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Orono Weekly Times, 8 Oct 1970, p. 3

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMFS, THURSDAY, 0CTBER 8th, 1970. Kendal me ws Last, Sunday was World Com-- munion Suntiay. In spite of this, the âttendianee was very sma-Il. There was a good choir andi their scleotion wme "Jesus kee¶p me near the Cross,." Rev. T. J. Snel- grave spoke on'"jTe Church as Vhe Body of Christ." Hifs text was fruni Cor1In ihians. The Chur'ch is not the builing but is matie up of the people who attend it. We mugt reach out imb othe Worid andi maIe Vhe Church of imbort- DX Service Station Ifighway 35 and 115, mast north of -Newcastle Featuring: Premium Quality Products Ae The Most Rensonabie Prices Sto ve où may 6e picked up in, any quantity 19.9e per gallon Phoue 987-4215 Burns - Fuily Cooked - Short- Shank- Skinless Butt Portion You Save Twice with Trim Just Heat and Serve and Price FulIy Cooked Lion Pork Chops HAMi SLICES lbo 8 IL 89C Essex-Niagara Brand RINDESS BACON 1I L pkg. 79c Lean, Meaty Burns Mild Seasonedl Prk Spaàreribs Pork Sausuge lb. 79C lb. 79C For A Fine Thanksgîving Turkey- Order Early Buy of The Week - Supreme Brand Light FRUIT CAK#E 2 l.B!.ock 99C Calîfornia No. 1 Emperor GRAPES IL.29c Ocean Spray New Crop CRARBERRIES IL.29c Fruit Punch, Orange, Grape BRVDIKS348oz.$l Feature. Lowney's Feature! Paramount pink Bridge kMîix cSA L MÏ ,N 12 oz. cello 49c lu lin 89c Best Buy! 28-oz., Tins Price Marked 75r! ý- LP. Stuffed Manzanilla Libby's Pumpkin OLIV ES 2 for 49c 12 oz. jur 65t W eston s r eshandîlus PUýMPKIN P"'IES ea. 59c Phone 983-5201, Orono, Ont. We reserve the right to, limit quantities ROY TIIOMPSON Phone 983-5759 Ail Carpeâtry Work Remodellng Kitehen -Cnjboards W. u11 from the f.undatia Ulp. Miss Anne, Poster of bondon - was home for the weekenti. Ainne is ate'ding Western Univer£sty. We ex'tend our synWathy tVo the Wannan f amily Who liveti WVest of Kendal m'any years ago. The ylungest s'on Chaflie passeti away thlis week. ie liveti in Or- angeville anid, attendcd our Cen, tennilal ln June. Hits funerael ser- ice w's helti at OmnngeviL,,le on Wedneýsday with intermnenit a Or- qao Cemetery. iyrs. Carl Vnughian (Marýj'oric Wainnan) a sistfer died in Toronto,_April hast. Mrs. Allen Foster a nti ler m,'~r~1\~p~ Malat hve go-ne O.P.P. Report T)eN aChDUc netof Ilhe Ote 'Poica Pol,1II du P' he iwcek, of etine'27 to Octobr S'rrL; 1970h, ivnta 14 mtrrdil 'disos o f whfieh 1 person was iinjureti anti 9~ pcrsolitiweire (ýhagefd witb 'traf- fic 'offeneües la conneetion. Invesbigated iidring thc samne pelri oti of tîme were 84 general occurrences of whIet there were 4 reports of Break, Enter and Theft, 4 reports of Comnion Theft 3' wilfui damage complaints, 3 domegtie comp'laint's, anti 2 di's't- urbyane compiraints. Éw'o au to- biles wcre reporteti as Istolen, and one i, mo'le vuas rccovcred. F'ouireon are charge'd witli of- fencwes oinflerthe Liquor Coxtrol Actçaai ý3 prsonI3 charged with Be A Safe and ilespcctfuil Illunter Hu'nting is a sport tIat îs en- ja)y,( -4y1) i iv people, hov ever each c ar 'ifiere 'are numerous conîpi uints of carelees hu nti ng aud tresfp . ýn.g tupon private pro- pery, Six i' apsr~ have ben ivcs dby the officers of the Ncwc'va tic Detaclment 'in tle pa'4 veek. Eaeh huier before set'ting out, slîaL iii be familiar wîth the luli aendc reguliaiions set forth in thie, Gaine anti Fî3h Act, anti the 1Town' lisp byiaws whieh gor- cruiý huntin'g. If a person wishes ta hunt