r~ ~~~ ----- -5k_ > n a+ ORkONO WEEKLY TIMeS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH PROM TUE UNITD CHURCH Many things have the potential for great usefulness and good, but pid~ower has ta be tamcd or har- fessed before that usefuiness, can Lcome a reality. The same is truc of people.- We cannot be Christiar without obedience. 7%e season whien we think especi. à ally aboutthe Cross and the Resur. rection is' one which brings us face Io face with thee matter of obedience. When we 'explore the background of the Chri.,tian fâith and thecocým- ing of, C'hrst WC'Must cOn1sîder theI way of flic people of lIsràeL. The ioIy ScrïptLýrcs reveal God's plan for men and its relationship te them as an instrument of his revel- The prophets of old came again and again reminding ýhemn of Ci od's purpose for thcm. Thley continully substituted other things for humble suýrrender, but the prophets iooked to the time when God would estab- lîsh fiss mIe in ail men, and- write his iaws, upon the tablets of their hearts. "Away with your feasts, your fast-days and your sacrifices. To obey is better than sacrifice," they taught. -Thç sacrificesof God are a broben spirit and a contrite heart." they proclaimed. The idea Zvew that one would corne Who would iead God's people into the fuifiiiing of His purpose for them. In the fulness of time Jesus came. He carne experiencing humanity just as we do. It is too easy to think of Jesus as divine and because of hils divinity being 'able to see clear- ly and easily the purpose of God in bis life, fillîng that purpose easily because lof divine strengtb.* But in bis humanity Jesus knew the limit- ations of being human. If the hum- anity of Jesus mieans anything it means that fis way was not clearly revealed - lbe had to seek it. We look tt the various stages of his life and we sec that the 'way Ilad t o be sought. Very clearly, as a boy, DKSTR 1%3&A' Frigid Locker Syste.t Your Heequartur Wo Gvovermem t»wed BEEF or PORK Steer Sides of Beef c Cut-- wrapped ...lb. Fresali Frozen Salmon or Halibut Steaks IL.89e - Fresh Oysters Available - PORK w-:1Ib 49yc BULK SUPPLY OF Frozen Food CUSTOM CUTJG SMOKING - CUMIG Locker Reniais PHONE 63-5578 1,3a KIn S.W. oWmmvmle we find him explaining to bis par- ents, "Do you -fmot knoW, that 1 miust bce about my father'1s business.' He was scekinig Gods way for hum and scekiag to know the ways of men. A littie later as a youngman we scec hm struggling with temptai- lion. Would he 'gain a foliowing by pampering 'the desire of the, people for material thingÉs. Would ie daim the kin'dons> of the world, by com- prom1iig with cvii. When fie was tested ini this way, back came the answer, "60d is God, and right is ight ind wrong is wrong." Or' then thuewa the temptation to do the, ~petauirto throw himself down frn the pinntacie and show a mir- acillouls escape, but here again Jesus rcplied ln, Cffect, *"You must nôt ma-,ke senseless' experiments with the powevcr of Gotd. He saw quite ciceariy that if 11e produccd sensa- tions fie cotild bce a ainet day's ,vond- er. But flic sensat,ýionalist aeyçr ias;ts, It is thé hýrd way of service an'd. of suiffering which leads ta the Cross, but after the Cross to the crown. la ail1 the way there wa,,ssckingý; teflptation, but perfect obedliene. Most of us, like JeISus feel theé promptings to serve God buyt aiso the world. Continual y we stand at the cross-roads. The one, broad andi easy ta travel which takes us step by step away from Gods purpose. The ôther, the harder to travel, leading to the discovery of purpose aad fui- acss. AS we travel the road of life the way grows iacreasiagiy difficuit, but cvcry victory strcngtfens us for the ciimb which'is ahead. We too, must go tfrough the temptations of living for material tfings, compromise, social acclaim, and of popularity. In cvery stcp of the way wc necd to seeik God's purpose. We can oaly discov er it as we are obedient ta bis guidîng. The way may grow stecep and hard, but thcy that wait upon the Lord _shall renew their strcngth.. They shall mouait up with wings like. eagl es, they shail waik and not faint. - Flying, runniag. ,waikiag. -- How truc of life, how satîsfyiag the way, fow abundant the experience.- What peace in God! O..P. Report Newcastle Detacbment The Newcastle Detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police fromn March 14th, to March 20th, 1971,, investigated 14 motor vehicle col- lisions including one injury snow- mobile accident. Six persons receiv- cd personal injury and as a resuit 2 persons werechcarged with traffie offences. Investigated during the sanie per- iod of time wcrc 38 gencral occur- rences of which there werc 2 re- ports of common thcft, 1 report of Býreak, Enter and Theft. 