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Orono Weekly Times, 31 Jan 1973, p. 4

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- -~ ~ ORONO WEEKLY TiMES,, 1EDNESIAY, JANUY 31ts, 197~ Kirby News Intended -for Iast week) The Pot Luck Dimier last Wed- tiesday evénéng was- very wall attended wth forty stting down te a lovely dinner, with a good at- tendance at the annual Church meeting. after. Oxfo rd llïtCKLAYRlS STON EMASONS WILLIE J. SCIMIUAL Phone 98335606 spe4ciallng inAU ilkindb of ST ONEWVORK an~d FIREPLACIES W iedo bme Renaira lmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Mi St. North Orono Phione .983-S13O Hom. pione 987-5167 Mr. and Mrs. Ken I3aL were Tuesday evening supper guests of Mr, and Mrs. Les Aldred, Osh- awa, Arr. and Mrs.Ivan Bail, Bow- manvlle were Sunday evenlng supper guests of Mir. and Mrs. Ken Bal. A qufitlg was held at the ehurch on Tuesday with the ladies going in the'hmorn1ng. A lovely diminer was provided by somie members. Sixteen sat down for dinner. We were glad to have the ladies fromr Oron~o cornete heIp: Mrs., George Morton, Mrs, Morris, Mrs. Leona Wlls<n, MIrs. Bob Moffat, , and Mrs. Marilyn Martin froM Newcastle was als0 back te quIlt, over twenty ahlaitod with some cutting out blecks for another 'quilt. Mr. D. Stapies and Mrs, Max-- lene Withexspoen, teachers of KIrby School, were iUVOiVE3d in a car accident an Monday maorn- ing when Mrs. Withex-spoo's car hit an icy pateh 3on the road near W. Boyd's. Il is reported that the car was a total write-off. FESRUARY Sth to 2Sth 12000 GRAIN ,REFIN-A-MATIC WATER SOFTNER FuIJy Automnatic NO INSTALLATION Yeomns Plumnblng witb Air. Staple,.iand Mrs. Wither- spoon on-ly receiving mînor b)ruis- es. KIRBY NEWS Saturday dInner gessof Mlr. and Mars, William Allin and John Were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Shackle- ton. David and Rob ,and, Mr. Shackleton and Bill of Saiemn. 1fr. and MIrs. Clarence AIllIn, Joyce and Lois of Woodville were Sunday suipper guests, -Mr., and Mrs'. Cliff Cowan and Mrs. Albert Hairrrs, Bowmnanville Mrs. Mabel Williams, Toronto and Mrs. Jean Vanstonie. Todd, and Penny of Campheliford were Saturday evenÎnýg supper guests of Mx. and Mrs. Lawrence Harris It belng Mars. Albert Harris' birth- day. The ladies-- of Kirby U.C.W. heid another quhlting ut the ehurch an Tuesday. The ladies came ini the mor-ning and, had n, lovely pot luck lunîch at noon and made a day of it. Th-ose whoý couldn't. qulît worked on blocks and other things. We wex-e giad te have Doris Wannan and Let,>a Wilson and Shirley Williams from Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Ete-e Touceh- humri, Orono, were Mondaly even- ing supper guests of Mr. and ?Mrs. Ex-n Bryson. Miss Karen Lowery, Toronto, spenit Sunldavafena and (eV- enfing with he parents. satuirda2y waý Wst Dtilhaml Pinewood T~b Da-y beld at St. Gregory Catholie Church, Bow- ~nanville foIr, a1 the cubs in th District. Each cu,-b pack has'their own car rac . Te cubs whe enter i~n the race, purchase a block of wood 'ith jiust the seat cut out of il, and four whi]s, axels and nails from the Cub leader and they desigun their own cars (wl .th help from iDad). The car not to wegh ever 5 ouinces. Some win wilh speed i ters for de- sign. The winners go on te the finals on Februan, lOth ai th e same place. Theer were ten cubs from ithe Kendal pack who raced teir cars on Saturday. More excit- ing than Mosport. O.P.P. Report The Newcastle Detachrnent of the Ontario Provincial' Police in- vestigated the fallowing molor vehicle collisions aidoccurrences betwcen January 71h xand Jamiar-y 1th, 1973. Seventeen metar vehicle accid- entus were lnvesligated, inciuding 1 involving snowmobiies, in whicli 9 pexsons, werc injured aixd 7 persans charged with driviing offences i cannection. AIse invcsligated 'were 73 geii- eral occurrences cf which 1 was break, enter and theft, 6 theft 3 wilful damnage complaints, 1 trespasing report, 7 disturbances, 4' uss3aulîs, 3 domeslic complaints, 1 lrespassing report, 7 disturb- ancesý, 4 assaulîs, 3 domestiecernm- plainits, 2 missing person reports and 41 erratie or dangerous driv- iing complaints. Five persens are charged with criminal offences, 3, persans charged with trespass- ing, 2 persans charged with liquox- offences, and 2 persons charged with imipaired driving. one occurrence involved the recovery cf stolen property ini the amnounit cf $8000, aise there wcrc 2 reports of lest properl y. A sumimary cf occurrences in- ve$tigaîrd in the Past week, are as folloWsi: In the early evenlng cf Jan. 7, 1973 a resiclent cf the Darling- ton Tow,ýnshtip area near Oshawa, ujpon returnming home, was; alarm- ed to find 2 maie persons vani- sackiing tMi ue . Thie unknown suspfects oe~ uthinto' thle fields bchlnd th hou;se, andI have net y e bren icd. etnt 0-nJap,. 