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Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1970, p. 6

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OBONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, MAY 28th, i Kirby. Home And. School- Elect New Officers Kirby Home and Sehool Associ- ation was formed on November 27th, 1968. At this meeting, Mr. Ian Golder, Principal, gave an in- formative and interesting outiine of education as written in the Haîl-Dennis Report calied "Living and iLearning". In Febru'ary, 1969, two films were shown - "Child of the Future" - dealing with teach- er learning and "The Things the Teacher Secs", a film tiiat showe,ýl that the reason some children to varions things such as improp- fail ta respond in class can be due er diet, poor sleeping habitsand in somne cases unhappy homte at- mosphere. An c xchiange program between IKirby and Orono Home and Realtor 21 King St. W. iBowmanville 623 3393 Toronto 923-91741 Port HoPe office 885-4543 For bromPt, cOurteoqs, , effici- ent sîc-rvice when buying or seplii and for the iargest 'sel- etàGn of properties iii tue area Contact Orono Area. RepresentatIves Roy F oster 9350 1aneound 623-39651 AnvSutch 983-9119 I .yStrong 52 r 1l Sehool Associations was arranged. Kirby attendtd -an Orono Home and Sehool meeting in October, 1969 at which Mr. Ian Golder was the guest speaker. He showed a film entitled "Eye of the Behold- er" and couducted an experiment relating to the film. This brought ont the fact that each individual looking at the samne picture inter- prets it accordingto his awn per- sonality. Kirby Home and Sehool returned the invitation in Nov- ember to the Orona Graup to at- tend a program on the use and a- buse of drugs. The speaker, Sgt. of Detectives Tom Homes, Oshawa Police Department,' showed a film which was followed by a question and answer period. This . rogrami was well received ln termis of making, people more a- ing by iuschine and "The Test" s'howing how cbeating lu the sehool can ha relatcd to home en- vironmient. The speaker at the April meeting xvas Constable John Chalmers, O.P.P., Newcastle De- tacbmil who showed a Bus Safe- ty Fil n and spoke on the value of thec Bus Safet'y Patrol System. Such a sî stens vas imitiatcd by Kirby Centennial Sceol' which has provecd to be very succcssful. Safety Patrol beits, badges and raincoats were providcd by Kirby ,lonie and School Association. At the meeting held in May 1969, two films were shown, "Answer the Child's, Whys" - parents should take the timne te listen to their children and auswer their ques- tions; not answering can destroy their iatural curiosifly for furth- ware of the seriàusness of this problem in today's society. Mr. D. Patterson, Silpt. of Planning, Durham - Northumberlanld Board of Education, spoke at an Orono Home aud School Association meeting held iri January, 1970, ou the newcr concepts of education, On January- 26th, 1970, a joint program was held at the Clarke Hiigh ýschool with the co-operation of the Principals - Mr. Wither- spoon, Mr. Moffatt and Mr. Gold- er. It consisted of a panel dis- cussion concerning the gap be- tween ýElementary and Secondary Education systems. This was f' ol- lowed by a detailed outline of a forthcoming non-graded system in Clarke High School which was explained by Mr. S. Rutherford. Funds raised by the Kirby Home and Sehool Association were used to purchase sehool pins for th(I graduating class and a coffee maker. The last meeting for this sea- son was most rewarding when a new siate of officers was present- cd and duly elccted. This was fol- lowed by a group discussion con- Newtô nv ille SC '-"â HOldS WaIkat1 Thirty-four students of Newton- ville Public School took part lu a Walkathon to provide finaucial support for their bugle baud. The walk followed a twenty-two mile rÔute from Newtonville along the Lakeshore road to Newcastle and returu along Hfighway No. 2. Twenty-four students completed the entire mnarch. Bill McDonald ran the whole distance even with the 'handicap of as injured foot. The students hope to rai,ýe a sura lu an amount of $300.00 which wiil be used ta purchase drums for their baud. M~r. Veld- huis, principal at the school was grateful for help from flic Higli Sebool and Mr. Hoorneg. The Newtonville Public Sehool Bxiîý porformcd lately at the M. J. 1J0)5 sSenior Public School lu Hampton and on Wednesday was at the Newcastle Public Sch9ol. Senior Stuicînto 'titlte NýtOn- vie Seh ool rccently passed their fit- t ad tests conducted by the St. Ijmbî' iceCorp. Cc ming cl at the school lu- cluclethir iriimui i aent sboxv ltTharsday, it 7:30 p.m. Also on Junie 2 thie Peterboroughi EIJtn n nryScho01 ol c4 tBaud w il perfonn t thlie Nec touville Sebool at 10:30 an. to which the pub leic i nited to attend. Approximately 200 iutcerested persons and volunteers attended thé Aunual dinner meeting of the Northumberland - Durham TB-RD Association, held on Tuesday at the Legion Hall, C obourg.' Guestt speaker Dr. C. 