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Orono Weekly Times, 19 Nov 1970, p. 2

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, TOURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19th, 1970 ORONO WEEKLY TIME Second Class Mail Registiratiauî Number 0368 every Thiursday at the office of publicatio Main Street, Orona, Otio. Phone 98-530] The Wilmot Creek, lt's Future Too «Otfen pbliutjon has meant very littie until we Mind ous<meteb-knee<k&ep in mnurk and mnxae or couglhing, due to eontasnùna)ed air. It is quite evffdent man bas been obl&iiv4as o biss undioiig and as long as he was not directly atffecjted be ca1red littîe wbat "as happenIng to bis environ- For Years we have beeei pouhing imiTons of galons of Pbospbaite seedie-d seasage into our wateruys undIisturb- etI bY Wat thée outcoýme nffay be. Further, one niay point to rofeloury polutÂon endI possiibly thjers we have yet Vofu[hIy Ïve.1tà9ate. We have oedeveoped our inland kakes and in na'ny cases u Wed the(se waterwaya for refus!e ddisposal Vo Our Yown dctreimnent. As long as 4Vidid not affect us et tihe tinre we were not doncerned. The future -mas noV considiered even tlhougfh we 'were clstreying Vthe great lakes or Wruning ca-r v-,iCaion iakesino oroamiy waterwniys. In Clake TownsUhp we are prügently reuoved to a great cie gree, from thoie m ares of pollution and as a result we are noV toc <donsoius of the problim. We must, however, Txe alert Vo items of pas' lubi1e pollution and acIts wl el ould tipset lie envirlonent andI eue'ology cf1the 1asrd within our boïunlarýies. We muetV noV foilow 411 the foütst1'epý of etther-s liaving no regard for Vthe Gocdigiven resouürces we niow pos- sess 'antI enjboy. 1l'ht WàlImot reek wth its source norttl of Lesikard and Uis nrouth et Lake Ontario tVavels a direct distance of smsne twelve miles ithrough Oiarke Township. This is 'a relatlively shoi4t distance for tire btàininng andtIthe end of 2 creek of flhis size antIchange alongi its bank andI especbay ne*r iks source could have devastatin~g resuits in the dura- aCter of tire Wilmot. The sfream is recognized as one of ýUie be6t trout spawning streamr off Lalm Onitxino. Funtbher, thie oreelc gows oeYstal de!ar its fuI! disance andI aý pet hm bcee,n able o wtistand tte. limited rmdinltiaidevélopmnrt ~along its banks and otaier changesbM'ug'bt about by mmra. , . CarkIe Tow'iÉh>p OocjniR bas reently guven Vonltiive 'içmêvi .to a private fihi'ng and d<onservation tilub to es- tatldih a developnient of pcrnis andI twelve "A" frmame zhaletts talong the courme of the Whuot nËar its upperreacb- Ps. Cou'nnl is now 'it a point to sgn an ýagreeqient wtVh the club ptrbaiiin«g Vo thie devplniexbt. This could bie the heglinning of a trendI of such clubs and commercial diveieopments along taie Wdbnot wh!Ic$h eoild very wA-,Ma spell thie end of this creek as ;a habitait for trc.ut andI culd weil revienne its cihavaeter to just taniother tirde reamiY, PI!uted water-way. 'The ,Department cf Lands andI Forests 'in a repor tot taie Glaa'ke Counicil state tbat a proper istudy of The effect tfittis project wcvultd take a nunibor of yeuars as ,ell as re- quirnng a lairgecaia outlTay. "No onie feels oMligated Vo Undertlake it," stated tie re-for1t. The Greport did note that strcamn flow cotld be affected, t1hat variations 4n water leveis coulci res;u1t and ,sp,,wninc grounds for trout couitI Iredestroyed thrnugh ilting. 