Ni ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURSDAY, ýNOVEMBER 19th, 1970 Kendal 'News Seve ra rm Vls area attended the f unerai of Mrs. Jame3ý Wan- iian on Saturdiay, NZovembCr 14. W.goFRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED Realtor 21 King St. W. Bowmanvilie 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 port Hope Office 885-4543 For prompt, cou rteous, cf fici-, eut service when buying or ueuing and for the largest sel- "ton of preperties ini the are& Contact Oiono Area -Representatives Boy Poster 983-5801 William Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Ray Finntie 277-2280 (BethanY) Dane Pound 623-3965 Andy Sutch 983-9119 Rôy Stronz 52 r il Bethaniv Tiley liaraned in the Kirby area ce- PIi,:i, rî uin .by. Tilie la&t few years she has -made her home wi1!h fier son Bllin Oronto and :,ieAQ, a lot of 'her lino wiilticth 0, he ,,,bers of lier lamily. We extcnd l ouisympathy tu iler bro4ther MVr. Chas Ruthierford and ta her uowaa family. Ont qunday, November l5Vb Rev. T. Sn2lgrove fspoke on the Impor1ance of making good decis- io-,,, "Ohase ye iths daty whom ie w-ill serve." Joshua 24, verse 15. Tbîose who decde 'to serve 'i-l,4 in uit d'iiy tilemacîlves. Je- sýuis said, "If ïa'Ty ne woulid corne afttr me let him ,deny 1 nîcif." '~~r1i decision~s eventually d~o flot wbrk out weIl. Lot inaie a setfishlieton gradually moving h&3 tent nearer to thi Wicked city ot Sodcsm froi witicbh he was car- tied ýaway captive. ivr. an:d Mris. T. Stevens enter- tained Rev. T. Snffelgrove, Mr. A. 'ihimpson andtIVMr. anti Mrs. G. Cathearf on Sunday. The Unîiteti Ghurch Women met at the home '0f Mrs. Keitil Wood on 'luesday eveni-'ng, November l'he meetng was openeti with prayer by Rev. T. Snelgrove. Rymo 578 iras sung, taccompanied at thie piano ýby Mes. Wood. ",Cb'I-'chUtion" aas -he topie of tis rïieeting. Mrs. Stevens read a poem "Dare to Reconcile." Mrs. W. ivercer, read seripture referuinug to,. "One Lord, mae faith, one baptism." Exampies sucli as: "Mtiey were ia,1togetiher in one place with one spirit?" Ecumenical aneans one houseb'old. 1Miss C. Stewart reatifrom thie Messenger an article by Erie Long of Crompton, B.C. stating that .beautiftiî robes and fine cathed- rAl.s ai-e not necesstaily essenial to true Chïstan life. 1 'the rol cmali. waas '"Tel sonae- tilitn:t about the church you at- tecnded las'a ehilti." Thtis brouguht an interesting iresponse.,Mes. Ste'vens told tof attending tile An- -gl Churcb iat La Pasis, Moni- toba. In very early humes Sir John Faianglin and ti bs men wintered hreon tireïr ll ated expedition into the fotU. Ilis men, built tlite original hurcb anti madtecf ur- Orono Public Sckool News Saxophone, drum, alto ha'n, êlaninet, tromblone and trumpet, are fsonme 0fthe instruments play- ed by students in the Orono Sdfhýol Band. Every mornin;g ths group praetiies for almost hall an houtr in the gym. The life of aý volley ball at or- aynb Public is. far, from dulil. It's dtitîis 1ibUideià gctting kit, pun- dhed and sp>ked. And more than ever, niow that thie bouse league tesamî are practiding for the vol- ley bail season comin!lg Up. riture b5 b and. The oiia cbuitrch i wat;biriid but the furn- iftw i "'.c and is still u,,ed j'l the ~ h~ec During tie businesis period it xi as decidcd lu gîve $500 toward's ,ile coc ofe r piga bale loto the far north. Orono iss lîipp)ing .tke bale in îvluic'h some Kendlal clo'biugwas dded. If, ivos decided that we donate $25.00 Vo -the Dr. McClure fund of ,a day'a pay. Tlh4s is to bý, sent to tihe Osh'ýaa Pre.sby'terial. *A pot luck