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Orono Weekly Times, 1 Oct 1970, p. 5

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- -- t.', $-'-~---', ' - -r ~d ~~*g ~< - . ' 5 g - "t 't tt- - ' - ' -t - ORONO'WEE~KI.V TMIÈSI'Mt1*RflAY.n nnît'n 14.-e~ - t ., - ~-~--"--'g ~ a.ov, *UU~ ~ r Dr.WRKéýntDDS Uowmanville Professional Rldg. M22King St. E.- Suite 106 Office Heurs: 9 am. te 6 p.m. daily Closed I Wdnesday and Sunda) Telt-phone 623-7349 BOBYEOMANS PLUMBING AND HEATINGý 24 Hour Servie New Installations - Alterations Repairs Speciallzing lu Hot Water Ileating Forced Air Heatlng Septie 'Tank Work RR 1, Orono 983-5624 Septmic Tank Service GENER%L PUMPING 24 BO JR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5266 or 983-5728 RESTAURAN T Highway 115 and 35 %.mile south of Orono Phone 983-5651 Open 7 days a weelc Specializing ili Pizza - Meals W.FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanvfle 923-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port, Hope Office 885-4543 For promïpt, courteoup, efflol- *lut service wheu baying er seUling and for the largest sel- ection of properties la the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy FOSter 983-5801 LoclNews Mus Ruh oundad p.T L c îs visit"dl Re%. ar<Vr. oh 1'ithn at Niagara Fia4I!s last Fridny and, also called on Mvr anid Ml,1. AIe,, YWâtson: at i'rgtn On Wedneisday ast Mrrs. F. Ta!qbiyn celebilated lier 89thl Birthday at Sunset Lolgýe, Bow- r-~~~if n-Yc A1f'long friiend, also o-rer 80, Mrs. Stoû,vilsited from' Toronto as wefl as members off ler fa miy.Tlsnksave exiende:,d to the many peole who rem'embered lier witl, good wighes. Mr. Fraser Walliace is attendf- mng Petýerborougli Tcachers' C'ol- M0rsz. -oc Staples,, is a patient in thle Weilleisley HosËital, Toron- to. - MT. and Mn.s. Jaek Allin and familly Mr. and Mrs. Glen Allun and famfly, Newoéastlie, Mr. and MeÈs. Merii IBirown andi family, Bowýmîainvil1e andi 'Mr. and Mrs., Don Shplie and familly spenit tlie week endi at Mfinora Bay., M-r1. Harold AllUn andi Mrs. Margaret, Linton a1re on a bus tou throulsVermonit and ot-her paacetsi of in-tei ect i-n thse U.S.A. Mris. Normian Wlnîter of O'shawa mia'3 a ý-iÂtor in Orono on Tues- day oftis week. Mrs. Merle Gilb'art lias return- es homne after spending thse s<Ummcr at Wind&2rnere Lodge. Sbe hisi the' mô ýfortune to fali While there, breýalki,,,g a boue in lier foot so is in a wa-lkîing, rasi. -A 'recuew-t liais býeen reieeivcd from Mis . C. B. Sissons, RR 1, Orono, Ont., who would; lke to h(ave, t-e, ban -of a pieturýe or snaplbot of the OÈ'ono Station for 'a reproducetion. She would 'appre- oiate liaving tlis picture and it wou1ld be retrurnctd. TAKING A SHOT AT LIFE (Continued on page 5) groater w'ay. or is it the way whicli Je-sus spoke. is way was in hiun-gering and thtirstdng -after tlhe living God. ý'Phe rigbteou-sness of Jesus was flot a mere standard of de-cency. In Je-su-s Christ the forgiVýîng love of Gosi, a new relatioiï6hiýp is ietbI1isihed, a. relationgh-ip man could neyer have won by himself. To thisrigliteousniecs ansi the 1f e thiat ineviliable »folbows, we are ca-lied. to aspqre. Iàke food andi drink it re-presents the~ essentials off normal livdng. It is not just for tihe piýivileged few but for every man. ST, SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Establihed. 