ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEJ)NESDAY, JANUARY 13thi, 1971 Septic Tank service GENERAL PUIMPING 24 HOUR SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard, Ontario Telephone 983-5728 or 983-5266 BOB YEOMANUS I>LUMBING AND REATING 24 Hour Service New Installations- Alterations Repairs Specializing in Hot Water Heating Foreed Air Hleating Septic Tank Work S.TL1. 1orono 983-562.41 UNITED CRURCI-! ReB ELong SUINDAY, IAU Yl" Ji, 1971 CII7JTRCH SCHlOOL -10:00 MORNING SERICE -11:15 KIRBIY SERVICE: 9A45 A'. CHURCU SCHIOOL 11:00 A.M. ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Establlshed 1860 Regular Sunday Wor-isip Service - 9:30) am. Holy communion- First and ThirdSudy Morning Prayer- Second and Fourth Sundays HoIY Baptism by appo)3iinent with Rector 987-414.) The Rey. H. Robert Hlayne, B.A., L.Th. W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 Kingý, St. Wi. 623-3393 Toroustoý 923-9174 Port Hope Offie 885-454 For prompt, cutos fii ent service whe-an ýbyn'g or selling andi for the lirgest sel- ection of properties ins the area Contact Orono Area Represe-ntives4 983-5801 Roy Foster Wiliam Turansky (Kendal) t983ý-5ý42 q,0 Ray Fini,,ie 2177,-2280 (B3ethany) Dane Found 62.35 983-9119 52 r il Rethawv Andy Sutch [RAIy Stroilz Loaul News M5s. Alex Oa'n jiof Sce2rbuougis vi ui;ted her sdsterMrs Liatre Mar- tînan Mr. M 1(âiniat week. P'.i ut HaWncoDCk reiturnied 'home.( from Bowsmanvilc Memor- da HoeSpftIaiIl lit wee'k., Oonna'ula.dons o ,Mr. land M 513. Iùick Neat w$ho wvere ma'rried ins KendaÇl Unîted 0hurcis on Fri- dîay eve:ndfg. Riek s ihe son aof Mr. omd M'rs. Kenieff Neail, Or- ono 0 anpd Mrs. Neal Mi the iformer lXtain>a iti le, deaugft-ter of Mr. Mnd Mrs. Ro.y Liile, Keindal. Mrs. CornýeTis,,Moaitenise and two ouden of Germi, a.-ýý pent a lime of Change, (Coeatdnued from page 1) temponar'y mialaure, and t- the Provdeewas î%1,n 1 ai suni paluteJes ta estbulsisanm ffd plan. Thee Bee've wlais Well siais- Pied ýyihth' ie make up of thse n pv %-, Rard anld -wias loî'gto a goix1 . ' rinuplain- II~-~1o d F v ui be a TPeRS :'wanI'a 1'e i thie field of W Ilar ,-'lhc row hŽ,ing taicu ýnovra- hy ise Counties and tPeio, ý"evi-,whio ih a meauber of cora g eonitite-e secs thie cos rung att "omcwher maunid 2 5 rmiri1. 'nhc presenAt cost in Cbarke Towvuî bnp i aiout oU e,4hol f ,)ViM i i! <tthÛe ten to Fifir recipi Fts.11e oudd mot sce ,ýthe arunn of anmi e of tise- ooum~l members du BowniavflIe aibd Ponl.t Hope whîo were ant 'îIii pating incretased coat,ýis initheir municipafiïtieýs due to thse f act tisat the Coufflies are to take over the Weleare Dparmet.1e feit that these ent~swîi halve de- creiased co(sts wiile ,;oine f the S.MaHAm etrswill &- iees es. ThSe Reeve siated tissat there would shortly be sionie new devel- opment i arrangng a new garb-' age disposai aarea and aiso fecl there would ise tigihtendng up of by-diaw emforcements wdthdmn tise mnîuiiiPmalffity. flourl(i year ýas Reeve of Clarke Townshls 1asci lis eleventisyear as a meiüher of counci. He was -frst clectessiVo coumeil in 1959. Appoint Com mittees (Continued from page 1) ise Mensorial Rospltai Rord, B3ownanvîlle. Mr. Roy A. FoLster visa appodnted las Carke's repre- sentaive to tise Gaiaramaka Reg- bion Conservaiion Auithorty. OBONO COII'MUNITY HIALL BOARD) Mel,3srs W. G. Watsowis Fred Grsaliai. Len Pears, Mss. G1. Ciaissby, Mrs. Betty Maqjor along wvili R. G. Chaler ansi E. C. Cop- pdng were appointedi to tisea- bove Board. Appoîntbmenls 10t ise Towish&,p Recreaïlion Com,"jlîssKM weTe: Mesýlsrs.,L. Boyd, Joýhn Murphy,. Jaek Neal J. W. Stone, W. R. Garvetis, Mrs. Normna Lee, Mrs. Dorothy Stairk, Mrs. J. BÊIRloýw ansi Mrs. Sismron Brown. Mesr.Geralsi'Duvali, Gosdon wason, R. G., Chaler and F. A. Gray avere appolined l10 tise C1!