ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, OCTOBER lst, 1970 'ize V, 'ron Prize ~ inners OooFi EEF CATTLE- SHORTIIORNS- Grand and Reservc Champion1 Bull - John 1ickard., Grand champion Fernale John Rickard. Reserve Champion Fe male- Reslyn, Fletft, Oalkwood. Buîll - May -,1969 to Dc 1 -969 - 1. John Richard; .2. John Bickard; 3. R'osyn Fleft; 4.~ Lorne PiimmeVt; 5. R. FIe6tt"; 6. Wmk Siat- er; 7. Meseey-Ferguson Farmis. Bull -, Jan 1 19to Apre.3Ô '69 1. John Bàchard. Bull - 1969 - 1. John Richard; 2. R. Flett. Fernale, 1969 1. John Richard; 2. John Bickard. 3. ýL. ýPiïnmett;- 4. R. Flýtt; 5. MaseyFerguson Fariusý6. Murray Pijmmett 7, OxfordI BICKLAYERS I STONEMASONS- WILLIE. .SCIfIAHL Phon 1 e983-5606 speclalizlng la ail kinds of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We as» dochimnevl,- Repairst continental Saun and STEAM BATIL GENTLEMEN ... We have a 'Sauna and Wb.fri- pool ready for your use. Drop ln and give them a try Group Rates Available Mon. to Sat. 1 p.m. - 1 a.m. Sun. 8 a.m. - 1 P.m. 16A ONTARIO STREET 7282464 OSHAWA De D.ROGERSON ORONO, ONTAXIO S ANTIQUE& WE BUY AND SELL Old Glass, China, Pine Articles Toys and OddItleu IF IT'S OL» . CALL US S WE PAY CASH Phone 623-5342 after 8, p.ni. Massey-Fergusýon Pains; -8.-Mur-, ray Pimmett. Feiale, 1968 L . John Richard;I 2. Massey-Ferguson .Ferms; 3. Maýg~ey Ferguson Farnis; 4. R. Flett;I 5. L. Piimmett; 6. L. Pim- mett F.emale wfth 1970 calf -i.R. Fileitt; 2. J. Rfickard; 3. Md.'Pim- met 4. R. FIett; 5. M-F Farms; 6. Stanley.,TPayor., Groiup'of 4 animais - bot4h sexes 1. J. Pdiêhard; 2. R. Flett;3.L Pimmett. ANGUS- Buil - May 1, *9 Vo Dec. 31, '69 1. Ellanvannin Farms; 2. IValeolm Bailey. Buill - Jan. 1,, '69 to Apr. 30, '69 1.Elltanvannin Farms; 2. M. Bail- cy. Bull, 1969 -1.EllanýAmiiýn Forfis; 2. M., Bajiley.. Gvand and Reserve ChampýÎon BUll - Ellianva,nnin Farmýi. ýi;ardChampion Female- Mail- colm Bailey. Rc.ýerve ChTampion Female El- la-.vainnin Farms. Female, 1969 - 1. M. B'aiey; 2. M. Bailey; 3. Eàlanviannin Farnis. Female, 1968 - 1. M. Bailey; 2. Elilianvannin Farmis; 3. EJlanvan- min Farms. Femal e wfth caif - 1. M. Baàley; 2. M. Bailey. Grou-p of 4 animals - both sexes 1. M. Bai'ley; 2. Ellianvannin F'arms HEREFORDS- Bull - M'ay 1 '69 to Dec. 31 '69 1. Neil M.cLeod; 2. Milton Cornish 3. N.-McLeod; 4. Dr. C. H-ornýer; MîcLeud. 5. GerryCrnsh Bulil - Jan. 1 '69 ljç Apr. 30 '69 1. N. McLeed; 2. NI. Cornidh. B4dl, 1969 -- 1. M ons;2. ?.Corrndsl; 3. Gêiiry Cornis>h. CvanCandy MAKERS 0F MAPLE, VANILLA and CHOCOLATE FUDGE Available at MATTS BILLIARDS and Barberskop Orono, Ont. Phone 983-5310 Aduit Com'nselling Service Every'Wed.esday Evening 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. AT BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL In The Guidance Office The service is free, confidential and no appointment is necessary. Information regarding Correspondence Courses, Community