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Orono Weekly Times, 14 Feb 1973, p. 6

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY llthl, 1973 P2stGI Cod Atloted 0Twn S - p 0 lak T~~~~~~~' rtoPstfie cg cn pIval xas ivenby ceeNrth Mia fiosardo î' e Ta Newatlle. crs thtse chavepiso ab maie gained suppot ofIbe bard ite ex phoner5 buy rridsMfegsia, re aran-l Amerrya. eff 3yrd irvc. i Us t etctn- -o ~ ~ " jela ci h s aolo acvr',)v-crowded, t D o -chools w-11 be closd mhen the tise snirlemcntary schoo1 is built, and tiis less exo n ive bo build a xicw echool than to build addtiici'sis to alI the exi st- ils bidn pora torecoup for a few% years, Mr. Harriett P i '. i-.. Port HoIne's trustee, po)intcd out bliat in thiose few years of waiting bufdfg ots w-lil skyrocket, and the need will become more acuteý. Newceastle's orrebr Kenneth, Lyall, pitdouit that development in Cl-arke Townhi,àP is becoming and that plans for new subdivi'ionq are belng,, pre- seoited ail the time. William Carman - who alIso rep- resents Carke Towxnsbip on the Board, tated Ihat the Miniîstry of Education bas demanded much researchlinto the sieed for' a -icool and was, finally satisfied and approved the plan last Nov- embfler. "Pupils in that area are suffer- ig"Mr. Carman, stated, "thev are in portables. and tbey do not have facilîties for modern edu- cation, sucb ' a3 librarles and guidanc' facilitie7." uselW?.!lýer, mmbcr for ilmlo ,Coboiirg and Raidi- mnpointed outt bia a recent report from th'e Cornmitte on tbep Cois of EdIcafýo"r- rvea1ed that forecasts for construction nedea'e - tsircorrect. "u p.naycorrcrn as a Board le bo look af er the chldren. but v-e m-ust- aiso cousider thie taxpayer." he stated. Tise p-oi ectecl senior element- ary schlool will conjtain 16 rooms for teîachirg, including ciass- roome, science labs and a library, a health, unit, a lunch rOlom and two change roome for 420 stud- ente. The estin'ate of the debenture pr.incipal for tbe new school is approximately $875,000. AIl cur- Ne Anound the first of February lh, c'P_',il co le for mail serviced t 1 1 . 1 Orono post office was allocatcd. Each box holder in Clie Oro oarea ervic-,d fi om thcOr co P'o t (0f will be inormed of 't c1cby leter. The Or.-o co "le ti LOB M. Folloingin illness onf thre weeks the death of Herbert Beatty Reid of _RR 1, Newtonvilloý occur- rpd on Sundaýy, January 28, 1973 at the Bowmnanvîlle Memoria] lospit Son of- th)e late James and 1-enrietta Reid lic was born ti Oak Hiîll, October' 23, 1898, and rir-(.ve& bis , educýation there. On April 16, 1924 lie married the fnrmer Ev\,a MaeWood Who pre- ec-ceaç;ed 1-J-1 three weeks ago. T'he d'ceaseýd was a farnier at ')ak Hill1 until 1954, when he, moved th Stark-ville, wlere he had sinc.e resided. 'Vr. ic-,f survived by firt-e chidren, 'Clifford of Bowman- ville; M s. o nrf Gay (Evelyn ' 1 Regina,Sask.; and ýAllan of OUi- awa; oue sister, MUrs Harry Trew (Mae) of Garden, H111 and seven grandehi-idren. The funeral service was belt at Aflion's Fïineral Home, Port Hope on January 31, 1973 at 2 O.'