\<,QNT 4DS 1FOR WýED)NESDAY PU'BLICATION ACCEPTED UNTIL I10:00 a.m.TUESDAY PHONE ORONO 983-5301 gay if R/UNT? :W. FRANK : :REAL ESTATE: LIMITED e 0 'Realtoir S *234 King Street East e * BOWMANVILLE * * 623-3393 * Toronto 923-9174 * Port; Hope -office 885-45430 For prompt, oreu, eefficient service .whexi * buying oe selling and@ * for the Iargest selectione *of properties in the area @ * Contact * Orono Area * Representatives * Charlie Reid e 983-5914 0 Roy Foster e * 983-5801 * William Turansky: * (Kendal> * 983-5420 * Dane Found * 623-3965 * Roy Strong *Betha ny 52rl 11 Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and - service leaves nothîng to be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company, 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone coîleet v. W. RUTTER office - 885-5216 Home - 885-52 BYAMS PLUMBING - HEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates rPhone: 1Tone 263-2650 Gi NEED A NEED A SUMP PUMP PRESSURE SYSTEM HARVEY PARTNER Plumbing and Heating ORONO 983-5206 Chartes Reid Orono's Licensed Aucetioneer Valuator Specialilze in .Farm Furniture Sales Consuit nme for terns and dates Phone Orono 983-5914 WATSON'S Marine and Cycie Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snow Mobiles McCuiloch Chain Saws Repairs to ail makes of Lawn Mowers a2nd 2 and 4 cycle Engines ALLOUE 1E SNOWMOBILES PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tonipkins Phone 786-2552 Newtonville, Ontario Clarke Public LIBRARY Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Frlday 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Monday, Thursday, Friday Afternoons 2:30 to 5:00 p.rn. Saturday 10:00 to 12:00 ar. ORONO LANDSCAIPING SODDING, PLANTING AND SEEDING Phone 983-5598 HELP WANTED llelp. wanted, full or part time. Apply Noone's Restaur- ant, phone 983-5536. 9-5e HELP WANTED Northumberland and ham County Board of. ation requires imme< for Cartwright Central1 School, teacher for theJ Division. Apply to MKirkaldy,l Principal,1 stock. Orono Public School, Te for the Intermediate Div apply, Mr. D. Moffatt, B Orono, Ontario. Grant C. Wc Insurance Ageil General Insurane Box 82 Tel. 786 Newtonvilîe, Ontar Box 61 . Tel. 88. Port Hope, Ontar 1Dur- Educ- diately Public Junior Vîr J. Black- nnowwncents COME TO A PARTY! CLARKE PU BLIC LIBRARY INVITES MOTHERS WITH PRE-SCHOOL AND KINDERGARTEN CHIL- REN TO A PARTY ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th at 2:00 P.M. THERE WILL BE A SHORT FILM AND PRIZES. INTRODUCE YOUR CHILDREN TO THE WONDERFUL WORLD 0OF BOOKS. RECEPTION eacher You are cordiaily invited to ivision, attend a celebration of the Box 30, twenty-fifth wedding Anniver- sary of James and Doreen 12 a-c Lowery on Fr-iday, Sept. 2lst, A 173, at 8:30 in the Kirby - Centennial School. Committee: Mrs. Gordon de Lowery, Orono; Mrs. Harold d e Ransberry, Orono; Mrs. Ro- bert Rutherford, Orono; Mrs. rlcy John Moffat, Orono; and Miss Lorna Lowery, Orono. ýce ý6-2921 io 5-2288 rio Callyour Jfrensed Plumbing & Mechanical Contractcm who selis, iIIstaH5i and guarantees ANNOUNCEMX You are cordially the home of Mr. and Walkey, Newtonvii. occasion of Mrs. C. 9th birthday. Sun( 23, 1973 from 2-5,p Wishes Only. NOTICE Orono U.C.W. are spo ing a bus tour to Hamili( Thursday September The Bus leaves the Town Hall at 9:00 viewing the Royal Bot. Gardens and Dundurn Cý Bus tour $3. 25. Tickets m secured from Mrs. C. Gi (983-5819). w ON ELECTRIC -CARMAN Herb and Gerry Duvafl 983-5108 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ELECTRIC HEATING Electrical Appliances T.V. - COLOUR T.V. RADIO - HI-FI WESTINGHOUSE UCA ELECTROHOME Guaranteed Service Box 133 Ph. 668-3552 Stafford Brothers Limited Manufac turers of Cenietery Memorials 318 Dun.das Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO Randy Thompson Orono0, Ontario Phone 983-5759 Carpentry Work Remodelling We build froni the foundation Up â'm ý ý - ' aI Plumbing and Heuting Ph'one 983-5207 Orono FPA S/1ONED WA YYS/IOP0 #ffli E FOR VAL ME A ND)jb METRrCH THATJ~~ %tPAY Elmer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE MiH St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 Homephone 987-5167 Milison Insurance Agenc y AIl classes of personal and Commercial Coverage Office: Corner of Church and CÔbbledick Street 983-5032 Res. 983-5754 NOTICE The Senior Citizens meet on Thursday Septt l3th, at eig ht o'ciock1 Oddfeiiows Hall. Eve welcome. SWORK WANTE[ Available for babysiti my own home in the Area. Phone 983-5074. SFOR RENT Small one bedroom apt. nicely decorated - aIl appli- ances and parking. 