Withdraw services (Continued fromi page I- bet-weeni 25-30, 41. classes between 20-25, 312 classes between 15-2b, and 7 classes' between 10-15. Therefore the average class si.ze is 26. BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL, SOn Monday' morning the following figures were suppli- ed by the Bawmanville High Sehool. No classes of 40 or aver, 7 classes between 35-40, 39 classes between 30-35, 93 classes betw\een 25-30, 8c classes between 20-25, 45 classets betweer, 15-20, 26 classes between 10-15 and 3 classes unidêr 10).t Mr. W.H. Carman, chair-, mnan of the negotiating coin- mittee for the Board statest that HeBoard did set ant arbitrary figure for class size Wbich was ne(gotiable.with the teachers, bu't that the -Board negatiating Commnittee didt rejeci. a pr-oposal wbieh inr e ffect meant thle establish- Cla rke Museum f aInciAr chivJes 6;.:;0 to>.30 P. m. V Thursday*\s and Fridays c 2.00 to 5 p.rn.t Suindavsb AdmIIission 35 cents Adults p 10 cents children I Yearly Family Pass $500 iea rly TindividualPass $200 r ment of an outside arbitrator in 'cases where class sizes were in dispute. He said he feit that the Principals should be left free ta run their own sehools or at least ta be able ta discuss and resolVe problems within the system rather than baving outside arbîtrators involved. Mr. Carman stated that the, pupil-teacher ratio tbrougliaut the county was 17.5.1 on the average. In the matter of teachers resigning their positions lie said it would leave them in the position that they could be rehired on a green contract. He said this -would not likely bappen but il wasa possibility Mr. Carman bas pointed out that the Board bas a redun- dant clause in their policy which bas beýn agreed upon by bath the teachers and the board. He sees no reason ta write it into the contract. He said, cantrary ta other reports no teachers were let go this year because tbey were redundant. He said that the Board bas meet the teachers more than baîf way and had offered a salary increase of ten percent and bad agreed ta every request except that of agree- ing ta aiin utside abitrýator wbeni disputes arase over class sizes. He furtber stated that the Board now faces at least five conditions wbich bave recentiy been submitted by the teachers. He felt that as the Board meets on Tbursday tbey will wait and sec wba t bappens up STANLEY KULACH DECEASED Would anyone who knew or wvas personally acquainted with the deceased w ho resided on Lot 23,, Conc. 2, in the Township of Darlington.and died on or'about December 16, 1966, please telle- phone Mrs. Mecoy at 623-4444 in Bowmanvil le. NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB HALLOWE'EN'DANCE NEWCA"ýSTLE COMMUNITY.HALL SATU RDAY, OCTOB ER 27th 9 p.m. toi1 a.m. SPOT DANCES - PRIZES COSTUME PRIZES BAR PRIVILEDGES $ 5.00 per couple Music by BOBBY DEE AND HIS QUARTET' THE Furniture Barn HWY. 115, NEWCASTLE Name Brand, FURNITURE At Low Prices H UG E SAVI NGS ON BOX SPRINGS & MATTRESSES ALL SIZES Open 7 days Weekly Phone 987-5151 or 987-5161 a this timie. Further, lie feit, that the local negotiations and conditions beîng presented by the teachers were being insti- gated by the Ontario Second- ary School Teachers Federa- tion and that the Northumber- land Durham Board was being used as a test case. He said other neighbouring boards had settled with no class size clause being written into their contracts. Mr. Carman feit it was most unfortunate that the students had to suffer over the fact that the teachers and board had not corne to termas. He also poinîted out that it was the parents of these same stu- dents who were paying the teacher's salaries. Hydro meetinig (Continued from page 1) one. As the meeting opened, Norman Manning of Hydro's Belleville area office, told them that the northern route had resulted from a study which was instituted after residents of Darlington and Cia rke Townships, to the south of Manvers Township had viewed two routes througli their townships and had asked Hydro to consider a northern route.. NO BLAME, "But 1 don't want to leave the impression this can ail be blamed on the people fo Darlington and Clarke,",he hastened to assure the quest- ioner. "They weren't saying to go to some other township. They asked us to investigate a possible route along the ninth or 101h concessions. When they were tld that the n-orthern route, which would take the tawer lines aiong a swath of Manvers south of Pontypool to the south edge of the present Gatineau tower line and then ta Oshawa, would cost $11 million more than either of two more southerly proposais, 'one mnii wondered h.ow Hydro could justify such extra cost. "It's a tradeoff, moiey versus other environent fea- tures," Mr. Sedgwick replied. "If everyone thinks they want the line through here, then it's worth $11 million' more. Our job lis to iminimiize the impact as mueh as possible' for the majority of people,"~ said David Robinson aiiother Flydro spokesmen. Our next step is to select the corridor which causes the least impact, he said as he announced that each would be asked to fi in a questionaire. The mieeting heard a revised i'ost figure fromn a meeting in Zlaýrke Higli Sehool last week Ball's miii (Continued from page 1) proposal to the Autbority on their property at Rice Lake, an* area of some one hundred acres. The cost of this report to be in the area of $4,200 to $5,000. The Authority also wished to devise a development sciemie for the Port Hope Conservat- on area containing some 90 acres on the boundary of the Town. TIhis matter was held over to a latter date due to the report, some $8,500.00. Mobile homes (Continued from .page 1) -cently given some form of ipproval to two similar pro- asals.