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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1973, p. 3

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OROGNO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUABY l4thi, 1973 OýRONO BDRIVERS BEAT TEBEST IlerreFlin a Que.bec naâtive 1î2 a½ ihawrdrcr D'ownson Suday. ie wa. enter- cd îin eigh t he Paine races win- ningfour Twoof bis defeats cam faite hands0of two Oronoû driers KelliandJunior lWest. lu bbh,,second rcFiionwa bokof Keibli W'eýest whor drore ollnt itot hflirsilt place finish lu a timef 2:11, Filion wVO.n bcfirzl, thirdi and fourbb inuIthe ffh iio jas con- drivers, Jno West and DeOrek< .fronted by two f .urtheýr Orono lteman,. lere again the Qucbeýc S.pIic Tank Service Si HOUiE SERVICE LORNE HARDY Leskard. Otarle ~hone668-3381 ace was oudriven when Junior West toek the)nrace driving Mighty Wil. Derek Newvýman driving len) Tenats Gily's Dolly, finished in forplace. ' The rowd at Kawartha on Sun- da ia record for bbc new meet and 1possibly due to the ap- On SburayFebrualy 10, 1973 atGreoo Raccway, Mr. Law- renc- Hooy's -borse "Muddy Gerepinishcd lfirt in the eihhrace. TAK-E 5-1 VTCTORY The Orono Tykçes in an exhibi- tion gamie with Lidsay on1 Friday took a 5-1 victory. Greg Jolinston scored thiree of the Orono goals wibh the 'other two off the stick of Don Frayer. Steve Stec pickedý uptwo assists along with ýsingle assists to William Van Seggeleii and Bobby Hickey. ORONO AT11LETïC NOVICE OVER NEWCASTLE The rono Atbletic Novice club registered a shut-out over Newcastle ion Friday wbile Wayne MacLean and Duane Major popped in two goals for the local boys. Assists went bo Terry Hedges and Ross Stutt. 1- Collect ORONO SPORTS Saturday night ln Oreon n the Orono men again defeated the Midgets. Doug Taylor for the mnen netted four goals; Bob Cook twe andi singles te John Witberidge and John Mather. Kelth Powell, Steve Allen and David Breýwa counted for, the local Midget crew. Il PER WEE ATHLETICS OUTPLAY NEWCASTLE The OoioPee Wee tite outplalyed thleir countler-parts fromNwcsl on Fridaýy night by a vide mnargin of 7-1. Matbew Roisnrang up a bat br,1 ickc1ndadded an asit b bis credt whle teaini mate Doug, Hancoc netedtwo goals for the eveing.Mak halan soid goal and se-p aohr t Sco, Wstwas away aedl tal o ie te sit ett BANTAM FAU~ONS D)OWIN M1ILLBROOK The Orcono Bantamr Falcons took a decidied 6-3 viceto.ry over Milbrook. The Or>no attack was; spearhecaded by Johin Cornisbh withl four goals and single count- ers by Peter Boots and Ken Hu't- tol. 'Milan Popadicb, Ian Moffat and 'Brian MacDonald -were ail credited, with assists. ORONO PEE WEE FLYERS TIE WITH BOWMALNVILLE The Orono Pee Wee Flyers and a temm fr'om Bowmaniville played to a two-all tie on Saturdlay tin an exhibition game. Ponl Talsnia and Darid Hutton were the goal- geb'lters; for Orono wlth assists to Stephien HIaynes and Stephen Clark. ORONO MIOGETS LOOKING FOR A WIN The Orono Miâgets were un- able Vo pulfl out 'a win lu two gaines over the weekend. In an exhibitiý'on feature with Port Per- ry ln Port Pebrjry the local club was edged 4-3. Ini this gaie Myles Branoîit, Steve Aller,, and Keith Powell ci>ounted the three Oji0oegoals. kendol News Sorne of the Kendal folk visit- ed Mrs. Irene Mercer in the Beau Villa Nursingi Home iu Bowman- ville andi feýundi ber Lit g'ood spir- îts andi happy to have visitors. mi. Regî. EUlitt receeived-c a cýard from bhis sister, Mis. Irene lech- ardson. She mailed the card frein the Fýiji Isandis on ber rit tn AusýtralIia andi New; Zealandi. We noticedi the beautifujl staMP com- mpmo('ratiný, Her Majesty's and Prince Pblîlps tweni>y-fifth wvýed- dIing anvrsr.WIy bsCn ada falledi te issue d StaMp forV tbis, inbctant occasion inIllebclife of oi Royal f ainly? On, Sunday ,Rer. T. Snelgfreve rea d the lssnfrein tIKingfs, Chapter S. 1He bock ass subject "o tedeal with frsatn" () Our hiopes or plans oftli fail Vo wmaterialize. Dg aId pla1nnedi in bis beart le build a bos of Godi but Ged said, "Tbo"u shalt not, but thy son1,<Solemon) he shIl build the bouse unta MY naine" (2) We all bave limitations. We