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Orono Weekly Times, 10 Jan 1973, p. 1

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Orono Wee'kly VOLUME 37, NIJMBER 2 The Township of Clar-ke Coun- -etii held their inaugural. meefinf en January 2nd wliun Rev. Basil Long, Orono and RÉev. T. SneI- gi-ove, Newtonvilie, were present to assist in the officiai ope/ing of council, aiong witli the Clerk of the municlpality. 'Declar-ations and oatlis of office were. taken along- witli prayer being offered. Reeve Stone was also present "and presenfed the incoming Reeve with the keys ta the office. Reeve E. R. Woodyard said he would forego lis feeling of lis position as Reeve until council- lors werc informed on ail sub- jects, Hc stressed the need for -nembers to work as a body and not individualiy, statîng thaf more could bcecstablislied in this manner. The remaining members of coûtncii, Deputy-reeve Kirk Ent- wisle and councillors R. G. Chat- er, C. A, Reid and G. H. Heykoop also expressed feelings of co-op- eration. Chas, Reid statcd that lie was concernéd that the maiority of citizens do nof care about their community and in this lie would like to sece i attitude change. H1e fui-fIer stafed lie was goin.g into this with an oipen and broad mind and feit decisions whicli could be made this year wili ef- fect the wliole Township's wav of living. Towniship Council To Review Validity 0f 1972 By-Iaw The Council of flic Townshin of Clai-ke -supportcd a resolution ày a rccorded vote submitted by Deputy-reeve Enfwýisie and coun- c"illai- Heykoop to seck opinions on flic valilif y of Bylaw 1743. Thbe Reeve, and Dersuty-reeve ,were appointed as a' commifte wa seck opinions from I-. E. R. tovekin and the DePartmcnte of MRunicipal Affairs. By-law 1743 was passed on De- iember 15th, 1972 and constifufes "ad appoints a Commifte of Ad- Justmerf for flic Townshiip of Clar-ke. By resolution on Novemn ber 21st, 1972, Council did i-e- appoint E. F. R. Osborne f0 fthe tommittee. Members of fhls com- mittee are E, R. Lovekin wlv' laç- one year of a fl-ce year ternu f0 serve; Klaas Schoenmakeî whio lias two ycars of a tIi-ce year ferm yct fa serve and E. F. R. Osborne wlio bas been appointed for fl-ce years., Council also fabled fhe Dectm- ber 15, 1972 minutes which were pi-esented fo the meeting. These minutes wcre tabled until next meeting. Tixne ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY lOth, 1973 Townspip Council Sets-Up Internai Co mittees TheCoucilof the Township sf Clai-ke m deppointments at thn'inaugural meeting on Janu- ai-y2nd to-a n,-mber of infer,-al Comiteesaswel'l as apit Met to va'r ous boards acicomi- mittees. A nuber of appoint- ments have ye to be completed. A s r,ýeconendd by, Reeve Woodai-É!, Dpyreeve Fnfwisle an'Connill G CA. iReid were appointed f0 the RPoad and Bridge Comite ith th- Deputy- eeeas chairmani, of the commit- Also recommeiided liv Reeve,, Couincillors k,. G. Cliater and G. l.1- eykIoop-wer-e appjoint- ed as the Finance Cônmmittee for 1973, witli R. G. Chater, cliairman The rreve is an ex-officio mem- bei- of bath copimittees. Reeve Woodvard -was appoint- edl as a member for thec Township of Clar-ke for the Fi-e Protection Comimittee to woi-k witb P- brto be appointed by the Orono Police Trustees. Counillor R. G. Chater was ap- pointed to the Central Lake On- tario Conservation Authority as weli as to' the Durham County Federafion of Agriculture. Mr. James Sfutt was ier - ed on behaîf of the Towiiship to the Board of the Memorial Ilos- Vital in Bowmanrvi'lle. Doctor A. FM cTe7 pointpd Tndlizent Mýedic,,(al Officer for Clarl-e Tnwnshîný. L. M. Hal- lownl vas i-appo-nfiled as live. stock vae-, ss forhe corporation for thte ear 1973. R. . Fi-ie'Pr, -0. Pa-tner, TD. SipoC. Pearceam E R Waolvrd w-e anointd bi-s olution to the Local Advisory iCommitee o ihc Oronor Systpm. Counecil apiroved fisat in addi- Wden Howard Quantrillis is r.