ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURS DAY. OCTOBER gth. 1970 Sec MIIk.on Insurance Agency fer À11 classes of personal and Commercial Coverazes Office: Main St., Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 Gord Simpson PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAINTING CARPENTRY- REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIES laterier Exterior CHARLES IR u) Oroaê's Liceneed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize in Farmi and Furniture Sales Com~ult îme for terms and dates POONE ORONO 983-5914 Monuments and Family Memorials Our quaiity and service leaves notbing to be desired Akthe person whobought fromn mr, a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Largeat display ini Seuthera Ontario ani Cycle Orone Phone 983-5343 I PRINCE CRAFT BOAT S Alouette Snow Mdobiles McCulloch CHAIN SAWS Repairs te ail makes of Lawn Mowers and 2 and -4 cycle Enginesj ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES PIJMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 Clarke 'Public, L1BR A R Y 11OUJRS OPEN* Tuesday-630 -8,30 Tkursday 6:308-8 30 Frfday 2:30 - 5; 6.30 - 8:30 Saturday 10:00 - 12:00 a.m. eiâm IPLUMB.ING and HEATING I Sales and Service I i4 HOUR BURNER SERVICEi c GULF FINANCING Low înterest Rates fi9I") Phone: Tyrone 26326y5 Orville Chatterton EÈlectrical Cantractinxg O Electrie Reatine and Service PHONE 983-5546 or 983-5940 Orono. Onta rioj ORONO ELECTRIC Ilerb and Gerry Duvalil 983-5168 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V., RADIO - HI-FI FRIGIDAIRE - R.C.A. DOMINION ELECTROHOME INGLIS - T90B -GUARANTEED SERVICE- I Kaniftons Insurance ~ Service raclage rendoesn FideIIty Nemi. LIabRit,. Lite ISadie Hamiltoni e 9e83-5115 !BOX 133 Phone 668-3552j Staff ord Brothers,: manufacturera of Cemetery Memoriale î 313»wdes Ifeet Eom Î WHITZY, ONTARIO Building a House? or remodelling your present one, then contact Floyd Nicholson hone 983-5049 ORONO1 Y ____ 'j FOR SALE Double or Sngle, Trailers. LESKARDWELDIN Phone 983-5760 FOR SALE MacIntoshl Applesu $1.50 a bus. Mr. Reinstra, Orono North. Phione 983-5081.d4- FOR SALE A Brother's EIectrie Sewýing Machine, also la child's edlium size tricycle and anEldon Road 11cing Set. Phone after 5 p.rn. 983-5734. a-c LIVE GEESE FOR SALE Touions and Cies Phone 983-5606.t- FOR SALE First quality sweet table turn- gps, waxed if pe bushel. ta- b-výas. Alsoù eggs - 3 ~oe $100 and up b-41 A Van H1attum, 8tli Linie. Phone 983-5267. FOR SALE Matriity CIothes. Sirt, top and dresis. Reaesona&ble. Pi-one 983-5832. a-c FOR SALE 1965 Honda 90-iOC in ýgood éoný &(tion. $200.00 or beglt offer. Phone 983-5078 after 6 p.m. Wanted Dead or Crippled Farm Stockç PICKED UP PROMPTLY, Telephone Collect 263-2721 Margwil! Fur Farm Licence No. 258-C-76 CusomCimbininl $601an Acre Custom- Baling Sc a Bale Phone: 983-579568-.4 Orene luilding Co ntracter Brick -Biock - Concrfee Stone Work Carnentry - Cabinet Work Floors -TMe 993-5441 FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Ski Doo SPECIALS, C'ortland, JVacntosh land Del- G ictouis Apples. % gaLi. ce Cream.79e d-40-c Highway .115 - South of Orono t4f FOR SALE FANCY GRADE MacINTOSH $,.56 a bushel Six quart basket: .60e Second Grade: $1.501 a 'bus. Bring containers. R.'Rienstra PHONE 983-5081 HELP WANTED iClean, reliabýle woman-for house work, one or two days a weelk. Phione 983-5703. a-p WANTED iScrýio, wanted. bsiâawva pricies piid at Newcustle. (-nl Neý\viastle Salvu'ge, Phone 987-4741« d-44-e YOIIR SECOND INCOME a-c AWAITS - Coiupany requIireý, rOsponIsible man or won4an to refUi snack vending maehines w4th naion.al briand products. anu net depend- able pro excellent second In- corne. ),pplicant must be hfonest, energetic, have servicelable ear, revote 8 to 10 hours weekly and be able to inve'st $1,500 to $3,000 for dnventory andi equipment. Routc3es esabM7'shed. No selling. -.Mor-e iuio provide'd if your letter contail Is details on seIf. -Whieu wvriting please ;include phone O number. Sun)way fUstributing ltd. Suite 2100, Place de Ville Ottawa 1, Ontario FOR RENT Biight, compact one ydoi Apartment; ail services. Electric heating and private parking in- cluded. Alter 6:00 p.m. 983-5511. t-f NOTICE Art lans for chikiren.' 