-~-~------~----,-- - -, -~ ~j--- ~ ~ - - ------- ORoNO WEPEKLY TlES, THUESDAY, NOVEMBER__l2th, 1970 Hew Te Get Aong With Peopîe Frem a seirnýon gîven by Bey.' lat:an*4lui)wth tihe generai pub- 13 Lang. lic. It has been pointed out ,that oune of the probleinsw aiting for us wibhen we corne into this venid, and that is neyer quite jb~Ived when we lea've it, is how to get along with other- people. »be mother reaUzes thds as she goes about untangling tdiren at play. 'Young people are involved in it wiiei they ýtry te managle ,Ibeir parents, pie t eir teach- ers and give thie i4it, mpremsi'n- ito mtends. Adutts are aware of t as they etruiggle to, be good jhugbandL% and wives, ktry to get along wth the inlaffl, keep work junning smoothly with their es- oociates and have a pieasaiit re- YEN EZIA R ESTAURANT Highway 115 and 35 Phone 983-5651 Open 6 Days a Wee1< Closed Tuesday Corne in and enjoy our Meols or Pizza UNITED CHUECH > charge Bey. 1. EIL ong SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1970 CHU1tCH SCHOOL - 10:00 MORNING SERVICE - 11:15 KIRBY SERVICE: 9:45 A.M. CHURCU SCHOOL 11:06 A.M. Tosoalve all this thousands of ,bookcs hiave been wxitten telling parents ho~w to manage ohildren, huDbands and wives hew to get glorkg and directing youth in the pathway ta popularity. The best way is te learn how Jesus denlit with people. When we take note of how Je- sus reacted te people certain lhings stand out quite cearly. Jesuts mas interegted in people for what IFZe couid do for bbc-m rather than for wliat they couid do for Hu1m,.lRe hetaied the sick, gave hope ta th6se who were a- fraid, uncertain and insecure. To sqhow that seTving is the kcy to t-he happy life Hec took a basin and towei and wasbed the dis- piples' feet. Wth ma-ny people hýt is quite the reverse. They are intcrestcd in those whho can do somctbdng for th-er. Polticians are intcrcstcd in -people in order to gtel ected. Manufac'turera cul- tîvate peopie in order to get con- *umers pnd ;kccp the profits flow- ing in. The socialite chooses friends according to the status they cat gîve. Gountries become intcrcsted in other uncormmitted coujtries in order to protcct their own Jorm of government. Oristians ought to get intercsted in people for wbat thcy can do for tbemn. 1Jesus deat with people on the bonis of what tbcy wcre onthe ànside rather thon aeeording to what thcy appearcd ta be on the outside. Hée went to be a gucat at the honse of Simon the Leper. When a young woman, a hariot of Makdala kncit before Him and broke int tears lic saw her as a good woman inside, a woman with a .greaitea-pacity t-o lave, and a great capacity to penitence. lie said, "11cr sm-sr whàch are many are forgiven, for she lovcd mc."Peter, thc disciple of Je- sus, gave, thei appearance of one Whbo was very impulsive and vieil- lathniig, but Jeans iobking deep lin- to hàs lufe saw those qualties whhch eýauscdim to oeil Peter the rock and to sa-y -that on. him hc 'woulid bul-ic bis churcb.- The scribes -anid phariseecs, on the olli- îer hiand, were' scrupulousily care- H . DeWITH, Beturning Officer Lui about religions ni, atters as Ît appeared on tihe otside and were hird and cold i ther attitude- toward utfbens. Rie ilkcned tlhemto dishes wliich had been washed cleî on the outtide oniy, but ,weze dirty inside. lt is terribiy important to be known by what you are on tihe inside. The reason some people neyer muke real îriends is because they neyer ex- pose anything but their outer shell, and you don't uke ftiends witb shels. Jesuis adjusted bis metikd to tihe necd. When deaiing wî*bh thc adtuIterous wonian Who *as gudlify remorseful, and' tetribiy ufraid, Rie spoke te her aceusers in such .la way that tbey became aware af ,their owni guiît. He assured the mra of forgiveness. When dealing with the scribes ,and phurisees he denounced thm ,peinting out that hey were hyp- écrites. Hesaw that children need- ed loving and was quick to say, ,,let the little children come to 1 - Residence of George Watkins in Lo t 3, Con. Il 2 - United Church Sunduy School Boom, Welcome 3 - Commumity Hall, Canton 4 - Besidence of Charles Meneilley in Lot 31, Con. 111 5 - lnstitute Hall, Lot 10, Con. VIII 6 - United Church Sunday Sehool Boom Garden Hil 7 - United Church Sunday School Boom, Elizabethvillie me, and forbid them not, for of- jsuch is the Kingdom of Heaven.