Orono WeeklÎy WOLIJME 36, NUMBER 6 Times ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUABY 9, 1972 Oronio Cemetery Beoard Holds 1972 Annual Meeting Tbc Orono Ccmietery Bo0a rd hieid ils annual mneeting recently mn the Lang Memor.ial Chapel aI flic Ccmtcry. The Board members, amiong il- ~s of gencrai business, discussed tic need of addilioral land wlîdch wlil e uecded somnetime lu the future dcpcn.ding ou tic use of the ccmcl-ery. The emnery lias anc airea yet la develop, tIal biug lu fcnorth-,vest sclaor. Upon tic conipltion of thc sale of lots lu this sector thececmetery wili bIen lave no marc land for devclap- ment. Msr.Donald Hlamim and Ly- aIl Lowery wcre appoinbed ta ap- proach l le Coujnil of Clarke To*wnsipi- in regards ta financlal backing for tle purchase of ad- diblonal land whcu and if il be- ,came available. The commiitîe did. nmccl with counil uin bus ,-ater but as no definite plans or amnounts of mioncy wcrc known, no decisions were made. Tic B3oard would lIke ta purchase some land now proposed as a sul-division dcvelopmcnt by Sun- nydene Estabes ai the north of tice ccmctery. Officers and members of tie Board were re-elected for anoth- ,er ycar. Tiose holding office arc: MYr. Lyail Lowcry, president Mr. William Waiinali, vice- presideut Mr, Donald Hammi, sccrctary- treasurer Those appointed ta the Board ojf Directors werc Messrs. Carl Blllings, Stan Chapmnan, Ernie B3ryson,, Robert Ciater, Jack Mof- fat, Evercît Brwn and "Donalit Hamm., GoodThings Hi Open learb surgery was per- foùrnied February 4, 1972 ai Tor- onito Gencral and Sick Chldrens Hlospitalt where 23 pnts of spec- MaI jlood was required and wverc supplied by thc 272 donars who .,o thoughtfuily gave of themselv- es at thc Blood Clinie aitIh Lions Centre Fcbruary 2, 1972. Many thanks for thc wonderful turu out of younig people from Bowmanville and surrou.nding ar- eas and special thanks to Peter ~Fonk, Frank Eruwes and George Vandergaast who lielpcd the R~ed Cross Unit unload thetir equip- ment. A deep vote of appreciation to the nurse-, who volunteered their services during thc day: Mrs. Hill, Misýs Lynu Major, Miss Darlene West, Mrs. Lleanür Watts, Mrs. Pat Mercer, Mrs. Shirley Coyle, Appoi.ntments st. Savi t.Saviour's AnlicC hulrcli Anual Vestry Meýeting was hcld lut ihelParish lHall on Sunday, anay3oli, 1972, foli),-ng a shrtafernoon secrvice. Rev. R. aynle presidIcd over neomeing and annoudnced thles duri ard'ens: ,Mr J-. i. en PLr R.Swan Sec. -Truveasure r: Mfrs. Swan Envelope Sccretary: Mlrs. Clark L ay Delegate ta Syulod: rs Sýp!ry A.C.Wi. Sec.-Treas.: 'Mrs. MuIcrray Iciacle Breaks Leg Miss Jackie Tiekie, 4-ycar-old daugitcr, of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Tiekie hmd 1cr' rigit leg broken lu iwo places on-Saturday, whcn sruck by au icicle weighing lu bIc ueighbourliood of bwcnty pounds. At the tUme of lie accident the yaungsier was piaylng oulside wien the icicle feil some twelve feet from tic roof cdgc 'of a neighbouning dwelling. Fortunat- clW the icicle missed tic child's hcad but did crashi on her icg. Sic is expected ta returu fram Bowmanviile Hospital Wedncsday or Tiursday. Thc Northiumberland - Durham County Wcif arc Depart- ment is havlug la give weifane paymcnts bo people on Unem- ploymcnî Insurance wlio have re- cclved no UIN cheques for smmc Lime. A hold-up with a computer sy- stem in Belleville lias, resultcd in a delay of up ta Ilirce months lu the issuing of cheques. As a result people ou Uucm- ploymeut Insurance have ta seek assistance fram île welfare de- pariment, now kuowu as the De- parîmeut t0f Social and Family Services. Arthur Martin, the administraI- or of tic counties departmeut said tiaI people aut of pocket be- cause of bic lack of Unemplay- (Continued 'page 4) Russel C. Honey Declares Ho WIII1 Run Again Northumberland - Durham MP chicken suppers and chiristen- Russell Honey has indicated hie ings?" hie asked.. will seek re-election, "As long as I eau serve a use- Commenting on rumors that fuirol 1 oul lie t sty hre" have been clrculating about hlmr fui raie ol ie .sa ee becominig a judge, hie dispelied In