Kiugsview Unistd Churcl andi formerly bc- longedti t Oreno United Church. He was aise a m"mber e Oreno Lotion, No. 426, hIdependent Ord- er of Odd Fellows. Twice marrieti, Mr, WQ)od wss predeceaseti by hoth bis wives, 'he former Laura Ethel Brown aud Olive Brown Briglit. 11e is survived by fwo daughters, Mrs. Allan Wilbur (Lois) sud Mrs. El- mer Mitdileton (Lenore), both of Oshawa and two sens, James F. Wood of RR1 2, Oshawa and 1Ross B. Wood et Grimsby. He was pre- deceascd by a son Jack, lu Nov- ember, 1927. jl'IAI DANCE AT ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION Everi thougli the weafher was warm sud the cottages were beck- oniug a verv cengeniai. crowd en- joyedth lemselves in a spriugihke atmospliere at thse regular monthly dance it the Royal Canadian Lcg- ion on Satunday cvening. The Iloyal masaosprovid- UMTT=D>CHURCH (Oreo Pastoral Charge Rev, B. B. Long SUýNDAY, MAY 31? 1970 ~ada S~eoaat 10:00 St.eat 11:15 am. Sýundsy Sehool nt li-0O Junior grdeners (Continued from page I) would lie infereste-1inlulooki'g after the planters on the Main' Street for the Cliamber of Com- merce. Ail agreeti to help look af- ter them, a price for this was a- greed upon.. We are looking after the, bed and planter in front of fthe Churcli. Donna then demenstrated how te make a prctty. spring arrange- ment, sud this was won by Yvonne Sclioenmakcr. Two other iucky draws were won by Mark Obrist snd Gary Bridger. Mrs. Chailice spoke to the ed very enjoyabie, music through- out the night. fluriisg fthecourse of fthc dance înany iaws were held with the winners foliows: 1'00r l'Pizesý - First:,,Camera,. 7Wcîi b' TIi!. George Perfect; sec- cuti: 2 Iawn chairs won by Mrs. Elsie Spencer; Third - oil paint- insg, donated by Ray -Abernathy, worn by Mrs. Mary Westover. Spot Dances: First - won by Mr. sud Mss. Eric Werner,, shampoo anti set, donateti by Kut sud Kuri and Gift package donafed. Second -, Weather gujide_ sud gift package, won by Mrs. Alice Gouid and Mr. Jack Anderson. Third - condoment, ensemble sud weathcr guide won by Mr. sud Mrs. Jerry Larche. Don't forget our ncxt monthly dance on June 2th. Yeur choice of nylon, no-ion cet- ton or fortrel and cetton lun 'ift gowns witli lace, ruffir s or embroidery trim. Shades of pinis, bloc, green, lilse and yel- lovw. îs S., M.and L. Preed fromi. $300 ti $6.95 LADIES' PEIGNIOR SETS Shift gown and sîcepcoat te match lu ne-ircu Cotton with lace and cmbroid- ery t-is, Pink, green ,and hhîse, Sizes Mcd. and Large. Price Per Set ........$12.95 GIRL'S PYJAMAS - GOWNS A good selectien of cotton gowns aud pyjamas with daiuty tnim. Sizes range from 2 to 1X icars; 4 te 6X ycars and 8 te 14 yesrs. Attractive pnints. Pri.tied from $1.95 to $2.98 - ~- - S~FO s group and mnentioncti that as Jr- Gardeneis \we cmust try to always. look after thie public plantings., -- 1 i!,fo, iu re to also flot touchl. A great many of the- îiower odtins Cm, eamhave been damaged by carecless children., (Parents please niote)ý We are againi this year taking orders for flowers f'or decorationi day -, June 28th. WVewl have bouquets for $1.00 anid containers, for $2.00. ST. SAIVIOURS ANGILICAN I Established 1969 I. Regular Snnday Worship Vf oly ic Commu0nion- Srvl cmmnio-930am * Frst and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- ISecond and Fourth Sundays tHoly BaPtcm by appointment w wth R'ctor 987-4745 r he 11ev, I. Robert Hayne, jB.A., L.Th. Service GENERAL'PUMPING j LRNEHARDY I LesIkard, Ontario I Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 PlonngTime,, VAN BELLE'S provide a complete GARDEN CENTRE in Evergreens, Shrubs, plants, fertilizers and garden equlp- ment. Patio slabs, decorative or- naments and fountain units. are also available along with many other garden needs." A; r5, if.; o 'a PAY US A VISIT!, PHIONE 623-5757 WB DELIVER Van Belle. Gardens Highway No. 2, West of J3owmanville GIRL'S CULOTTES Frg!rls fromn 8 te 14 ycars, colour- ful Culottes styleo, with collai- and tiare legs, sleeveless. P~ie '. .......... $3.39 î~NS PJA S eî~~erd cottPpyJamas, trousons styîed with< iic waist. Assonted prints pn .cs tripes sm iz A, B, C, D and E. Pric4 a... .......$4.9â BOY'S-PYJAMAS CcttOn p-lanias for toddlers, 4 te 6X stars and 8 to 16 'ycar'3. An assortmcnt cf priuts sud stiripes. Pried fro ..> $2.0 i0 to $3.25 11' Il A ÇMPW40& ut dm dama faumm» MMMNÈ.

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