B»reakfast Oro1io Publle LiJbrary Satu r. fletirng From Teaching Scliool was about over on Fr' f in and tlie staff of tlie sehool, oriu the years. Sliown a- day last wlien tlie final as eby o r.Iiv Lowery, Kirby. Their bove are (L. to r.) Gwenytli Ard, -was called, at Kirby Centenial a: Pprýeciation was sliown witli tli Mrs. H. Lowery, Janice Heard and Public Scliool prior to tlie noon p)res.entation of a lianji-too1'_,d Muriel Gibson. rëCess. Altliougli students wre hanbg nd ui -bokck. Numerous presentations for ac- oecied ôver t lirtwa oiis Ms Lowery is well known in the ademic and atliletic achievements ' vsay tliey wrmifuofthe a,,reaLas a teaclier and liolds tlie wcre made to students of the eetirement from tlie teach.ig pro- respect of lier numerous students selinol at the assembly. O. onoWeeklyàirnçs VOLUME 34, NUMBER 27 ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TUU-RSDAY, JULY 2Znd, 1970i Ganaraska ,Accepts Cobourg Applicationt 1Gobourg becamne a mnember of -lie Gananaska Autlionity Friday ,afternoon by a unanimous vote of ,district representatives and autli- ority members, after year of de- bute and indecision. Tlie final decision to apply for snem rsliip followed a meeting w,,itli A. Sý L. Barnes, director of tlic Conserization Authority Brandi of tlie, Depariment of Municipal Aéffair3 wlio recommended thc inove in view of thie 'direction of 'lie waterslcds in tlie a rea. 1Councillor Ed Ilayncs and Dep- uty-Reeve Mrs. Lenali Fishier were tle town's representatives ai tlie Friday meeting. The motion for application was made by Mr. llIaynes and seconded by Gordon Carrufliers, Reeve of Hamilton Township. In hiýs motion, Mr. Raynes promised, good will an.d coopera- tion from Cobourg and at the same time asked thc autliority for an immediate study of tlie conserv- ation requirements of Cobourg as they pertain to the Ganaraska Autliority. Mr. Barnes said tlie study w il be done but not unfil flic survey staff lias compleled a similar task ns in Niagara Falls. He lias suggested Cabourg ouf- line its plans for the coming year immedi ately altliouglitlie orders in council makîng the town's membership official won't be %made. effective for at least one montli, su tlie autliority will know how much they will need for next year's grants. He also suggested the town send representatives to an exec- iltive meeting of the authority on July 2, a budget meeting, to out- u1ne its requirements. Ov ernight Camp On Friday, June 19, 1970, the second Orono Brownie Pack lield an overniclit camp in tlie lack- yard of their leader' Mis. Elgin Heard. Mrs. Heard was assisted by lier dauglters Debra and Wendy. Tlie Brownies enjoyed a camp- fine and marslimallow roasi on Friday evening. Tlie cool weather did not liamper tlieir camping spirit. On Saturday tliey cooked out- side and did lihandcrafts, piayed gamiýs, gat'liered nature objecis and liad a very good time. Tlie girls wlio camped ouf were: Col- leen and Wendy Gordon, Janice Heard, Ingrid Schmegner, Patti Hooey, Diane Meteaif, Jeekie Stalil, Lee Moore, and Darlene and Linda Gordon. Flower Sale Success FLOWER,,SALE Tlie Orono Junior Gardeners lield their, annual decoration day flower sale, Saturdav June 27th. We did not advertise tliis event tlii year, as, we lad so many ad- vance orders. We would like to tliank tliese faithful customers and especially tlie Brookdale Nurseries for tlieir kind offer of peonies. Mrs. Fairbrotlier, our past lead- er, came in to give us a hlping liand witli t'.e arrangements and we, appreci ate lier kind lielp. Junior Members taking part were: Yvonne Scloenmaker, Laur- le Sclmid, Elaine 'Vagg, Karen Atkins,. Catliy Milison, Laurie and Gary Bridger; a_ tliautks1 to these me mbers for their splendid help. Our receipts from this event, werp 5.O Swim Clas'ses Open Tlie Onono Swimming Club op- (&,ati.ng under îlhe'leadersliip of tle Canadian Red Cross opened ilicir annual Water Safefy: and Learn to Swini Programn on Con- day. Some 310 werc on île reg- ister for flic opening day and ofli- er-s lave been added since. Tlie program will continue on a daîly basis for a tliree week per- led witl a foutl week bcing set aside for tests in flic more ad- xaaced classes., The local pool swings into 'use early every morn- ing witl classes continuing until afLler noon. Tliis Saturday mornîng, July 4, willbe greeted with tlie sound of tlie Cliuckwagon Cook and his iron frying pan as lie prepares his special chuckwagon breakfast. Mr. S. i\îIatlier, in cliarge of tlie under- taking, will have the cookliouse open at V arn. for Lhiecanly ris- ers and continue, on tlirougli the inoriing untîl 11:00 arn. for tliosc wlio cnjoj a few extra winks. Pancakes, maple syrup, sausag- es and wvestern coffee wil libe the mLnu and il is to be served in fro it of tlie Orono Fire Hall. Tihe ceet is bcing sponsored by the Clark.. Orono Pire Brigade in aid of tlie Orono, Yôutli Tliatre. Incidentally tlie promten is pro- viding a litching rail for horses along xith feed and water and lie expects a real ciuckwagon to be. available. Also on Saturday morning tlie Orono You'tliTlieatre are liolding an "Open House" wlien everyone is invited tjQ view tlie new theatre stage ýat tlie Arena. Ail depant- menfts wiIl be open for inspection witli personnel present to des- enie just Wh-at is being accom- plislied aad undertaken at tlie local Youtli Theatre. To lie in tlie