(1o.k with iv Ted Sueigrove- officiating. Deritistry ad It'q Victime by "Paul evr"D.T).S. (how to p--oteet vouirteýetb and your pocket book - -- an expose) TheMvtr of Thinge by Patrik Le Ne tou)Lr (evo-:catio.ns of the Japane-se supev-nallural) My .Paris by Maurice Chevalier S(pictorial ernide to Paris) Wunnerful, Wunnerful by Làw_- rence Welk and Bernice Me- Geehan (aufobiography) Lady of Quality by Georgette Heyer (romance). The Persian Boy by Mary Rein- auît (sixth week on the best seller lists) Junior- The Story of Gqld by Ruth Brindzei Pages, Pictures and Print by JO- auna Foster (a, book in the making) Album of Dinasaurs by Tom Me- Gowan The Wheel of a Fast Car by W. E. Butterworth Easy Reading and Picture Boo 9 The Mnnster's Nose Was Cold bv Joý, Hanson (deligh.tful black and white sketches) Bear Circus bv William Peine du Bois. m. Hadxley Clarke 'Public Llbrary i-, pleas-' ed te announce that their col- lection of Canadiamna' books are now' classified anci on display. reut building projects wilIl i- crease the debenture levv on the sýuuportîig municipalities'by $28,- 170, from $908,340 ia 1973 te $936.510 lu 1974. If the elir'-erf1v project-'d 'nibojls were not built the de- benture levv on thé, mu-nicipalit- les for 1974 would be $888372. A ftp, -iyeh 'dicussion. Dr. Tanl 'Wil'ion .eiae that discussion ,va& good -la that taxpayerq would know that they are being con- .îdered by the Board. but hie said Branch. Aý letter was received froýin the, L'CBO stating tha4t they would osider the etbiheto ouitin Clarke ,ýTownsihip and X lete'- ws ai e reci ' from Uic Oono Phce Tussug- i ,.og cat T, e tU -fer of adfo u ham Agricltural SCity l stiýli ' g 1 I-+ - T e 1;kr fi clex'c iof, iraths age wYc ie oui o bcOo'lso Bothlb '-riui~ralSoci-ty a'idTow'hi hav ageedto the Sa2e foîr elI oertu") vears. A s'mewht sitiarSituation is, also hiolding up the develop- ment of tle second well in flhc South of0o1 br again the Ontarijo Water PRe -olirces Oom- mîsui has epetely asked for a clarification, of the titie of 'the land on whiich tlhe N'el is to bc Iocated. This lriiato has been sDught for wel ver a six mnonth period b O.W.R.C. but has not beem able to) be clearcd by thie Township -Olicitor. The most recent letter from the OwRC was rcie January 31. Council has given ,approval for a lottery to be held by the Orono Hockey Mothprs pending approv- ai by the Provincial Lotteries These oid books take us back to the early daye of Ca,,,nada. A'iy- one interested in the settiement, hisVoDry, polluecs and people will find them fascinating. Usually these b ,o , ae ckpt in the Library for )referenc- e only, but due tO the ecirent in- tenst in Canadiana we are boan- ing them 'out on the saine basis as any other book. Another add(ition for the Junior Reference section is; is al beauti- fuilvillu~atedWifldlife Ecco pediýa consistinig Of 20 vln' This cmrhniese't cvr the animals, hirs h, inseýets and reptiles of the world.' M. Hadiey. 7WN DAIS A WKlvwà Pizza - Meeals PLUMBINCnd 1IIEATTNG 24 furSrvc New stlain Airaos Spedlizlug i flot Waztier F'orited Air HeatlAg Septie Ta.n;k Work. RXt 1, Orono ~ 352 Phtene Nevwcas,ýtle 987-4240, AU day Wednesday aniSatu-rday DX SERVICE STATION flghWay 35 and 115, just north 01 Newcastle Featurhag; dur---"ait ?dut At ne Moat Reesoiuible Prîces Diesel 0O1 Availabie lu xiny qnuiky 9 PJ!.TO 1 A.M. 3 îiece, Torornto Group, GREfýAT DANCING COUNTRY BLUES ROCK phoîie 9835001 for reservations Rubber Stamt-ps Continuous Forrns Aviiléabie at Orono WAeekly Times oim-40 j 1 Pbeaie 983 5049

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