'r t. b' f f VOLUME 34, NUMBER 39 Times ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER lst, 1970 Ask Council To HoId Special To Ask Audience Meeting To Pass By-Iaw With Attorney Gen. The Orono Police Trustees, by -xesolution appointesi Mr. Fred Ward, manager of the Orono Dis- posai area at a fce of $200.00 a miùonth. Thse manager is also f0 re- zeive any revenue from an-y sal- 'rage lie nay reciaiftm. An agree- nient is f0 dr'afted to be signeds. Thec Trustees are te endenvour to comiplete tihe fifling ai,, lausis;- capinsg at flic Tan'ry_ Hill. T project bas heen iaîiging fire for qulfe some time., A 0(ltzeursîeu agaîn ca-me forth concernîng the removal cf frees at flic north eudý of ('bu v-h St. NoGrtûh. Both Mr. Woodyurd ansi Mvr. Nicholson stated that a verb- ai r-cquest w-as made to reopea cou deratien for work on fhis part of ftsc roud. Mr. Woedy'ard .sad lie xvas agrecable to meet witli flic Ho-ad Superintendeut and the Trustees at flic site to settie flic, imatter once ansi for ail. it w-as aiso stated that a wrtten request 7houils be recceiv'ed because flic Trustees bcnd aireadly rightly or wrýon1gly pa,,ssd downueedcs ion tIfwas a unar(nsous deciin ifwas pointced eut. The motter -s lelIt lu abeyancc. If was pointesi ouf, that thic plans fî- a boostef(r water o-C- ur-e pump el'( tcm for the Sunnydcuc Suib-division, nro f thrsCern- etery, vwsa-tobe submittfesiw,ihn- a wýeek f0 flic Ont arîioWater Re- sourc-es Commissýin. If was said that no agreeemeuf lte ssspply wat- er ladbeen m -aiyet betwec-n;l ilie Village aussi flic susb<liviier. îcle lires ýon theProviýniaillgh -irays ansi County roasis whicli wvere bcing au"ewered by thse Or- cnoýOiarke Fire Depastment. Re -aisi flic-e wcre custiug thele ca taxpayers money, HBe also ,saisi thtif proper reç.ords were kept of he-se lires fIat a dTai!m coulsi h'regriteresiagainstt fic Insur- nocûe Couspanies who, he saisi, ie b asi learned w-rc w-lm-g o pay ,ceýrtaiàn amou uts for these cails. Mr. Sim-ipson gasflisiifhasi cost tIsïe Towr-shiip a cou risirabie a- mwont cf money wheu flic de- parfment answered tisee au te fl-c frejç,lht car. Jle also pointes et;-a Vitiwas the responsihility cf flic Tristees te properly ad- minister the depaýrtment and see that these cdaims were appliesi for. Reeve- John Stone states that fthc Tow-nship waslunt erestes inl sefting up a parking lot betw-ecu the Townlsrhip Hall ansi thse Orono Hydro Building. The file bcd ri'tie Hydro Building is lu Vhs area ansi lie wosdered if sucli a prp iw-ou-s affect' its opera- tien. Thse Truteles are Vo look la-, f0 fiLs maffer. FAIIMEPÇS To, MAKE PLANIS FOR WVITuiHl.llDING TAXES Tlic Nos f-berl-apd bcianei cf fis-' O-ntoe Fderatiou of Agri- cuilture jý is t 1ponser tw p)uýblie m"- rg faJ- a ' frm!rs te dis- e!t pisiarf -1li wt1h-,dagof prcperfv faes. ' Past presiident Gordon Macklf n cf 1amlo Town'3sh(ip s1aisi rec- en'PlY Pt-bof the first meeting will hi'e af fbeBati1 ecommuin- itv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h balFia.wle lcsp-cak- er -tI hi Go-do HIIlpreFc;dent hal, Otob'- , wfhS. J. 'Hale, 'Pr' ode..lon' cen!rai aniager as flic g-tspeke Mfr. Moolu i saisi fbe farmers of Me- 'rîîhr]a i bve aslrcady Prrrcý-- dc strong stipport for the p-ian whicli cils for fthc withliold- mng of ail properfy tiaxe-s tuntil ftle provincial meve nst devises a faireir 'm-ethod o f' appiying educa- flon taxlvis liring about auiîssprovcmcnt lu eaIst-eSt comn-MIPýcations' in flic nrorthe-rn part cf Nortliunsber- bans, is fo lie bulIt from Bewdicy fo Wi.rlwurt!h. Fn- es frcinw-ill close fthc g'al) bel-w-cen flic preseut euastcrly cend cf counfy rond 9 at flic Gore's Landýing Cobourg roand 18 junie- floiensi- higrhway 45 sentis, of Fencîlia. l 'c cr-pletesi fIls woak will cr Pt, major artery acrosis most 'A ff- tifldCoinliýes, ruuiuag fromn Kinby ou h ig-w-ay 35 custer- ly through Garcien -ihl,' Camp- fs ilot, B5ewdley te Warkworts 0.