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Orono Weekly Times, 11 Apr 1973, p. 3

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r- ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, WEDNES»AY, APRIL Jlt, 9.1~ O.P.!. Report ILjuring the weekuof~ March 26 to April' 1, 1973 the Newcastie Detaâchment of the Ontario Prov- Incial Police invcstigated the fol- lowing mtor vehicie collisions and occurrences. Twelve motor vehicle accid- ents were investigated, in which 4 persons suffered personai in- jury, and as a result 9 persons were charged with driving of- fences inciuding 2 criminal -drlv- lgo'ffences. Aise completed by the Ne- caste officers were 98 general Invest!gations of whlch 3 were break and enter, 5 theft, 4 mal- iýious damagecopats 1 tres- Iýasingre port, 2 disturbances, 5 assaults, 1 djomestie complaint, 7 Înissing persan1 reporta, and 3 erratie or dangerous drlvinig coiI- plaints. Six occuirrences involv- ed the recovery of stolen proiP- grty, also there were 2 reports of found property.r Two persans are charge(] with eriminal offences, 4 persons eharged with liquor offences, anld 4 persons eharged with impairE:d drlving. The following is a summary of Occurrences investigated. in the pastŽ.we(ek: Th evaccpants in 1a vehicle southibouind on Couity Rd. 4 north of BowmýrxanvîILIe were in- jured on March 26, 1973. Appar- ently a beer bottle thrown from an unknown nlorthbhound vehicle, shattered upon cliding with the south bound vehicle. Ail injured persons were treated for cuts at Bowmanville IIOSPital. On March 26, 1973, a Toronto resident visiting his cottage in the Bethany /area, caught two y'uths inside the cottage upon his arrivai. The cottage and furn- i-shings inside were extensively damaged. The youths responsible were from the immediate area. A cottage situated in an is- olated location north of. Tyrone, was desceoverid broken irt~o on !pMarch 28, 197'l olvall atnear- ances inside, the persons respons- ible for the bir'ak in, liîvedl there for some imne. The interior of the cottage was badly damaged. Stolen was a circular saw, space heater, wasý hing miachine, cast iron stove and a telephone.' The stolen items were valued at WbyPayMore? Save Monejy! DIESEL 'Oit - STOVE OiL, Phone 668-3381 -Collect DX FUE01 0On march 29; 1973 nlEnnis- k, iu rSiden1t iupon leavjng hiome, returned one heur later to isve taiiifour tires ýauç4 wheels on bis parked vehicle had hcen stolený. Estimate of loss was Five stolen automobies were recovcredabandoned in the Newv- castie Detachment area. The fr stolen fron Kiniston was rccov- ered -on Hwy. 4M l 'ar Newtlt)- ville. On March 29th a motor ve- bM(,le stojen f,'mm iax waq re- covered in Enniskillen. On March 31, 1973 two motor vehicles stol- en fromq Oshawa we-re recovered( l t1hp Courtice area with appar- ent damage.ý tAckstolen ,fromI OShawa Wcod Pout on April q, 23, was recove red soon îfter- on Çourtice Rn nar ITwy. 401.ý On March 30, 1973 at 6:30 p.m. a Couple from the tStarkvl.le arc.a uua'it returnîng borne, weret met. aU gunr point and, heti hostage lu their home~ by an unknowil assail-, A 19 Inch portable television wrapped in a 'plastic bag was found In a bush area near Nestle- t.in on April 1, 1973. InvestliatiOn revealed that the televisiori was stoien dluring' a Caesarea cottage1 break-in lu 1972. Know The Law- çgpyVehicles"l WVhen you hear a police, fire, amlbuila'nce, or' public txtility em- ergenicy sirexi, or* if one of these vehielces approaches you wlîth th~e red light on the roof flashing' in- te~nttenjtly, the law re qi jr es thà týyou bring your vehliele tOaa top as ilêar t te righit sido o'f the rod as possible. Driving TlQ- (Proper action when a tire blows> Sho)i1d you have a tire, b 'lw- out when trave41hing along at highway vspecds, dori't brake heav- il-;.inseAd, take -your foot Off the aceeatrcncentrate on thýe steering andf let