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Orono Weekly Times, 17 Oct 1973, p. 1

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Mr. O. W. Rolph was coach, Bob Foster (left) on pleased and honoured ta behaif of the team! receive an autographied base- ball from members of thE The bail, prized by Mr. Rolph Kendal Royals Junior Base- carnies the namles of eighteen bal team. The presentation players of the Ontario Champ- was made by the coach, Brian. ioxship team which this year Foster (right) an'd pitcbing won the Ontario Junior C Hydra, presents sta#istics of northern route at meetings Ontario Hydro at three considered by Hydro. The .7 miles of classh3 kid while meetings last week held in' northern route was suggested the mîiddle route would pass Hampton, at the Clarke High to Hydro by residents of Clark along .4 miles and the South- School an in the Kna and Darlington and the Fed- ern route along 2.3 miles. In Public School presented stat- eration of Agriculture. the class 5 land the -northeirn isis pertaining to the various In their presentation at the route went through 21.1 miles, line proposals which have three meetings Ontario Hydro the mniddle route 6.1 and the been suggested by Ilydro as. did supply a summnary~ in south route 6.3. suitable in which to establish comparn the northern, (COninlued page 3 the Leninox -Oshawa transmiis- mjiddle and southern routes. t iot was stated at the me~eting that ND P to decide Although the meetings were thenorthern proposai would nomination held to discuss the southern cost an addîtional $11 million proposai very little time was and would be some seven The Durhiam NDP Associ- taken at the Hampton meeting miles longer than nay of the ation wil decide tonfight where 250 were inattendance other routes. hte r>o te iIhl on this matter as those present lu' the summary presented Provincial nomination meet- were asking questions not at the meetings it was pointed ing in the near future. This is related to the northern route out that the northern route to be decided by the organiz- and a great deal of re-hashing would pass through 21.3 miles ation at a meeting tonight at old information was the order of Class 1 and 2 agricultural Browns School, east of New- championship. of the evening. The samne was land compared to 27.7 miles castle. Mr. Rolph an ardent sup- also true of Clarke meeting along the middle route and The group aire -also to porter of the teamn states the with the exception that resi- 18.7 miles for the southern discuss th'e possibility Of club was one of the best dents and counillors of Man- route. Class 1 and 2 agricult- orgaizing a garbage re-cycl- balance clubs ever to plaY in vers were expressing disap- ural lands was termed the irig project in Durham County. this area. He says it had proval of the northern propos- better grade of land for Their guest speaker will be strength ahl the way tbrough aI through their munficipalîty, agricultural purposes The Mrs. Pat Lawson of Port even to the bench. a route whîcb was 'not fîrst north route would pass along iope. LI bra ry a nd museu m have growing pains Botb the Clarice Public the point that perhaps the Library and the Clarke Mus- Library Board could erect a eum- are having problems with new building on the premises g5rowing pains. This wvas of a nature more suited to broughit out at a recent providing library services and meeting of the library Board that the Museumn Board take when the board saw problems over the present building. Mr. for more needed space for _,R. Forrester stated this would both groups. cost considerable mox'ey The two groups are housed which would have to come in' a building at the corner of from the municipality. Church and Centre street The Library Board to 'date wýbich in the late 1960s was bas invested somne $40,000 in' purcbased by the Library the building and presently Board and renovated ta bc owes between $12000 and used to house the lîbrary. At $14000 due ta the purchase and the time the library was renovations. housed in te aemn o he[rama gro up grown its space in' this are? te perform and which area was alsc The Bowmanvihle Drama nieeded by the Township. Group wilh open their season Following the renovatiotis on November 9th andL continue the Lîbrary moved its books through until November !Oth into three of, Lthe dk stairs with th-production -of---M rooms. Since 1970 the hoard Gofwn fýor his Mistress". bas expanded -îlto a furthel Those taking part inx',the play two rooms on the