7. I Li apair ef17skis frem theski raiu eil l s'ki resori near BeSha i-. kPer S shoud beawae cfthefact that, Durham, Agricultural Society HoId Arnwal Meeting, The Durham Central Agricul- tarai Society held ther annua] meeting in Orono Sut. aftýrnoon with about thir-ty miembers ,pre- sent. The meeting received re- ports and electecj officers and dir- .ctors for the ensuing year. The Board finds themselves in a similar financial position to that of the beginig of the year when a loan was owed te the bamk in the amount of 5,600.00. This lban bowever was covered thieves frequent ski areas to steal valuable equipment which, in mosl cases, is left unattended. On Jan. 10, 1973 il was report- ed from Courlice Secondary ,cbool, that two studerils were suspen-ded alter bei:ng caught in an attempt to steal money froma the clothing in the boys dressi'ng room of the sehool. Two residents in Htampton and lqewicastle wex-e victimlzed by thefl on Januax-y 1,2 1973 when they discovered that numîerotus parts wýere stoien from theIr snowmobifles. The parts wre valued at approximately Duigthe eveningc of Jan. 13, 193aNewvcastle resident after attending a house party ýneax- Les- kar3x- returnçd to bis car le find, that persons uniknowln had stolen* a tarie p1aver and speakers val- ued 1it e-6.00. 3, vehicle traivelling east aon Hlighway 401 near Newcastle on Jan. 13, 1973, caught fire. The driver irnmediately pulied over enlta the highway shoulder, but but before the fire could be ex-, tinguishcrd, the late model vehicle vahîed nt ,$1500.00 was destx-oyed. Priving 'Tip- "Slusht Road Conditions" Vfter a heavy sniowfall, the pas-. sîng lune on mnost four lune high- wvays are oflen slusb lade1n, event though the riving lune is clear through the lxcavy movement of traffic. Whcn passl\ng other veh- idles diuxing these conditions, vour car muy h, 'd[roplane au:- slush patchles, cauing iss of contrai, Sit tight and wa;il until the road çanditiails improve befa'xý-,pas- by grants owing to the Society. The- financial report for 1972 showed an overdrafî, of $4261.42. Which has been covered early in January throtigh the receipt of varieus federul and provincial grants. Il is expected that,,the Eociety wili, start out on the 1973 edition of the fair with a balance in the neighbourbood of, $1,000.00., Prize money paid aut at the fair in 11972 amuntcd, b ,$1,0,206. Judges $1118.00, attractions, cx- clucing the, steer auction, a lit- tie over $90.00 maintenance and ope-.ation $7,36552, horse races $1536.83. Grunts receivedu during the year amountcd, bo $8294.53, dona- tions $1928.95, fees and, member- slips $2,777.35, admission $5,095.,~ concessions and rentais $2255.7e. sale of matertals and advertlsing ainiost $2.000.00 and miscellan- President 'Clarence Turner, who ehaired- the meeting stated fthai weukest part cf the fair was Sat-, urday night ând fçlt some im- provement wouid have ta b., macle in the entextginreent. 1fr. Carias Taniblyn felI the enter- tainnien t quality was good cnoug,,h but that' charges for evening shows,,, was perhups 100 much for a farilIy. It was pointed .out that the Saturday nighl gale gees fial and hat perhaps the faix- should be cancluded aI 5:00 in the after- noon. The president also said he would ilke te sec further assistance teI the 4-H 'exhibit. 1fr. Win. Tai- blyn statcd thal the 4-H exhibit was to be housed In a large lent aI the fair but as the lent was not available the exhibil hadu te crowded into thle exhibit build- Frhrconsideration is te, be given the c onstrutction of, an ex- tension 't the cattie shelter. A dlonation o! $50000 hias been, of fered ta the seociety for Ibis pur pos-e. The Society would aise re- a federai granito!f-seventy-fiv(e of the total test eslimalcd le bf ax-und $2,000 la $25000 NOTICE To Rsdnsoî -the Townlsip 1 of Clarke If anyone or aniy grotup wish to address Couneil would they please phoie the undersigned the Fridgy preceeding Counci meeting. (L.e. next Council meeting is oni February 6. 19'43 startirg at 10:0 amn. You woula have to notify the uudlerisgned by 3:00 pmn. on February ?., 19'73) .This vwill ensure that Couneil knows who is to appear before them and that ample time can be given to hear and discuss your problems. B. W.-Collinýs, 'AMCT Clerk-Admnistrator Township of Clark<e 983-9179 EÀ The Buiildîing Inspector for the Township of CLAIIKE wili be absent front his officer for two con- seecutiveý weeks (11), MONDY, EBRAIR 12to FRIDAY, FE1BRUARY 23 During this period buifldng permits will not be aalbe B. . olisAMICT Towshi ofClake WAy TE Police Village of Orono Parking Enforcemont Officer And Dol Control Officer Interested applicants are invited to send their. letter of application with ail personal data including salary ex- peted to the underslgned by February 15, 1973. B. W. Colins, AIMCT, Secretary Police Vilage of Orono OOrnO, Ontarlo Why Pay more? Save Money!s ON DX PREMIUM, QUALITY STOE OIL -C ollect Phone 668-3381 OXE For prompt CourteousSevc Cal Us Today

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