swing of tliings you will just liavé to bic in Orono on Saturday morning. YOUTH THEATRE GROUP INVITED TO TORONTO The Orono YoutliTlieatre group lave accepted an invitation bo vis- it tlie Playliouse in Toronto tliis week. Tliey will- meet a group of young people connected wîVl Arn- enican Theatre wlio arc premier- ing "Toudli Kiss". The local group are keenly in- terested in the invitation as tliey can become part of audience in- volvemient in this new type of theatre._______ Tie eire Or2oocast and ro- fessional personneýl are expctd to attend. ANNOUNCE HOUSING PROJECT Alex Carrutliere, M.P.P., Dur. liam, announced today that a boan c' $56,666. lias been approved by tlie Honourable George Rýerr, Minister of Energy and Jiesources Management, togetlier witli Cen- tual Morigage and Housing Cor- poration, in respect to a project in Bowmanville. Tlie project involves an exten- sion of tlie sewage treatment plant facilities in 'tlie town by construction of sludge drying age work andl piping. The project lias met ail tlie requirements of thie O.W.R.C. N P Candidate Cails Limitation 0f Chemicals Douglas Moffatt, NDP provinc-, ial candidate for Durliam, lias calîrd for strict limitations on al cliemicals used on farms, until a safeiy seal is carned. ln a resolution wliich will lie forwarded to îhe, NDP's Ontario convention in tlie fali, Mn. Mof- fait said iliat approval sâould lie given only to produ et- whîci will net upet natural balances in na- ture. Thc Durhiam candîdate's resol- ution was among several dîawn up ai a meeting in Newcastle flursday nîght. The resolution calîs for the treaiment of land and crops witli residual sprays and dusts to lie on a recorded basis witli tle future benefits of tlie land to tlie people as île main critenia in aIl suclu use. Mr. Moff ait alsoealled for tlie end of cost incre ases liy 'idicu- fous promotional and advertising gimnmicks." Increased testing of farm -machi- inery and supplies, le said, and the publication of findiuigs would enable foirmcrs to make wise de- cisions wlicn purchasing. Land Survcy His resolution went on to eall for thc survey of land and water 'conservation in ail areas of tlie province, to bie followed by greaf- er participation by flic govern- ment in restoration of iliese re- sources. "If suiÂdies are necessary as interim emergency measures, tley slouid lie in the form of deficuen- cy payments to bonus fide farmers. "Pnoperty taxes on farms sliould le dix ided, le said. "On flic dwclling and attendant facil- ities, tlie regular residential rates sliould, apply. On île agnîcultural land . whieh is farmcd, by a bonus fide farmer, a special rate sliould apply, in rec- ognition of tlie particularly vital function of agriculture." Mn. Moffatt said f armers sliould lie given tlie lice between île existing farm organizations using the democratie processes. A free election slould decide which ôrganiationi should become tlie bargaining unit. This organiz- ation would have jurisdiction ov- er ail marketing boards, lie added. A resolution put forward by Ken Rowdcz of Port Hope, con- demned tlie practice of sd'me cm- ployers in asking job applicants wlietlier tliey liad ever been on workmen's compensation. Tliis practice, lie said, tendcd tolie unfair and discriminative a- gainst tlie applicant "Just beeause tley liave an accident." fI defeat- cd thc wliole purpose of Work- men's Compensation. Wilfred Day, president of the Durliam Riding AsF.rcialion, re- ferred to the provincial govcrn- mcnt's Design for Development as "lalf-learted tinkering with market forces;ý whicli aims only at a small slowdown in Toronto's gnowth only in nearby centres wliih was 'inadequate." In lis resolution lie callcd for the re-centralization of Ontario government departments, saying tlhat Toronto did not need tô be the site' for ail goverument îde- partÎxents. Omo w ANN WOODYARD Miss Ann Woodyard recently graduated from the University of Western' Ontario, Lonrdon reeeiv- ing lier B.Sc.N. Formerly -of Or- ono she received lier formai edu- caticee in Orono and Bowman ville and hier RN at St. Josepli's Hospe. tal .eteboough.Miss Woodyard is also a graýuate of Columbia Universit:k,, New York City. She lias aiccepted a position on the teacinig staff of Victoria Hospi- tai in L-ondon, Ontario. JuIy 7 Date Fer Hearing MohRS Case Randy Clay Dawson, 15, was remanid;o to July 7I for a prélimi- mnary liearing wlien lie appeared in provincial court in Bowman- ville on Monday, cliarged witli non-capital murder in tlie 'April 26 slaying of Gail Ruth Molins, 19, at lier liome just east of Oshawa. The youth was a next door neiglior of the !Mohns pmlyon Darlington Boulevard for ùhree years. 11e is a Grade 9 student at Courtice High Scliool and a grad- uate of M. J. Hobbs Public Scliool. His appearance in provincial court resulted from Judge R. B. Baxter's approval Friday of an ap- plication by Nortliumberland-Dur- ham Crown Attorney Geoffrey Bonnycastie to move tlie case to aduit court. The move was not contested by defence counsel Ter- ence Kelly. Dacwson was first eliarged under tlie Juvenîle Delinquent Act May 4 followiùig an eight-day Ontario Provincial Police investigation. Tlie nude body of Miss Molins was found in an uptairs bedroom by lier parents, Rev. and Mrs. Lester Molins wlien tliey returned from a Seventli-d'ay Adventist clinrli event on the evening of April 26. Chùckwagon