- r ~ - - OROO WEKLY TIMES, THIURSDAY, OCTOBER Mt, 1970 D.W.R. Kent DDS Bewmaaville Professional Bldg. Z22 Bing St. E. - suite 106 Office Beurs: 9 a.m. te' 6 p.m. daily Cl.sed Wednesday and Sunîaý Telephone 623- 7349 BBTYEMANS PLUMBT'NG AND HEATING 24 Hour Service New Inetallations - Alterations Repairs Specializing in Hot Water }Ieating Forced Air Heatlng Septic Tank Work IR 1, Orono 983-5624 Septic Tank Service GENERAL PUMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontarlo Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 VE N EIA RESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 ¾4 mile southi of Orono *Phone 983-5651 Open 7 daýys a week W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LI MITED Realtor 21 Kinz St. W. -Bowmanville 623-3393 Toronto 923-174 Port Hope Office 885-4543 For promipt, courteous, effici- ent service wheu buying or sclllng 'and fer týe largest sel- ection- of properties lu the area Contact Orono Area Representativel [Roy Poster 983-5801 William Thransky, (Kendal) 9831-5420 (Bethany) D ane Found Andy Sutch lloy Strng- 277-2280 623-3965 983-9119 52 r il Bethanv local News The O ýhawa ffell Drivers wi11 present 'two pro)grams )at thie Or- 0110 Fair CGrounds bis Salurday at 2:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Mrs3. DoroÀhy Reen if 'Toronto L .t u~e -vvekend 'WLLh Mrs. l1arry Bilev. 'Mm. Ethel ýTy'rrU i rturnied to ler hoe"lasI 'week :ater iapend-, ing several weeks visiting- hen dis tlci iIrs C. Maartense, Dr. MIVlart-enýe ,and chuîdren in Germ- any. AMr. Ernie 1T111 of Sr'th Falls spent a fe w d'n's rccent1ly wRth ,.\I. and Mrs. Percy M\1organ, Som- erx lie Dive. The Octoher Mleeting of the Orbno Home ail Sehool Associa- tion uili be held Tuesday evening OeLober 20fhla n ùe General Pur- pose Room of the Orono Public School at 8 o'clock. Two intereast- 4ng films "Andl No Beils Ring- ing" and "Int To-morrow" will be shown.. A warm.welcome will be ex- tended 10 parents and lriends. The November meetinig la plan- ned as a Forumn in which candi- dates ijntenested l in.ec,-ton to the Board of Edqieation for the N\orth- unaberland and Durboa di ",ýicst wA1 t e given time t a present their viewsg. ý Mrs. Ciathy, Carleton's grade from Kirby CentenneaîlSchool in- spected the CI)arke ,Orono Fire De- pairnent, the Orono Weekly ThneýsOffice, Vive Post Office and Lifrary on WedLnesdlay of thids week. Tlhe annueliidck taggi'g ýCar ried out by the Fi;h aend wîldliîfe 1tr'anch in PI'equ""'e Park shows a. large incr'ea c in the nuniber of d'i'k!'~~; ILBy Sefeiber 10, 8,50 ducks hr'.d been taggerd, we'1l av er l'aýt ~pr~numbpeî1 for the eiame date. Dock trsgging is carried out for two n,n fpus-poses, one 10 lied. out the appi'oxirate population of birdj,, and tb ;r &dete of oçdgi.a- linadthe otLhcr 1 to provide in- eratOe f V,7", 1;' 1hïY -0o foin' PrsuSePark. The return of persnelt nfomatonhelps the Depatmeet ~t~l' hCheits, Pa,- fowl, 10 bette-panfor contàinu ngresouirc'e', or 14e future. (aniutiiil ýdw;' ;1wl',hunting ils'allowed at. botlaPrqu'ile and jlDorl.ngton Parks ije t- ida ,Dstrict, ýand starts on September 2601t, 1970. For lurther informna (on 0on ST. SVOR ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Sunday Worship Servicec - 9*30 a m Holy Communion- Flrst and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Suudays Hoîy Baptisul by appointment with Rector- 987-4745 fie Rev. H. Robent Hayne, B.A., L.TII. UNITED CHURCU Orono Pastoral Minister Rcv. B. E. Long SUNDAY, OCTOBER llth, 1970 MORNING SERVICE- 11:15 KIRBY SERVICE: 9,45 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL. 11:00 A.M. PETER kBýOOTS Phone 983-5796 Custom Built Furniture and Repain Work Specializing ln Living Boom- Rec. Boom Built-ins Bars Wood Carving Free Estimates R.R. 2, OrooOtario thesehuntig aieas please wmite Presqu'ile Park, RR 5, Biligiton; 'DarnglOn Park, RR 2, Bowman- ville, or the Distoict Forester. 