College Program, University Courses and ExÉtension Courses in general can bc ob. tained if theindividual wishes te upgrade bis education. William C. Hall, B. COMM. Chartered Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Ail day Wednesday and Saturday Grand Champion Bull M. Gr Grand Chanipon Fm] Cornish. Reserve Champi o i, m e- . Tropl MeLeod. Female, 1969 L Al . CornIbsh 2. lDaiT M. CornîIsh; 3.NY Muteâd; 4'r ecai C. Horner; 5. N. MCLeod; . derry Oornish. Ca Comn 'Female, 1968 - 1. Mý 1 Coris5h;, 2. Ylt ."!Dr. C. Horner; 3. Gerry Corn£is'h; A.1 4. Gerry Cornieh; 5. Dr. S. H1orncr Chani, Female With caif- 1. M Cornif Ke. ish; 2. N. Mceoed; 3. tGny or- n sh. ck INFANTS FER-IN SOL, 50 cc.... 19 POLY-VI-SOL,, 50 ce..... $4.07 TRIVISOL, 50 ce.... $2.77 ADULIS PARAMETTIES, 1125 s ..$2ý.99 PARDEC CAP$, 100%s.. $4.48 REMINAL, 100's......... $3.08 REMINAL with C, 60s $5.06 NOVO B CAPS, 100's - ... $2.76 ABDOL with C., 250's .... $7.90 iup of four animrais both s M Cr 'h;2.*NMe- iy for ;the heil IHereford )n -Cornish.. whiam Parrner's *Co-op Spec- ,r b;est Seior F eniile 4tohn rd. nu à1âan Imper*ral- Bank of mierce, Pr. Bie(stBeel Herd, - )n Cornish.1 L. Hooey S pecial for Reserve npion Herd,- John Richard. n Ai-hibySpecial .for _Champ- Shorthorn Fernale John ,rd. Ken Ashfiby Special for Champ-~ ion Shorthorn Bull - John Rickardl Bowmanvîlle Auto Parts Spec- id-l for Chiampion Hereford. Fe- maie - Milton Gornish. -Eowviïanville Auto Paits Spec- iai for Champion Angus Femalc- .alcoli Bailey. FAT CALF SHOW AND AUCTION - '- 1, Jo1, n Rlooey - Grand Çhamp- ion and purchasred by Gamble and Rogers for 381/zc. , .j. 2. Joh4i Ràchard - Reserve Oham- p-on pg rc'hasetd by IPine Ridge Packers. 3. Newton Selby, purc4hîased by Cow"an PonViac-Buick. CHILDREN PARAMETTE SYRUP, INFANTOL LIQ., 16 oz. PARDEC LIQ., 16 oz.... ~ ~EWALES CHiOCKS,100's .......... PALS, 100's ............. FLINTS!TONES, 100's PARDEC, 250's ......... PARDEC, 100's......... VIITA DIET, 100,s...... FOR ONE AND ALL ONE-A-DAY, lOO's.. .$2.77 ONE-A-DAY with iron 180's $4.99 N.C.F. TABS, 100's.....$2.87 GERITOL, 80's ...l........ $4.635 REMINAL PLUS, 120's . BEFORT, 100's .......... IIALIBORANGE with C,. ILL.O. ýCAPS, 500's ....... $4.00 $2.90 $2.55 $2.24 The, 1971 Capri A ve reaconab1 292 c, 20 R.P. F.O.B. Faetory 'J ONLY MOTO-SKI GIVES YOU A 2-VEAR WARRANTY For just $745.OOyou get a machine with a track 01 ~ruDz-red steel cleats, thats guaranteed for two years. Dual headlights. 'A welded body. Stronger 4trel skis. Coniro1 cqbIes that virtually neyer freeze. Ada suspension syslem tat nMales big bumps littie But the hest thinq a MotoSki Capri hasi!, a priCe tag of ust $745.00._~ L>rop Dy. m~na weil show you. *Oïie cylmnd&r node1s. We're tougjher7ways. SEE THE. COMPLETE RANGE 0Fr '71 MOTO-SKI MODELS ON DISPLAY NOW AT ROLPIt' aRDMAWARE BOX 249ORONO, ONTAkIO SAVE UTAARCLARGE ON*AmUIN~ $3.19 $2.89 $ 1.99 $2.99 $3.99 $2.70 $2.97