on a certain piece of fari l'andi, hce shoud3. fi'rst obtain perniiI,,'Àion f rom the p'ropcrty owa er. Al l frmers are concerneti about 's¾ioatiing near her cattie eut damnage t.o thoir property. If huflting enthu Iasts would ftQ1ovw the3e guide lines, propcrty 7SW i.Ws'Oali pot beforcectiinto pa'irîg, No Tre'spassing signs on sierprope'nty. Hfunters who show <i'eadfor lives anti property of others, are subject Vo being ehrcdwiltl petty trcspagsng, carel's's hunting or poss)ibly cria- aIl, ncgfiigece, also, they are de- s :ic oying the privilege for them-, scives- anti others who wish to hunt in the future. Driving Tip- Fa'lltng. leaves combined wiish wet weathcr, frequently cause the roads to be very 's1ippery. Proteet yourself and, others by adjustiag 5our driving to suit the roIac and we'ather conditions. Be extra eautious ncIarpiles of leaves; oomebimes chiltirea p2lay and hitie inte VIeIevs ance in. oui' Communilty andi Couxn, tiy. mrie ohiiltircn's story 'vas a. bout a liLttie girl Called Nancy Who wsreysadl. She was mnet op the :street by a lady who tank her home andi showed her a hall curp oi water. She asketi Nantey iflit was hiaf fuh or hallI empty. She an' mered it was bothl. Our lives mie like that, happy or sati, andi it shoulti, be our job to try Vo muke our lîves happy. Nexit Sun.. dae wiil be Thaakýigivlag Suncbay (Dc'ober 11). W'hat hetter way of givng tihanks than Vo attend church on Sunday morninyg? See you there. La9t week the brick hiouse on the f arm formerly ownet by Mel Morgan wýas d'estroyed by fire with aiýl the contents. Mr. andi Mrs.- Ward and chil'dren hati rec- ently moverd into te house as their former home near NeWton- ville had heen àurneti a few weeks ago. They are nnw living in Bow- maniie. Mrs. Burwash of Cobourg is staying with lier nephicw Athur Thocmps.'on while' Mr, and Mrs. G. Cathcart are away. HA~'SBAKERY and Snack Bar Phène 983-5203 SAVE ON Prexnium Quality SGASOLINE SDIESEL SMOTOR GIL Farm, tanks and pumps available CALL COLLECT 668-3341 Lo Norwich Vo visit relative. Mrs., William Mercer and Mrs. E. Couroux visted with Mrs. Mercer"is brothcr at UxÉbridge on Sun&ay. Mrs. Wayne Foster andi Paul are visitig her seister, Mrs. Dave SuVoli, near Ometmee. Mr. A. Dennis ani Mr. J. Forth hiave gone M'oose 'huni'Lng in nrhenOntario. Mr. andi Mrs. M. Kuzenko, and' son, ' Mike, visiteti friends in Lon- don on the week-end. In the near iuLure we are to have the seirvices of a libiiary ln Kendal for two clays a week. It wili be supersed by the Clarke Township Ihjîrary. This lias been made posible through ýthe gen- erSity of Mr. Norman Mclean of Toronto Wh is a brother of Mr. J. S. MeLean in whuse memory the Chureh organ was dedifoateti some years fago. The hibrary will be in the Sunday Sehool roora. More information will be avail- able later. There will be n Turkey Sup- per at the church this yeiar. We hope thiat all ladies will cooperate in makng donatioàs in place of eo.Qling, as in other years. We wx,-uld be gliad to receive these at the Thanikoffering Service on Suniday, November'lst. by von Belle I DX OIL Oxford IM~ICKLAYERS 'STONEMASONS WILLIE J. -SCRMARL Phone 983-5M6 specializing in &Hilkinds Of STONEWORK and FIREPLACES We ais. do chimnev Revairs SPECIAL Vanille 4 Bricks $1.0OO Mid d&tr lios Pm. 9835241.2 - IONO, ON'T. Phonie 635 llighway No. 2, West of BowmanviIe ATTENTION FARMERS WHY -1PAY:MORE? FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY

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