322 Ki St. WLn y Huters:' IfJple 'tor iu' Iin the' woodý,, build t"ree fireo in a triaigle on, an opel beach. Ad'd green boughs te o maeahay ucg ý The iurnake w,01 guide r- eu.&s. One must ba eareful, th'ougra as ee in the Sli, lires oinn -prcad 10 be- c3me dLCangrous and damaging fo'e ,t ires. W Dr o ceg, 'o st 'Lesmirr iaheare: a' bsh S.O.S. tno uting for the first timeti ali.L In Ontaio -you ve o psan e=amination. on <aeybefore you may byou first lhun rting licenyce. *If y uu arp:1,drtwemnty Yees of (m aiyo . b have bt ake ia,,trai n- The Council 0 o fl icialt of The Townsi o larî The Council of the Municipality of the Township of Clarke gives notice that it intends to pass a By-law to close or stop-up the Rtaad Aliowances in the Township of Clarke, iu the County of. Durham, following, that is to say:. 1. That portion of the Lakeshore Rond Allowance, froni the westerly limit of Lotý 20, in tee Town'sip e.-f Clarke, County of Durham, easterly for a distance of One Hundred and Fifty-six and eig'ity-nine one-hundredths feet (156.89') on the north- enIv lirm-t of the Lake"shore Rood and a distance of Threç Hundred and Eighty-six and ninety-two one-hundredths (386.92') froni the said westerly Emits of Lot 20, on the southerly limit of the Lakeshore Road allowance. 2. That portion of the Allowance for Road between Lot 20 and Lot 21 in the Broken Front Conceioun nf tl,' Township of Clarkoý, Countv of Durham, from the southerly boundary of the New Lakeshore Road Allowance to a southerly p oint ap- prox'ýmately ýSixty-eight feet (68'). 3. The unopened road allowance between Lots 18 and 19 in the Eighth Concession of the Township of Clarke, Cou nty of Durham, extending froni the southenly limit of the said Eighth Concession to the northerly lirait thereof. 4. The part of Princess Street in the Police Village of Orono between, Main Street and Chn'rch Street on condition that the Municipality retain an easement1 ten feet on each side of the centre line. 5, Alenï? q'Lan- in the Police Village of Orono between Main Street and Churcli S'rect on conIion that the Municipality retain an easement ten feet on each side of the cEntr le. AND AK NO ICEtat anyntesd party deýs iig to miàake dJaim or to oppose the sadB-awwl b rdluperson or b proxy at-te eetingof the said Couneil to be hedi3teTwnhpHal, tOoo nal.o h ltdyo OC'cber 197Q. atlth -ow of ':'0 'lk in the afteiroon EasternSanad Time. Dated thisM8tLhda of September 1970. H. DeWth, Clerk of.the Muicipality. IGlenayr "Itte Co rdi See our new styles for Fail and Winter lu "Kitten" matching sets-.Beauti- fui new shades including Autunin Rust, Wisteria, Olive Green and Scarlet Red. Styles and colours available in sizes 8 to 20. SKIRTS Pure wool- woven- heather- plaids and tweed checks with, pleated front., Plain shades iu wool wonsted or wool double-knit. Each ' $19.00O SLACKS Straight-cut pants with new legs in no-waistband styling made washable pu. e wool worsted. Pure double-kit stra s.,t-cnt pauts with wide legs ard lasticized waistline. wide froni wool niew E h$19,0O0 SWEATERS Long sleeved multi-striped pullover with mock turtie neck. Long sleeved pull- over with placket front and rol collan. Long sleevc'd pullover fe.atnring U-neck- hune and peani buttons in rib-knit. Cardi- gan with multi-striped front, Jacquard check pattern button-front vest with mnock pockets. Classc styles with raglan sleeves. $11.00 t 00 A