ýar-ke Towmisàip Ganae Cornmciùs-, TliseC(iarke Town.sliP Cemetery Bomsiwi e cosnposed of Messrs iussll Savery, John Moffaml, GatWoade Arthsur Tùîbom.pson ainsi Do,ý(nPaldVinkie. As me1 as C'ounelillrs Gnay astCopsng ani F. A.Ga. teOrono MndplWtrSys- rester, M. W. D0owmVS and fJ.7W. few diays§ with Mr. andi Mrs. ,h MPavtense, S IxthLe and MzVîs. C. B. TyrredM, ororso. Mirs Louise Cowzii, Toronto'l wasia aieomt hbibuday viatoravti Mrs. Margaret Lintlon. Mrs.iNormar McNadl.y, col- borae uas la noce nt oii mqtor wiA ber son Mr. enmd lrs. Garman Corndish -and o other ireilallives la Orono. Mr. a'nd Mlrs. IDavid sapdes, Mn. ànd Mrs. Carlos Tamblyn výssted aNbL-ntliy ith isMrs. Tamnbyn's àister Mrs. Bodrden Kramp,' and Mr. Kmanisp, Kýbdhiemnr. Messýs E. H-. Samuel and Jon. KIjaDner of Oroo Woc>d Products; leive 3nday Vo attend a fur- iture shuaw at coogne Gernay andi an Ifrlernaidnmal Shiow, at Puris, France. CIHAMBER ANNUAL IN FEBRUA;,'RY' The Oronio Chiamber of m merce folliowig thýemr January mtdngdecidei b isold their an- mesî tÀning tise second Monýday s F lsu:ry. The imecting uiih Iud t the Cossus ,hani F our171 o ootheir pertinent L'2~~ om onduted at thse meetingý waiimsus held et Noone-'s Hoiu.l1, Port Hope HAMILTON TOWNSHIP REEVE: ',We don1't wanFt Port R-ope, it wouid ondy be a iiîahmiMIiit o'us," Reeve Chaiades BurniSon of llain- flison township said. H1e vias repflying Vo statenuents on anîexaio" uade bhy Ma5or Mi ehaci Wladyka lof portMoe af 1,âe inajugural mieetqng. Thle ninayor sadsi Viat Port lfiope maY have toE ltimit itsellif to sm£afleýr anneiations uintl a regiionalind- disiial park fo&rthe greater com- munmty iis made ava iabl.e. "IHffn'jtoîn townslùip is prosper- ous ainsi we olan hold our own," Reevre Burwdison çjaàd. "These mun- ýdiipdiutes all round us are dtrug- gliing Vo keep thedir heads above bDard. We have Our hearl above usaler und we aile not wiibng, Vo 'Ti n.I us. e . i r~oehasno duOpeý, e'he nd ch lPovt Hpe of etig more idsînesor iý qiuM ~ aîi i cuber 'nan0- 4na1ailssen ecept by -r.n aUl r byc(,operiýion whth thc' exaitilo. ~ w~ ~f pci p. a'p~ou:îrut An effort to annex ýin arc oq cùAy 90 acres 't t the eaitern boumd thselind fx(Ledir 1962 wvhenitb~ ary of the toIwn. aulntinwas tuin,ed clown bz Port Hope fha s nm indstnial th-is Ontrlo Municipal B'oýard. ALOUETTE SNOWMOBILES' '14 H.P. with full size7.0 20 hp $7750 With Extra Equlpment -30 hp $1050, WIDE TRACK Many other size at LOW PRICES Watson 's Marine& Cycle Oronfo, Ontario Phone 98ý3-543 INAUGURAL, MEETING of the Northumnberlond end Durham Counâty Board 0f Educaition to be helsi IN THE LIBRARY of the IniU te.5ast at 7:30 p.m. Thursda ,',j anuGary i ýlln14, JANY2% OFF SALE For one week only or as ln as suipply lasts, Harvey Woods vis - cose panties andi cotton panties. Brief style lu isizes S, M andi L. Sale eof Raft d ts Childreni's knif±ed hats, long toques, tamn ani scarf sets, boy's caps. Several styles in good colour combinat.ins. Regular $1.95 to $4.00. Sale Pricied 49 to -2.9%J Manymor barain whie w arestok tain7