- ciy ta become flic 1973 ward- en of flic United Counties of Northiumberland - Durham. It is flic fui-oft a iepi-csenLp tive from Durham Counfy 1 stLý year fat take flic wai-dcnship, bjit sa far no member fi-oui'Durhamn bas indicated lic wili seek i, position, allier flan flic Reeve of' 'Hope Township. The ýnew wardern w ill be "ei- ccted" or "acclaimcd" af a Jan- uary 16 session of Counties Con»- cil. Count les Council will - hold a special session Oin Thursday fa discuss provincial goverfment proposai f0 disband flic two coun- tics, placing some ai-cas, includ- ing Port Hope, Cobourg, Hope and parts of flic counties l'-U Pet- erboroughi, Ontario and Hastings Counties. Cavan, Millbrook and Soi':iî Monaglian, under goverfiment proposais, will go xitli Peterliorù County; Percy, Cr-alihe, Col- borne, Brigliton, 21urray and Sey- mour go to-Hastings and Manvers will go Victoria. tie n ta flicregular ri mi- paidteail members of council, tliey shah bc paid $30.00 a day extra plus .15c isileage Up fa 100 miles fer meeiing,7 bel - 'flic munieipaiity wlien such, per- tains ft lao emu. css. The treasurer was autliorizcd ta write-off a suma of$l1fO f ai-i-ars of deg taxes for priai- years. In spite of the fact that the nehekhLdg vshas flot been WIt& p in the local pap- er, the iicni'bers have been adt- ive over thÉi busy holiday sea son. Orn December 12, KIürby ladies. catcîed to 35 memnbeis for tie annual .Chiristmas party. The weatherman sure did flot co-op- erate as it iwas one of the bad "frcezing-ram,-" niglits. The dia- ner was bountiful and delicious and enjoyed by ahl. Tlianks again to the tirby Ladie~s who catered at such a busy time of year. Alter the dinner a short meet- ing was hcld then a social hour witli exchange of gifts. Sauta camle dancing in, accompanied by thec playing of jingle bells. Santa was very generous with kisses for the "good" ladies. 1On Decenber 14, a practice ses- sion was lid, also another on December, 27, to prepare foi- a meeting early, in 1913. On January 4, 1973, 26 officei-s and members travelledt to Port Hope, by bus, where two new members were received into Gan- araska Lodge. At the December meeting. Birtliday greetings were extended to Sisters Margaret Graham. Pli'h Robinson and Laverne Bai-rab-,lfl. O-n Sunday Januar.y 7, a small "Iget acquaintcd" 'meeting was heid at the home of SisterCX"s Gamsby. Present were Sisters Ev- elyn Cornish, Violet Dunlop, Mai-gai-et Graham, Rena Pears and Mrs. Betty Stinson and Mrs. Sharron Stacey.[ The winncrs o some of thec draws which vrere lield at the Bazani- eas'ly in December are as foilows: Big Draw,' Blani (t, She't niPillow Casci. jOhn 'o-r ser 2dL'mps, Ai-s. Mai-- vin Lisi;3d 3~ of Apples, Walkei- Cale-. Mi-s. 'Wayne Helson Santa Claus Ca ke, H-sO-& Doli, HI-s. W. Lo wes. Tihe Northumberland and'Dur- liam County Board of Educaf ion bas. ove- the past feW yeas-en- deavoured to encourage commun- ity use of the school pi-operties througliout the ai-ca. To this end fhcy deviscd a policy of uses and charges wbidh bas fostered a greater use of tlie school. The Orono Public Scliooi geai- ci-aI purpose room not only serv- es the school during school hours but also provides accomimodation for, some community activities for varidus age- groups and having a varicd program. Monday evening the s clool is used fi-st by flic Orono Gil Guides f0 conduet their weeklv program of aclivifies. Lafer in Ministry Christmas Party, Honors Two Retireme,,nts A crowded Oddfeliow's Hall on December l6th gave ample evid- ence of the~ popularity of the two guests of honour, Mrs. G. Gams- by and Mr-. John Bosgraaf, at the Ministrv of Natural lie- source's ChrIstmas Party. Mr. Bosgraaf retired in Novejm ber after 19 years of service at the Orono Nursery and Mns. Gamsby will retire later this this nionth after 30 years faith-' fui service with the Ministry of Natural Resources, which, has undergone many titurral changes during the course of lier service. On behaîf of the Lindsay District Office staff, the Orono Division staff and frîends, Mr. William Bunting presented small tokens, of oui- esteem and affection to both'these old frends. We were pleased that so many, relatives of both guests were able te accept oui- invitation andtrav- el under hazardous weathei- con- ditions to join in the festivities. Cr behaîf of li-s. Gamshxy ive Vseiomcd M1r. and L-T\s, Hsrold Sspell, Toi otito, '\,r. aiid i-s. John Boyd, Orillia, Mi-. and Mi-s, Doug Gansy, Gticîpl, Mi-. Jim Ganishv Montreal, Mi-s. Clara Flegg, Oshawa, Hi-S, Gracie Gra- ham, Toronto.,Hi-s. Marie Gi-a- ham, Toronto and Mi- a.nd Mrs. J. Patterso'n, Bowmnanville. O n be- haif of Mr. and Mrs. Bosbraaf xve welcomed Mr,. and Hi-s. Wil- liam Thajer, and Mr. Norman Bi-yant of Oshawa, Oui- warmhest Iha'nks to the ladies of the Ileather Rebekah Jndge, Orono for providing a memnorable turkey dinner, par ex- cellence, which initiated a most enjoyable evening for us 1ail (ev- en in spite of the "Inut" with the rigid digit who kept changing the music). We wisb ail pai'ticipants a very Happy New Year and to Gladys and John a long, healthy retirement. CoutyCou ncil 1 Votes To Retain Present System The United Counfties of North- umberland - Durham almosf ceas- ed f0, exisf last Thursday after- nloon. By a mai-gin of two. votes the United Counfies Councîl decided to recommendfliat it be i-etained as a governing body, presumably a regional goverameat of its own, in response to provincial propos- ais f0 foim an Oshawa Region. Altlioigh durîng flic discussion earlier in the afternoon, manyý of flie councillors from the ' toWnships in flie Counties spoke of their orientation toward oli -r centres, tradition dies liard and the vote to mainfain fthe Counties passed 17-15. January 4th's meeting was a special session of fthe 1972 coun- -ci, called fo discuss the provinc- ial governments, proposais whicb would fragment the United Coun- ties a.nd set up an Oshawa h-"'-i,- Regio n and to make recorm-'-'-1 ations for action to the nèw 197,3 cuncil., Another recommendation pass- Pd by the 1972 council was to ask for a, one-ycar extension to, the February 28 deadline the provin- cial government lias set for con- sideration of the regional ni- posais. The United Counties have ex- isted as a unit of governmenf since 1849, and most of the Reev- es and Dcputy-reeves' spoke of their support of the United Coun- ties la the past. But many of tliem said thaf if one township goes tliey vvsjd,( ail go. An earlier motion '- hicl would accept the proposai "in 'principle", but leaving 'tlieécunt.- ici, the oppoi-tunbM to "submit improvements in the near -future"~ was wiflidrawa by its niover, Reeve' W. I. Thomas of Cobourg and its seconder. Darlington ~o uty-reeve Gai-art Rickard. The~ withdi-awal camne' after strSe.g objections by council members for its "ambiguit-;,, Duriwg tihe afterpsoon session eaohMerpbr ' Th;' , 7 (-- , ries Couscl as akdto eXDres.s; bis opinio-i of flie proýposais' Many, of tuse representatives of the outlying townships to the~ cast and to the nortli. e' - -- dismay at being cut out of the Ujnited Counnues. ('avan township, Reeve Luther Olan -said, "R1as Peterboroughi County been asked if they want Cavan township? We waant ta, know from Peferborougli er we can fit into the ir counfy structure. Last year 1 askecl aSkr 'I "dme provincial represent- afives if Cavais townshio w e'--o - ing f0 bell? Tliey said no, that if could go f0 Peterborougli.,, He added, "We can turn back in Oui- hisfory and revive the Cav- an Blazers. Wc'lI fielst fç riglits, . . . Don't believe we- won't do it."1 Reeve Ken Pari- of township said, "The Hastings county council does flot wafit aay- part of having more municipal- ites. Jt's raflier a grim k (Continued on page s) the evcning a full class of aduifs are rcceiving instruction un Art 100 whicli is presented by Water- loo Universitv. This group nef only meets wcekly on Monday but also oncea month on Saturday. Tàcsday cvening and Tliursday evening tlie school bas resounded f0 the activitv of Badsninfc -- many ai-e faking advantage of tbis progi-am at tlie school. Once a montb flic Orono Home and School Club make use of flic gen- eral purpose roomn facilities for their meeting. Wednesday evcning flic Brown- les make fi-st use of thie school followed by a Fit ness Programn for women. Exercises and instruc- tions arc cnjoyed as a-notlu r program whîcli is sptnss-oreciouf- side of fIe School bett w-itlîin fthc building. A leatliercraft gi-oup also maRe use of the sehO on o iI'ondays and Wedncsdays. The latest deve'opment in community use of tise s-Cool could wcll bc a J, t ' Saturdays. The:club- otaye in aperation but coulililei flic very near future. AIl these activi 'ies aie ogn izcd oufsidc of flc dca2"a system fliuoughi local groups. The facilities ai-e provided. ins-'i cases, fi-ce of charge or with a smail charge by flie local coimtv Board ofEducation. TownhipCouncil HeId Inaugaural Jan uary 2nd Brochures Available Mr. Bruce Collins. CI-- the Municipality of Clarke,_ has advised us that brochures regarding Local Governrnent Reforin east of Toronto are available at the Towný fiee in Orono. A limited number are now avallable but it is expected that Mr-. Alex Carruthers, M.L.A. will be. deliverir- fur- ther copies to the office. C omrmunity Use Of. Orono, Sehool Leaves Littie Time Available

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