WANT ADS FOR WEDNESDAY PUBLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL 10:00 a.m.TUESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 M'Ailison Insurance Agency for All classes of personal and Commercial Coverage Office: Corner of Church andI Cobbledick Street 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 BYAMS PLUIMBING. - HEATING Sales and Service 24 IIOUR BUINER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Tyrone. 263-2650 Gui Charles Reid Orono's Licensed Auctioneer Valuator Specialize in Farm SFurniture Sales C'onsuit me for terms and .dates Phone Orono 983-5914 Monuments and Faily' Oui quality and service leaves nothing to be, desired- Ask, the. person 'who bought from us, a neigh- hour, friend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone collect V. W. RIYTTER Office -885-5216 Home .885-5222, WATSON'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snow Mobiles McCulioch Chain Saws Repairs to ail makcs of Lawn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englues ALLOLJETTE SNOWMOBILES NEED A NEED A SU'MP PUMP PRESSURE SYSTEM HARVEY PARTNER Plumbing and' Heating. ORONO 983-5206 SELL ifrMr/ 9&OVff RICAWTi - - I - Clarke Public LI1BR AR Y Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and FrltIay 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday, Thursday, ,friday Afternoons 2:30 to 5:00 p.m. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. Herb andI Gerr Duval 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WEISTINGHOUSE RCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service Box 133 Ph. 668-"3552 Stafford B rothers Liinited Manufgturers of Cemetery Memorials 318 Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO Hiamiltons Insurance Service, Vour Friendly Agency VOUE Snowmobile Insurance Headquarters Main Street, Orono Sadie Hamilton Sue Sawyer Jim Hare For dependable service Randy Thompson Orono, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Carpentry Work Remodelling We build fromn the foundation up Grant C. Wade Insurance Agency General Insurance Box 82 Tel. 786-2921 FOR SALE 1972 KawiSaki 500 60 hp. 3,000, miles. ,Phone 983-5758. FOR SALE Honda Mini Trail. Great condition. Phone 981-5904. a-c GOSLINGS FOR SALE Goslings, White Eniden, for sale. Allan Venema, Hampton, phone 263-8888, d 16-c Winnebago Motor Homes Honda Motorcycles, 100 new-used Johntson Outbnard .Motors New andI Used Sidewinder - Princecraft .and Aquarian Boats Fibrem1ass Ski-FIee $100.00 Mini Bike> $199.00 Truck Caps $269,00 instail- ed. Best Deals at-w ONTARIO -SPORTS Highway 115, Orono 983-5444 20h W. F RANMK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 234 King Street Ea st BOWMANVILLE 623-3393 Toronto 923-9174 Port Hope office 885-4543 For, Prompt, epurteous, efficient service when buying or selling' and for the largest selection of propeî-ties in the area Contact Orono Area Representatives Roy Foster 983-.5801 William Turansky (Kendal) 983-5420 Ray Finnie (Bethany) 277-2280 Dane Found 623-3965 Roy Strong Bethany 52r11 Orono Building Contracter Brick Block - Concrete Stone Work Carpentry - Cabinet Work Floors -Tle 983-5441 Orono ORONO LANDSCAPI SODDING, PLANTID AND SEEDING Phone 983-5598 COMINU EVENT Orono Home and Se Association MeetingA 24th at 8 pm. Fi "Looking At Childr Guest Speaker, Mr. Fi MeQuay, Special Ed tion Consultant in We ern Arca. Everyone welcome. COMING EVENI Blood , Donors, urg necded, Wednesday 2. Lions Centre, Bom ville: 1:30 - 4:30; 6:30 9 SENIOR BOOKKEI As Assistant to Cont Experienced in g( eceounting (inc. bank recs., inventory trol, etc) Required iznmediati Please cali Mr. ~at'Curvply Wood Prc Orono, - 983-9171 FEMATE jIELP WAI Avon Repesentatives earn money! make friends! Cet mor'e 0 li11e! Bekome one! HELP WANTEU Par-t time Cookand resses. Phone 983-556( Coach an.d' Four Resta LEARN TO DRIVI TRACTOR TRAILE] Now vou can train here in Canada! Accommodation and e ses paici while trainin, Tuition Tax deductibi. For application and view, write: Safety Depariment Trans Canada Tr a] Training, Suite 316, 207 Queens Quay West Toronto 117, Ontario or call: 416-864-9381 TRENTWAY TOU TO BOSTON and CHICAGO VICTORIA HOLID, WEEK-END MAY l8th to 21s For Particulars Coni Box 772, Peterborci Phone Toli Fm~ 1-800-461-7615 CARI) 0F THANI Wé would liket press our sinceret to our friends, rel and family for the cards, gifts and wishes received on Golden Weddîng versary. Making ita long to be remember Russell Greeta Os Guaranteed Mufflers FOR SALE Sce Keith Tregunna at the Oshawa Midas Muffler Shop for a free exhaust system inspection. 