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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Oct 1970, p. 3

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ORONO-WEEKLV TIMES, TIIURSDAY, OCTOBER lst, 1970 Kendal News Ken"ta service was helId as as- ulal on Sunday last with a fair at- tendance. Rev. T. Snelgrove took his sermon from Matthew 22. Ihe subject was "Talents" and what use we make of theim. Thc one Vaent main was condemned flor his sin of omnisson just as the priest antd the Levite were eou4ûmned in the gtory of the Good Saniaiit- an for doing nothing. At the last judigment many were condemned by God for not helping those who were liungry, sick or ini prIson. DX Service Station HiMghwa7 35 an 11, J" sa u , oNewcastle 4 veaturing: Premlum Quality Products At Tho Mest Roasonable Prices Stoe o*i may ho picked up inay quantity 19.9e per gallon Phone 987-4215 Tender.- Juicy --rne-Rd or Blue - Full Cùt ende May um o Round Steak ROASTS lb.o95m Essex Famlly Pack Leunheon Meats 16 oz. pg.lb. 69C Lean Burger Blend Bu s - by the piece Grund Beef BOLOGNA ILS. 5cb. 3 9c Save 6e! - Reconstituted - Tree Sweet 48-oz. Ti orange Juvice,49 E,êt, Buy- - 2-ply Best Buy! Reg. 92e value- 13e off pack 128 plastic jug Royail athr..m JAVEX LIýQUID TISSUE BLEACH 2 roils 27c 69cI Best Buy! - 3c Off Pack - Coloured Parchment 1-lb. packs Monarch MARGARINE 1 Ib.pack 29c 32 oz. Plastic SUNLIGHT A AS~~~ ChquiaI Kll ogCrn Flakes 2 for 69c Phone 983-5201, Orono, Ont. We reserve the ight ta limit quantities ROY THOMPSON Orono, Ontari. Pno983-5759 Ml Carpentry Workç Kituhen Cuphoards 1We build freni the feundation CrI WJh é,ïee ti, ou dy. Let us le'arn fiiom- this one talent man whose excuse Was, that he m1a., afraid--for l-ear hrmtght lose. Mes. . Fonk preide at the or- gan and a duet "Sweet Hour of Prayer" was sunig by Mrs. Fonlc and Peggy Foster. Our annual Thankotffering Ser- vlices will be held on Sundiay, No- vetaiber 1 at 2:30, p.ni. The guest s.peaker will be Rev. Vicetor Par- sons, of Blacketoek, The Octobeý r meeting of the U.C.W. wil1 be heki in the Sun- day Sehool Roo 'm on ýWedne&day October 7 at 8 p.m. We -are piiivi1- eged to have as our guest speak- er Miss Lois (lulitis, Oshawa who w'ill taJIk about her trlip to Europe this su-mmer and atiso sffow pict- ures. She *attended the "Passion Play" held in, Ober-amanagau in Germany whýthl is acted eut by the perplie of th4,s town every ten years and depicts the trial and crucificltion of Our Lord. This Is an open meeting and we hope for ,a good attendance. Recerti Ïitors with Miss Cath- erine Stewart, were Mr. Bon Loft- bouse and Mrs. Peter Loîthýouse of Whitby and Mrs. Bryant Brown and Carnie of Lon-don. Mr. and ms. Allen Foster have returned from a trip to Virginia. They were accompan4.ed by Mrs. Foster'is mother Mrs. Marlatt and lier aunt Mes. Cowie. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fonk of Burk's FaiTs were gueists of Mr. and Mrs. Jiack Fonk on the weekend. Mr. lReg, illiott liais returned fro-m his thre. month trip to Al- a:aand the~ Yukon. Me.M. 4 Foster spetnt a fcw weeks wýit4ç h er daugthter Mes. J. Short at Barrie and is now with Mr. anýd Mrs. Roy Poster. The Ostbhawa Presbyterial met ýin Kingsvtew United Church, Olshawa ôni' Moncbay last. Miss (latherine Stqwart attended this meeting. Mes. Win. fIoy and Mes. R. Brenxtanlhâve' been patients ini the Bowmanville Memorial Hos- ffital but both twill be hiome this ,week. Týhe Shiloli UStJ.W.