- -~ ORONO W~E1~LY ~1MES, WEnN~BDAY, MARCU Zut, 1973 UNfTED CRCM OrnMastrl Rev. B. E. Long. SUNDAY, MARCU 25, 1973 Orono United Church: Churcli Sehool - 10:00 a.m, WVýorship Service - 11:15 a.m. Message: The Third Word' frain the Cross. "Woman behold thy son." "lBehoid thy Mother." Hii-C group participation and the Minister. Church Membership meeting, 7,00 p.m. Friday in the Frieindshipý Rooin. Key '73 Bible Study on Monday evening at 8:00 p.m. in the main hall, Everyone welcome.., irby United Church: Worship iService - 9:45 a.m. Church School - 11:00 a.m. -Dial A Thought 983-9151 BOB YEOMIIANS PLUMBING and BEATI-NG 24 Heur Servce New Intallations- leain Repairs SpeclalWzing In Rot Wate T Heatîng, Foreed Air HKeating Septlc Tank Work R.R. 1 Orono 983-5624 ST. SAIO"URS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Reg-ular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Holy Comamuno- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Seo d < Fourth Sundays ilry !a~tsmby appointment wit Betor987-4745 The 1ev. il. Robert Hayne, B.A.. L.Th. ' CUSTOMN-MADE DRAPES CARPET by Harding and Crosley Wail-to-Wa2l or Area Rugiý Complete flue iof Kitche,ýn Carpet, Hardsurfaees F. A. Kramp Furniture Ltd. 31 - 41 KlIng St. East Phone 623-VYOI1 BowmRanvilllo Free Estimatea »ecoratIng Servico JACK IREALTOR 99 King St., E. BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE SPEAKS AT MOTHER'S DAY OUT M1EETING The reguflar monthly meeting of Mothier's Day Out was held on Wednresday, Miarch l4th at the United'Church in Orono Discussions on child care-were supe'rvised by Mfrs. Seely,, a Pub- lie Health Nurse working with the Health Unit in Bowmanville. There were 20 members present, including quite, a number of new members.1 Oré next meting will be held on April llth, when we hope to have a Spring Program on gard- ening. CONSULTANTS NAMED FOR N. PICKERING, Plantown Consultants Mt., a Toronto-based consortium of 13 firms, has been hired to help de- sign and plan Ontario's proposed ncw community. in North Picker- ing.> The new comimunlty, en 25,000 acres south 'of the proposedt new international 4irp ort, isAthe pivot of the province's long-range scheme toe encourage economic growth east of Metropolitan Tort onto. The first of an expected 150,000o te 20,000 residents are te move into the community in A, statement Friday from Treasurer Johin White's office announcing the appointment said PîaDtown's major task ,will be te propose'innovative approaches te housing, environmental preserva- tien, recreation and transporta- tion services te the new commun- ity. Durham nAgri-News by Bob Watt, Asst. Agr. Rep. Roadside Weed Contrel The Ontario Ministry of Agri- culture and Food is sponsoring a meeting for ail people involved in Roadside and Rights-of-Way Weed Centrol, on: Thursday, Ivarch 29th at The Ontarie Gev- ernment Buili ng- in Lindsay from 9:30 a.m. te 4:00 p.m.. This meeting will be simlar te, the series that we heldin 1971. The program wilI cover ail as- pects te roadside weed control including, l .egisiation of the Min- istry. of Environinent, weeds and their control, equipment, spray damage dlaimis, drift control mat- erials, herbicides, 2, 4, 5-T and a qu1estioun period. Ram Test Station- _tlonourable William A. Stew- art, Ontrk' Miister of Agri- cultujre anid 1?o announced the opening of a Ram T'est Station at the Remptville Cýollege of Agri- cufltural Tecûhinology. This Ram Testinig Station, a new und-.ertakintg in Ontario, will be epen te al ontario breeders enrolled on the Performance Testing Pregrain for sheep and will be on a pilot-project basis for 1973. The Minister aise announced' that a special sale of these station tested rains will be held at the time 'of the Ontario Sheep Field Day ta be held in midsummeri 1973. The sale willM provide breed- ers and commercial producers with an opportunity te rýécchase superior performance tesA,"* Zr-ms, Albert's Toxace GENERMAL ÎREPAMI Puono ba"m c (bz» anid use them i their brceding programs. Breeders wishing te enter rains on te6t at the Station shou d apply te R. 1-1. Denniss, iSecretary, Ontario Ram Test Sta- t1ion Committce, Live St6ck Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agri- culture and Food, Parliament Buildings, Torouto Breeders and commercial preducers who wish to obtain information on rains being offcred at the station. test- ed ram sale in midsummer should write te Mr. Deuuiss in late June or early July. Provincial Junior Farmer Conference '73- SA total of 350 Junior Farmers froi across Ontario will repre- senit over 7,000 memibers at the Annual Junior Farmer Provincial Coniference beinga held at the Inir- on-the-Park, Toronto, frein March 23 - 25. This yea's conference is de- signed ta help participants be- come more aware of people in varied social situations on a per- sonal basis. This purpose resulted froin a '72 Conference recem- mendation where icern was ex- pressed regarding the lack of un- derstanding bctween, se many segments of our society. Part of the program wîll aiso involve del- egates iu detcrmining the prov- incial Junior Farmer prograin for 1973. The Annual Provincial Jun- ior Fariner Banquet and Dance SEMI - GLOSS (Regular $12.45 a gallon) SALE PRICE L,2 wili be he1ld Satur-day evcwning with mosic by "The Revisc-d 2d Mton" Atteudiing frein Juhn County will be WaterTaor RR 1,Eniile and aVijd, Larmcr,RR 1, Blacksbocký. Remeniber 196U - 1965? Ifye were a Junior Fariner dusing, tbàt time period, yen probably re- cail a county fair booth, an an- nual picnic, variety shows, Unit- ed Kimgdom visitors, Toronto, Confereince, tobogg an and skat- ing parties, cemmuhity projects,, Junior *Fariner leadership camp.. To provide an opportunity to:, share memories of those times, the Junior Farmers' Association, of Ontario is exteuding a speeïik, invitation te everyone w' GALLON Can be tinted to hundrý,es of popular shades at a smnall extra charge. Rolph Dominion Hlardwaure Phone 983-5207 Orono, Ontario enPlacet R ~New Spring Jackiets for men have arrived! The latest styles in brushed denim, nylon, fine corduroy, fortrel, and 100 percent acetate in a lfinéù-like fabrie. Sizes 36 to 46. Shades of bine, navy, beige, brown and burgandy. PRICED froin$13.95 to $29.95 M e....a...oy. Track Shoes A new stock of r3en's and Boy's Track S1ioes w4kh soft Suet,,, or Cotton Duck uppers. Wedge rubher sole and ite, foam riibber insole. Goid witli black bars or bine wilb grey bars. MEN'S SIZES .81/2 te Il per pair $7.50. BOY S SIZES 1, te 8 per pair $ý550. ~La ls cie Cushioned Leîsure Treads, made in Canada. Suedle uppers in liglit bine with navy trim. Wedge sole iii whîite rubber, cushîoned' nolSizes 6 te 9. PRICE PER PAIR $7.50 CANVAS ATI-LETIC BOOTS AND SHOIES FOR ALL THE FAMILY S.A. mL. MARTIN SENIOR LATEX PLAT (Regular $10.20 a gallon) SALE PRICE $5. 9 GALLON