downstairs will be Peter Sobil, Kathy sector and at this point has Coverly, Jean Sheridan, John used alI the downstairs rooms An'esbury, John -Manuel, for the display of books. They Bannie Morrison, Dick Merk- naw find themselves at thEý ley, Myrma McCullough, point where further expansion Kathy Godfrey and flat becomes a, proiilemn of space. Marjerrison. In 1970 tie Lîtrary Board The play will be presented in' agreed to provide space up- the auditorium of the Bow- S stairs for, the newly formed manville High School. Clarke Museum group for a five yearperiocl and this group News release like thec Library bas expanded Alex Carruthers, in a press over the past three years ta release from Queen's Park, the point that ail available bas announced the advertising space on the upper floor is on october 9th and October being used. The group do lack 1iith of tenders by the Minstry space for storage as they are of Transportation and Com- obtainîng more and more munfications for fire safety items for the museum. revisions (new exits and The building with its spac- general fireproofing) at the ions lawns is an outstanding District office of the Ministry attraction in' Orono and it bas m Port Hope. been kept in' its orginal' condition with its pleasing atih e n ne A request was received ai happeni. last meeting of the Library Board from the Museum Board ta fix up the basement TO ORGANIZE SCOUTING III for storage and also ta held an Octaber 22nd ait 7.30 p.n re-arrange an interior unused witbi the vîew of organi zing thr stairways s0 that it would exit scauting. t is hoped tai start W( ta the outside on the west of age, Scouts for boys il ta 14 a verandah. The library board Al interested people are askE gave approval for the work ini re-establisb scouting in' the areý tlie basement but turned down Scouts of Canada will be prese the request to mnake any other the West Durbami Service tean structural change in' the sotrgbc oOoo building. Mr. Forrester statedscuigbktaOoo that witbinfthe next year or twOsoe canes oud hveFIRST CALL TO SUB-DIVIS] ta bsoe caeas wfar avte Orono-Clarke Fire Departmert li b aryidcernedfarandthe Oronio Estates development v. poible that thne nîy anil- x'in a ven had caught fire. The able spacez for the libraryfreitpwdritnoam - would be in the upstairs area. had closed tbe door of the to He wvas also of the opinion thiat ctigoftespl foye any interior or exterior change of a major nature POLICE CIIECKING FATAL[ would spoil thei appearance of tinues intu a head-on collision the building. the ]Ife of a Kendal woman The Library Board is ta Michael, 56, died in' ber car af apply on the Behaîf of the gravel truck driven by James Clarke Museum to obtain a flipped over following the Provincial grant ta renovate investigating the possibility, th? the basement of the building as it proceeded east on theT 50 it can be used for storage. Townline of Clarke and Darling Some discussion centred ox' the sixth line of Carke west of t Volume 37, Numiber 39 Presents 60 year Nominating mnasonic jewel committee-set On Thursday evening of las.1 week the Orono 'Masonkc The Northumberland Dur- Lodge at their regular mneet hami County Board of' Educa- ing presented Mr. O. W. Rolpi- tion set-up a nominating of' Orono wvith bis Sixty yeaî 9ommittee at their last meet- Jewel. ing to bring a recommnendat- The Sixty Year Jewel wa, ion into thle next meeting of the ipresented to Rt. Wor. Bro. 0 Board so that the Board could W. Rolph by Pst Master E. G elect a successor to fuilMNr. K. Powers on behaîf of the lodge. lyall's unexpired term. During the course of th( Ar. Lyall represented the evening the Past MWasters oflluniciPalities of Clarke. NeW tbe lodge exemplified the thirc castle, and Hope Townýhip7bn degree. thle school board sinice the Rt. Wor. Bro. O, . WRolpt- beginning Of the year. Mr. was Master of the Lodge ir Lyall was electedrecex'tly as 1932 anld Ditrict Deputy i r ember of the Regional 1944~. HIe lso rca b ta h ongncil of Durham represent- was tresut'er for a- ubro n Ward 3 of the new Town of years. e ra hcU,,ýa.tle rLya' eig- timie the lodge purchased thE ation was accepted at the last old Preshyterian church and board~ meeting in order that lie remodelling in as the lodge could accept -bis position wvith temple. the regional counicil. Pollution in Wilmvl-tot ask council support Areso1,ition was nre'senrpn u h.-,.o .,andi .