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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Dec 1970, p. 1

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9?MV~ .7. ~~Vx*§~ /) Snownobile Bon ~Supported In Ipate snowuyoibilers were phon- te~~~ prttth r ylaw wirh'ý prob),ibits ti)use uof ssownobiîrýs ii tihe town. 1However, there wfcr'e te Say they liev'ed, that this action. weegbad, Panci ni- Askrl cd lefr2tit abut the reaction tho inmayor sd,"I ceaui arideistiamd thl nce of th) Comoiics but wlba we adj te conýwidcr withe mýjo'rity of the lpupleinothe town." C(PR Told To Up Service Thse Railway Trinsport Ceai- ittee, on Decemiber 22nt, telex- ed the febeowiing message te thse Canadian Poc Ralwey Cein- pany: Mhe flilway Transport CoDin- mhIttee causeti an hivestigatio)n te be mateie lto tise nuimber of pas- semgers, using Canatian Pacàffic Railway, Compan'y's Trains NS. 380 anti 381 oerating * between Uthermialpints of Hiveloük ,anti Teronte. The Comnitee's inspiecter feuind that dus-mg tise weekDoceber7 - '11, 1970 0v- ercowdng îs videnqt on these tan.On MniyDcecenubr 7 getohat estfound trai 381 wa 181. TItis train ceinsistet 0f .twe BDC cars wîtis seiating cap- arnity of 90 oach. On Frliday Dec- ember 1il theise axýiinum isumber oif paseengers on board train 380 ûastbo-unîi was 196. Train 380 e,,onsifsted of two ROC cars witis sangcaparity cf 90 ecri. At ail otbcr tiaes betwecn Decemb- e 7 ant 11, 1970, a single RI)C car wth a seatirig caparity cf 90 was prqideti for tise followlng miaxirusuinm number of paýssengers Onirrd DEC. Trp,n No. '380 Rist 13 Train i.No. 381 West best wishes for a happy and prosperous year.r Orno VOLUME 35, NUMBER 1 Weekly Times OROIO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY,,DECEMBiEn 3oth, 1970 D .C.W. Holds December Meeting The Decemhber General Meeting of Orono U.C.'W. was preceded liv a pot-luck luncheon held iii the Main Hall on December 10. About 30 xv ere in attendance t» esîijoy a delPlous n-ical of vaipious wl~CIOlS, nxsa, sialades and des- The 'meeting op ced with Mrs, G. arroon ']~igChristmas mu- iucch ,e piano. Mrs. J. Cooik, Presildent, extended, Seiason's Grc .,!r(gs to everyone. Devoions wvere given by Unit 6, ~h took us on a pilgeimage to Bethlebem's manger. Parts of the mciain wene, ,alteainted mith OCarol ?siging by ever-yonje. Lova came down nt Ghriistnls crio 3,.l a Song and un a star love camne(as a Babe. -A Ohffl cnne thlat we mÉght have more abunclant Eife. Ilhe world's greut- est need lis for a Slavklur. Thýe offerdng -was receilved aUnd îled$ioated, and the Defvotions closed wiith pralye,'r. - Mrs. Cook thainked the ladies c>f.,Unit 6 for the 'Devotions. Business was'e. d&icted, and the Treasure'r, Mrs, C. Gtinter, gave her report for 19XO Bey. LOig, wais 'presmnt te q &bial the officerts. A im "OaroM Sd'nging" by the Leslie Bell ýag- ers was enjfoyed hy all. 1%,e meeît- fpig closed wfth the'Miupah Ben- - h.rsmas unce At "6Poor Location" Charge Refuted Royal Canadian The aa-d'n of WarkwDrth lie' rfutcd 1tatemnts made by a spoieiamarifer the fde al olic- rurl oeactn f WrwrhPeni- aieirRypses probleira regard- i ng parol e and ternipoTray ab- sece pre-gramis. "Tli ece hypotliefical problenis ni'2oe inewý,3papers do fot relate closely to the farts of the istitutiien," he salid. "Wr are ineonveniîenced by by the rural setitl'ig of the instd- julioen but ilt is more an adniini- Si va ti 7eole m Ihan an actual probilu". Mr. Westlake mras cosnmenting on s1terrients mnade by Normoan 7 8 9 10 il Rd diC!ougt1 of tie qoliiitýor grine- ~I~department, who said theicnd- stdtaution usas having difrlt 2 115 111 107 getting prafesmboni staff te wiork lucere aid fuether probiems 0rf henusinmg Iliose who did corne. 