ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TIURSDnAý,- OCTOBER lst, 1970 Se Milisen, Insurance for Ml classes of personal and Commercial Coveraffes Offre: Mlain St., Orono Les. 983-5754 PGord Simîpson IPRONE 983-5808 PAINTfING CARFENTRY REMODELLING GENEItAL EEPAIRS Interior Exterior CH.r"1ARLES REID Orono's Licensed ",-Âuctioneer and Valuator Speciaize in Farm and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terms mnd datés PJIONE ORONU 9135914 Monuments andi Family Memorials Our cqtality and service leaves nothing to be desired Ask the person who bought from u, a neighbour, friendw or relative hie'RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largest display iitSoutherm Ontario WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5348 RINCE CRAFT BOATS Ailouette Snow-Mobiles McCuiloch CHAIN SAWS, Repairs 'to ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Engins ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES, PIJMPING OUT SEPTIC 'rANKS Bert Tompkins Phono 786-2552 Clairke Public Frfday 2:30- 5; 6.311 - 8:30 Saturday 10:001 12:00 am. ~soecf>eo~»eO~oe~ce, -PLUMBING, and HEATING O Sales and Service ÎZ4 ROUI BURNER SERVICE GUL FENANCING Low nterestRates It"9 Phone. i Tyrone 263-2650, SOrville -Chatterton Electrical ContractinK' IElectric Heatînz Iand Service jPHONE 983-5546 or 983 5940 Orono. Ontario ORONO ELECTRIC Ilerb and Gerry Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. . RADIO - MI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - il C.A. DOMINION ELECYROIIOME INGLIS - TROU, -GUARANTEED SERVICE- Hamiltoos Insurance Auto. Fldelity Bond. Llabllity Ffrot Mortgagé ei.ne- I Sadie Hamilon i Phone 983-5 115 iBox 133 Phono 668-3552 IStafford Brothers I Limted Manufacturers of ICemetery Memoiriis 318isDuudu Street Hamt tWHITBY, ONTARIO i Building a House?I Ior remodeuling your present O one, then contact IFÉloydNihlo IPhone 983-5049 ORONO FOR SALE Stove, very dcean. Good for hohme or .citttage. Bast offer. 983-5623.ac FOR SALE Double or Single Ski-Doo, Trilers. LESKARD WELDING Phone 983-5760 d-40-c FOR SALE" Frigidiair Refigeratoý. 9 cubie foot, twhite. Gcpod cond)-itin 25.00 Phone, 786-2488. a-c FOR SALE First quality sweet table tura- jips,, waxed if per bushel. Eta- bagas. Also eggs - 3 dozen $1.00F and' up. b-39-P A Van Hattum, 8th bine. ?Phone FOIt SALE MacIntoshi Apples $1.50 a -bus. r.Reinstra, Orono Norýth. Phone 983-5081. d-41-e FOR SALE 2 pair of Skis and Poles, 5 feet and 2 pair of Ski Boots, like new. Slizes 2 and 3. Phone 983--5807. a-c YNTICE Orono Landscaping Service, Planting, Seedin». Phono for Gar'den Sodding anid 983-55à8. ti * Wanted Dead or Crippled Farin Stock PICKED UP PROMIPTLY Telephone Coileet 263-2721 Margwill Fr ar Licence No. 2584C-7 Custom Combining $6.00 an Acre Custom kUng:- 8e a Bale 983-5795 983-5122 Orono Building- Contractor Brick- Block - Concrete Stone Work Cayrentry - Cabinet Work Flooru -Tii. 983-5441 ORONO JACK RIc AiRDI' REALTOR- 99 IKIIug et., E. BOWMANVILLE When Buyîng or Seiling cal] WILF HAWKE YOUR OROMO AIEA MIIEfESENTATIvE 983-5274 Manber o Oshawa aud Dis trict Real Estate board FRED'S FLIWIT MARKET SPEÇIALS Maclntosh Apples, Bartlett Pears, Home made Cider and Sweet Cornx. Tomatoes $2.50 per bushed. HïgI.hway 115, South of Orono t-f FOR SALE FANCY GRADE MacINTOSH $2.50 a bushel Six quart basket: .60e Second Grade: $1.50 a bus. Bring containers. R. Rienstrai PHONE 983-5081 HELP WANTED 'Cician, rellabie woman for bouse work, one or two cays a week. Phone 983-2703.a- WANTED Uised Hockey Equipmerit for a boy 12 years. Phone 983--5807. a-c TENDERS WANTED ,,1osed tenders will be received for the supply and installation of a septie tank, and for, aiterations to the plumbing system of Clarke Townshi.p Hall unfil 12 a.m. Oct- aber 6, 1970. Lowest or any tender wil not neesarlilv be accepted. Tender formis anid specifitions miay be 9btaine(l from: H. DeWITH CLIlRK, TOWNSIIIP of CLARKE B~OX 219,. ORONO. FOR lENT Brig,ht, compact ýone bedroomn Apartmient; ail services. Electrie heating and private 'parking in- cluded:, After 6:00 p.m. ý98-511.