ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, THIURSDAY, iJILY 2nd, 1970 See Milisen Insuramc. for As classes of personal and Commercial Coverares Offie:- Main St., Oren. Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY GENERAL REPAIRS CHARLES REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer and Valu ator Specia1,ize în Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit nie for ternis and dates PUIONE ORONO 983-5914 M4onuments and FamilyMeoil Our quality and service leaves nothing, to be desired Ask the person who bouight from- us, a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest dispiay in SouthOruL Ontario SWATSON'S Marinie and Cycl'ýe Orgno Phone 983-5343 j PRINCE CRFT BOATS S Alouette Snlow Moiles IMcCulloch CHAIN SAWS Repairs to ail makes of Lawu Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues jALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PUMPING OUT TANICq Bert Tompkins I Phone 736-255Z Clarke Public LIBRARY HOURS OPEN: Tuesday 6:30 9:30 Thursday 6:30- 8:30 Friday 2:30 - 5; 6:30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:.08 am. PLUMDING and IHEATIfG 1 sales ant Service M4 HOUR BURNH ER uvicU GULF FINANCING L4w Interemt Ratel IbIDta Phone: Tyrelie 263-2954S Orville Chatterton Electrical Contracting Electric lleaUinz andl Service SPHONE 983-5546 or 98-54 Orono. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Herb and Gerry Duvail S1983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC ]HEATINC, ELECTRICAL APPLIANCU8 T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - NI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - X.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - THOR -GUARANTEED SERVICE- IHamiltons Insurance Serice Ffre, Package Folioles Fldelitv Bond. Liabllity Lif e i First Mortgage Loans- 'Sarjie Hamiltonl Phone 983-5115 11Box 133 Phone 663-35521 i Stafford Bohr Limited i Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials I318 Dundas Street Eaut O WHITEYf, ONTARIO i STRAWBERRIES FOR SALE, You also may pick your own for 25 'cents per quart. Bring con- tainers. Klaas Reitsmra;- turn north by the Acres Restaurant; second place. Teleph<rne 263-2754. FOR SALE Cut Flowers for Decoration Day. 1De Mooy's greeni houses. Phone 987-4916. b-27-c FOR RENT Tent Trailer for'rent, $35. Per week; includes mattress (sleeps four) *and, camp stove. Phone 983-5542. c-27-p ORONO TRAItER SALES AND RENTAL For the %-ton Truck Soft and Enrd Top Campers Charles Stapleton, 983-5974 NURSERY STOCK Evergreens, Deciduouis Treews, FIowering Shrub ATTRACTIVELY PRICED Soddlng and Landscaplng RICHARDSON FAIMS Pontypool Highway, 35 Phone 705-2,772312 b-c BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Earn Money In Spare Time Men or Women to re-stoek and collect money from New Type higli quality coin-operated dispenl- sers in your area. No seling,. To qualify, ipust have car, references, $75(Y. to $3,00-. Seven fo ttelve hours weekly. eau net ex- cellent incom-e. Mor e full time. We invest with you-and establishi ygur route. *For personal intier- view write: B. V. DISTRIBUTORS LIMITED, 2480 Tecumnseh Road East, Windsor 19, Ontario. includle phone number. Orono Landscaping for Garden Service, Pianting, Sodding and Seedlng( Phono 983-550.,tf HOLIDAY NOTICE Orono Snack Bar and Bakery will be closed from .June 2.0 to July .25 Revisiting our homelaud, Holland D -RGERSONI ORONO, ONTARIO IOdWE BUY AND SELL 101 Glass, China, Pine Articles O Toys and Oddities j IIT'S OLD -- hoeCALL IUS VE PAY CASH Poe623-5342 after 6 p.m. RICARBDI, 9 King St., 9. BOWMANVILLE When Buylng or Seing cal WILF HAWKEI YOUR ORONO AIEA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Member of