-sponsored a b4is trip te Brantford on Tuesdiay lest. Therp wére ,a number of laies from Ellzabethyllle. Gard- un ill 1,Newtonmille and. New- castie. Miss C. W. Stewm-t went from Kendal, Visits were made to the tamouls Bell Homestend wihere the invetator of the teleplione ltived for man~'yeaffrs., This'house is funnished wtith some, of the, Bell furniture and other thuings of the period, when the faneiy liv- cd there. There were inany art- icles which Alexanderý Graham Bell uised ini the first ttelephones. We algo went to the Mohawk chur-cl near Brantford whieh was the first Protesbant Chiurch in Up- per, Canada be(lig buit'in 1781. After a sumptuous, lunc(h at Hlol- iday Inn we wcýre taken to a pot- tery where vwe learned about the d,f;?rpr,t prec les in thtis wan- derfuil art. Mr, anI Mr..GaI!anld Oathcart 1eft liv air on Tesayfor a trip fo Nort -f oilyfwood, California to vit lier silsier Ms Earl Smith and 'lier hu liand. O.P.% .Report The Nevca tr ! e1- rnrtof thit Ontsrio 'ProvincialPolice dur- ieug the ceko'fiSepteýmber I2) lo, Scpksurn ý 26, 1 970 ieve4,' t 16 etrV &iUe (oui7 insin c"',~ t '1 ui offences. p ~ ý ts rte 74 Gonerbl 9 C E os ce Teft, 5 rc- pro etf E. t'nd Theft, 6 Dist- HANK'S BAKERY and Snack Bar Phone 98U-5203, Rnow The Law! "L>uty of driver when scthool bus stopped on highwaây" Section 94 (2) H.T.A. states th-at where a sefrool bus is stop>ped oni a highway fer the' purpose of re- ceiving or discharging sebool clilden, the ýdriver of a vehicle wheii overtakung or meeting such sehool bus of whirh thie red sig- nial lights on the front and rear are illunuina-ted with .Intenittenit fiashes, shiati stop the vehicle be- fo're reachdng the c shool bus and shali not proceed until the school bus remtmes motion or tihe signal 1ights are no longer operating. Driving Tip-- "Protect your child with seat Iyellts". Catoadans show lack of con- cern for the safety of young effild- ren in cars. là Ontario in 1969,'21, paosenigers under the age of flive were kililed, and 1,514 were in- jured. Many of these tragedàeýs could lie avoided by the use of proper restraints, but few par- ents make a real effort to protect theijx chIldren from the effects of a possible crash. Some parents, through indiffer- ence actually expose children to extra danger in a car. for an ex- ample: hy allowing the chlld to stand on the front seat, from whtich hé could be thrown and serlouslyhurt sImply by a sudden application of brakes; or by hold- ing, a baby on one's lap in the PltNow for BeùutiIuI Spring Colour BULBS TULIPS - lYACINTHS CROQCUS -DAFFODILS and others middet--U Flowe rs by von Belle Phone, 623-5757 Ilighway No. 2, West of Rowmanville ATTENTION FARMNERS WHl"Y PAY MORE?7 SAVE ON Premium Quality * GASOLINE SDIESEL SMOTOR OIL Farm tanks and pumps, available CALL, COLLECT 668-3341 DXOIL front seat, wheeeé he couid be crushed in, a collision btes the dâshboard of the car and the adult's body. Children should ALWAYS be placed in the rear seat. DON'T let your eluld be ,an unrestraincd flying ofrjet, make sure lie Or She is always prQte<ted with seàt Rozeil Roofi, ALUMINUM,,SI1ING CINNEY REPAIES and EVETXOUGIIING PHONE 576-7271 159 BDer St., Oshawa *Sirloin - T-Bone - Wing STEAKS lb. $]1o09 Feature! -Oatmeal & DAD' COOýlKIES FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY

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