*111&femsr à e e e e e * g îw :W. FRANK C harles Reid * Orono's Licensed :REAL ESTATE: &eonr * Valuator * :Specialize in Fr * LIMITED * Furniture Sales * . Consuit nme for tenuS * and dates * Ecator Phone Orono 983-5914 *234 King Street East e * BOWMAN VILLE * 623-3393 :Clarke Public * Toronto 923-9174 :Port Hope office 885-4543: L I B RA R Y For prompt, couirteous,* Monday, Tuesday, c *efficient service *hn Thursday and Friday * when. 6:30 to 8:30 p.M. *buying or seling and: Monday, Thursday, 0 0 ~Friday Afternoons *for the largest selectione 2:30 ta 5:00 p.. :o prpr5 nth raSaturday *of ropetle in he aea. 10:00 to 42:00 a. * Orono Area * Representatho * e Herb and Gerry Duval * s 983-5108 0 Charlie Reid ELECTRICAL * 983-5914 CONTRACTING *ELECTRIC HEATING * Electrical Appliarces * * TV. - COLOUR T.V. * Roy Foster * RADIO - HI1-FI 0 983-5801 s WESTINGHOUSE * e RCA * S ELECTROHOME * S Cuaranteed Service William Turanskye * Kendal) * Randy Tkompson * 983-5420 e * C Orono, Ontario * e Phone 983-5759 * Dane Found * Carpèntry Work * 623-3965 * Reniodelling Roy trog : We build front the *Betha ny 52r 11* fonaonU Monuments and Family Memorials Our quality and service leaves nothing ta be desired Ask the person who bought from us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company 43 onltario Street PORT HOPE Phione collect V. W. RUTTER office -885-5216 Horne -885-5222 BYAMS PLUMBING - HIEATING Sales and Service 24 HOUR BRNER SERVICE G TF FINANCING * w It prect .-Afý [tPhone: Tyrone 263-2650 G u If ORONO LANDSCAPING SODDING, PLANTING AND SEEDING Phone 983-5598 Box 1U3 Ph. 668-3552ý Stafford Br others Limited Manufacturers of Cemetery Memorials 318 .Dundas Street East WHITBY, ONTARIO WATSON 'S Marine and Cycle Orono Phone 983-5343 PRINCE CRAFT BOATS Allouette Snlow Mobiles McCniloch Chain Saws "Ilepairs to ail makes of LaWn Mowers and 2 and 4 cycle Englue. ALLOUETTE SNOWMOBILES Grant C. Wade Insurance Agency General Insurance Box 82 Tel. 786-2921 Newtonville, Ontario Box 61 Tel. 885-2288 Po rt Hope, Ontario COMI1N G E VEN T BOOK WEEK NOII"IIJMB1AI'ANI> Plan to atn the UJ.C.W. larke Public Library, invit- ANP>IUIIM('01t N'l' -Song Service" at Orono es il chiidren to visit uis IA 0iV 1,i)l("l(>N Unrited Chur-ch on Sunday djuing fthe Young Canada's Novemnber 25, at 11.15 a.m. B3ook Week, Novem-ber iS5th to CA 1 :"A K V 1 Guest speaker and conductor 2-?2n d. Applications wilI be receiv of singing will be MIrs. Leroy Classes from thei Orono cýd 1) '\thle undersigned unrtil Toile, Imimediate Past Pre- Public School will be given a N<vimhcr 161h, 19731 for thie sident of Toronto Conference. tour of the Library, shown a position of ('aretaker at Bou- ~*4cL imand given "Read 0Ofl manville Hïigh Sc hool. Know- Canada" stickers promoting îedge of cieaning mnatertals CON11N(G E VE NT this special week. Books on andcreakn procedure Durhami Federation of Agri- display will feature Canadian peerd culureBaque an Eectonauthors writing about Canada. Abilily to \work fromn verbal of Township Directors wil bc NOTICE nd wlhrt pe nstuinead. field Thursday, November Heather Social ;Cub Bazaar wilh otier people required 921nd al p.m. i n the will be held on Saturday, qaicatlyions.ritin stando lackstock Recreation Centre December 1, 1973 at 2:30 p.m. qulifitons, aderssan: MI. J. Kiassen speaker. A new Homemade Christmas ephnnu ert: constitution will be presented. Cakes cao be ordered by M..NaI ~ o For tickets contact Bill Allun, phoning: Betty Major 983-5842 Business