1ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDP4Y, AUGUST 20!h, 197f DX Service Station Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quallty Products ____Ai The Most Reasonable Prices Steve oil may be picked up in any quantity 19.9e per gallon Phone 987-4215 Thinking of buying or changing 'Cars? For a car you can depend on contact Authorized CHEV OLDS Dealer Highway 2 West Cobourg Phone 372-3291 Bowmanville 623-7166 WE HAVE A SELECTION 0F 18 1970 MODIELS which must go to make room for 71s at clearing prices R.R. 2, Orono, Ontario SAugust 11, 1970 The Editor, Orono Weékly Times, Orono, Ontario. r>ear Sir, . e~opy of a let- ter which 1 have sent to the Prime Ministerl of Ontario, and to the Attorney General. I re- alize tiat there will be those in the area who will have made s(ome cas'h profit out of the re- cent gathering at. Mosport and Who will wish to h.ave it repeat- ed, but 1 believe, for the reasons stated in the letter, that it is important to make sure that there is no repetition. Yours truly, S. D. Holmes Dear Sr, The recent Rock Festival at nearby Mosport points to the need for ýa provincial ban, follow- ing the example of New Bruns- ~wick, on these gatherings. 1 arn convinced that thf s is the only wav in which these events can be stopped. The organizers of this festival Feemn to have deliberately flouted the township by-law under which permission had been refused for an earlier event. The motorcycle races uýed as a device 10 get a- round the zoning by-law did flot takep Dlc-e and ohviously could niot have done so, This the pro- moters must have known well, and the directors of the MosuDort corporation should also have Jknown. But this disregard for a decision of the Township Council npoints to the weakness of depend- ing on local laws and their feeble 'penalties to control determined groups, and plainly shows the need for action at the provincial level to prevent a recurrence. I fear that great health hazard fias been created by the pollution of the area iby such a crowd camping, out-la the hot weather for several ýdays with inadequate toilet and other facîlities. In pass- iag may say that we had to cal BEST BUY SAVE 18C. BATHROOM TISSUE mVIvA 6 for99 k. BEST BUY SAVE 14c.- PAPER TOWELS SCOTTOWELS 2 roll pack 490 BUY 0F THE WEEK PANTRY SHELF A"PPLE 4827c in- Canteloupes Thick Meaty - No. 1 Grade Salmon Flesh 3for $ SAVE 19e. - 200 x 2-ply SCOTTI ES FACIAL TISSUE 3 for$ SAVE 5c.-Scott's Asstd. Colours Family 60 to pk NAPKINS 2 for 49c SAVE 4c. CUT RITE WAX PAPER 100 FOOT ROLLS 35c Canada Grade A Plump Young - Ideal for Barbecue QUARTERS Mixed Legs or Breasts Special! b CHmiîmCKEN37 Ideal for Barbecue - Juicy Real goodvalue Tender RIB STEAKS lb. 99c Maple Leaf Mild Cured Serve hot or cold SMOKED PICNICS IL 49c SAVE 41c. on refreshing- Fancy Quality 48 oz. tin DolePinappe Juice 3 for $1 SAVE 23c 'on this feature 31/4 oz. Foil Packs Tang Orange Crystals 5 for $1 In the, Provincial Police' when Jnude bathers made use of the branch of Wilmot Creek which ,runs through our property. No doubt this occurred in aiýl the ponds and streams ln the vicinity of Mosport. I have heard that the pubiicity for the festival cir- culated in the U.S.A. advertised this fe ature of the area as an ad- ded attraction. However the most sericus thing about the meeting must have been the undestricted sale and use of dr'ugs, which aIl news- paper reports say went on quite openly. This leads me to wonder îf, this is not the driving force ;behind the promotion of these festivals. I should judge that the profits from the sale of drugs couid far exceed the gate receipts and this seems to point to the need for investigating any poss- 5jàility of a link between drug traffiekers and the promoters of these festivals. Again this is only (possible by action at the higher rather than the local levels of government. Yours truly, Copy Department of the ATTORNEY GENERAL, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario. Dear Sirs:- As a resident of the Mosport area, 1 feel compelled to express my deep concern in regard to the recent Rock Festival there. The event itself was an offence against human decencies; a beau- tiful piece of countryside was a- bused; and most serions was the strategy employed by the 'pro- moters. It seemed an affront to the established authoriies of law and order. How they were able to succeed 'is a question upper- Most in the minds of local citiz- ens. The Ontarto Provincial Police are to be highly commended for their expert, rigorous coatrol of the event. Yours truly Ruhy A. Buraside, R.R. 2, Orono, Ontario. Copy August 11, '70 NEW DEMOCRATS FOR WALTER PITMAN j Walter Pitman, candidate for the leadership of the Ontario New Democrlatie 'party,'wlll hold a press conference in Oshawa this Priday. The presis conference will fol- low ;by five days the nannounce- ment (by Walter Pitnian, M.P.P. for 'Peterborough, that i e will stand for the position of >Ontario NDP leader. (His candid'acy is seheduled to be anaounced in Toronto at 11:00 ani. Monday, August 17) (That annouacemeat is the result of a month-long campaign (by a committ'ee of New Democrats to persuade Walter Pitman to allow his naine to he placed in nominaion.) Don-, Moffatt, a member ofthe Ontario executive of the NDP and candidate la Durham Riding, said that this visit to Oshawa in the first week of a province-wide E- SAVE ON Premîum Quallty SGASOLINE SDIESEL SMOTýOR OIL Farm tanks and pumps available CALL COLLECT 668-3341 drive shows Walter Pitman's con-' cern for.- strengtheni ng the NDP's base outside the Toronto area. In this first week, Pitman will also visit Sudbury, London, Kitchen- er, Hamilton, and Ottawa. D)uring lis visât to Oshawa, Walter Pitman. will also meet with Officers of UJAW local 222. It is hoped that the Oshawa press conference -will be attend- eci by New Democrats from the s'irrounding ridings of Victoria, Ontario, Ontario South,an Dur- ham, as well as Oshawa. I. s*IÊPFhRA 0Br JAP HiA NK'S BAKERY andSnack Bar Phone 983-52d13 Rozeli Roofing ALUMINUM SIDING CHIMNEY REPAIRS and EVETROUGHING PHONE 576-7271 DX OIL FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Ltters To Editor 158 Bloor St., Oshawa M'ODEL CAR KITS Suitable for 'the Saracen's Car Club Competition ST"l -, CUSTOM ànd C0MP'ETITION 790 Up OBONO, ONT. rATTENTION FARMERSU WHY PAY MOREIl Y- m remw *0 Iu te ma* q»"« phme 983-Mil Oran*, OBL 1 RED