-. ,,I., ail to the council of the Township of Clarke on Tuesday evening of this week asking that council take imimediate action to contact thie proper authorît- ies to furtber investigate the possible contamination of the headwaters of the Wilmot creek, and to take necessary action to contact the proper authorities to furtber investi- gate the possible contaminat- ion of the headwaters of the gs I IN ORONO-A meeting is -being rn. in the Orono United Church ree groups in connection with Volf Cubs'for boys 8 to 10 years and Venturers for boys 14 to 17. ked to attend this meeting to ,a. A representative of the Boy ;nt along with niembers from i. Plan now to attend and bring ;ION-On Saturday evening the nt was called to a home in the 'here apparently somne grease i department extinguished the age to the stove as the resident [oe, containing the blaze and JITY-Police investigation con- non Tauton Road E. tbat took Saturday mrorning.Mrs. Mary fter a collision with an empty ýFrasa of Oshawa. The truck Saccident. Police are now at the truck was out of control [aunton road just east of the ngton. Mrs. Michael resided on 'the Newton ville-Kende.1 road. necessary action to have any source of pollution corrected. The resolution was presented by Deputy-Reeve Entwisle and counicillor Heykoop. The information of pollution to the streami came from eighit samples of water taken by Mr. Carl Wilson who owns proper- ty nix the Mosport area. Al eight sarnples, when tested, proved unsat isf actory for both human nd warmn animal consumption. In speaking witb Councillor Heykoop it, was iearned that both he and the _-()11noWeely ies, Wednesday, October l17th,.. 1973 Hy-dro to holci Pontypool Following a meeting at the Clarke High School Ontario Hydro stated that tbey would arrange and hold a meeting in Pontypool. The purpose of the meeting wVould be to discussý the proposai of a northerr route for the transmnission line for Hlydro from Lennox te Oshawa. A number of persons at the Clarke High Schooý meeting voiced their oppos- ition to the proposalict consider a route through the 1Tow.nsiiof- Manvers whichl was not amiong the original thro' nibpsais set forth 4y Ontar-ia Hy' dro. The northerfl proposai re- sulted from meetings hielc somne umber of weeks ago ir Darlington and Clarke Town- ship when local residents anc Qrganization asked Hydro tc considier a more, northerr route thant the three they hac proposed. Lt is (fuite apparent thal residents of the Manvers ir the first two concessions art not too happy over the faci deputy reeve have further investigated the report and soughit information fromn the Ministr. It wvas pointed out that some of the sam pies were taken right from, springs which lead into the Wilmoet. A normal lecal count, of 1 or 2 is expected andi is taken care of tby nature. Same samples takenýr south-east of the Mos- (Con tinued on Page 3) mrneeti ng that the Hydro Transmission Uine may be pushed into theii area. The Deputy-Reeve for Mlan- vers speaking at the Clarke Highi School meeting stated that theyv in Manvers werc shocked ta learni that consîi- eration was being given te another line in the Iower pari of the Township. We already have two fines and we would gel no benefit from this newý fine. He referred to the tobacco farms and new deve- lopmient being considered arou?îd iontypool and these new liues, he sgid, would have an adverse affect on these developmnents. He also poited out that the powýer is needed in the south so why not keep the fines in the area wbich needs the by dro. lHe said it wvas Pressure from the soutb that was pushing the liue ta the in ~hdscussion the proposai Hydro stated that it would cost an additional $11 million to route the fine to the north. Sud' re-routing would take the fne north west of the Clarke- Hlope boundary line into the second concession of Mlanvers Township and run parallel wvith the present Gàtineau ]ne. Hydro explained it would be necessary to tear clown the present Gatineau line -and re-establish it on ne~w towers and that in the end there would be f'ire lines running down to 1 .Ieo Gsliawa area instead ottfiè present four. Like a swarm of bees soi.ýu Wednesday ni the Durham The event was called a 80 boys frorn Public Sehool in Forests north of Orono. The Harrier meet with time ta the western area of the district above picture shows 'the start' determnine the winner as he converge on the trail just after of the race which was a twa cov.,ered the course as laid Out. the starting gun sounded ast mile route throu.gb the forest. à

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