î on tf0 higbway 30 f0 Camp-ý bellford. Thec Council of thse Townshdp cf Clarke met on Momiday evening wth their lawycr, Mr. E. R. Love- kin, whleu the discuss!on centred on t-he prôbhahility of l'aing char- ges in conrîction with the three- day Strawberry Fieldss Festival lielsi at Mefsport thîs summer. It was deeidesi to discu.s this inatter furtiier wth 'the Attorney (lariof Ontario hefore any fîsîýther action is taken. Orono Oping Out Recccnfly representativeýs of tie V7illage of Newcastle, thse T-own- sip e)f ('larke and tlie Police Vil1- luge cf Orono met te dàicusss est- ablisiliment of a joint> disposai area. nli group abs-o w-as address- cd by a provincial representative conicerne-d on this matter. If lias been learned that the Police Village cf Oreflo disposai arca tics recelvesi appreval from thi' Prnvinee an i is the/oufly sucli appi-v-sl within the Townshsip. Twso different sources have also sfstei tlîat ic Police Village is Ilow not intcrcsite-d lu euteriug îaie any joint seheme. Vilîsage. 'Jrustces have, in flic past, stated filiat tIley were secking 'joint ýac- tien withî fic Township but f-- ally preceeded on their own when no action w-as taken by Council. 5fr. H. DeWith statgd fl ýt'New, castle and Clarke 'IzIlilook int-c the ma tter fûte and w-I seek lýcýoins fer possJbI le disposaI ar-eas. ire Aguin Stuikes Towýnship Family Eariier'hs mouth the Fred Ward famiiy were burned eut of a home east of Sàd Lanca'ster's garage. A similar fragedsy was re- pcated on Tuesdsay of thuts weelk wlîen fire agan destroyed the home in xvhich they wrere living just off the sixth hue of Clar-ke. The fire w-as notesi by a passer- b-' n74"l ý t14oism I' 't Msf oriston. 'v. o a e th builsi- Ji i J'e of the furnisliaigs wcre lu St to the blaze. Board To Map Strategy For 'Regiîonal Hearing The Northu.mberland -, Dursham board of eduication Thursday de- cided to holsi a specialmeeting te detewnline wiat porsition te take' during a public heasring before the Oshawa area planning endi de- veopient study committee. Th e public hearings start on October 13 at a yet unannounced locatio. Tlhe boDard of eiducation at an ecarlier meeting this month pazý- ed a resolution ýsupport!.ng tbie titei Counties il, their bld to retain the political boundaries of tble two counties as they presert- ly stand. The hcid members 1earn,ýd area, arrangements. havýe been made wîth. the executive admin- istrator for the O.hawa area pîra- ning andi development study te have their letter of Se'pternber 8, 1970, ineluded in tihe list of hait fs te be prescnted at Duublie car- ings beginning, Octeber 13, 1970, Briefs submitted ln, behàlî of Northinbrland and Durham or- ganizatibnis and individuals xiii be hütard ln Cobourg on Octoher 13. The Northumbe.rland andi Durhâim (lounty board lias, been, a'ssigned the periosi 9 to 1 0:30 a.m. The brief wiill be hem-i h y oom-m oner D, M. Paterson of Patemnon Planning and Researre Lîsi. of Scarborongh. Api -i' t te tterl fth icsg o i buAhaif of the boaird w Frank eThoin dlreefer oetécd flou; A. A HI. Strike, viec-'i moni of thse board of educat Foi bes l-Jleylansi. Iarliington ' T)o memb ',r; ansi J. M. folph, chi ir-, mnuof ft'lî< boad ef educatio,, Mr. Rol ph -saisi- hie was ('-i ppoip thdonly thrce e, Pl' wereapote from the bnrdA te at-teiss. "f fricl thi- s i,-v ry portant," i' -a I ",fepi r wilhole orchus otee Mr. A.- Strîke asked, if the Board had 'ppepared a brief ,for presentýatqon or had no ether: ac- tion beeni taken ether than thie lett,'r which býas been sent., It was learn!es that -only the letter h-ad, bcec';sent and ne preparastion had i bei a taken to further~ study or pi"pare a br-ef. Mr. Strike feit fb-at the letter had containesi to.o littie inform~ation 1a nid that furýther lacitssihoulsi le cmi [es. W. C.1 Doýyîn, repreisentative fîmEast Northuçmbexiland said lie thougÉtthe bc hord shou-ld be fair and flex>ible in thei matter. Mvr. Boipli said lie was aware that the grcatest discus.sion ou thie m-atter usa-s in the west side of Duiwlam County. C 'TI. Sev-oi d quesii!onesi t b si-d's admnilstra- t ry ido a 1141 uie grre- scar.ch on this matter and then cii'bak te lhe hoard. -kI ousst one of the bom ai ly ain concerus wsas that a c e , in boundaries would