reply to criticismn about him hma Jsstre flot visiting the riding enough, He dlaimis to spend as mucli Mr. Honiey said he has a fairly de- time in the riding now as hie did manding and heavy job iu Ot- when lhe and his.family were liv- tawa. ing in Port Hope. They moved bt "If1 people want au MP who is a permanent resideuce iiu Ottawa looking after his responsibilities, abuayergo fine. Ou the other haud, do they -fThere are 80,000 people iu the waut one who is always there for riding," hie said, "anid 1 doui't tWnk I eau be of service by runr- ning around and seý ing themr ail ou au Individual basis' 1 try ta regulate it so that 1 can see a appen maxlium of people at a given TAU H@1 Mnr. Honey has been lu the rld- Main ing one day this week and plans !he Yo to returu at the latter part of the week to hold meetings With con-i Mrs. Louise Hughes, Mrs. Evelyn stituents lu variaus areaas. Werry, Mrs. Em Stutt, Miss Mary He speculates that the fedlerai Waversuel and Mrs. Rhoda Au- electlou wll be lu the Sprin, derson. probably in tthe latter part of 1The Red Cross would also like Juuie. -Somnetimne ago 1 wouid to extend their thauks ta the fol- have placed the chances at 60-40 Iojwing lovely ladies who looked per cent for the Spring; no;w after refresîmeuts during the af- think il is about 80-20", lie added. ternoori aud eveuing clinles: Mrs. Hilda Colwill, Mrs. P. Batîgate, Sa faronly ane person, a young Mrs. D. Alldread, Mrs. A. Lohb, Hope Township resident, David Mrs. G. Ward, Mrs. T. Morris, Grey has lndicatcd intentions tci Mrs. Mf. Puk, Mrs. C. Trcwln. seek nomination for the federal, Speciai thanks to the cîcrical election. staff under the Chirmanship of David, a chemist at Generai Mrs. Win. Rudeil, Mr. Wm. Wal- lis, Mrs. S. James, Mrs. W. Laurie, Foods, announced at the annual Mir. . Àvig,'UsR. Spry, Mrs- meeting of the Northumnberland- M.rse .Lvn.Mrs . Mri, Durham nProgressive Conservative J. Parke~r and Mrs. J. Brownlee. Party last week, that he inteud- tIcnei cine, ayed to seek that partys nma See you n a e ex tineoMa . 2, 1972, and thanks' a million., in Very sincerely yoirs, .-1 He is an executive member of Mrs. J. Parker. thc YPC's and las been active in polities for a numiber of years. Last year there wsspecula- tion thal J. M. Rolph~, drctrof Cobourg Construction and a for- fAde At mer chairmnan. of the Northumber- land and Durlam CountyBod off Educalion, would scck îthe PC- ý10Ur15nomination. lie revealed today thýat he la;s Air. Breen and Mr. Swan gave yet thougli severai mnontîs ýýaa a report on progress being madec higli ranking membec r ofthe1Plc with renovations of interior of Party inïdicated that ppoahe St. Saviour's Church. Men of the Oldle -made to mr. op- Parish meel the churcli evcry "I have made no de 1_1~ o Wcdnesday and Tlhursday to Lthe malter," ieý said, lhiough iep spend ian evcningiig , an-adïnitted Unit lie lcas giv en it ing, etc. soýme fh1ought. Air. fi. Swan reported on, the There are bubung l Co- "Mission of Hlope" toc be hld lu bourg tihat Mayor Jack el-ïenani Port 1-ope during 'Passion Week' iglit place imselc-f l heiiun- Mardi 19 - March 26. ning for thie PC federal niommna- Following thc adjourniment of lion, Ihoughlie helas made rio of- the mneeting coffee andý cookies ficiai statemient ta date. were cnijoyed by al. --port Hopex: Gide Clarke Council To Meet -Twice A Month C-arke Township',Councîl met in their regular 'session on Tues- day February lst when it was de- ided by council that they would hold two meetings eadh monthinl- stead of the single monthly meet- ing. Under the new sciedule council will hold bIth a day-lime and an evening meeting. The day-time meeting wilile held'an flic first Tuesday of the month commencing at 10:00 a.m. The evening meeting will lie heid o,ý the third Tuesday of ecd monîli commecing at 7:30 p.m. Council at their February meet- ing handled over fifly pieces of correspondence. They 'gave their appraval and are petitîoning for a sum of $250000 under tic prov- ince's Incentive Work Program for the Qwono Park Board. The Park Board would use this money ta bure labour ta improve