6:30 Wednesday evening ut Amy Van Den Heuvels. Phone 983-5210. d-41-e OIRONO ART GROUP Classes xvi]. ommnce Wed- nesciay, October1th 7:00 p.mn. in the -Art Boom, Hydro Buildfing, O0rono. Inistructor, Mrs. iVaureen Remington. Brànsg sketchin', mat- erials and recent pfiece ofwrk Registration 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. For further informfainphione 983-5664 or 983-5642. a-c NOTICE Orono Landscaping for Garden Service, Planting, Sodding and Seedin$ Phone 983-5590, tif Cal] voîir Iicensed Piumblng & Mechanical Contractez who çells, Instali apd -- arantees ~lYý CARMN PLUMBING AND HEATING ORONO WANTED One Bnownie Outfit for a seven yeta'r oi girl., Phnen 983-5984. aý,c YIEE' 1VIJ KEY TO A BIG UJCOý0ME - MAIL TODAY THE IW. T. RAWLEIGH CO. Ltd. 44105 icelieu St., 1Moitreal 207, P.Q. Gentleen:Iarn interested in the ,vôrld-14-famous Rawliegh, Line () part time basis() full time basis ()Please send me Free your Catalogue and f ull details. N am e ---------------------- - - A ddress ----------------------- C ity --------------- Prov - ------ COMING EVENTS General Mèeeting, Orono U.C.W. will bc helld in Ma;n Hall of Or-. ono Undted Church on Thursday,' OCýétober'15 )at 8 p.m. Red Cross pr-oigiam with Mrs. Roy Spry as guest. Films and other items of 'interest. Carne and brnga frîiend. b-41-c NOTICE Duck ýShoct. At the Acres Rest- aurant on October 31d at 2 p.m. 12 guage shot gun only. Sheils supplied. EVroewelcomýe. b4le NO0TICE Dr. A. F. MeKenzie will not lie in hi s office until1 Tulesday, Oct- ober 13, 1970. b-4O-c COMING EVENT Red Cross Home Nursing Course commencing Wednesday, Oct. 7th 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Nre'Recidience, Memorial Register Now, - 983-5291. b-40-c COTGEVENT ')r. Hiiietta Banung,, aoted Gypaecoloýist, willspeak ini Trin- ity Uniite Churceh, Bowmanqille, Wednecd'ay, October l4th, 8 P.mf. lir. Ranting's topic will be "1You and Your Hormones" "The ,Womeu, ait ages urged to corne. b-40-c CQMING EVENT Hual'l1owe'eni Dance, Saturday, October 17, 1970 iat Royal Canadi- an Legion, Bowmranýville. Prizes for best Costumes. Adiion $3.00 per couplé. Bur pi-ivileýges. a-c COMING EVENT Youi are irwited to attend St. SauorsA,C.W. Afternoon Tea, Sale of Home Baking, PennySale abeetc-. in, the Piarîsh Halýl, Saur'a, cober 171,h from 2 p.m. o:b-41-c NOTICE Tite Octo)ber Meeting of the O)rono Home and Sc2hool Associa- ilton will be hleld Tue.sday, Octob- -2Oth at 8 p.m. at the O0rono P ,V1yiic Scliool. a-e DIED YEO-M SutnnvbraDoke TH-ospýital, T*on1n') on Fridliay, Octoher 2n(d, 1970 Ieorge A. Yeo, Hampton, aged 65 years. Beloveid husbend of Miay Baizt-ow;- dear fabher of Bessie (Mes. Paul iVaneyk), Mur- rav. Kathleýen (Mi13. Glenn Ssnith) Blillie aý;î Lynin, (Mes:. Stan Gýyl- ytiuk) and betloved -kniaýniaier. Service was hýelid in the Morris Funeral Ohupeil, Bowmanvilie on ,Monidiay lat 2:30 p..m. Intermeint Bet'helsdia Cernetery. P- WIEMORIAM Cj~JN~RiFýi i I lovirg memiory oîf a dLiar vfe, tend mother Cora JACK RICAIRDI REALTOR 99 King st,,lm. BOWMANVILLE When Buyving or Selling cail WILF HAWKE VOUR ORONO AREA REPRESENTATIVE 983-5274 Mo4mbe-r ef Oshawia and Dis- trict Real Estate Board