Brownies' meeting OCTOBEIt 10, 1973 We started the meeting with the game "Fire on the Mountai." We then formed in our sixes which are: Pixies, Elfs, Lepr- echauns, Fain-es, Sprites and Little People. Then we took collection and attendance, and learnt each groups song. After this we formned a circle and Brown Owl, remninded us about pressing our- flowers, and we voted on not having brownies on, Wednesdlay, Oct- ober 31, since this is Hiallow- e-en. Also there are several Brownie calendars and Wood- land badges left to those who IBob Yeonians Plwnbing and Heating St. Saviour s ladies hold Mrs. H. Mercer, stockirigs, notes; M. Crowe, foot stool, successful tea and bazaar egg poacher, pin cushion; 1 ~Mrs. H. Coatham,. jig saw A vey sccesfulbazar, t. Sviors fr wien e 'puzzle; Inla Living, glasses; A vry uccssfl bzaa, t. avîurstorwtlcfltnY Mrs. G. ,Belsey, book, baby tea and penny sale was held on thank the public for their tops; Rosemary Spry, Cologne Saturday October - 3th in the patronage also their many Mr. OBrien, glasses, Andy 1.O.O.F. hall Iby the ladies of friends who donated articles enta jigsaw puzzle; COCENE OERfor. our Penny Sale and Fre Ytes, combs, kleenex; WIO T WATD ER goodies.for our bake table., Margaret Graham, tea towels, WILMOTWATERThe winner of the DoIl 'Bride IShelly Gray, Cologne, Julie (Continued from- page 1) and ber wardrobe was Mrs B. port area, it bias been stated, Lowes; 2nd prize a Box ofM FOR T carried a count of 74 and that Bath powder, Mrs. C. Malley. the farther down the stream it The winners'are as follows: appeared that the count in- Doris Prust, soap; Lynn creased. The fecal count Prust, cologne; Lynn Prust, bslooded anmais. nts tiae l ase, wk; E. Spýry bath track of humans and warm Boumne, glass bowl, wine that the count does not, with pillow-; Adele Mlyles, glasses; ~ tL'te present knowledge apparently 1 IYDRO ROUTE affect fish but could' have (Continued from page 1) WyelI Trimmed- Tenider-, Ju somne effect on spawning. The northern route was 1 RT .AnF . .0,4'T'E 24 Heur Service wish topurchase them. New Installations The old er Ïgrownies were Aiteratioris -Repairs formed in one group who Speciallzing In discussed their Explorers' Hot Water Hleating Badge which wlll be tested on November 3rd. Forced Air Heating The younger brownies Septie Tank Work learnt their Brownie Law: RR 1, rono 983-5624 A brownie is clieerful and __________________ -__obedient, A browmie thinks of other ******people, before herself. e M10T 0Th Nwill be tested on this Then those who already 0 F0 roni cans, played "I wrote a 0 * letter to my love." 0, FULL SELECTION 0 Melanie Cowan passed "The 0 Brownie Promise."~ eHALLOWE'EN * Tammy Madill, Michelle *Hartwig, Sheila -Boughen, * * Sandra Dennis and Patty *Blaschke passed sewing on *buttons. *e Janette Tansley shlowed bier 4 picture that she made uip fromn 0*lier dried flowers. This was O0rnounted on yellow cardboard *0' ai-d covered with a plastic TREATS 0.wrap. 0 Denise Maher brought in a 0 0LE RA * pper that her mother cover- 0 ed wîthi different -,hapes and 0 DAIRY *sîzes of mcoi * PROD CTS * Tammy Madili showed us * R D T liher niothers souvenirs, whien NEILONSFAMOS eshe was in Cape Breton which * ELSN FAO was a pencil with a lobster tip * ICE CREAM S@ and a lobster stuffed animal. 0 0 The Brownies ended this Hours 7:30 a.m, to 9 p.m. * meetin~g with the Brownie, Wed. and Sat. Squeeze and the Brôwnie 0 7:0a .t :-3 .. 