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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Mar 1973, p. 4

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~OONO WEEKLY TIES; WEPNESDAY, MARCH 2t,17 up And. Down The ,Sook Stocks MARCH 22nd, 1973 Spring is just around the corn- er, time to think of your gardens again. Garden Books- Encyclopedia of Gardening by Norman Taylor The Complete B3ook of Bulhs by F. F. Rockwell and Esther Grayson Pruning Made Easy by Edwin Steffek Orville Chatterton ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING AND SERVICE Phone 983-5546 or 983-5940 ORONO, ONTARIO FREASE- Gift Wrap C hocolate Novities Eas ter Moulds Eggs OROtlNO, ONT. Elme.r's Garage F5ý. TEXACO SERVICE Mill St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Home phone 987-5167 Oxford BRICKLAYERS STONEMASONS WILLIE J. SCIfMAHL Phone 983-5606 Specializing in ail kinds of STONEWORK and * FIREPLACES We also do chimnev' Renairs, ThE4 New Amnerican Garden' Bo( by Domothy Sara, What's New in Gardening, by1 P. Pirone The Guide to Garden Flowers 1 N'-rman Taylor" A Treasury ofAmerican Gardej ing by John Whiting -Color in the Garden, Fragrani in the Garden by Norniant Ta: lor 10,000 Garden Questions by F.1 Rockwell rAdut- The Siege by Clara Claiboin Par (the first eight years of autistic child) Mrs. Fraser. on the Fatal, Shoi by Michael Alexander (capiu cd by aborigincs in 1835, hE ordeals and her escape) Great Cartoons of the, World e( ited by John Bailey' In the TraiT of the Wind edite by John Bierhorst (America Indian Poems' and flitual Or tions) The Gocis Themsolvcs by Isaa AsimoV (science fiction) How Long is Ailways by Lenor Mattingly Weber (romance), Junior- Better Table Tennis for Boys ani Girls by George Sullivan Pleasur es and Palaces by Miriun Morton (aSter school1 activitie of Pussian, chilciren) Neyer SteaLa Magic Cat by, Do' and Joan Caulfield Easy Reading an&, Pieture Books Hiey Riddle Diddle :by ROdne3 Good Morning Danny by DalE and AI Carlson. Madeleine HadIeY Marcis 29tb,, 1973 ADULT: How ùo Make Good Pictures cd- ioirs oS Eastruaü Kodak Co. The open, Con spiracy by Ethel Romin (what America's angry generation is saying) Women Who Shaped History by Ilenrietta Buckmaster This Good, Cood Earth by Ralph Brinkhurst and Donald Chant (our fight fdr survival) Dr. Gully's Story by Elizabeth Jenkins (novel based on Fact) The Passions of Medora Graeme Callyour hcensed Plumbing & Mechanical Conrractoe who sells, installis and juarantees PLUMBING AND HEATING ADULI COUNSELLING SERVICE Il you want to do something about your education ; you probably can. See your Aduit Counsellor E VERT WEDNESDAY EVENING 7 to 9 p.m. at the BOWMANVILLE HIGLI SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE The service is free- confidential - and no appointment 15 neeessary ok P. n. ly- F. a ,re r- n .a- Township HRires Warb-2oFy i SPe ctfo r The Cour.cil ce the Township' oS Clarke on March 2th hired Mr. Lawrence Harris as Warble My Inspector for the year. Prev- iousiy couneil ha d dccided not to carry out the program this year. Mr. Harris was given authority to carry out the program in thc Towsnhip along with hiring someone to spray the animais. The road department empioy- ces were granteci a ten percent raise of their gross hounly adi- justed rates effective Jainuary 1, 1973 as weil as a similar increase as oS January 1, 1974. Council withbeld approvai for the' cierk andi treasurer to at- tend the Zone 5 meeting of the Association of Municipal Clerks U.«C.W. News (Oontiined frein Page 1) id (=Crson reaci a peem "Easter Thought". The offering was re- n ceiveci and dedicated wth prayer. 3sEvelryonre joined in singing Hyluin 21, "O Worsbip the King." ýn This hymn was written by Robert Grant, *ho was bora ia India, but later went to Englanil where he became a lawyer and .held high positions for many years. 