Oshawa and Dis- trict Real Estate Board ODD JOBS! Baby sitting, lawns eut, paint- iog, or anything you need donc. Youth Theatre Manpower eau supply the labour you peed at a, moderate fee. Phono 983-5617 betweeu 10 and 6 for Manpower, d-29-c SPARE TIME INCOME Refilling and collecting money from NEW TYPE high-quality coin-operated dispensers in your area. No selling. To qualify you must lbive car, references, $600 to $2900 cash. Seven to twelve monthly income. More full time. hours weekly can net excellent For personal interview write CANAPENN DISTRIBUTING LTD., DEPT. A, 160 Bay St., Suite 205, Toronto 1, Ontario. Inditide phone number. COMING EVENT Decoration Day Service wiil be heki at McCrae's 'Cemetery, Sun- day, July 12t'h at 3 p.m. Rev. Nor- they will be thespeaker. b-p NOTICE Fun for the entire famfly, games of chance, Bingo 'and Rides ut Kendal Anutal Carnival on Wed- nesday, July 15th in Harvey Jack,- son Memorial Park. Admission 50r includes free attendance draws. b-28 c Strawberrios Ex,.ýcellent quality. Buy at our stand or pick your, own at 354. per box. leCream - 79c ' allon FRED'S FRUIT MARKET t-f Wanted Dead or Cn-*ppled Farxn Stock PICKED UP PIIOMPTLY Telephone Coileet 268-2721 Margwfll Fur Farm Llcenee No. 258-C470 Cal) your licensed PJumbing &i. Mechanical Contractor who seils, installs qnd #gaantee CARMAIN PLUMBING AND HEATIJNG Phone 983-5207 Orone Orono Bu ilngq Contracter Brick -,Block - Concrete Stone Work Caruaentry - Cabinet Werk Floors - Tile 983-5441 OltONO COMING EVENT Last Dance for the Summer at Pontypool Chamber of Commerce Hall, Saturday, June 27. Counf."y and 'Western Mulsie by Fay's Country Strings. $3.00 pier couple - Couples oiiîy. Bar Privileges - Lunch. TENDERS Tenders will be received up un- tid july. 4th, 1970 for the painting of the eavestroughing and trim not Presently covered with alum- ium, on the Orono M4anse, and the 'eavestroughing, trim and doors of the Orono United Church Paint recommended to be C.L., Pittsburgh or a paint of the Pame standard. The work to be complet- ed ln July or August. For further information contact Wm. Reid or H. Cobbledick. Lowest tender will not neces-s- arily be accepted. Sealed tenders to be sent 'to Box 126, Orono. b-27-c IN MEMORIAM BALL-In Loviug memory of a dear mother and graudmother, Violet Bail, Who passed away July 4th, 1969. We cannot haît the hands of time, 1Or live- again the _past,_ Within our he*rts are memonieýs, Th:at wiil forever last. Iovingly remembered by daugh- -ter, Itena, and Uên, A-lan, Lynda, and Brian. a-c CARD 0F THANKS 1 wisih to say a big "Thank You' to my pupils in Room 103 for the dlelightÈful surprise pry affect- ionate miessages and gifts 1 re- ceived on the mornimg of July 26th. Also, to these and rny f6r2n- er pupil1s pre.sently attending Kiri»y Centennial Sehool, 1 want toý sîicrely thank you for the beautiful-h'andbag given me at Assembly. To thé Staff, I extend my grate- ful apprÉeciation for the gift -of a eut glass vase. Again, thanks to, ail and inay you 'have continued success and a 'happy future at K.C.S. a-p Mrs. Catherine Lowery. BIRTHS SHORTT--T!Ier ry and Roma (nec Glanville) are proud to announce the ai-rival of a son, T"rence Robert, weighing 8 lbs. 8 ozs., on Wednesday, June 24, 1970 at Oshawa General Hospital. A broth- er for Sally. a-p 1970 Honda Motorcycles Priced $21ý.00 1970 Aluminum Boats 12 ft. $199.00 14 ft. $269.00 ATV Jigger, used---- $495.00 1971 SKI-DOOS are here at fantastie prices Ontario Sports SKI-DOO SHOP HWY 115 Orono - Phone 983-S44 Z4 HOUE General We Id i. g and echAanical Service Extorior Interior Builing a lieuse? or ircmedeling your present one, then conltact Floyd NichoelsonD ORONO I Fb.. 9u3404 v -.6