Administer and Newýcastle or Terry Malcolm, or Velma Watson 983-5343. Treasuirer, Jaevil.a-c 7-14-21-a-c Northumiberiand and Durhamn C'ounIy Board of' Education, NOTICE Box 470 Uinited Emnprie Loyalists'('B RG Ontario. _________Association of Canada re- K9A 4L quests appliIUuIw' wrte-- National U .E .L IHeadquarters HFELP %WANTED 12:3 Prince Arthur Aeu, Student to pump gas, part Toronto, Ontarlu. time no experience necessary. a-c Phone 9J83-5094 before noon. El mer's Garage TEXACO SERVICE Miil St. North, Orono Phone 983-5130 PUMPING OUT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins Phone 786-2552 New tonv Ie, Ontario John DeWITH Real Estate Limitedl I3ealtor Bowmanville 623-3950 a nd 623-3111 I-oi proniffpt efficien t suIice il ien miigo eln Contact: Gary Hancock Joe Barnoski Ross Davidson 27 7-232l1 Milison Insurance A9 en cy AIl classes of personal and Commercal Coverage, Office: Corner of Church, and Cobbledick Street 983-5032, Res. 983-5754 NOTICE The Staff Students, of Clarke 'High School cordially invites yôu to attend the eleventh Annual commencement in the High School Auditorium on Saturday November l7th 197:3, at 8.00 p.m. Everyone welcome. FOR SALE McClary-Easy wringer washing miachine in excetle.nt condition. Square tub, timer- control, pumnp. Phone 983-5440, atter 6 P.m1. ______a-p) NOTI1CE Plan to attend "The Sports Hot S(at" presented by the Orono Home and School on November 20 at 8 p.m. in the General Purpose Ro om of the school. OUr guests are Gordon Hawes. Bruce Kidd, and AI Fleming with Glenn Clark as nioderator. The topic - "Or- ganized Sports for Vour Chiid - Goodor Bad?" Don't miss an exciting evening and bring a friend or two!9 WORK WANTE Snow Ploughing, c Parry at 983-9226. b-p ali Rick 11tEL W %A NITE1 Waiter or Waitress to work 2 to 4 days a w ýeek. Please Phone 983-5560 14-2 1-a-c HELP WANTED Caretaking positions open, suitable for man or woman, for Oshaw,,a Ski Club, club house. Phone 983-57,72. a-c HOOM WANTED Man wanting room, please callV983 5001. a-c ARTICLE WANTED Large size used carpeting, in good shape. please cal 98:3-5471. 41 Ontario Hydro jacks up rates Faced with rising costs and tbe resultant need for addit- ionai revenue, Ontario Hydro announced today, that 1974 rates will be raisedl for m-ost users ut electricity in the Province. Increases in interimi rates to municipal utilities, who buy in bulk fromi Ontario Hydro, and in turn supply the majority of Ontario's 2.5 mnillion users, wii'l average 71-, per cent. An average increase in revenue ut >%omne 10 per cent is required fronm retail custom~ers in rural areas,. served directly by Ontario Hydro. Rates to a numaber ut industrial plants also served directly by the provincial utilityI, wiil be increased tu provide an addit- ional 10 per cent i revenue, Hyr C~hirman George Cathiereole said, "The new rates are primarily a reflect- ion ut strong inflationary forces. Labour rates next year under contract terms will be up substantially\ while much higher prices for fuel1 and materials will alsu-push up eîectricity production costs." Another factor underlying the new rate structure is the: need to provide more capital funds out uocrrntrevenqueý. Over the ast few vyeaIIs Ithe proportion from cuurrent ru- venue go ing toward additional generating and transmission facilities has been declining as a result of higher construction custs and the size of the program. As a result more funds mnust be generated from revenue in order to reduce the need to borrow