1- ORONO WEEKLY TiMES, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 27th, 1973 Asks foer building permits for 23 lots Mtr Maurice Pedwell mret with Clarke Council last Tue2sday stating he wvished to ascertain if bildinig permits would be available for 23 existing lotswic he bas survey'ýed along the side road 'on the side of is property. He saidJ he woufld hav-e no problem to obtain hyNdro. The lots wvere divided some years ago and were in existance prior to the passing of the townlship by-law.' Council members question- ed the fact tbat'the road was flot used extenisively and that thie ownier may have to bring it un) to governiment standards. Mri. Pedwýell stated this had not b)een the case f'or other lots sold by h fim ailonigthis road. Botb councillors Charles Reid and Bob) Ch1atet stated it was not the f'act of the lots but rather the condition qf the road. Mr. Pedwell stated he had VENEZIA RESTAURANT Highway 115 a"d 35 ¼ý mile South of Orono PHONE 983-5651 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK specdaliÉing in ALso Week-ElId Specials SOFT ICE CREAM SUNDAES- MILK SHAKES PICNIC SUPPLIES Paper Plates Utensils T'able Cloths Chips -Cheesies Cookies Canneipd Pop Brick lice Cream Mdiddletons ORONO, ONT,, the lots sold on the condition building permits could be obtained. The matter wasreferred to the Road Committee and the Planning Board. Durh am .Agri-News POISON IVYi CONTROL, As you are probably aware we are well into Poison Ivy time * This woody perennial consists of leaves which have three leaflets> and certainly create problems if people corne in contact with it. Some of the characteristics of tijis plant are stalk of the middle leaflet is longer than the other two side leaves. AUl three jstalks are joined together at the upper end of one much longer stalk. The upper sur- face of the leaflets are nearly smooth and sometimes have a glossy or varnished appear- ance. The under sides of tbe leaflets may be finely bairy all over or range ail the way to having virtually no hairs. The edges of the leaves may also be jaggedy or relatively smooth. Several chemicals are available to control this weed, one of the main ones which can be easily obtained at most suppliers and hard- ware stores is Silvex or Fenoprop, this sbould be applied at a rate of 1/2 ounce (,-oz.) in tbree gallons of water. Thorougbly wet all the foliage, generally the two or three gallon sprayer is the most convenient method of applying, the herbicide to patches, of Poison Ivy. Af ter spraying the area should be left alone until the plants die then the dead stems should be gathered up and buried. Even at 'this stage, care sbould be taken as poîsoning may' be brougbt about by handling the dead plants. Ail . treatments are most effective when the poison ivy is in full leaf and growing actively from about J'une l5th to July 3lst. WATER WEEDS - CONTROL + Legislation est- ablished -under the Ontario Water Resources Act provides that a per-mit must be obtain- ed by any person apply.ing herbicides or other pesticides to water or a water course for the purpose of killing or affecting plant ofî aima't1Me. Regulations however have been passed whicb provide two exemptions froma this requirement. No permit is required by a person who treats a pond or reservoir whîch is wholly enclosed by his property and which bas no outflow. Also emergent plants in a drainage ditch mray be treated without thew autbority of a permit if a person uses a substance containing 2-4D) or other product registered for Mowinig your Iawri How to mow a lawn, and eliminate wushrooms, bumps and bare-spots is described in John Bradshaws Lawn and Garden Guide, whicb is avail- able free to home gardeners. John BRadshaw is one of Canada's outstanding borti- culturists.and is well known through bis radio and televis- control u Products accordanc ions. If h~ need to a applicatio able by wi Section, I ment, P.( Ontario. chemicals control oc Scum in sulphate is availab sources.] at the rati acre-foot treated. ( calculate( surface a depth, Wh volume i divide th Another t ing itina( the numi: average feet. At mentione( phate is Most fis] may be d. applied te a spray oi a burlap throughf disolved. insure.a the chem bas a co one part posionous particulai More d( concernin water wi Poison Iv the Ontar culture a ville. inder Pest Control Act and used in ce with the direct- .îowever, you would apply for a permit, n formîs are avail- 7riting to the Biology Registry of Environ- 0. Box 213, Rexdale, One of the main. s wbich is used for f Aleea and Pondî Despîte requests from the Ontario County Board of Education the boundaries of the Northumberland-Durham Board will not be changed from those previously an- nounced. A special meeting of the two boards was held in the office of the Minister of Education, Thomas Wells, at Queen's Park. The Ontario County Board,. was asking that the new munîcipality of Newcastle in the Durham region (compris- ed of Darlington Bowmaniville Newcastle, and Clarke) be laced under the jurisdiction ion programs He prepare iwater is copper io rgasHepprd or Blue Stone wbich the year-round guide for le fFom a'number of Canadian Industries Limited It should be applîed and it is available free from te of 1.4 - 2.7 lbs. per CIL lawn and garden products of water to be dealers. one acre foot can be According to Mr. Bradshaw ýd by multiplying the here is how to mow a lawn rea by the average properly. "Grass makes its .sch will give the total food in the leaf. Cut most of n cubic feet, then the blade away and the grass ie total by 43,560. will starve. Weeds will take nethod is if calculat- over your lawn. cres, simpîy muîtipîy "Set your mower blades at ber of acres b y the two inches. Mow wben grass depth to give acre reaches three inches. Mow the concentrations regularly, leaving