h'~ ~~~o sa erbro tudeuts up- der the boai-d's jurisdicetion from 25,060 to 16,00 or 17,000. "We are talking about an eduicational un- it," hie said- "Phiey ean meve ail tlic lyoundar!es they want as long a~s they leave, a pnaotical educa- tioi] system ln Northumberland aîîd Durham." The boarl'rs main concern is that t1hey woiuld lose Darlington fon1pandi the town- of 13ow- ~in i-.Txo high i shools andi sev'eral eleînentary sichools are bo- (<itÉin 1 thüse two municipýalities., Mr- Sýtilie said the board w'old be saying no-because there wsouldn't be enough stuýdents left unrthe present board of edu- cation to nmake it worthwhile.. Mr. Strike, following the mece- ing, said thesce w'as no0 douiht that Bowmanville and Darlington wouldL be ~joinùng the Osliawa reg- ion on, a munýicipaýl b'asio. Mfr.*Iolph commený,pd tshat lie t ught 'thie board would 'be adi- vi.scd to have a meeting pirior ,to 1'îe hearing and adviise a form of action. te be baken. Leg'alAid Hee!ps 1846, Cases The Ontario Legal Aid plan lis helpesi peop4ienlaNortliumber- landi andi Durhlam counties 'te fight a total of 1,846 cases at a cost of more -than $157,500 since it bcgan in 1967. In t ls rperiod there vre a to- tal of 2,0,58 applications. The b'i ,t year _4o far was fron prl,19G38 to April 1969, when, 714 appl)icaitionis, of wrich 78 vÇ'etre down, came from the' area. The. co:st, for thiat y'car wüs $58,, 100, despite a drop to 537 cases, acctpted from. 621 applications in tlice year which endred la Aprîl. 1970, the cost seared to $76,500. In" lic firs,t year thiere were only 528 casecs, 37 of these being ,rejc4cd, at a cost of $22,900. No cst, is yet available for the cur-, rent year, but to date thiere have been 1915 applications and 181 ap- provals.1' L&gal Aid direttor for the Un- itedi Counities is Hughe E. Flem- ing, QC, whose offýice iýs on King St. West, Cobourg. About 40 lawy'ers, in the two conisare participatîng in1 the seheme. They act as duty counsel la the courts on a rota basis. Wh ena corson is suýmnitenesi te court andi c1îarged with an of- fcchli may obtain the assist anice of fthe duty counsel before h(is case 1,S proiceeded with. The ce'unse1 advs SUS hlm of his rights andi Lei.gal Aid maàchinery in motion where ne-cessary. iii P rking e ulations e)s - tr s-Pas1 lC2î i for meras.Eli M Har of Ditic nsi w-on ca silvermda -' b'~' upsoefed abo'îe -h Transport Minister Irwin Haskett, f.Tiýsi- h tle second- fàrmela .sselven yî-srs wMhth fe district 21a Mr. lii'rd lias ben chasen te slirCve in flic Roadco. Ovescal w-muer w-as Edward G. Kennedy tarr xvi'sur parkcing raula- twve hour parking time Ilimîf ou a 24-heur hasis for thsc side streets. Flic two liori ti-me limsit wiil be lu effeet casier flie amensiment from 8:00 a.ïn. te 6.00 p.m, Monda-y te liursday inclusive and .Saturdays. The 2-hour han w-lUhe lu effect faons 8.00 a.m., to 10:30 p.m. on Fdasandi wil be enfireiy liff- esi on Sundays and ildiîys. f ai i raun ns t f0 the o ~ ~ ~ tý -i3o x~v 1 'ts xtr~u of ) P k~' o' wî Vie v 1îdof I PI t ilïffî)m tise M ' nIfi Drive asw-il as a ý 'on on fhe' ea 1t -dcof liiil PS frfo.sith Jslter-lctfion air- fi îyomne -0Ofettý-. Tise ans iirt biluw is to b. befove Ihe Cîuaci of heflcTown- slipcf Carke, for flicir rncefing ou Tnt-ýday. Tic TrtEitees briefiy met witis Re'c eStout etfflic Tow-nshp a- k- ing fliat flic Reeve <ail a special mecfîýisg if Coure-il ia order fb-st Coincii could poss the uecessary by-lasv lu order that lise Traffîc Control Offîcer. ceulsi uow issue surnmons for f îaffic ansi parlcing viofalions, If w-as peil-ed ouf t s. 'va : s-sus-, liasi been issued p-ir f sttwo wvise- ansi fIat t s siiss fi --' f0 o sf1 ýictly en- force flic hy-iaws before flic pres- enti oil i.-b tome a jok'.' Flic Trustees paasi a resýolu- flou appointing Mfr. C. J. Watsson Traffie ('ot roi Ofli-cer at an an- anal tee of $2000.00 plus 50% of f hi' net proccc-ds trou fines. Tiscy aise passei a resolufion te pay 10 cents foi' cd fine collesetesi by flic Orono Hydiro Eetu Sys- tcm followîîîg the i ;-uîug of a summens by the traffie officer. Oronoeekly