must hold onto the vision and believe change is Possiblic. Wil- berf orce banfisbed slaverY fr-oi the British Empire. Lincoln freed the slaves lu the U.S. iviIgStolne orange Flaveur Crystals 3%oz poly bag YouIULlove Rhodes Frozen TANG 4 for 790 Bread 5 b0aves 970 Strawberrtles 55e CORISRSOromo YOUNG SKATERS RAISE $500. WITH ORONO SKATATHION The members of the Orono Pee Weeý Flyers raised an amount of ingý a onle hour period at thle Or- onjo arena. The players, had ob- tained spons.ors in the ska-tathuon and m os recent tabulation as re- ported ýby Mýr. E. Opoka amounts to some $5000. Thefuns ill be used te ur hoeJacet rad toques ote Pe~eeplyes ndwii!asopay bus are to Quebec this week- end vwhenî the 'local players repay the recent Lorraine visit to Or- ono. Mr. Opoaî, claime3d the skatatb- on a great success. It is believed that Ron TUals, ma calried the btggeSt prn'-i' i- to the event with some 80 Ceints per round. île eompleted 104 rounds durng the hour cillectiiig gome $80.W0 in the skatathon.. FIRESUI - NEVER FROZEN "E-VISCERATED" 2 1/2to 3 lb. average CHICKEN' Grade "A" lb. 47c Tender, Juicy - Always Tender FITER QUARTERS lb. 5 fiWlid Seasoned 16 oz. pg. Wieners Skinloss 59c Burn'ýs Fresh Sliced COOKED HAM lb. 78c Headcheese lb. 75c FIRESHI SICED BEEF LIVER lb. 78c BOT OFF THIE GRILL Rarbecued C0;hiolkenls Tbuasday, FridaYl Saturday SUJPREMEFROZEN 12% fi. oz. tins Orange Julce 3 fer '$1 Moluntt Royal 10 fi. ez. tins fanad rin'O rouges 4 - 89c Caifonda RED GRAPES l.49c Grapefruit Florida 8for 79c celery Stelks large 4 'c C ARROIS 3lbs. 35C FISh 8&chips S3c took the gospe to Africa. David made preparation &)r the build- ing. Christian, Missionaries arc go- Lng ut in the eMaster's service. We aise mut sreohes at týche hme ibf Mýrs-. Reg. Elliott on- Fe-bruzc"y 8th at 1:'30pm.it eigl4 members presenlt. Mr.Allan Donsoee h di~t Se hanedthe ladiJes for' th cnfdecethey lad pacenl he adhoped we wudhv ,suec---'sfui ycar. "Unto chis Mrs Potergave the citr readIngGensis mine 24-26 God bad cmand Nloah tù save one b-uman famlly and one anlimal f amily. The roil cail was name a ild onimal. of Northern Canada. MVrs. Eliott gave as her topie "The Day the Ca-irboua Came." In mid mornin.g July 16 they began to cross the iver led by mature d'oes. T11hey entered the act. -Te were guardjedi at the water, the splashing of eue thou- sand hoofs sounded lk a catax- rear by great hirned stags. The Missionary held a church servic,2e at high qyoon with ten present. The Bible is full of Godl's ivn concer4. for animais. Fýor -our days the caribou kept c>mIing Per- haps 10,000 caribou. The year beýcfore they had eOcme on that sanie day, July 161h. The treasurer stated that $50 had been sent to cach of our lilv- love projeets in Angola and New,>- feundiand. A letter waS readi fromn Miss Etta Snow in AngIo1a It was decided to hold a bazaar in the f all. Offering -$6.25, talent moReY $1.50- Our book on India tbld cof child m arriage as arranged by parentsý A delicious lunch was served by Ms. H. Poster and Mrs. Reg. Elliott. Next meeting will bc helé march 8th at the home cf Mrs E. Couroux. The Kendal LhO.L. 4M5 met ini the - Orange- Hall on Wednesday, February 7th for their monthly mieet'ing with fourteen mrembers Tyrone, one of whomi was the County Master, Ruýse!l Browvn. Lunch was enjoyed after the meeting. Mr. Carence Therteli camne home on SaturdaY froineenior- lai Hospital afler spendiuig two' weeks there. We are glad te r- port he is feeling much better. Why Pay More? Save Money! ON DIXPRMUQULT FUEL OIl I DIESEL OIL I STOVE OIl Fur prompt Courte.us ServWe Coli Us Toay NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Lennox - Oshawa Transmiîssion Line Projeet Clarke Townshlp Wedoeesdoy, February 21 7:30 PM Clarke Township Hall - Oreno A new study is ini progress to find the best location for the Ea-tWeçg transmîssionx Unes frin Lennox to OShawa. At this early stage in the stiady it is important that YOUR vlews be madie knowiL Thiýs meeting has been arranigeti bY Clarke To»mship ceu~ndil i coperation -wth Ontario Hydro.

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