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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1973, p. 5

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WLDNESDAY, FEBRUAIIY 1i f 4 UNITED (cBUtLWII B.Th. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY lSth ooUnîted Cuc: Chureh Sehool - 10-00 ar. Worsîhip Service - 11:15 a.m. Chureli Memberlisip Meetings,, Friday niglits at 7:00 pan. in the Friendship Room. KEY '73 WORXSHOP - MondaY February 26th at 7:30 p.m. in the Main Hall. Corference COfficer, Rev. Fraser Lacey in charge of prQgramme. Kirby United Church: Wors5hip Service 9:45 a-m. Church Sechool - 11:00 a.m. Dial A Thought: 98».151 GatC. WaIde lmsurta'nce Aec Roir 91, Frt Hope, Oalfo Tr'leph.oe fl ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Flrst an?, Third uua Scodand Fourth Sna~ Roty Baptism by plumn vWith Rector 987-4745 The Rev. H. Robert HaYnei, B.A.. L.Th. DRAPES CAPTby ffardlug amA WaD4.-WaH o« Arad 9 F. A. Kra.p Doo- tluKig K a"i JACK Clarke High Ne>w-s manl winter's uulv hsya- Tfhisý may hiave ben an advanagc for the 'track stars because they were able to start their training On Mon,,day, Feb. 5, 1973 the secr or basketball teami ha d a game ag-Aint Port Hope. De -pIt much effort on the part of On Tuesday the girls had their rr-giiai' Vole yball practice. They work .very hard and because of thlî fir the re able to xini many games. Right riow nany peýIýir t1ir'ing about their future. To heip them along a nurse ûcon îltant came and talk- ed to a group cf about thirty girls. Many of the que3tions in- voived' requir ments for- entering nursing courses. I guess that these girls do nDt realize tht.t al these facts are available for theijr use in the guidance office. On Wednesday the 'gymnnastic club had their, regular practice. Another, thing #1 noticed on this day was the closeness of the teachers and students. To illlus- trate this point some teachers and students have a hockey team ogether. This really . shows that despite the argumntI that there is lack of communication between older and younger peoapie, this fact can bc wrong and many times is. Also on Wednesday eome people went to give biood in Bowmanville.' This really shows that both teachers and students care. On Thursday the senior and junior girls voleybailipiayed Vanier. They won three ouf. of four. games. The boys' midget baskefbail team played West Co- bourg but despitLe much effort, fhey 10sf. More news next week. Diane Barnett. O.P.P, RepoIrt The foliowing m.otor vehicle collisions and occurences were investigated by the Newcastle Detachment of fthe Ontario Prov- incial Police between Januarv 28th and February 3rd, 1973. The weekiy accident rate is considerably high, with 29 mot or 1vehicie accidents investigated, la x'hich 12 persons suffered personai. injury, andi as a resait 5 persons were charged wifh driving offences. The Newcastle officers aiso compieted 64 generai investiga- tions of which 1 was break, entf- er and theff. 5 theff, 5 wilfui damage complaints, 4 trespassinz reports, 3 disturbances, 1 assault, 3 domestie compiaints. 3 erratic and dangerous driving offences and 1 missing person inve. s ti- tdon. One occurrence învnl,,-d the recovery of stolen property, also there was 1 report of found property. Two persons are chargeti"' '- criminal offences, 3 personls charged wth petty trespassing, 2 persons eharged with, liquor of- fences, and 3 persons eharged with impaired driving. A summarv of ocuý,rrencf i vestigated in the past week, are as fçpilows: Sometime betwceen January 27 and January 29t,1973, a new 1ski-dolo snowmobiie still wifhin the packing Lrate was stolen from the premises of Counfy Chrysier west of Bowmanvilie. The snowmùobile was vaiued at 1$975.00. The proprieto aurant on IIigf Newcastle repo $69000 on J money uo posit mer the veh-i the r during lb ruai, A r or of the DX rest- ,hway F-~ north of rt -Atet of 1973. The i i Bank de- )ien from irorat d outside ý:as stoleii ;tirs of Feb- located on cfNewcastle was broke.n into on, Februairy '3, 197-3. The cgrtematchine 'was lrken open, alla approximately $162,00 cash w-ýs It~l .TwO ju~nies recharged in conmec- tion wlth thîe the. EN OW'THE LAW - "lîse of ileadlighits." Use of head1ight, is no't oi'y a night time . equirEîment. The Higl,,way Traffie Act also re-' quires that headiamps and tai]- liglits must be ia use during in- sufficient liglit or unfavorable at- mospheric c"nditions in daylight hours. Whlen daytimne driving visibil- ity is poor, due to snow flurries, raina or fog, make sure other drivers eau sec you and you ean .>ce them. Simply tara on your low beam hcètdlights. Reduc-d driving visibiiity increases the charges of a collisin. So use your headlights whenever daytime driving vlsibility is reduced. DIiIVING TIF Driver Drowsi- ness Tt is not uncommon in the luinter for, a motorist to -become drowsy at the wheel, especiaily with the heater on and the win- dows closed. To guard against this type of situation, especially on long trips and on high speed highways, stop for a coffee break and possibiy a few mninutes rest. Another simple suggestion, is to0 Qpen yoar car window just enough to ensure proper ventil- ation. A llttle fresh or cold air helps to perk you Up. oclNews, W'ord wtýs received this wek of the rmarke,-d improvement, of Air, Fred Truli who has returned to the Golden Plough Lodge afteý, ý,e eral months ini Cobourg az, Dstrict Hospital. M~. . H.Stýý!p'es is a ,Jatient in Bowmanville Memorial Ho p!t- al1. MIr. and Mrs. Jack Rickaby of Toronto speint the weekend with Aîr. and Mrs. Cari Bîllings. Mj's. Sadie Hamilton returned home fnom Bowmanvilie Memor- l Hospital this week. Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bailey and sons were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Little and Lynn, Kendal, Mr. Bud Eliott, Mrs. Stella Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Neal and daughter, Mrs. Ron Dinner and daughters of Port Granby. Orville Chaitterto ELXCrRICAL c)ONTRACTING ÀN!> &MVICE ph... 953-46 < or953-5949 Oe40. ONTARIO FE*'%RUARY Stýh to 28thi aaSALE w 12000, GRAIN REFIN-A-MATIC Fully Automatie WATER SOFTNER NO INSTALLATION CHARGE 1983-5624 SA14KER 1SA FELLOW 98.0 LINOS YOJ HIS UMBRELI A îWHENIR1<1SUN 15 SHININS ANDI fIANTS IT BAUK WHEN Il R AINSi Albrts~Texac. 1iflb1 &Av ailablea t d~>i rono, Weekly lmes CARMAN PLUJ!BING AND HEATING ______________________ EMBOIDErY SUPPLES Smpe Transfer Patterai Vogart Transfer Patterns for embroîdery or painting Fa'rs suitable for piow cases, scarf s, lunch cloths and Goods PRICE PER PACKAGE -------39e A new stock of Stamp- 1Roops ed gods or mbrodeiylu-Good quality Metal Hoops, -6iches i diamneter. cluding Pillow Cases, Run- PRICE FER SET --------55e ners, Lunch Cloths, Toast- er Covers, Pot Holders andEm r l , y C to Baby Bibs. Clark's Anchor Strande-d Cotton iïn a good seleetioD of shades. PRICE PER SKEIN ---- - 14c. package. el, L ,àNîckel-plated EmbrnideNy Needies, sizes 3 to 9 in a PRICE PER PACKAGE 15c. Also MidWinter Sales Continue

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