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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1973, p. 2

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OROO EELY IMSWEDNESDAY, FEBIUARY 14tbh, 1973 OjRO,,,NOWEEKLYTI ES Thecon isryMaf TBestrtiJopn indme O Puhflel sul y Thuc- rsdy t iste ie ,jtn-of u blia 407 o more of a reality titan rumour, The report was made pulic ti week and howýsth proposed Highway 407 eut- ting acrosa- the northern portion of the Township to link-up wiýth higblway 115 at Vite jtunction wýith highway 35 at Enter- pris notitof Orono., There is no d'oubt that ilew freewatys are and will be required atid 407 wti the p1ann,g by the Pn' i aln impolýrtant part cf the overail schenie for the area e-ast of Toronto. The hgwywhecn oomplete,-d will fln dn)ubt brng' further dweeoniment stress te this area. It la this dovelopent whih the province intands toc ontrol Vroiugh reg.ion)ial gvriet Tho, fact that Clarke T1ownship has been designated Io be, atgrebit arjea and thjis ;mN include faiities for rer the ie importaince Of te hiahway tVo this area be- cornes two-fold. A green beit - recreation area without Pro- pýer aceawol o slss and this is niow evident dur- ing big race weeks at MOI-Port. The intportainCe Of tthe green beit area in Clarke be- (ornes more revelant with the- prOoSai of the ilighway. We could wel be living within a rnost initeresting area., The faet that the hlighway, is o eut across the nortit of te Township does hold onie great e-,ýpeern, that being it will pass hrough the area. contaÎlinng the headwaters of tho Wilm't creek.th fese, headwaters imust be preserved or ail1 is lot in the ovrai'- green boit concept. What we def-stroy ecologicaily we can nover repair. it is a shame that in the sub-division nortli of Oronia that entrances eut fhlrough samplandI holding a wator supply to the Orono creek. Ti destructionî can neyer be repaired. Let it noV h-appe¶ni on the Wilrno)t. PortHope-, nH II-ber ,,oýnald Stanley Graves, 46, of RR 3 port Hlope was arrested On acharge of ajrmnedober witit Tte 'tineraiiiconistruction w1k ür waIs arrested lain conr1ectiOri w%,ith thea Pebruary 5 robbery of Vihe port Hlope branchi of te Cai- adian Imperial Bank of Comn- merce. There was $880.00 taken ini te hold-up. The Port Hope police spokes- mnan said that two police offîcers jbad flown to Dar-tmeoulh te brûng Graves back o face the robbcry H1e added titat Graves was ar- rested ite Maritirme city fOr being intoxicated in a public place. lie was wýaving a plastic toygu wliten Dartmou tpolice arrcsted hlmi. Graves will be plac-ed in te provincial jail in Cobourg witen ho is returned odaY. ithe spokesman sid ho will appear ia Port Hope provincial court ýon February 23rd. Highway 407 To Cut North Throuhg Clarke Township Anewv four-lane hi-igway link- Irig Toronto te Peterboyrougit cojuld run east and wvest titrougli ie nortern sector of Clarke TIown,ship at te junction of 115 axai 3,5 bigitways. The prýoposci Higitway 407 was reý_commeaded la a 75 page report prepared by te ministry of tran- sportation and cormmulnications and released Wedniesday. Onie of several iigitways studies released simultane'ou.slY ut exterds transportation rouVe-s becyond te Toronto area study pkublished Vn 1971. Tat report took planinfg o te fr-inlgs of Oshawa area'. HighawaY 407 will fOlOw te general route of Hîgitwaýy 7-te It junction with ïHighwvay 12 at th Tonof Br'ooklin. Promi thore, juidging byVit iess tlin detailed maps l ie study, it swings north on a grad- uaal curve o meet HIighway 35 aV Vibe juniction of Higitway 115. The, map shows