1also stated thal ooag f vwaer in ponds resuits in tie wirming of vOater in both 'the pond andI streamn. Cloarance off &wer whàich Wiouid be ne- quired coulcd atso mecan a loss cf water by evaporaien andI a lowering cf thre .ater table. ThieIl'ow%ýering c of tIhe výater týable coultIj affect ecologeiii 11changes affectin1g noV only ta'ouit but wtldiand bircis. The n, eport alse notes that vtbens tHi desre Vto follow this plan or project if it proves 'lie, Department bas no juiiiisdiction oer, what is te bedouffe buit it M proývàde some frecommen4aVîeis if the pro-jecýt was cariecd eut rvffiioh could help to coitrol Vo a f3cereýe anyv change in thée character cf thie streahm. 'There îw.as tne asu!1arce in thie repjort that such a' venture andI ethers, wIrcLh ne douait weuld follew, would net Ire deVin- mential te thie ihnot. The proositncessitatýes an amendment te thre zonl- ig -law t open Is land for such develepment. ItVwil aise rieq,,uie councâil app!r)ooal te construct "A" farne chalets wlhch al titis time are not permtted -in the Townsliip. tV 45 cnly w thtae appre;val cf tae Townslhip tirat tits proposai We feel VIrat appýrOva(licf sudch projects ialeng tIre WU- mot sbould Ire discouraged and, taie present cenditienis of thre zoin-g bylaw Ire upheld by counel. Everyîene wâll de- sire to maintain the Wil-not lin, its present ciraracter andI thiis will lye difficuilt enieuglh as irne pa§§es without lamge scal~ e efopments along its Iranks. Nnimbers wlm1 ieii raànlly adci Ite polution ne mnatter wlhat contrais are in force. The approvial of this pnoject opens tihe door for fur- tbrer projecits. Councdl couldI rhardfIy say "1yes" Vto one group antI "neo" taoanotiier. We nray also Point out tirat Fspot rezonIng cf thie pues- ent TwslipZondng Byiaw is noVt inthie ast interest cf preper planningmIrle existang -by4law mas broughtit t c-ffect te. feeze landI as ftiV ncw exist's until sncb tkny' as an offi eial pla n Vas devilsed. If ,larnke Townshlip conîslders recreatýional developm[ent desirable jalongi Vie Wi1nrt they shofuld -make a study of tire entire cneek te sec where sucai iould e developed wEtthe VIrelast effect 'on its dhrsacter. This shoidcorne in an officiai plan which thre Townslhip iras 3yet Vo obtain. Anotirer Point lat beans cansidera tien Is that thre »Department cf Lands and, Farests hbave, mier Vthe past years, Ireen secuiling propîerty along tIhe Wlmot te proteet its en- Good News FOIt ,Pipe Smskers, h Orono We are Authorimed TO Sel! Brigham Pipes Filters and Smokers Accessories MWATTS BILLIARDS and Brbrshop orono, Ont.]Rhuoe 283-5310 D. ROGERSON O-RONO, ONTAIIO ANTIQUES WB BUT A» BELL 014 Glast, China, Pin. Articles Teyua ad Oldties IF IT'S OL» ... CALL UD WB PAT CASE Phon 83-532 mter P.m. Continental Sauna),! and STEAMBATHI GENTLEMEN ... W. have a Sauna and Whwal pool ready* for your use,. Drop ini and give them a try Group Rates Aveu"bl mes. te Sat. 1 Pm..- 1 &Mu SUR. S8am. - i P.m. lIA 0NTAgIO STREET 12U.SUS OBHWA I 'Tkank You" Frid«y, Noveme2h OIIT'S GOO William C. Hall, B.' Comm Charterd Accountant Phone Newcastle 987-4240 Al ,day Wednesday and Saturday To Parents and, Citizens The Nsrthumb.rland and Durham' County Board of Edocatien cordially invite you to attend the Sod-Turuing Cereuaonls Bowmanville Secondary School 49 - 69 LIBERTY STREET NORTH BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Friday,; November 20th, 1970 AT 1:30 P.M. J. M. WOLPH W. F. THIOM, Chairman cf taie Board Director of Edueatien Our Way 0f Saying On out s8 Years of SAFE MiIki Produotsi i ONE QUART 0F At Your or r "AYurStore eràSaturday, ;No"vember 21si

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