your car g'ilde t'ýja asafe st0op. By jAmming9 onthe bralkes when a tire blows, you cou4d, cause your car ter veer out of contrai and possibly over- Orono Itorseinen Active At KawarthlaRae y BACING APRL 7th Bath Junior and Keith West picked up a win at the Kawartha Raceway last Saturda.y., Junior W-2st driving Green Acres in the> fifth race placed first with broth- er Keith close behind in second place with Hilltop Anders. Keith West registexred his win in the seventh driving Bill Hooeys horse Donna Duke Dee. Derek Ne*mnax in the same race placeâ third with Glen Tenqiant's G'ollys Dlly. Derek Newman also plIacEd se- cond in the fourth race driving bis ,own torse -Meadow -BrQoM John. Keith West drove to an eighth place finish with Sun Brier Bul- let in the first, third -with Gal- lant Mir' and fifth ~wtl Sun Brier Bo6b. junior West also 'drove, Z Yankee Laird to fifth a(,ross the wire. GordIrn finished 7th in the second race with Josedale Tinm 1q, Montreal recently Lawrenxce, Hooey's .horse Muddy George took a 'in <in 2.04. Hil1toP Adarm was aso arecent winner. in ontreal whichr wasSpreviously tralned hi Orono by Keth West. (Intended for last week) Keith West entered in, the -first- three races at the Kawartha, Raceway, ,finished iný the money on ail three races. Ke-I ith Drvc- HillItop Aniders, owned by Charjiê Peake of Orono bto a second place finish in the first race. Tin thÈe second feature of the afternoon Keith finish ed first driving Sun and Calvin Varey of Newcastle, Brier Bob owned by lions Boyd In the third race West dr-ove Donna Duke Dee to a third place finise. In the second -ece of the after- nooen which Kelth West won, Gord Irw1in, drivlng Josedale Tinu was a close second. Thie third race not only featurcd IKelth West of Oroxao.but.also Jack Wil- lËanis who drove Judge Çhief te, aý second place finish. Jxniorý West aIso took' a Win d uring the meet when li the 4th race he udrove bis owo <erse, E, Yankee Laird te the top money. Hê ,also placed Iifth in the fifth drMvi'g Laxnplighter. In the eiglith race three Orono drivers weroe ln contention with Junior West placing third hiv- lixg Canal View WayKeith West fifth wlth Gallant. IMir 4aId Gord Iin'laseventh-with LorbY.,aliaint. VALUE CHECKED BRANDED - WELL TRIMMD Short RIb Roasts lb. -se DiS ade Steaks well trluîmed lb.,$s TeCool Weather Favourite - Stew Deef Donless Ib. $1012 MESSAGE TO FREEZER Could we asslst you lu buying Sides of Beef or Quarters? We ;u, offex-ng these at our cost plus 10cper pound for ceuttÜng and wrapping. WE SEJ4L ONLY CANADA4S FINZOT OGOVERNMENt INSPECTED Ai DEEF ME8$AGi' TO. FARMEES SLAUGHTER- NGTER OWN'4 çCITrLE, ConsuIt us aôt yur:cutt4ng - s4 w'rapping nèedS. Vo ill be pleas.ed -, wth ur wrmn ship. CORNIS'.l,_Oruao -~ OPENING- Tuesday April l7th Warkworth, Cheese tlouse Division of Warkwortji Cheese Bouse Warkworth, Ontario This, outiet is sibtutN 11,à miles north of Newcastie on Hlighway 35 and 115 adjoinlng Gulf Station, forckerly a restaurant Speciallzing ln CHEDDAR, CALBY and ASSORTED CHEESE SALES Direct from, our own Cheese Bopuse from Warkworth under Our supervision We wHil also he handlihig MILKi ICE CREAIW, HONEY,, MAPLE PRODUCTS ANDA VARIETY 0F ITEMS Open 8 a.ml.o 6 p.m. Dall DANCING SATURDAY NIGUT 9 Pmn. te 1:00 a-tu, PEATIUMaNG Leo Curtin Quartet Popular Country and Western Artists from Oshawa at Informi -~ Plemty of Parking Compllientary late Snack NO COllER NO MINIMUM tùu mutcti Obn 982-5001 for rsrak Newcastle Golf Course 18i HOLES - 1 Me East of Newcastle - Highway No. 2 Open April I4tkuý Phone 987.u4851 ÊAV AS YOU PLtAY AND ME[BERSIUP WELL TRIMMED Blade Roasts lb. 98c Lucas Premiuin Mid Smesod Skiness; WIENERS IL.79c SQUIRREL BRAND Peanut 'Butter 3 lb. $1,19 HAIWPTON BRAND Fresh EGGS Al white Medium 57C Extra Large 63c lut Grade ASPAgAQUS Ib. 490 Phione 83«5201

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