1 report of wilful damatge, 2 assait complaints, 3 trespassing comiplaints, 3 disturfi- fiance reports, 3, domestie corn- plaints, and one erratic or dangerous driving compiaint. Three persons were chargesi with criminal offences. 3 persons chargesi with minor l- quor offences, and one person charg- cd with impaired driving. Over the past few weeks there have been several compiaints of a teenage youth indecently exposing' fimscif ta femnale persans la the Courtice andi Oshiawa towniine area. The youth who- appears to he suf- feriag from a mental disorder is described appraximately 5'6" high, 145 ifis, medium length blond flair, age 15 to 18 years. Any information that may leasi to the apprehension of this suspect, shoulsi be reported to the Ontario Provincial Police, in The Value 0f Obedience Deer Hunt Us Off There will be no "open season' fordcci hunting la the Unitedi Counties this year. The Reeve of Hamnilton, township, Charles Bnrris;on, at a recent ,ses- sion u Uitcd Counties Council, proposcd that because of the "sev- ere winter" funting dccir should fie curtailesi. "In ordér to preserve the deer la these counties it is mandatory that there fie no open season." fie said. An inventory basi been taken re- ceatly i lailtots towns1ip, fie said, andi if ~ siow,ed that there are oaiy about 10 or 12 deer left. His resolution was supported 13y lamiltonâ's other representative onrP couaties counicil, Foster, Russell. The represeatative f rom, Mill- brook, L.; R.ý Wiaslow, said bchefad strang feelings about kéeping hunt- crs but of the Ganaraska ýForest. '7They corne la fromthe city by car load and shoot cvcrything oh sigf t. If we don't cut the hunters off, the deer wiil become cti bc.fi saisi. Roy Chattea, of 'Srighton, said fie was concernesi about hunting la general. Ile meationied that the De- partmeat of Lands ansi Forests'hasi opeaed about 400 acres for hunting la fils muaicipality. "It's open to bunters of ail kinss and wc don't even havé a robin left. Thcy shoot everytfiing," fie adi- desi. Howard Quantrili, the Reeve of Hope township, toid concil that there was a bylaw la Hope, making it an offence to discharge a' firearmn witbin the township. There was also a restriction on fiunting. Last year Couaities Council pass- cd a resolution opening the counties for hunt ing for a thrce-year pcriod. It was rescindesi at th;s meeting ansi ail but 'two members votes inl fav- Our of Reeve Burrison's resolution. Newcastle, Ontario. ,On Sunday, Marçh 14, 1971. two liersoas from Newcastle and Orono were cf arged with possession of stoien propcrty. Seizesi was a televis- ion set stolen from the Port Hope KNOW TUE LAW- "Avoid Dangerous Passing" If for any reason you decide ta pass the car ahead of you when you'rc not quite szure you can make it, Rcnmeber - yau are rîsking hum- an life. Neyer attempt ta pass an- other vehicle ualess you are absol- îiteiy sure you can do so la safety. The Highway Traffic Act pro- vides that it is uniawful forn per-, son la charge of a veficle, to pass or attempt to pass another vehicie going la the same direction, when the roadway to the lcft is not safely free from approaching or overtak- ing traffic. A motor vehicie also shoulsi not fie operatcd to the iceft of thfe centre of a two lace highway, whcn npproaching a hill<jr upon a curve or within 100' of a bridge viaduct or tunnel where the driver's vicw is obstructed within sucli a distance as ta 'create a hazard la the eveat another matai vehicle nîight approach from th e opposite direction. l)RIVING TIP- It is oftcn s<.id, that a man can- not outrun his shadow, but it fias been proven that, maay drivers out- race their headiigh ts. It is simple common sense ta drive at a safe speesi that will permit you ta stop within th e stretch of rond illumin- atesi by the headlights of your ve. hiele. I Planuing te buili, a new honme?___ S,. McLaren'is "BOME PLANNiNG CENTRE"9 Oron. Fuel & Lumber Co. ,Phome 983-9167 ORONO UNITD CHURCH Special'Service 0f Music. Dedication Memorial Organ GUEST ORGAIIST - GUEST SOLOLST COUNTRY FOUR QUARTETTE Sunday, April 4th Service to commence 7:30 p.m. Basebail Registratin Amyone InAbrested j, playluaebail tMs year p4ease leavre your naine a"d age'at thie Areiia, Rolph Hardware or Buss Majors, 983..5858 Scheduies wMfl e made Up at B.O.B.A. meetings on April 5th ai 7th. Oroumo Amateur, AthletIc Choose your Wedding Stationary frein the popular BOUQUET - PRESTIGE INVITATION LINE, Canada's first choice of Weddlng and Social1 forins A wlde choice designs and types to choose from. INVITATIONýS -A;NNOUNCEMENTS - MATCHE REPLV CARDS -SERVIETTES TIIANK YOU NOTES - ETC. ETC. NMI STREET, ORONO, OTAIUO