ý ANNOUNCEMENT Mrs. Merle Gilbart, Church St., Ox'ono is very ihappy th~ annouince the arrivai of bier first grand<ifd. RoMý on August 21, 1970, a lovely daughter, ErUia Mireile, ihns been chosan by DIane an4j Tonyc Fonst- er to be part of thetir happy foin- fly in Vancouver, B.C. a-c NOTICE Art Class for chlden. 6:30 Wednesdlay evening at Amy, Van Deti H~euvals. Phiotne 983-52M0.d-41-c SNOTICE 0F MEETING' The next regular meeting of tihe Norbhun-iberland iand Durharr County Botard of Edueation will hae held at Port Hope Hïgh Schoo6 (Victoria 'St. and MHighland Drive, Port Hop~e, Ontario) on ItuTeday, October 8th, 1970 at 8 p.m. a-c Callyour 1)censed Plumbing & Mechariical Contractor Who selis> Instali qnd guarante CARAN PLUMBdING AND HEATING BYAMS Berniece and John Moffat and FPamily would 1iIe to say a big 'iAhank Youto tûaR tViose whýo participated inanay way to make our twentyfiftx wedding anniver- slary par4y sueh a, memorable oc- ciason. a-p CARI) OF THANKS 1 woul ki l o e xpress my shi- cre tbaan ,to ay friendis and 'ell- ativeýs for their eards and flowet'ýs sent to me dualing iny stay ini the BHowiiav~ille Mfemoiiial Hospital anxd to thosa who visited me. Jaick Buirstow CARD 0F THANKS 1 would l lke to, thiank averyone who madýe my stag ýparty a suc- cess, tpeu>ially'Art Young and FMoyd Post. îaýp Bob Post. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE 0F STANLEY WILB3ERT BEGGS, late of the Township of Manvers la the Couaty of Durhiam, Farmer, de- S ceased; A11 persoas haviag cbaims a- gainst the Estate of the said Stanley Wil'bert Beggs, who died on or about the lOth day of May 1970, are heraby notified to send Io the undersigned Solicitor on or before the Mt day of October 1970, their namies and addresses and full partieulars of their elaims and the nature of the se- curities (îf a'ny) held by Vhem duly verified by statutory deciar- ation. Imrnadiately after theý said 8th day of October 1970, the assets of the said deceased wdll be dis- tributed among the persbons entit- led thereto having regard only to the claims of wh'ich the unýder- signed Solicitor shall then have notice. Dated at Orono, Ontario, this lSth d'ay-of September, 1970. W. K. LYCETT, Orono, Ontario, Solicitor- for the Executors. COMING EVENT The first Country and Western Dance of' the season, in the Ponty- pool Chamber of Commerce Hall, Saturday, October 3rcl. Mlusic by Fay Adams an~d the Country Hits. Dancing 9 %W4J 1. Bar privileges, $3.00 a couple. Couples onay. a-c NOTICE IDuck Shoot. At the Acres Rest- aurant on October 31d at 2 p.m. 12 guage shot gun onily. Shplls supplied. - Everyone weicome. b--39-c NOTICE Slides to be enitered in the- Horticulture Photographic comi-pe- tition must be delivered to Mrg. E. Schmdd by Thursday, October 8th. Check your -year -book for class- es. b-39-c NOTICE Dr. A. F.. McKen7aie will ot be in hâs office ,untïl Tu'esday, Oct- aber 13, 1970. b-40-e COMING , EVENT Red Cross Honme Nursing Course commeucing Weduesday, Oct. 7th 7:30 p.mp. to 9:30 p.m. Nurses' Residenice, Memorial Hospital, Boxvxnianvih1Ie, URegister Now 983-5291. b-40-e COMING EVENT Gynaeccologdst, wilI speak in Tria- ity Urâted Churcb, Bowmanvi1le, Wedneadaily, Octpber 144h, 8 p.m. Dr. Banting's tofic wibl ha "You and Vour Hormones" "The Womer ail ages ur'ged to corne. b-40-c THANK YOU