tefreewý,ay passinig souttit of Columbus, eut- ting between Hamnpton and FEn- niskilcn and runaning througb Tyrone. A second study includes posed linkages betweer, the awa - Whitiby area and te ned Hligitway 407. pro- Osit- plan- Thc report on Hligitway 407 said an exainration of te public's travrel desires indicated tiere were severai major corridors of traffie entering ite Toronto area from ite ast betweon Lake On- tarte and Lake Scugog whicýh -wben combinied meQriteLd freeway AVt rsn -way 401 is te C' waare of, te -Vite proposai ami nme included te r. 'i~ offciaiplan. Theiovdfrom te last s rt-iirg i ad beci h l ~ ropsalre- Mr. James Rickard of R.R. 4, Bowmaini;lle bas been chosen as one of two Canadians Vo spend six moniths in the United King- 8om on a N1uffield Foundation Travelling Scholarship for farra- ors ini Canada, Australia and New Zealard. James is te son of Mr. and M!rs. Gannet RIckard of Cere- smnore Farms Liite d of Bowmnan- ville and ho, operates the farmn jointly with bis father, Garnet, ardi brother, Donald. The Rickard famlly bave been r ve e i n farm i rg iatînsanWe1,.it a commlruiiity and mniicipal iv itios, ovor the years and cong,,rat- ulti9 are offered Vo James on being chosen as one of two Can- adiars for titis scitolarsitip.' The scliolarsbip is set up to give practicing farmers, who ai- reaidy have ap)propriato experi- ence, 'anl OPp(rtunityVotebeoome acquainjted with the farmiing sys- tesand bsbanry ractices 0of te Uited Krom r. Rickard wii john the other Winiers a lt Nuffold i ondon on February 26th,. 1ne w, ibve a tour -of Gr71eat Britain and then snending, the greater p, ortion of hib isie on farmos, where hýýe will see and st(Îdy te tarin operation. Ho will aIsoe vist reeriad other phases of agricultmure inr Great Britai and in tiis way geV a generai pie- turc of Britisil agriculture. of the Uiest of Guelpht in 1966 and since tha ime has b(en actively engaged in te farm liop- eration. Titefarmopratiojn is both etnie a"d diversified; there is a erleal seed dfivisýin, wbicit involves production of ap- proximately 100 acres ofrest- cd wheat, ot and barleY for seed. In addition Vo titis pfrodu',c- tion, te fr oesoerate a seeý_d cleaniitg plailt ard l 'sO i' rov ed witit Creýd1e Frtiizes i Newcatl. oroim-ey200dac- res ofcaigcrp of es corn and prpisar'egrw each year ard ite lîvecstock oer aion includ!es, 45 mature pe-di- greed Seotch Sitorthorns, a steer finishing operatior whicit puts through ,appýro_,im:ately 300 ser per year arnd a hog feedirg enter- prise witit about 500> bogs Per year, Jimn Riekard bas been act- ive n cmmuity and profession- ai ativiiesbeinig a 4- I-11 u Lede ad a memiber of te Count Vegeable rowers Asso- ciation. 11e jis jimediate Past Pt-es-idenit and curOntly Secretary of the Coun'ty Pork Producors Association land lias been a dfir- ector of te Qutinte. Branch of the O)ntalo institute of AgrýoIOgists 11ec is also a director of the Dur-. ham Cenrtrai Ontario AgricuitUral Society which sPoGnsor the dOno Fair ecd fali. He is at present a dijector of the BowmIanville Lion'>s Club. Mr.: Rickard and is Wife, Ramona, have one son,! Bradley. Mr. Riekard wýill ho studYÏng Vwo tecbnical aspects of Br-itish agriculture, which would have the greatost bearlng on bis own farmn operatton. Commercial Swino Production and al its as- pect adcereal seod production and. the systems rigit througi from production and prOcessiflg titrougi.thVie sale and distribu- tion V o teNati!onal level. 1Be Or.n Bsildlmg Co.tracter Drl#k - M.&- 9.m. Weit TI.oe'u . 