116 Bond St. West, Oshawa, just east of Ontario Motor Sales. Cal 576-8111. Any Time Is APPLE TIR l Buy yours fresh ain crisp fromn FRED'S FRUIT MARKE'I HWY. 115, ORON( FOR SALE Farma Equipment International Tractor 656D International Plough Mod -- 54U>. i4assey Ferguson bal- er Mlodel 12. Massey Fer- 'ING guson Mower Model 31. ING iviassey Ferguson Rake, Model 37. Gco. White Wagon, Baie Bodhy. 30 ft. Bale Elevator w'th 3/4 lip. Electric Motor. 16 ft. chool Grain Auger. April This equipment was pur- M -cliascd new andI has been Iren". well maintaincd, It can be rank inspected April 14 andI 15 ýduca- andI April 21, 22 andI is lo- 'est- cated at the Wanless Farni, 2 miles cast of Or- ono on the Sommervile a-c R&ad. Each item will be ,sold. for the highest cash ýoffer. -gently wMay AUUI'ION SALE wman- Selling Saturday,. April 9:00 :2lst at Il p.m. without re- b serve in the Orono Arena., the furniture andI household effects of the late' Mrs. L. ,EPER M. Riddell, including two 2- troller piece chesterfield. suites; eneral Electil Stove; End Tables,' gl's, Lnmps, Odd chairs; 1 8- ycon- piece Dining Room Suite; 1 Hair Dryer (Commercial) tely. piece Natural Kitchen suite. Smith 1 Vacuum Cleaner; 1 5- .oduets 1 Treadie Sewing Machine; a-c 2 2-piece Bedroom iSuites; 1 Metal BetI; 1 Dresser; 2 Bedroom Boxes; 1 Trunk; 2 LNTED piece Wicker Settee andI -..- chair, Veranda Furniture, new Dishes, Gems, Cooking Ut- ut of ensils; 2 Feather Ticks, PilI YI lows antIs Bedding. Gushions, 5-96g9t Drapes and 'Scatter * Rugs; Tools; 1 Portable Electric Sewing Machine; T.V. Tab- les; 1 Radio; 1 Electric Wait' Floor Polisher; Storm Wîn- 30. dows;, Dishes; Plus many aurant m'ore items too numerous - to mention. rE Also being sold: HRS 1 2-piece Chesterfield right Suite; 1 Odd Chair: 1 Elec- tric Stove; 1 Electric Rangý expen- ette; 1 Bathroom Sink; 2 g! Tires and Wheels; 1 Car e!' Radio; 1 Hair Dryer, odd inter- dishes etc. Charles Reid, Auctioneer. Lawrencc Harris, Clerk. nsport AUCTION SALE tSat. April 28 staring 1,pm andI Sunday April 29 Starting at 1 p.m. c-15-c Hwy. 115 just north of Newxcastle (Discount Fur- niture Bar'n) Final Sale IRS of new .quality Furniture ordeSed sold by Factory. Vanity Stools. Ottomans Assorted Chairs, for home or office, Assorteà Nest- IAY ing Tables, Coffee andI End Tables, Assorted Bar Isi StooÈ, Student- Desks, itact: China Cabinet, Kitchen [)Ugh and Dinette Suites, Single Le ~Double, 48", Queen Size Beds, Bcdroom Suite, Por- table Bars, Gun Racks, Sleeping Bags, Chester- FKS field. Suites, Zig Zag Sew- to ex- ing Machines, Swag Lamfp ýtnks Sets, Assortment of Orna- laives ments, Antique- Swords, may 120 Base Accordian, Mill god Electrie Welder, Stoves Ainii- and Refrigerators and Anni- many other items. a day Ternis: Cash ýred. Steve Buny, Auctioneer. I andI Preview Friday, APril sborne 27, 1 - 6 P.M. b-p Cali your Iicensed Plumbing & Mechanical ContractoI who selis, instaIls and guarantees Plumbing andI Heating Phone 983-5207 Orono Is qE ind COMING EVENT Tickets are stili available for- St. Sayiour's Easter Salad. Supper in the I.O.O.F. Hall on Thursday April 26th. Sittings 5 p. m., 6p. m., Adults $1.75 and Children $0.75 a-c. SUPPORT THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY j during its annual April Campaign Campaign Chairman Mr. Leslie Coombes 623-5043 TRENTWAY TOURS j .TO MARITIMES AND CAPE BRETON 1DAYS - many departures NEWFOUNDLAND 22 DAYS - Departs Aug. llth GASPE 8 days - departs July 22 and 29 For further information contact: Box 772, Peterborough Phone Toîl free 1-800-461-7615 TRENTWAY TOURS TO ALASKA YUKON andI COSTAL WATERS CRUISE By Air, Motor Coach andI Cruise Ship Departs: June 25 & Aug. 11 For further information contact: Box 772, Peterborough Phone toll free 1-800-461-7615> TRENTWAY TOURS TO WESTERN CANADA ~Days Departs - July 2, 9 andI Sept. 10 For further information contact: Box 772, Peterborough Phone toîl free 1-800-461-7615 TRENTWAY TOURS Summer-Fun Specials To MOOSONEE 3 days QUEBEC CITY 4 days AGAWA CANYON andI MACKINAC ISLAND 6 days For further information contact: Box 772, Peterborough Phone toll free 1-800-461-7615