short clipp- ýd before Copper Sul- ings on the lawn." non poisionous to Mr. Bradsbaw bas these h and livestock. t suggestions for eliminating isolved in water and mushrooms, bumps and bare- othe pond surface as spots. )r it may be placed in "Mushrooms. Lift sod and )bag and dragged look for rotting wood -- dead the water until -it is treë roots, for example. Aer- ît is important to ate area. Soak it to six inch tborougb mixing of deptb and treat1 witb a ical in the pond. t fungicide. ncentration of over "Bumps. Don't roll bumps, per million may be it compacts the sou Lift the sto animal or fish sod and scoop out excess soul rily in soft water. Replace sod and water it. [etailed information Hollows are best levelled out ng control of these by adding an incb of sterilized ieeds or control of topsoil per month until the vy is available from surface is level. rio Ministry of Agri- "Bare-spots under trees can and Food, Bowman- mean too much shade for the grass, or, not enough food. First try feeding with CIL 'tree Food', once a month. If after two months the grass ............doesn'r respond, re-seed area M..............with shade-adapted grass. jTHIS WEEK 4 - from Ottawa 1973 CANADA GAMES On June 13, Prime Minister Trudeau initîated the 1973 Canada Games, with the lighting of the Canada Games torch on Parlia- ment Hill. Glenda Reiser, a top Canadian runner, took the torch on the first part of a jouiney that will cross Canada and conclude at the Cames site in Burnaby-New Westminster, B.C. on August 3, opening day of the Games. UNEMPLOYMENT DOWN 1For the fifth consecutive month the unemployment rate has drop- ped- from 6.7% in December 10 5.2% in May- a total decrease of 1.5% since December 1972. This decrease represents 77,000 more jobs for Canadians during May. PROGRAM WELCOMED The federal government's pro- gram 10 encourage immigrants 10 obtain their Canadian citizenship was weicomed by Lino Magagna, president of COSTI, an Italian immigrant aid agency in Toron- to - "It's about time. 1 ike every aspect of the plan." The programn is directed at some 850, 000 10 one million landed immi- grants who have been ini Canada more than five years and who are not yet Canadian citizens. LIBERALS-PC'S UP IN POLL A recent Public Opinion Poil shows Federal Party standings in- creased slightly for the Liberals and Conservatîves, but decreased for the NDP and other parties. Todav Liberals are at 42% up 2 percentage points from the April Poil. PC's are at 34% up 4 points; the NDP is at 16% down 4 points; while_ other parties bave dropped 2 points 10 8% of the popular JUVENILE CRIME STUDY Solicitor General Warren All- mand Iaunched a national study on the prevention of crime among youth. Six researchers wilI docu- ment what services now exist to divert young people from crime. The group wil produce a report on their findings as weil as recom- mend a national policy on com- batting juvenile delinquency through prevention services, to be presented to the Solicitor General. GANDHI TO VISIT CANADA During her eight-day (J une 17- 24) visit to Canada, the Prime Minister of India,, Mrs. Indîra Gandhi, wiIl have talks with Prime Minister Trudeau, address a Joint Session of the Senate and the House of Commons, and attend functions in Toronto, Niagara-on- the-Lake, Montreal, Calgary, Banff, Vancouver and Victoria. CANADA-CHINA AIR PACT An air agreement signed be- tween Canada and China, provides for CP Air to operate between Canada, Shanghai and Peking and for a Chinese carrier to operate between China, Vancouver and Ottawa. These flights wiII be re- stricted to business, trade missions and technical experts. LIBERALS AND PC'S AGREE Liberal Party and Progressive Conservative members agreed in the House of Commons to push for a 200-mile offshore fishing limit ai the 1974 Law of the Sea Conference in Chile. TIhis proposai, outrhncd by Fisheries Mnister Jack Davis in St. Andrew's N.B., is an atîem.pt to restrict coastal fishing to Cana- dian fishermen. of the Ontario County Board. The school population of that area is about 10,000 students. W. Frank Thom director of Education in Northumoer- land-Durham described the purpose of the meeting as 'trying to get a number of problems smoothed out, per- taining to educational bound- aries in the west." The Minister confirmed that the boundaries would remaîn as already announced, Mr. Thoms stated. As announced 'previously, the Northumberland-Durham boundaries would remain the same as in the past, except for Cartwright (which would go to Ontario County). Manvers (to victoria), and Mlîbrook, Ca- van and South Monaghan (to, Peterborough). In the earlier announcement the municipality of Newcastle would remain with the Nort- humberland-Durham Board. School areas stand despite Ontario bld D onuts LAduits $2.50 12 and under $1.5m G COME TO THE ORONO PARKe -or M- Variety: AND ENJOY *Hamburgers* * Hot Dogs * FISHor eCHICKENand * CHIPS *ALL POPS *ICECREAMe *AT THE PARK BOOTH *Enjoy a picnic at: ' the Park A NOTICE NOTICE ORONO WATER CUSTOMERS Due to excessive use of water formthe Municipal WATER SUPPLY IN Orono over the past few wýeeks it has becomne necessary to restrict the use of water for lawn and garden watering. Hoses must also be attended when in use for watering. The watering of lawns and gardens is permitted ()Nly DURING THE HOURS BETWEEN 7.00 p".m. to 10.00 p.m. Yor o-operation ini this matter will be appreciated Orono Police Trustees You first must choose a suitable plan for your new home, one that meets your every requirement. .Pay' us a visit and Ioqpk over our many books of home plans. There will be onie to suit you. I AUTOMATIC O IL DELIVERY I Your comfort is always assured when using our quality fuel oil. Phone 983-9167 for dependable service. OàRuONO lFUEL & L UMB ER ORONO, ONTARIO PHONE 983-9167 l 11111 . lm 9