11 e later returned to become Gov- ernor of Bombay, and died in In- S d ia at the age oS 53 years. y Mrs. E. Brown deligbted every- one with ber piaho music and singing - wbich included a com- edy number and, some Irish tunes. Business was conducted and announcements made'. Mrs. C. Bilikgs introduced the guest speaker, Miss Doreen Van iCamp oS Biackstock, who spent three years (1962-65) teaching iEnglish at Indore Girls' Sehool ln India. She grpeted everyone with "Hello", spoken in Indian language. India is' about one third the size of Canada, andi bas a long and proud history. Some of the buildings are cen- turies old. India gained indepenci- ence la 1947 and became' a re- public ln 1950. With slides and a most interesting commentary, Miss Van Camp took ber aud!- once on a tour of many cities and rural areas. Some views were oS the Taj Mabal, Buddhist and Hn- cdu temples, an Indian weddiag. work in the riec paddies, sug-ar cane and cotton fields, andi of the sehool where sbe taugbt. There are,;vcry Sew private cars in In- dia. Most people travel by buis or train. Much of the work ia donc, by bard physical labour. witb the bclp of water buffalo and ox carts. The women wear saris andi their wealth is display- ed in the heavy silver jcwellry thcy wear. There are 700 cbild- ren in attendance at Indore Girls School - rom Kindergarten to Cas 11. Miss. Van Camp stated- thaiŽ India is a landi of contrast _L-the old andi the new. À lady rom the audience val- unteereci to model a sari, which was ittcd by Miss Van Camp. A sari requirea six yards oS mater- l. The gucst speaker had on display many interesting andi col- ourful souvenirs of India. Mrs. J. Staples. on behaîf of everyone present, thanked Miss Van Camp for ber informative talk on this country, which is the Mission Study for this year. The meetîing closed wth the Benediction, fol- lowed by lunch served by Unit 2. by Elsie Lee (romantic nove!) JUNIOR: Riddles, Riddles, Riddles by Joseph Lecming The Nocturnal World of the Lob- ster by Joseph J. Cook MUotorcycling for Beginners by 1. G. Edmonds Crabapple Night by Jan Wahl EASY READING andi PICTURE BOOKS One Misty Moisty Morning by Mitchell Miller (rhymes from Mother Goose) Andy by Eleanor iSchick, Madeleine Hadley aâna Treasurers oS Ontario. Coun- cil also autborized a letter be sent to the MinistrY oS Treasury, Economhies and intergoverrnmcnt- al Affairs concerning a meeting for the East oS Metro local gov- ernmejnt proposai. The letter asIr- ed that councillors be allowed at- tendance at the meeting. Oily cicrks and treasurers were invit- ed to the meetiing. Couneil and members of the- Planning Board are to visit a& Rice Construction developmeD&- ïý Strouci, Ontario on April 4th. Rice, Construction have made ap- plication to, construet a resident- il ýIevelopment southin latht- Township on the shores of Lake Ontario. ANNOUNCE ýENT ALBERT'S$EXC HIGHWAYY 115 SOUTH 0F ORONO ANNOUNCE THAT THEY ARE IIOVING %mile south of their present location to the east side of Highway 115 to tihe "lSunoco Stati'&oui"l (Formeriy JUNIOR WEST SUNOCO> We wiil new be know-n as OronoTowing - Repairs WE. WILL BE PLEASEDY TO SERVE YOU FR0DJ OUR NEW LOCATION Phone 983-5249 DX SERVICE, SPTATION, "FORD LISTENS BETTER" I WIELIS TEN BETTER "If you arc intercsted in a car or truck, tel us what yon want and tise âmonnt oS money you are prepared to spend .. we'll listen to you andi if we ean make yen a deal we will. The A-1 service and unr dealership integrity are part of thse package." DUANE SAWYER, General Manager, MacDonald Ford, Bowmanville 219 KING STREET EAST PHONE 623-4481 BOWMAN VILLEI "WHERE FRIENDLY PEOPLE MEET" Higswy 3 d 115, Just nertis of Newcastle, Featuring:. ~~ Premiurn Quality Produots A thTe Most Reasonahle Pries Available in any quantity Phone 9874215 Mghway 35 i il 1

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