'W. L. Jeanes, Executive Sccretary of the Canadian TB-RD Association gave an informative talk, and s4howed sldes taken during his 1%/ month visit to Vietnam, India, Pakistan and Hong Kong. The main part of his talk was on the Canadian programme lu operation lu the Quang Ngai Province of Vietnam. This pro- gramme serves n population of 750,000 and 300 are treated each day. Programmes of this type must encompass a high percentage of population and not just large cit- ies, he said, and it is hoped- that the praject lu Quang Ngai will leave a tangible, practical comprehensive tuberculosis pro- gramme ta serve the province and one which wili serve as a madel for the development of such programmes in ather prov- inces.' It is not pracical, he said, ta, *rain Vietuamese on his coninent, as so, of ten they apt ta remain here and the abject af their train- ing for their awn. people's weifare cerning what parents and teach- ers would like to have at future meetings. Many excellent- sugges- tions were brought forth. Officers for 1970-71: President, - Lloyd Lowery lst Vice-Pres.- William Forest 2nd Vice-Pres. Mrs. Marilyn Martin, Secretary- Mrs. Rita Bal Treas. - Mrs. Shirley Williams Programn Chairman- Mrs. Betty Spry Vice Program Chairman - Day- id Staples Social Committee Chairman- Mrs. Vivian Gibson Membership Chairman- Mrs. Doreen Lowery Publicity Chairman - Mrs. Sue Sawyer Council Representative - Mrs. Norma Lee Future, meetings will be held on the 4th Tuesday of each month starting this faîl. "iNVEST A NIGHT WHERE VOUR CHILD SPENDS 1115 DAYS." is lest. Nor is it practicable to pump up high pow- ered c to keep them up wouid é1be impossible. Such p mis therefore *Must h, f,.,- "on the spot" on the scope of the aai ýie 1iiities,, person- nel and fin N must follow basic Pu-,lic '- ieciples' and fit into the n9Iiwn of the couri- ,try and not jt, t be a super-impos- cd programme. In Quang ? Mgaî, he said, the programyne w's being carrîed out by a very smail medicai staff from Cansada, and ail the routine work ui s being done by the Viet- namese themselves. who were proving to l)e a particulariy re- sponsive groun of people. A grant from our Christmas Seal funds goes to this project. Iu conclusion Dr. , eannes said that he had every' intention of taking fthc annual reports of the Northumberland - Durham TB-RD Association and showing them widcly lu every Province of Can- ada in the hope that other Prov- inces would adopt some of the projecs 110w in operation lu our Countit s. Thosc attcnding the meeting ifr n Orno wcrc Mrs. Gladys Gamch - ÎVIÏrs Irene Murray, Mrs. Dora Plain~ and Mrs. Dorothy Bailey. OronoTrusee (continued from page 1) iture stalement for the year 1969. Payable yet ou the Orono Water svstcm is an amount of $153,792. The v ater system had an operat- ing surplus for 1969 of an amount of $1,.425.00 The Police Trustees are reques- ling a meeting with the Ontario .Water Resources Commission to discuss supply of water ta the Cooper Subdivision and also the possible revision of water use rates within the Police Village. 1It was pointed out that r esident- il use now costs $2.34 a month for water. Mr. Simpson feit that $3.00 a month was not out of the way to pay for water. Wanted Dead or Crippled Farm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY Telephone Colleet 263-2721 MargwilI Fur Farm Licence No. 258-C-70 Leskard Welding AND FABRICATION Repairs Arc and Gas Welding Evenings and Weekends PHONE 983-5760 t' e oltin [t takes a home heatrng expert to salve your heating problem. Cciii your Esso Home Comfort specialist. His compiete home eurvey takes ail things into con- sideration, like room. dimensions, insulation and everything neces- sary ta qive you a positive rea- ommendation on which furnace you'll need and if amy changes ta pipes and duots are necessary. Get the l-ight solution ta your heoting needs before it costs you ai single penny. Cciii the experts. Cciii Essal. -ORONO 983-5206 HarveyPartner PLUMBING and HEATING Orono, Ontario NO PAYMENT TILL OCTOBER lst CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Kendal United Church SUNDàAY JUNE 7th, 1970 Service at 2:30 p.m. Guest Minister - Bey. R. C. White, B.A., B.D. Special Music - Former Mcm- bers of Kendal Choir Refreshmeiits wili, be served in the Sunday Sehool Room. Centennial History Books a- vailable at $2.50 each NOTICE Northu,berlund und DUrhýý M Couuity Board 0f Education, The Parents aîid C tdzzens who are associated with the sehools of the Vikage cQf Nýewc%stIe and of Carke Town- ship are invited &o attenâd a meeting to be held, on !PHURSDAY EVENING, JUNE-4th at 8:00 p.m. aIt the Clarke High Sebool, B.K. No2, Newcastle. At this meet- ing a proposai for providing new and cbanged Sehool ac- commodation for the Village of Newcastle and Clarke Township will be fpresented. The Trustees and Adminis- trative Officiais of the Northumberland and Durham~ County Schooi Board tope that this meeting wili provide important information and the opportunity for stimula-, ting discussion and da~ie G. A. MACLEOD .Superintendent of Instruction Township of Clarke NOTICE to Propery Owners t. DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to ail persons in possession of land, in accordance with the Weed Control Aet, R.S.O. 1960, Chapter 427, Sections 3, 13 and 19, that unless noxious weeds growing on their lands within the Municipality of Clarke are destroyed by date of JUNE 30, 1970, and throughout the season, the- rnunieipàlity may enter upon the said lands and -have theweeds destroyed, charging the costs against the land in taxes ,;as 'set, out inî the Act. The co-operation of ail citizens is earnestly solicited. The Council of the Township of Clarke. I

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