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Orono Weekly Times, 15 Aug 1973, p. 3

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The Orono BEautam Basebal club are now EaSter' 0Otario B3asebail chamipions havinIg eliminated the stroug celub friom Thurlow. The OCrorî(o- Thurlow series was wvon by O-rono in, two straight games. In 'both garnes Uic local club held a comfortabie margin in the game. Oronio rowi awaits word from the OBA for further action in their quest of an Otario Chamrpionshýip. It is MILK S HAKE sHAKE= 40C *Get a second one, FREE * An unsurpassed treat* ORONO, ONT. Du rham County Sa les Arena ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK SALE Every Thursday Evening 7: 30p. m., SHIEFP- CATTLE HOGS- HORSES B3USINESS 983-9363 HOME: 623-4685' ~B MI Mol expected, according to r. Samr Brutdu, that the next series for Orono wilil be sometim.e later this mnonth. Orono took the first game of the rono-Thuriow series by a score of 6-2. This game was piayed at Uic Orono Park. lu the win Don Martin bieid the piîtchIing dulies for Oronio tapking twelve strike outs and giv-ing up seven bits. Martin gave up no walks. Iu the hitting departmnent John.1 Coruish and Tim Jenkinis botb secured tbree bits witb two its each to Tom Moffat and Don Martin. Single biits were registered by Ron Clap- dorpD and Nick vauSegglen. The second win of the series was taken by Orono iu Thurlow ou Saturday last by a score of 7-2. Here again Don Martin was the winning 'pitch- er giviug up only five its, no waiks and taking seven strike- outs. Lu the gamie Tom Moffat lead with týwo bits while Tira Jï-nkins pounded out a home run, ther its went to John Cornýiishl a stingle, Nick van-, Seggien, a double and a single to 'Ron Ciapdorp.Tbe Orono runs were scored- by Ron Clapdorp, Tim Jenkins, Alan Farrow,2, Tom Moffat and John Cornisb,2. During the summer season of play the Orono club beld a record of eigbt wins ont of ten gaâmes and played lu a league witb 'AA' and 'A' clubs from Port, Hope, Oshawa, Peter- borough,, Whitby, Bowmau- ville and Cobourg . Tbere were no 'C' clubs lu the westerný section of the league. Tburlow wa aember of the eastern sectioni of tbe EOBA wbichi played witb clubs such as Beleville. KENDAL ROYALS EASTE RN ONTYARIO CHAMPIONS Tbe Kendal Royals, Junior Basebali club defeated tbe junior club fromn Fraukford to take the Eastern Ontario cbampionsbip and tbe oppor- tunity to advance further lu the Ontario cbampionship race. The Kendal club took the best three out of five series in tbree games straighit with the opening game in Frankford beiug an eigbteen iuning feature. The s econd and third game was played as a doubie-header in'Kendal ou Sunday with Kendal taking both games, with ease. IF YOU' ARE IN NEED 0F GRAVEL 1 CALL, HALEý LREOR SMIALL QUANTITIES A TTENTION FARMERS!! I IWHY PAY MORE? SA VE ON I eDIESEL FUELI * 'MOTOR OIL I * ~ NiI~ GASOLINE * Premium QuelityI Form Tanks andI Pumps Availabi, ~tPhone 668-3381 -Colc' D DX FUEL DIIIâ * For Prompt Courteous Servie * Cali Us Today LmmmmmuMmmmmmm«mM&MgM Local Sports ElGeTEEN INN FEATURE[N FRANKFORD The opeuing game of the series played in Fraukford on Saturday was a real cliff banger with the game going into the eighteeeth iniing before a wînner was declared. The win vwent to -Keu.dal when lu théeigbteentb the Kendal club scored one rua to break the three ail tie, In the eighteenith Eric Moore who had aiready pitch- ed seventeeni innings took 'a single to, reacb first. He was then replaced by Terry Stark to run for him, Stark stole secon d a rd, reacbed third on a passed bail. He then scored on a long drive by Steven West out into centre f ield. There was oniy one out at the time of West's clout. Kenda's first three runs were scored in the sixth inning off two hits and a, sacrifice Jerry Tbompson started the raliy wben he reached first on a Frankford error. Bernie