98-9350 after 5:30 p.m. t-f ANNOUNCEMENT At Port Hope United Church Diana Lynn Hazelden and Gordon Edward Palmer were married on July 18, 1973., 12 a-c FOR SALE Buffet and Fine chairs, very old but in very good condition. Phone 983-9114, Orono Estates a-p FALL FESTIVAL TO BE HELD IN NEWCASTLE Plans for the Newcastle and District Chamber of Com- merce FALIL FESTIVAL DAY are almost completed. The DATE, will be Saturday, 12-19 a-c ENT invited to ilOCKEY NOTI There wili be a ME Sunday, September lf p.m. in the arena parents concerning t biiity of entering a] from Osono in the( Ail people either for o this proposai area attend. Orono Amateur Ass LEARN TO DR TRACTOR TRA] Now you can train.r in Canada! Tuition Tax Deducti Placement Assistari anteed! Weekend training a] able! For application ai view write: Safety ment, The Canadiar of Tractor Trailer Ltd. 207 Queen'sÇ Toronto 117, Ontari( 416-864-9381 (Former] Canada Transport 'J FOR SALE one yeilow and snowmobile cutter. 983-5046. Mr. L. She. 1Mrs. Earl NOTICE le on the At the Clarke Mu 'Walkey 's display of quilts and, day, Sept. trations of quilting .m. -Best Kirby U.C.W., fromT September l3th to TI 12 - 19 a -p ing. ionsor- ton on 2th. Orono HELP WANT] Full or part time.I door work. Phone Orono. aical PRESS RELEASE astle. (Continued from p naybe specific needs ýbf thE unter "Boundaries musi gotten and the co-op( a-c all the members Regional COuncil is to provide an ati s will where problemfs ýember discussed and decisi in the ions formulated, " Mi eryone stated. "There will be u: 12ap rural ideas from the 12ap Councillors thati worked out to pi smooth entry into Ltin in government," he saý tin o Through his past e: roo Mr. Walkey, said he -ac help make open-mii -ac urate decisionsf guide the new Regic cil in its formative, September lSth, 1 PLACE is NEM COMMUNITY HA] ieeting on O.P.P. Report tato7.30 The Newcastle Detachment the possi- - of the Ontario Provincial ny teams Police investigated the foîlow- 0.M.H.A. ing motor vehicle collisions or against and occurrences, during the asked to week of Sept 2nd, 1973 and r Athetie Sept 8th, 1973. ir thltie Seventeen motor vehicles soito. collisions wer e investigated in 11VE which 8 persons suffered LIVE personal injury. As a resuit of ILERS these collisions 8 persons were right here charged with offences under the Highway Traffic Act and ible! one was charged with ani nce Guar- offence under the Criminal Code. iîso avail- Along with oth'ler duties the Newcastle -officers completed and inter- 109 investigations of a general y Depart- nature. Some of ýthese occur- nInstitute rences are as follows: Training Three investigations involv- Quay W., ed "break. and Enter" or .o or cail attempts at "Break and Enter r- Trans 5 investigations of theft, 2 of rraining). wiiful damage, one, concern- 29-5-12 ing a person 'being "Unlaw- fully a t Large", one drowning, two assaults, oùie threatening [d. black phone caîl and two trespass . Phone: complaints. One investigation ýrwin. concerned the finding of a-p property and one the' loss of property. - A total of 28 charges have been laid relating to Criminal useum a Code Offences; 6 related to ,demons- offences under the Liquor Sby the Control Act; and one driving Thursday. offence under the Criminal hankgiv- Code. The following is a brief a-c summary of a series of related events which ended duringthe ED past week when 25 Criminal Light out Code charges were laid again- 983-5002. st persons involved in nine different occurrences. These 12 - 19 a-c occurrences, dating as far back as 2 pi 1973, involved such things as the "Datngerous age 1) Use of Firearms", varlous - re. thefts including the theft of t brefor one motor veicele and several ; etorof accounts of "W'iiful'Damage" of the totalling approxý. $14,000.00. essential As a resul t of these occur- tmosphere rences 5 local maie youths may be have been summonsed to ive decis- appear in Bowmanville Pro- Ir.Waleyvincial Court in the near r. Wlkey future. Regn ad DRIVING TIP must be al "Dangerous Pedestrian Ages' autb Drivers! Remember )rovidea Young children - 5 and under, Regional school children, and older xeienc people-our senior citizens; are "hpes toc in the age groups most likely ý "hpesto, to be involved in pedestrian inded, ac- traffic accidents. Y ou can that will ofstteednesbexr Dnal Coun- offset tesndainers by era years." yca rivneauti or onh n - children and older people in 1973. The mi, and you'li be doingyour WCASTLE part to help keep them out of ,LL. accidents. President E. R. Lovekin of the Durham Central Agricul- tural Society arrives at the fair in Orono in an open convertible along with Miss Durahm Central, her atten- dent and the Shorthorn Lassie Queen. ..... ..... . ......... ....... a