0Taps. 0 7:0am0t53pm Our Brownie Pack is full; *ORONO, ONTARIO . but we will take naines of a PHONE 983-5242 0 those who wish to join, in case an pening. also, shown to pass through a greater amount of conifer- plantations and mixed wood lots compared to with the. middle or southern route. The summary also showed the northern route to pass over 23.6 miles of crop and pasture land compared with 24.8 miles for the middle route and 21.3 m-iles for the southern route. The northern route also hiad a greater number of road cross- ing than did either of the other two routes. The summary also stated that 301 families would live witin 2-ý500 feet of the northern route with 293 within thîs distance of the mniddle route and 283 along the south route. The figures reported in famil- ies living within 5000 feet of the route it wvas learned that 699 would he within this range of the northern route and an exact number was within the 500 feet of the southern route. The total mileage of the north route over the two townships was set at 46 miles, the middle route 39.2 miles and the south 31.4 miles. Oronio Weekly Times, WVedesday, Q.tober 17th. 1M3-3 Gray, water glasses; Carole Boyd, candie holder; Doreen Lake, creamn and sugar, Doris Spencer, cushion, Gladys Gamsby, serviettes; Inez Harris, tea towels; Mrs. A. Lunw apron and,-pot holder set; Mary Morris butter dish; Mrs. Terry Tomlinson, Rag-, gedy Ana Doîl; Mrs. Uayne, bowling set; Mrs. Branch, pen set; Mrs. he. saît' an<i pepper set; Jessie Raynard, coffee maker; Mrs.. Stinson, p\lw cases, doîl; Mrs. D. Hàarness,, bulbs; Alice Hooey, soap; Mrs. Colin Taylor, floral irnament stockings, Mrs. R. Wannan, doll; Maria Murree, grater bowl, bath pillow; Mrs. R. Chapman, towel and spoon set; Marilyn Major, coasters; Susan Spry, pot holders and Doreen Swan, soap). rHE BIESTMEATS INTOWN- A ,ucy (BRANDED) 7A ]zZ 1 ia "2.IL..A2ÀÀ I11SI I"ncin ix lijliJOZ JuicyN, Branded, Bone - In Shoulder Beef Steaks $1.18 Ideal fori' Meat Loaf or Burgers Ground Beef lb. $1.05 Lucas Arthur - Mild anid Sweet Rindless Bacon lb. $1.38 B ologna î,îs-BthPee lb. .69 C ooked Ham swifts, ounicepkg. .88 Bu1rnls - Beef or Pork Sausage (SmaIl Lin k) lb. M8 WECUTAND, FEATUBE ONLIY CANADA A4i PRIME BEEF LESS WASTE FINEST QU'ALITY CONSULT US ABOUT VOUR Freezer Needs Sides Hinds Chucks, etc YOU'LL NEVER REGRET TH-E MOVEý C'UýT and WRAPPEI) 10Oto 12 lb. a'vg. Whole Pork Loin lb. $1.18 F'aitilv Pak Beef Steakettes n>. bs. $2.19 CORNISH 'S - ORONO 983-520-1 -FEEL GOOD ABOUT ITOMORO *ATTENTION FARMERS!! I 'WHY PAY MORE? S'A VE ON I * ea DIESEL FUEL I 0 MOTOR OIl Ê * GASOLINI Premiîum QueIity j Farm ,Tanks endI ~~ Pumps Availoble I :Phone 668-3381 - Collectm IDX oFUEL DIII'" * For Prompt Courteous ServiceI * C&BUs TodayI IF YOU ARE IN NEED 0F GRA VEL CALL MALE ORDER NOW! 786-2972 LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES EASY TO BUY: For cash, or on instalments at any Bank or authorized lnvestmnent Dealer, Stock Broker, Trust or Loan Company and Credit Union. And at wý,ork on the, Payroll Savings Plan. They are available in amounts ranging from $50 Up ta a limit of,$50,000. SIMPLE TO CASH: Canada Savings Bonds are instant cash. They are redeemable anytime at their full face value plus earned interest. New Canada Savings Bonds yield an average of 7.54% a year when held to maturity. Each $100 Bond pays $7.00 interest for the first year, $7.50 for each of the next six years, $7.75 for each of the following three years, and $8.00 for each of the last two years. On top'of this you can earn interest on your interest and make each $100 grow to $239.50 irn just 12 years. GOOD TO KEEP: Canada Savi ngs Bonds S0 whateve r tomorrow means are safe -- backed by aIl the 7054%to you and your family, plan resources of Canada. And avrga i -t for it todaywith Canada they pay good interest avaganulitrttomuiy Savings Bonds. You'Il be BuY CAuNADA SAVINOS BONDS -TODAY