. y p f ~ MADE IN'ENGLAND 4-PIECE GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY PLACE SETTING Stock up rIow on this special set of English Dnnerware. 22 k. gold trim.' Includes 1, 10" dinner plate, 1 cup and saucer, 1, 7" bread and butter plate. w' FLOODLIGHT KITS Perfect for ail decorative lightir ta get that Special Holiday effer- Choose from blue, yellow, gree and red at a price ta lighten yo' spirits. 1'omplet G.E. CANADIAN MADE 15 LIGHT SET Adds holiday decoration ta your home. 1 ndoor ............ SPECIAL 4.88 Outdoor........... SPECIAL 5.99 G.E. MINI LIGHT SETS CHRISTMAS LIGHT Each set consists of 20 colourfuliVOUNTING CLIPS mini bulbs in easy to repiace Non-slip clips snap ta eaves- '1push in' sockets, trough easily ta hold light set. 15 1. 99 per package. 1.29 vu'. 1 uvJti I.I LA 1-14,Jfl./LI CORDS Available ni 2 cord lMts 25,.'*.......... -SPECIAL 2,19 15'.......... ... SPECIAL 1.49 G.E. FLOODLIGHT BULBS, These Holiday bulbs are com- p[etely weatherpropf. Avaîlable in red, biue, yellow or green. 2.9 9 *BERNZRITE TORCH A iow priced torch for the homne. Burns in any position. Features j platedsteel burner, easy regulat- inè knob. * SPECIAL 4.98 BLACK 8'DEKER * %"8' DRILL KIT Kit includes, %" drill, wire wheel brush,' cotton buff, 6 sandpaper discs, wheel arbor, backing pad, 3 drill bits and custom moded carrying case. 24.95 BCK& DECKIER 1/4" DRILL Let the man-of-th e-house do his drilling easily and efficiently with this unit. Drills ¼" in steel, Va" 'in hardwood. 12.95 HOCKEY STICKS Curved blade for more power a nd control. Avalable in right or left hand.j RUBBERMAID TOOL* CADDY Strong plastic construction. Keep ail your tools in one handy place. Tools flotincluded 3.98 WESTCLOX "NILE"9 Kitchen electric cdock wîll stand or hang. Features: front hand set, and cord storage. White wth woodtone trim. aPECLA 5.9 9 SPEZCIAL~ 1.29 EA. FULLER SCREWDRI VERS Unconditionally guaranteed. High torque shock proof handles. Set includesf 5 types of slotted screwdrivers, scratch awt.and a *2 Phillips screwdriver 4.98 IONA HAND MI1X ER Features: 3-sp'eds thumb beat- er ejector, detachable cord, heel rest, 4 year guarantee. Available in white or avocado. 19 PC-.'1411AND, Contains most popular socke extension, 3/" ta 1/4" adaptef' fitting case. Made in Canad- WEST BEND PARTi PERCOLATOR Fully automnatic - 12 to 30.ý Attractive d 'esîgn fts any I. settîng. Serve signal light sly wh&coffe e s ready.' iln Phone 985-5207 Orono, Ontarjo SET' SPECIAL, E jýnD -& ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, THURtSDAY, NOVEMBER Z6th, 1970 ,>N - Phone 983-5207 Oronoi Ontario