- He said that hiýý coposal was the same as Rice 'onstructions. On motion' of *Preparrig for~ Art Mart The Womens' Committee of the Robert M'\cLaughlin Gai- lery are busy with lasti minute ,preparatians for the aninual Christmas Art Mart to lie beld jat the Gallery from Friday, sNovember., 9th ta Sunday eNovember il. r Mrs. Ted Bastedo reports a fine collection of goadies for b er Hock Shop, including 3antique door knobs, attic t'treasures' useid books etc. 1The continuing draw will be under the direction of Jean Mercer and there will be a winner every hour! A special draw will be held for the gorgeous bejewelled Christ- mas Tree made by the women of the Gallery under the direction of Mrs. Ward Irwin. Mrs. M. Rose and her cam- mittee will pravide food for 3the hungry Art Mart goers, and Marilyn Clark will staff the Sherry Shack for the thirsty! The Country Store will lie stocked by Trudy Lancaster and ber committee and wl feature home-made candy, preserves, baking and all wbe prices of $25 and $36 million were slated as costs of the section of power line from Wesleyville ta Oshawa, indlu- i.ng the egress line from Bowmanville generating stat- ion. The new figures are $32 million and $43 million. Manveis Deputy Reeve Ge- orge Neal, wbo had been instrumental in having Hydro and Manvers township ta thie string of public meetings for consideration of the proposais wondered what would happen if someone decided ta build a subdivision at the south of Pantypool, in the area of the lines. Don Fraser, of Hydro's property department, noted that Manvers does not yet have an officiai plan nor does i t have jany proposed subidiv- ions: If there were subdivided lots over wbieb the lines wouid run he said, Hydro would probably pay development riglits, but wben the lots are in someone's mmnd, it's bard ta set values. But, be added, in some municipalities, particularly Ottawa, Hydro righits-of-way are considered greenbélt areas and sometimnes are used for recreational areas adja- cent aI subidivisions. Orono winner An Orono area man, D. Hubbell, of R.R.1, Orono is the winner of the $5,000 prize in the Kin Lottery Minikîn Draw beld in Cornwall this week. Fifty other Ontario residents won $100 eacb.- those Iovely things ta please the discriminating pala te. Mrs C. Elliott will be selling New Books, while Mrs. D. Dewey and ber ladies will provide entertainment for the câildren in the Fish Pond. Decorating the Gallery will e Mrs. J. R. Hambly and ber1 committee and some unusual effeets are promised. Selling tickets at the door will lie Mrs. Bill Nurse and in charge of the money will be watcbdogs Ada FOR THE BEST MEATS 1INT Fresbi Picnic Style Shoulder (5 ta 6; lb. avgi PORK ROASTS lb. 88e You Savece witb Trimi & Price (Boston Style) PORK ROASTS lb. 98c Tender Tasty WeIl Trimmed BUTT orlb$10 SHOULDER CHOPS M 10 LUNCH MEATS M~kl. 99c iBURNS, Boneless DINNER Smoked Shoulder lb. $1,49 A P P L E S1 Crisp Juciy Mclntosb $1.39 4 qt. basket CA UL I FLOW ER Snowhite Ontario, .49C New Crap ONMONS Spanish Type pkg-of 2for .49c T U RNIP S Waxed and Washed Ontarioa1lb. . 10 C RISCO OïL 8 FI. Oz Bonus Pack .81 'jzaiiery ..iip wi1i Lieoe during the Mart with Elsie Anderson in charge.. Womens' Committee Pre- sident Mrs. Angus Dixon will do just ýabout everything, wýhîle Art Mart Convenor Mrs. John Mintline sees that every- one is happy. 11 Note the dates of the Christmas Art Mart. .Friday November 9, from 5 p.m. ta 10 p.m. Saturday, November lOtb from Noon ta 5, p.m. Sunday November lltb from noon ta 5 p.m. Admission will be 50c and cbildren accom- panied by an aduit will be admitted free. Further info. Margot Samuel 416-623-2473. rOWN SA VIRAN DINNERS Cieckeni, Turkey, Beef 591t LB z 75c» INS T. COFF EE Tasler's Choice $2J1m J-CL TH Ail Pu-pose Toweis, 12 Pink .6.7 QUAKER QUICK OATS 4~..65 CORNISH'S - ORONO 983-5201 TOWNSHI1P of CLARKE. RE VISION AND CERTIFICATION 0F THE ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER'S LIST SCHOOL SUPPORT ENTRY LAST DATE FOR FILING AN APPEAL OCTOBER,31st, 1973 NOTICE IS HEREBVY GIVEN that pursuant la Section 516 of the MnicplAt as amended, I have posted up1 at 1113 office ilVhe Township Hall, Park Stree-t, Orono, on October I7th, 1973, a copy of the Assessmnent Commissioner's List 'showing the school support for alilpersons who are qualified to direct taxes. The persans who arr qualified ta direct taxes are owners, joint owners, tenants or joint tenants. I hereby cal upon ail persons qualified to direct taixes in the Township of Clarke to take immediate pr-oceedings to have any errors corrected, the last daY lfor appeal being the :îst fday of october, 1973. Re'(vision of the list for a change in school support wýi1I commence onl Thursday, Noveniber 1, 1973, froni 10 a.m. to 4.30o p.mn. in th e Township Hall, Park Street, Orono. Appeal forms flor alteration of your school support are available at my office. Dated at the Village of Orono this I7th day of October, 1973. H.R. BEST CLERK TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE Tender Pork Liver lb. .69 Met okHcsl.5