candi- t ions at the Orono Park, The council took no action ln regards a request from the Orona Chamber, of Commerce for a grant of $50000. Mr. Williams of thc Twin Oaks Motel and Mr. Dabrowski af tle l)iana Motel objccted ta the re- zoning of land from Agriculture la Higiway* Commercial as ap. plied for by Mr. Nick Dyriw for a twcnty-uuit motel. Thc appli- cation by Mr. Dyriw for île re- zoning of 2.99 acres lu the area of Hlghway 115 and bbc Ihird cou- cession road of Clarke bias been approved by thc Clarke Planning Board witli conditions that an en- trance permit may le oblained fromi the Township Road Depart- ment along wiith meeting regula- lions of 1thle lHeltI Deparîment aiti ic Ontaria Wacr Resources Comm[rission. Msr.Donald Mamm and.Ly- ahl Lowcry, reprc'senting the Or- anao Ceme(tery Board addressed Comncil iu regards financial back- ing so that bIc Board could mccl ilite requirced condition of fencing Vier property wlen the proposcd' sul-dlivision is devcioped along- sidf-e tc eetcry. They alsa nioted the desire of more land. Counceil wvilI give tle requcst fur- tIer consideration wlen a more delailcd report is submitted. Tenders are ta be cled for the construction of tIc MaIrgan's Bridge at lots 12-13, concession .3 lu the Township. The raad sup- criniendent was arso authorîzcd ta eall tenders for gravel crush- ing and lauhling, prime, suirface realment materlals, road ail and snaw fence. Counicil also approved thc re- fluclion of bridge clearance of an overpass of the railway at lot 5, concessibn Broken Front froin 1.5 feet 9 inchess la 14 feet 41k incites. 'hie following werc appointed to the Board of the Oddfcllow's Comimunity Hall: Messrs. Robert ('ial er, Frank Grey, W. G. Wat- son, Fred Graham, Len Pears as well as Mirs. Gladys Gamnsby and Mrs. Betty Major. A letter was received from t Osh awa and District Sportsmen's Association who exprcssed their c<ncern over the proposai of a Provincial IlTighway running north-easb litrough the norîli of lte Township. The letter pointed out that Ibis highway would peu- e traIe and divide lte Wadwatcrs of lte Wilmot Creek and could be detrimentai ta the stream. The letter was filed. & letter from Mr. H. Bohlmann, RJU 2, Orono, was referred ta the , Road Superintendent. Mr. Boitimanu asked if il was not pos- sible for the Township ta btake- over the former raiiway right-of- way ru 'nning wcst from Orono to properly cquip it with guard rail- ings and posis where nece ssary. (Continucd on page 5) CHARLES PEARCE Mr. Chlales Pearce, formerly of Bradford lias taken over his new duties as manager af' the Orono Hydro and Water System. Mis duties started witli the Or- ana Commission on February Ist, 1972. Mr. and birs. Pearce are pres- entiy rcnting a home in the O'Chonsld sub-division, west of Orono.1 Mr, Pearee cornes to Orono havr- Ing many years expeience in bydro and water operations. Bsowmanville Drama Workshop Producing ttBarefoot In Park'" We itope aur many friends iu liec. Orono region will le interest- cd la knwliai Bowmaanvîlle Dramna Worshop is prcparlng a product 'ion of Banefoot in blie Park tle sw o n lBowmanviile Tow Hat nxtwcek. ThcPla is dirfxetd by jean Sherda cwhois wllknowu ta, ail amttîr eatre buffs. Many bath jcýIsllllemand Johin Ames- buiy wop]yd i c inu p~ouctou I tielast iioneract play fstvl ire, bah ave im- portant raies lu tuis dur-eut pro- duction. Also playiug are Hecleni Nelies ani Barry Cawling wlo have been ïoni stage many limes befo)re. 110\vw cmers are Peter Lunny, a real- estate broker who nesides lu Bowmanviile, while wankcing oui of Toronto. Peter stîlîl finds trne ta learu lines and attend rehearsals, Tuis will le lis first time ou stage, but after waLching lis wonk at rehearsals, I'm sure ib wont le the lasI. Anotier newccre. is Brian Paltrick, a youn!,g student who makes, a bînief but iuteresting appearauce as an aid delivery man. Everything is progres;sing wvell. Back stage crews are org-aulzed and working liard. This is a funny comnedy about Ihose first crucial days afler the honcymon 15 ove-r! Wliy ualplan a Iheatre part,,; il could le fun! ------ -----