Alldread followed with a hit as did Steven West. This was followed by a sacrifice by Dan Norton and a long driven bal by Mike McGregor. Thomp- sou, AI dreadciand West scored the Royals three runs atthis thme. Eric Moore, proved the hero of the Kendai game as he heid bis record of rio losses, this year intact pitching a total of seventeen innings. Iu ail he took seventeen strike- outs and gave up on-ly twelve hits. He was replaced in the eigbteentb when Mike Me- Gregor came in to complete the game for Kendal. KENDAL ROYALS WIN BOTH GAMES 0IF DOUBLE-HEADER On Sunday iu Kendal the Kendal juniors completed their sweep of the Frakford- Keudai series by winning both gaines of the double-header iu comfort. Kendai took the first gamne by a score of 15-O and the second gaine by a score of 5-1.ý These wius aioug with the marathon win lu Frankford gave the Royals the EOBA championship as weil as the opportunity to advance fur- ther iu quest of an Ontario championship. .lu the opening game on Sunday Jerry Thompson heid the mound duties for Keudai througbout the entire game. As usual Jerry gave it bis al and came up with a fine performance keeping the Frankford club well under control. The Kendai club- was also hitting well iu the game and continued to add to their total of runs. Iu the eighth they bombed dut for seven wbicb clinched the game without any doubt. The second game of the double-header again weut to Kendai by a score of 5-1. Theodore Becker pitched the first seven inning s f'or Kendal wbile Michael Carman finish- ed the last two innings giving Up two bits and taking three walks. Becker, lu pitching the first seven innings gave up seven hits while taking five strikeouts. In both games Jerry Thomp- son, Bernie Alldread, Steven West and Dan Norton were al hitting weli as was most of the club. WINS LEAGUE BATTING HONOURS Steven West, short stop for the Kendai Royais bas been declared the icague top itter for the icague durinig the summer. This was made official recentiy but as yet the full schedule of thp averages have yet to be received. It is expected, according- to Brian Throwling your back into something meanms thbat mayàbe you miglit jiust throiW YourM back out. That's painful and no way to enjoy - thLe nice things în life. Wheni youL.'ve got to move or il,*ft something,. firs,-t test the weigh.If yo ca't lift 't easily, e sm 1help. That's seif-defence, for vouan Your Workmen's Compensation Board(ýrl, and The Safety Associations, onpaD) FOR TH E BEST MEATS IN TOWN Maple Leaf Boïieless SMOKED Dînner Shoulders Perf etc for thie BTarbecue -- ALI, BEEF, Ski nless Wi-eners. FRESHI CUT - MEATY - FAMILY PAK Ch icken Qouarters Maple Leaf 16 oz. pkg. Bologna lb. 79c Burni's Lunchi Meats T riple Pak lb, 99ce Ideal for the Barbecue -- Burns Beef Steakettes 2lb. $2.19 Allen's Orange 31 ý oz. pkgs Flavour Crystals 69c. SCOTTIES 200x2 ply, white Facial Tissue 2 pkgs .69c l.$1,59 l.85C. lb. 89c SUNSPUN. Assorted flavours ICECREAM 1/2 gaI1. .99c VIVA HOUSEHOLD Paper Towels 2 roil s 63C GLAD Heavy Duty Garbage Bags IOTOAP>ACK.67C No W IN GOOD SUPPLY ONTARIO PE AC H ES Ye:t PRESERVE NOW à4 Goffldeni Ripe Bananas 2 lbs. 35o CORN ISH'S - ORONO 983-5201 The Kendal Eagles %wIho last w,ýeek entered the E.O.B.A. pla 'ydowns wththe'ir first opposition comýIIg. from the Motor City have been iond ering and giv'en up [two victories t'o the Oshawal club. The set'ies wt Oshawa isi the bes t of fIvJ\,e. Oshawa ftook a 5vicry ýover Kendalinî Kendai on Satur-day and added a 8-2 win iný Oshawav on qunda-y evening. This gives the Motorc Ciy club a 2-0 edge in the sm-ias The tiryd game of the series will be plaved in Oshawa on saturday eveintg staprting at 7.30 pro. The winners of the Oshawa-Kendal series will meet Port Hope who in the1P other semi-final series defeat- ed Bowmanville ini three straight games, 4Qaiýu

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