1869 Regular Sunday Worshlp Servicec- 9:30 a.m. HoIy Communion- Fist and Third, Sundays Morning Prayer- Second anxd Fourth Sundays Holy Baptlsm by appointment wlth Rector 987-4745 Irhe Bey. H. Robert Hayne, B.A., L.TIi. UNITED CHURCI, Orono Pastoral Charge MinIster 1ev. B. B. Long SUNI)AY, OCTOBER 4, 1970 MORNING SERVICE - 11:15 KIRBY SERVICE: 9,45 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11:00 A.M. PETER BOOTS 1Phone 983-5796ý Custom Built Furniture and Repair Work Specializing in Living Room Rec. Room Bnilt-ins Bars Wood Carving Free Estimates Adipt Uiforni Code tionIlhasle'd adpe ýudh a $î0 Q 7 2ù l1-Ps àa1-eadfb0en) il 1 'ataeien ofiIoil t1ie lnadstili lias prhs Ther thbelad Durhamepe1tue hurdofed~aonhis acce 1p ted (if akowbfthwe e t,Ùlt (4 $393,8eJ5x totues recoment~s~sof t'he ad'mini- sroestgwat"" vlior&a trty prone1of the board Genj This Jeavesth bora fo a-ndom oe facont§ Thfe bads~total budget for11. bace of' $7,9U~964 fod the re silie the d p,,jartment of educa- 1970 i $18,62 L,086 of is aidigftour nmontlhof 1970. The Council of the Municipality of the Township of Clarke gives notice that, it intends te pass a By-law to'close or stop-up, the Road Allowances in the Township of Clarke, înthe County of Durham, folliwing, that is to say: 1 . That portion of the Lakeshore Road Aliowance from the westcrly lmit of Lot 20. in the Township of Clarke, County ef Durham, easterly for a distance of One Hutndred -and Fifty-six and eighty-nene one-hundredths feet (156.89.), on the north-, env, limit.of the Lakeshore Road and a distance of Three Hundred and Eighty-six a-id. unety-two, one-hundredths (386.92') front the said westerly lImits of Lot 2Q, on the southerly limit of the Lakeshore Road allowance. 2.That portion of the Allowance feror Rud between Lot 20 and Lot 21 in the n?-t'keýn Front Concession of the Townsqhi of' Clarke, County of Durham, from the southierly boundary of the New Lakeýshore Road A.llowante te a southerly point ap- prox7inate1y Sixty-eight feet (68). 3. ThÏe unopened road allowance between Lots 18 and 19 in' the Eighth Concession ef ithe Township of Clarke, County of Durham, extending from thesotel limit of the said Eighth Concession to the northerly limit thereeoL 4. The part of Prince 'ssStreet in the Police Village of Orono between Main Street anid Church Street on condition that the Municipality retain an easemcnt ten feet Ôni each side of the centre Une. 5. Allens' Lane in the Police Village of Orono, between Main Street and Church' Street on condition that the Alti nicipality.,retain an easement ten feet on each side oet the centre line. AND TAKE NOTICE that any interested party desirin g te make dlaim or to oppose the said By-law Will be, heard lnu person or by prexy at the meeting off th~e said Council te be held lu the Township Hall at Orono, Ontario, on the 21st day off October 1910, at the.hour off 7:30 o'clock ln the afternoon' Eastern Standard Time. ,Dated this l8th day of September 1970. Ibex Flannelette Sheets by TexMade 80 x 100 blue Or pink borders, each ........ 80 x 190 blue or pînk borders, each........ $5.49 $4.98 TEX- MADE FLANNELETTE FITTED SIIEETS Twin bed size, each...... $4.50 Double bed size, each .. $4.98 CHINO'OK Flaunelette Sheets 80 x 100,, pair.......... $6.75 70 x 90, pair........... $4.98 LONG FLANNELE'I1?, -.FLOWERED GOWNS S. M. OS .... $3.75 - $3.95 70 x 90O blue or pink bordlý'-s, pair........ 60 x90 blue or pink 'borders, pair........ SCARES TO BRIGIITEN YOUR COSTUME Square ....... $1.75 Long ......... $1.50 to to $7.95 $6.95 UP $3.95 $2.50 jWHISPER SUPPORT PANTY JIOSE' Colours Maple and Cinnamon. Sizes large and X-large' Priced at $5.00 each SHORT FLANNELETTE FLOWERED GOWNS S-M-L-XL $2.9~5, $3.25, $3.95 IL --RO -ti H. DeWlth, Clerk of the Municlpality. R.R. 2, Oreno, Ontario m R.R. 2,

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