147 136 135 170 Forerli protection and i afety -of thse public usîý4ng ithese tiauirn, you are hereby direeted to cor- rect tbis situation and te -report 'te Flie commisgnon mot later thoan December 29, 1970 thre steps tken toelikminate repetlion of overorowdlng. The conumittion is peaeito receie fiartiher sub- mWlsons on this maatter at sit- tkg> in Toronito on Jenuasrv5, 1971" SpeakingCc It's that FUme of -whcQn ye-ung Publie s'rng lonto action -in ,and Ratepayers con tesi One su"h competitd. hed at Kendma Pubi Tuesday, Januiary 1»1 testanLs from Kenda vRi nti oekbarts. T" contestants fLx anditw from Kiiîhacholds -w41 h xo cho3en ontest and W'111 romp dEarke finals, with thé take part in the wegtei .ais a a 1atefr date. Thie 200member staff, Mr. Wetlk eÈd, are mofly al housed iu the vIlge of Wark- worth, liss miles away. But some commnute from a3fac as Belle- vFl,35 mies away. Uc pointeti out tirait commuting Iisi far is becoming necessary fer workers ia large cIties, who in mairevcasel, travel muc~h farth- or tlian 35 miles te get to work. 'Political Situation' Mr. Ei'ddrioulglth cailrnrd that Warkworth Penitentiary was3 coni- structed ini Northumruborand County- becarue of a "political O ntest he$8.8-"iiliiEn mfedeiai prison usas epened in 1965 andi according yeragite Mr. BdîogPauine Jewel t, c ea kegas (Liberal) wia3 the cMP fer North- th Tspees umierland at the time. the Tuste l iid the Canadfian Peiteni àan wll be tiary SiîrgLee epposedth ~le Work- k-Sceu o mll b soirit bcause of ils rural al, wllt on- Day pairle and t ernpora ry- il, ewtn- aW«'ne progs'ams, wlilob permit pnisoiers lu medîum anti miesi- mum sectiritv instittions to work rem Orme, i otrej obyswere bampererI Centeiinnial hi the location. * a a elîelFew To College petehi licMr. Westlalie saiti the majoriiy pe winerte of tise 6 00 ùo 700 ?iomutes h a a ira. waoiera fterlow Starmuaid of cdue nua d en aea fn, iherefore eau ho put tlirougli thc -&Stseman within the itngtsiutiun. Only a Trai!er Park Under Shpdy Three aPpkeationhi for mobile home parks ia Hamifton town tewnisidp éave been reeeived by tie Haliburton, KaWartha Plie Ridge, Diitict Heall Unit. Dr. h nete orner, meddcal officer of heiailtlh, in tihe unit's mionithly report, sald the propos- ais for parks are recedivng an in- depth stud(y, pairtdcularly ln view of tIhe faot that there are very few guidelines dmi the fiield. TralSler andtii ob,!Ile home parks are co ntroled hy a bylaw in Ham- ilùontovuh. The unit, she saiîd, bas conui-t- cd thie Ontaro Wator BResources Oosrni~ainPubic Henlith Eng- ineering ani the Departrnent of Iluviàip'îl Affairs andi to date there eippclars to be nie, proviinceial lrgai(atron coverinig snob, parkçs. Pion Ski]cn, cleirk. of Himilton l'Willii)Cnnci1 aaid that ip- provial i.s being withheld until a survey is completed on thbe need very fclw are involvet inl the tem- porary absence pee-gram by goi-ng out to ujnîversdilies. Severai innuates were .taking courses at Queen's University li ltiingston, butl special facillities lfflifies woi'e availa(ble for them at Colis Bay Peniteitiary. Offhers taking nliglit'sdhool cour- sesý in Beloviille were, taken there 1wv the in.tjtitben's own transpor- tin mates on day parle use t ths transpoMatiun te take thiem as far as Bright.on te publie Meet of thei lmates, about 75 por cent oc'f them, were ooly lI thre insti;tutuein'for eight te 12 montihs ho said and .in regard to wodrking o4tsside, the unemnploy- mocnt sta in jouot contres w¶as seo bwd therc would ho difficulty even fer Élie prisoners iu city in- stitutions getting placoti in jfobs. "Se theovie problemns Mr. Rid- dâloegl refers ýto are net quille probloms when the sltuatiibn fis ýanaiysd anti the faets compàled," lie snîiti. 