ORONO WEEKLV TIMES, WEDNËýýDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1972 WANT ADS FOR WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION JACCEPTED UNTIL 5:00 p.m. TUESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 Se for Mil classes of personal and Commercial CoveraL')es Office: Main 13t., Orono 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 PHONE 983-5808 Orono, Ontario PAiNTÏNG CARPENTfRY REMODELLING GENERAL REPAIIRS Oronio's Licensed Auctioneer and Valuator Specialize inFarm and Furnitfure Sales efflsult me foýr terms and edates MJONE ORONO 983-5914 MNonumets and FamilyMeoal Our qnality and service leaves nothing te be desired Aak the person who bought from;ý,* m, a neighbour, friend or relative The RUTTER GRANITE, COMPANY 73Ontario Street PORT 1HOPE Largeat display lu Southorn R. C. sIlLEE E.ymavileOnt. ,:,hone 623-3383 and Cycle rono Phone9983.5343 1 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Alouette Snow bMobiles ýMcCuilocûh CHAIN, SAWS Repaira to ail makes of Lawn Illowers andJ 2 and 4 cycle Englnes ALLOUERTE PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKSq Bert Tompkins Clarke Public HIBR AR Y Monday, Tniesdlay, Thursday aind Friday 6:20 to 8:30 P.m. Thursday andi Friday afternoons 2:30 to 5:00 p.M. Satnrday 10:0 to 12:00 am. .FOR SALE 150 Ions shlled corn, cemsiýtor or dried. Also 1 Champion Oait Roller. R. 1). Morton 983 -5682. d-6-p NOTICE Paper Drive 19th February By the Orono Sigma C. Please tie securely. Thank you. a-c LUMBING and HEATIN(C 1 Sales and Service , 114 HOUR BURNER SERVI# , ULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates GI hone. I Tyrone 263-2650- Herb and Gerry Duvali 983-51 op ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO .- HI-FI WESTINGIIOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME GUARANTEED SERVICE H amiltons --I Insurance Service YVOUR MAIN STREET, ORONO For Dependable Service Box 133 Phone 6183-3552 Stafford Brothers Manufacturra of, Cemetery IMemocrials j318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIOj Building a HOLU?I $or remodelling your presentf I one, then contact j Fld NPiChl so0nI ~phone 983-5049 ORONO ~Enjoy Freali APPLES: Red and- Golden Deficions, Macln"ol and many other varktles. Bose and Flemish Beauty Pear FRESU APPLE CIDER FRED'S FRUIT MARKET Highway 115 South of Orono Opýeiug for two ambitious ladies for speciai work three lious peu day, m erning or even- ing by choice, five days per week $4500 to $50-00 per week., Cail Mus. Perry at 728-2301 between 2:00 anid 4:00 p.m., for appointment. a-c HELP WANTE D Reliable Baby Sitter wanted for five days a week for two pre- schoolceblidren. Phone 983-5748. a-p 11ORTICUL-TURAL NOTICE Bus trip to Toronto 'Garden Club Flower Show at O'Keefe Centre, Saturday, February 26th for Oronio Horticultural Members only. Ticket-s must lie obtained from Mrs. Clare Ganter or Mrs. Ever- ett Couvier by February lgtb. Bus trip $200. Admission to Show $2.00. b-7-c CARD 0F THANKS Thanks to our" relatives and friends for telegrams, cards, glîts and flowers -which made our 25th wedding. anniversary sudh a hap- py occasion.. The 'Perc Lunns., a-c CARD 0F THANKS" 1 would like to take this oppor- tunity to thank ail those who gen- erously devoted their time in sup- porting me in my application for a Public Vehicle Operating Lic- ence. I am very pleased to an- nounce that my application bas been approved, a-c J. E. Carscadden, Carscadden Bus Lines. SNOW PLOWING Contact Orono Landscaping for snow plowing. Dependabie service Phone 983-5598. WORK WANTED Marshman Bros. Floor CL.. - Specializing in *Machine and Irand Trowelled Dustless Concrete Floors Phone 885-6493 t-f Wanted Dead or Crippled 1Farrn Stocký PICKED UP PROMPTLy Telephone Colleet 263-2731 Margwlî Fur Fa.rm Licence No. 364-C-72 IL I MARRIAGE Joan ý Bernice (Rutherford) Miles, RN. of Oshawa was united in marriage to Robert Lloyd Pat- terson of Port Hope on February 4th at Oronio United Church. a-p CARD 0F THANKS 1 wish to thank ail the nurses on the Third Floor of Bowman- ville Memorial Hospital; also to friends who visited and ail those who sent cards. n p Tom Gosson, Kendal. Phone Courteous Service Local ýor Long. Distance Trips Day -or Night Albert Munneke, Prop. IN MEMORIAM HICKS-Inla oving memory of aý beloved husband and father, Ed-, ward, who went to his rest'the 9th Februarly, 1969. Three lonely years have gone by since you went away, and you are missed as much today. Ever loved, ever rememberedý by wife Jenny, son Charles, daughters Sheila and Margaret. o-pý DIED ROBINSON-At Memorial Hs-_ pital, Bowmanville, on Monday,, February 7th, 1972, Mary Robin- son, aged 79 years, formerly of- Orono, dear sister of Margaret (Ml-s. Lewis Wood) and the late, Aida (Mrs. W. H. Robinson), Bert, and William. Service was held ln the Morris, Funeral Chapel, Bow- manville, on Wednesday at 2 o'- dlock. Interment Lang Vauit, Or- 0110. a- e DIED GLAN VILLEi Nettie-At Mem- orial Hospital, Bàwmanvîlie on, Sunday, February 6th, 1972, Nettie Glanville, aged 63 years. Beloved wif e of Robert Glanville, Orono, Ontario and dear mother- of June. (Mrs. J. Lavery) St, Catherines and Roma (Mrs. T, Shortt) Whitby, Ontario. Rested at the Barlow Funeral Home, Or- ono until Wednesday morning then to Lang Memorial Chapel for service at 2 p.m. Interment, Orono Cemetery. Exterlor Interior ORONO ELECTRIC BOUQUET - PRESTIGE INVITATION UNE, Canada'S fIrst choice of Wedding and Social foris A wlde choice designs and types tO ehoose from. INVITATIONS -ANNOUNCEMENTS -MATCHES REPLY CARDS- SERVIETTES TIIANK YOU NOTES - ETC. ETC. Choose your Wedding Statlonary from t he popular O)RONO WEEKLY TIMES 1: MAIN STREET, ORONO, ONTARIO