supper lis to be held in the Kendall Sunday Sclioo'i voom Decemnber 411. Friday, at 6 ýp.. Ail the familles of Vihe area are invited. A charge iof 50e maéh xil] bc made. This is la social ev- ent instetad of theiltsual fowl sup- per. A r'ograru of gaines tand musical nutmub'rs wilI be, providled A nominating commitîe of ,Mrs. A. Down and Mrs. W. Hoy ýarèe to heing in a siate of officers for te Deceniber nmeeting.,ý A vote of tilanks wasextendred to our ilostesses Mrs. T. Stevenis and Mrs. K. Wood,. Te uile ext met- iÎng is tO -be at Mrs. R. EIliott's houme. Bingi, a gift for tlie people in the Golden PJînugh.I]l Sympatîhy is extenll'C to -Mes. lfaïtin Manders on tile, sin of her uncie in the north. Frid'ay tile tiiirteenth of Nov- ember aas an unlueky day for tie Andy Such Jr. family of Pointypoiol. They lost their house ani everytUli',ng in ýit by lire. Tbey were workig in Lhe'bobacco barn t(I tî'me. The children are a girl of .ecgbt, ai girl of four âqnd- a boy 0ftwo, iin case you oan help) tilem out durting titis Qilistmlais seasaon. TheIr home had just been newly renoraf ed. No matterhow you slice it! The new Pioneer 2071 gives you more great features'than any other Iightweg"it chain saw ever buit -~ Yeit'srty$17 9,9 The new Paýeer 2071 has an exclusive, now "'Easy-Arc" starting mechariism. A gentie pull is ail it takes to get it going Iýt also has a semi-automatic chain tensioner to help you keep the chain snug. And aute- matîc oîling fo6r'tonger bar and chain life. Cut lose with a new 2071! CHAIN SAWS Phone 9834207 ROLPH HARDWAREý Christnîas Gift Suggestions -EMBRODERED PILLOW CASES of fine quality cotton. Priced from $9.25 to $4.25 a pair COTTON PILLOW CASES by Wabasso and Tex-made la white only $2.00 pair TEXMADE TRUPREST no iron piilow cases at $3.00 a pair. PLACE MATS - heavy qualit y foam back, 4 to a package, size'12 x 18 ins. P'r.¶ece $1.59 and $1.98 8 PIECE PLACE MAT, SETS - 4 plastic mats and matching napkins in green, tangerine,, gold and brown. Price $3.59 to $3.75. BOXED LINEN' TABLECLOTHS in assortcd colours. Size 50 x 70, $5.50; 50 x 50 at $3.95 LINEN TABtECLOTHS - fast colours, fruit design in green, gold. brown and- blue. Size 52 x 70 - $5.95; 52 x 52, $2.50 STE POLYESTER and NYLON BATH SETS 21 x 34 ins. in green, pink and mauve Priced at $7.50 a set. 2 PIECE ALL COTTON BATH SETS- with non-skd latex rubber back. Size 24 x 36 las. Price - $5.50 100% -COTTON FIGURED BATH TOW- ELS in assorted colours. Price $2.25 each FACE CLOTHS to match - 59c each FLOWERED BATH TOWELS by Cam- tex at $2.75 and $2.95 each FACE CLOTHS to mat 1h at 69c each. PLAIN COLOUR BATH TOWELS la piak and yellow only $2.75 cach BO~YEOMANS PLUMBING AND HEATING 24 Hour Service New installations -Aiterations Repairs Specializing in Hot Water Heating Forced Air Heating Septie Tank Work RR Il Orono 983-5624 Dr. W. R. Kent Dr Bowmanville frofessional Bld8 222 King St. E. - Suite 10f Office Hus 9, a.m. to 6 p.ui~ daily Closed Wednesday and Sunda'% Telephoiie 623-134P Orono, Ontario ADULT COUNSELLING SERVICE If you want to do something about your education ... you probably can. Sec Vour AduitCounsellor EVERY, WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to 9 p.m. at 'the Bowmanville High Schéol Guidance Office The service is free - confidential - and no appointment is necessary. Flowerls by Van 1Belle PitOn. 623-5757 Highway No. 2, West of Bewmanville Township 0f Clarke FINAL INSTALMENT 0F TAXES Due November 30, 1970 Payable at the Branch Offices of the Canadian imperial Bank of' Commerce at Orono and Newcastle H. DeWITH, Ccrk