- ýjie saw the- crowds as neeffing a- shepherd so 5he ,taught tbem pàt-- .icntly. We tend ýto be the opposite and use the saine approach tioward afi peoQple. We become fixiated. personeities whio know how te- react in just oAe way. We meet all kinde of persons. Some need to be rebuked, but al need love, whether these persons <COntinUed page-27) I. And at said Election E. J. Barrowclough, Clerk, shail bc Returning Officer. The Corporation of the Village of Newcastle>-Y Polling Subdivisions~ No. 1 - Community Hall, Newcastle No. 2 - Community Hall, Newcastle No. 3 -Community Hall, Newcastle And ut said Election Jean McCullough, Clerk, shah be Returning Officer. Also Take Notice tliat Nomination Meetings shail bc hcld on Monday, November 23, 1970 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for the, purpose of nominating candidates for the office of One Trustee by the separate school supporters of the Townships of Hope, Clarke, Darling- ton, Manvers, ýCaitwright, Cavan; the Villages of Newcastle and Milbrook; the Town of Bowmanvillc for the Peterborough - Victoria - Northumberland and Durham County Bom- an Catholic Separate School Board at the following places: Canton Hall, Canton - Returning, Officer -E. J. Barrowclough, Clerk, Township of Hope Also Take Notice that a Nomination Meeting shail be hcld November 23, 1970 from 7:30,p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for the purpose of Nominating candidates for- the office of One Trustee by the separate school supporters of ail municipalities in ýNorthumberlanid and Durham Counties to the Northumberland andt Durham County Board of Education in the Court Boom, Town Hall, -Cobourg. Returning Officer- B.,W. Baxter, Clerk NOTICE Nomiînation and Election In The Municipalities 0f Township of Clarke, Township of Hope -end Village of Newcastle Pursuant to the provisions of The Secondary Schools and Boards of Education Act RS.O- 1960 and amendments thereto public notice is hereby -given that a meeting of the Publire School Electors of the Municipalities of Clarke, Hope and Newcastle wM itle place ini TOWNSHIP HALL, ORONO, on Mondayr, NoIvenber 23r4 1970, censmnencinga h hur of ene o'cîock in thc afternoon and continuing untl t»o o'clock i the aftenoon of that day, for,;tlse purpose of nominating candidates for the office of TWO TRUSTEES fer the Northumberland and Durham CouII±y Board of Education for the years 1971 ani 1972 - If more than twe Candidates are nominated, and a poil is required, the preeeedings *111 be adjourned until MONAYDECEMBER 7th 1970, when a poli shaU be open ut ten o'clock in the, morning and continue until eight 'clock in the afternoon of the saine day and ne longer lu each Plfing Subdivision of the sid municipalities hereinnamed: The Corporation of the Township of Clarke: Pelling Subdivisions- No. 1 - Community Hal, Newtonville No. 2 - Besidence of Olga Kozub, Lot 18, Con. 2 No. 3 - Lockhart's Sehool House i Lot 30, Cou. III No. 4 - Orange Hall, Keudal No. 5 _- Township Hall, Orono No. -6 - Leskard United'Church Hall No. 7- Residence of Kenneth Henderseni Lot 23, Con. 7 No. 8- Residence of James Stark in Lot 8, Cou. V No. 9 - Towuship Hall, Orono No. 10 - Towuship Hall,, Orono, And ut said Election H., DeWith, Cîerk, shail be Beturning Officer. The Corporation of the Township of Hope:- Polling Subdivisions- NOTICE NOMINATION AND ELECTION Police Village et Oromo Pursuant to the provisions of the Muiipal Act public notice is hereby given, that a meeting of the Municipal Electors of the Police Village of Orono in the Township of, Clarke wrnl take place in the ORONO HYDRO OFFICE in the said Police Village of Orono on THMURSDAY, rNOV»kEMBER %26 Commencing at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon and con- tinulng until three o'clock in the afternoon of thiat day for the purpose of nominating fit and proper persons for the office of THREE POLICE TRUSTEES for the Police Village of Orono; of which ail Electors are hereby required to take notice and govern themselves accordingly, and if a .greater nuniber of candidates than requfred te fil the said offices are norinated and make the required declarations poils wili bc open in the following places ORONO RYDRO OFFICE in the said Police Village of Orono on Monday, December 7, 1970 and wili be open from 10 o'clock in the forenoon until 8 o'clock in the afternoon of that day and no longer. Dcp ..y Returning Officer - Mrs. Joyce Simpson Poli Clerk - Mrs.,Margaret Mercer