capital fun1ds. "As the rates to miost municipal customners are set by their local commissions atter taking into accouint their own distribution costs and the cost uf power tu them, any rate adjustmients will depend on the financial position of eacih municipal System and othier local circumsta.nices," said MIr. Gathercole. MNr. Gathercole said a num- ber of the 353 local utilities and somiie inrdustrial cuistomers wil obtain relief from the f ul effects ut the increase., For mvany municipalities the in- crecase wilI be iess than 2 per cen t. "This results from the eliminiaton of a charge for standardization of frequency to) 60 cycles trom 25 cycles which has been in effect for, S~me25 yars.TFIètotal cost d1f ib is program i iI ('fully atmorlizt'dby th(,endof 147:3. 'IIA NK YOUV i wish to thank the many people who bought poppies, 1crosses anId wrea ths, aiso thiose who gave donations prior to) Armistice Day parade Special tbanks to the Bow- manville Legion Ladies Aux- ilary. v Pipe Band, aIl veterans, Girl Guides and Bro-wnies, wreath hearers that took part in the parade, and service. Also thanks to Mr. and Mrs. auieAnneart, Dave Kil- patrick, AUf Jakeman, Jennie Hicks and Joan Sutcliffe, also the ladies who served coffee and do-nuts in t 'he' Oddfellows Hall after the, parae. > George Dunlop DEATINOTICE1 MOFFAT: William Scott at ht-, home, R.R.1 'Orono,'Ont- a'rio on'November 9th, 1973. WilliiamsSeott Moffat in his 82nd yeàr. Husband of the late >Ruth Squair, father of John, Orono, Grant, Oakville,,AIeck, Orono, and Neil. <deceased) also sujrvived 'by 12 grand- children. Brother of Jean (MIra. George Allin> Harvey, Clara (Mrs. Frank Rickard>, Robert, Blake and Sheldon deceased. Rested at the Bar- iow Funeral Homne, Orono. Service was held from the Orono United Church on Monday at 2.00, p.m. Inter- ment Orono Cemetary. DIED MIILLSON- Hector, at Bow- manville Memorial' Hospital on.Monday November 12, 1973ý. Hector Milison of R.R.1 Orono dear brother of Adeline Mill- son uncle of Harry- Bandy. Resting at- the Northcutt Elliott Funeral HOme. Funer- al service 2.00 o'clock Wed- nesday afternoon. Intermient Orono Cemetary. BROWNIES IST ORONO PACK Natalie Philp, Irene Ross- eau, and Sherry Nancekievil ail passed the test of wrapping tie firmly and address neatly ,a parcel for mailing. Kimi Loftus, Melanie Loftus and Nancy' Cowan passed their Brownie Law. The following paslsed their Brownie Motto, Kim LIoftus, Pearl Lof tus, Kathy Bamnbrick Lori LYcett, Wendy Stacey, Tammyi Sparks, Janiette Tan- sley, Melanie; Lof tus-, Nancy Cowan, Janet Stevenson and Col1leen McLeod. Heather Watson was tested by Mrs. Bamibrick for her collectors badge and she passed. She had collected twenty-five post marks and arane them neatly in a bookiet. Julie Gray successfuly tri- ed her Jester's Badge. 'Mrs. Quantrill was the tester. Julie played the piano. recited a poem, and sang two songs for- us. Good work Brownies! Mrs. Clark's group talked ab 'out some interesting things they might find in the out of doors. Next week, each one in this group is sujjposed to) tell us what they dliscovered. Remnembi' brownies to bring your dried fiowers for n'ext week. n~~~~(I (, s wh en rd, or Unît ()nl,. uBiasil Long, lthu staff and nurses on the suveth f lor.- and alsi )r. Ii.A. Fulford. Ju-e Walker CARI>) 0 FTI 1A NK S The coaches, players and executive ut the Kefidai Eag- les wouId like to thank their fans and sponsors for their' dedicated support during the 1973 season. MWM 1 : mates