11fr f34441 0R43 also hopes Vo geV a goodi look at thie imsplications of Britain- join- 1ng the Europcan econoie com- munity and the efftcts titat iV may have on Canadiani agricul- ture, LOCal News Mrs. T'helma Convier, Bowman- ville., Mr. and Mrs. A. Jakeman visited with Mr. and Mrs. V. MacFarlave ard sors, also Mrs. W,ýalter Smith, ail of Kingston on Sunday. Mrý. and Mrs. Lorre Bowins have returned from a holiday in Florida. REGIONAL ARCHIVES PLAN TO Go TO MUNICIPALITIES A proposai for teestablish- ment of a regionial archtives for te proposed Oshtawa certred region wiUl be borught before municipa 1 ll Ccils and the execu- ive of mus,,eums in te region d'uring te next Vw.ýo weeks. The proposai, by Brian Winter, archivist of te Wititby Historical Society, was discussed in detail recen-.tly by members of the Cen-, tral OnjtariýoMsum Association Made up of represeittatives of Most of fthe Museum;s already 10- cated in te proposed regloit. Accordling Vo %Mr. Winiter, the regicital archives wýould be oper- ated by te regional municipalitY in a building specýially built te blouse archivai matorial. This bujildjing co,,ld ho located i, intbe regional centre or nt SOMe other a'ppropriate locatio. Such an archivýes he said,wod ite te first at a regionial level ex- cept for te Metropolitan Toronto archives, which contains onlY municipal documents. Archives are preýsen1tly maintaýinied at te lfederal ard provincial level'. problemns Several problems will bc faced il, settirg -up a regioral -archives, Vite museum association members dhs-coved jas tey commerted on ite proposai. Earl HIanr, presidient of te O awnad District Hlistorical Society, said it would bc a good thinýg to bave al i te original doc- uments Vu,ý a central 'location and copies supplied Vo te local mus- eumns. In titis case there wouid be no fear of damage or losa Of the origfinals. which could happer in local museuins, lie said. A535 RLJB 128 G Tube $2.48 Receive FREE 1 - 2oz. NOXZEMA 4 oz. Jars 2 jar-, $1,52 KLEENEX 200s White regý. '2for 49e. 2 focr 4le. BORN FRUE CREA-M RINSE 9 z. $1.58 CLAIROL BALSAM CONDITION 99C. Another advantage of a region s ickad To ritai February Specils Regular e7C. 5U Noxzema Super Dry DEODORANT' 10 oune $1.46 5 gr. 500 Only $1,09 Nestles Lem on Cream SH:AMpoo 14 oz. . 84C. NEW! AAnusol Plus for IHemorrhoids Cream .$1,27 -Suipp. $1.4o3 iI-archives said Alan Barnces, of th Oliwa So-cie ty, Lis that it ý wduld provide the best possible ity ontrIol, uhiýCh is ilot, ava2abL0 o in local myuseumis. "Are any of us ustified in keeping originals werwe .cari get good coies" isked. "We have a moral obligation Vo pre- serve Items properly. NSore of us can afford to. preserve recorde properly." Arother pr.oblem faced by the- museums is whose propertY te6 documents will be if they are placed in the regioral archives,, Mr. Barnes suggested the local municipality or museum couldf own them but have tbem kept by" the region. The museum members ex-pres-- sedz concern about municipatig storing valuable records in base- ments, and what will happen te the records of municipalities which will disappear under reg- ional governmeiit. Mr., Barres pointed out that ali? material from te region COUldu ho indexed in te central loca- tion, with eacb museum having., an inventory of what is avallable. Guideline' Needed A definite guideline isî aiso needed1 to determine what Is fIt Vo beentered in tearchives, ho (Contïinued' page -7), by BOWMANVILLFT CLEANERS, Pick-up and Delivery e Vey TUFSDAVi, THURSO2AY adFRIDAY MATTS BILUARDS and" Barbsrshop h i STUTT'S PHARMACY PUONSEcffOBos 34 OFONO WEEKLY TIMES,

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