1-Evening Guide for thïis tyipe 0f dweilling i thie townýsmip Townsbhip councdl hîad referredi the mnatter ýback to thre Planning Board, 'andi a needo-study was re- quested. Mr. Skililen sait the townsihip byiiaw lias laiid down nigiti con- trols for tradler anti mobile home parks. It regulates the sàze of lots; costrois the type of lfightîng amnd roadways and, requires a quanTtIty of lant for a chuldrexi's play arca. Approval front the Health Unit andi tie OWRC hias to ho re- ceiveod before septic tanks, stw- age systemis and, water supplies cao be laid. What oouncil lbas te decide, Mr. Sicilien saàd, is if the loction is sultabe, if At complies with zen- ing andt how nany of tlilse parks bel hopermitteti.1 -Evening Guide Mailmen hegin décivery cf $2G nÉMIuion of theques to Ontanlo rlaa'm ors thîs week. The cheques eesult filem the Qtober 6th 1970, ianaoumrement, by the Ont- ance gover-mient of a Faîrm Tex Reduieion Program, desigenedti t reiuce the burtien of mnicipal andi ecucattien taxes en farm preperty. Eacth former wifil e- couve a cheque equai te 25 pei cent cd bis net property taxes. The governasent announcement ef tise rebate came atter a sain- mer long campaigo by the Ontair- l'o Fledéraieýn cf Agriculture for tire remeavai 0f educatiton taxes from prvopety. Thse rebate is op- proxim«tely eqxal teo 50 percent cf the edutoation taxes paiti by farmers., Hlundrecls of farmers acros OntarTo wthheld thse education Legion order f Use tisay at tis e Noei" Dance ila Use Leon on Sw-aurdey Eveninîig. An atmusoÂiere c0£silver, godd anti green tln§el >greeted.thi, V large, crewd for tise las mntlily dàtnce Of thse year. Thse gala col- eùnrs of tise seasen were evitient net joly lanVise deeiatons but 8150 in tise beautdful gowns worn bY tise ladies. Mlany pnizes were offereti wtth theire fners as foi- Iows: ist doler prize, $25.00 - Mrs. 2n ôeprze, Ice Buoket- Mr.JafBurtoni. 3rti der prize, Ice Bucket Mrs. IconeRicisie. 4th dloor plrize,* Coffée Carafe Mes. Nancy Claus. Spot danrces' were wefon by Mrs. Jean Mof fat, andi OrvdIlle Chatter- ton; Mrs. WaMler ani Lue Wiuite; Greta anti Alfonis De Smedt. Next dince, SalturTiay, Januîary 16, 1971. portion ef their propeety taxes mihat tbcy calledth ie unjust ami during ,tue canmpadgn,, te preteet invequtlable taxation cf farni preperty. Said iOn tarie Feterartion ofAg- ri culture Preiient aet thse tâne cf the geverament amoucemeqn, "TIhis is a trluanph, for formers anti tIher rgarnizatlom. There ks we &tuW thtbat Vtse ovrmueM wourld net have ignasteti fatmers thirs rebat e if tisey htadn't proti- dedth Ue government ito actisen_ Fo.llmewing the rebate bMfer, OFA 6allcd o1ff its Fax-'wiitbbýold- migartvte for a wita4e" perioti.Thre faiers' organiza- tien prom-ises te resutine Vax wMii- bolIddui-ldu 1971 if tise govennment fails te amnnSc a plan te se- move aIl eduSatum taxes f rm al propeft-y. Tax Relief Payments On Way To Farmers

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