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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Nov 1973, p. 4

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Kendal News Tbe week of November the fouirteenth wvas very miid. In fact 4t 'Wàss il5ty fourdegrees on the àay of "-the' Ëà9 wedding. The following day a lot of rain fell Ibis was needed 10 fill tbe cîsterns. At the lime of writing il still continues 1 - Orono Weekly Times, Wednesday, November 21st, 1973 Jenkins was appointed chief of police for the Regional Muni- NEW POLICE BOARD cipaàlity of Durham:ý -e Oshawa police building Comsso akswill become the r9oa1 The area which will be t h r ee dNi e c ision as policed by the regional force At two lengtby meetings major decisionis regarding will exclude the old Township Wedniesday nighit, the Durham police service for the region. of Scott, -the new Township of Police Board announced three Oshawa police ch ief Jon M. rock, the new Townsbip of Scugog, and the new Town of Newcastle witb the exception of Bowmanville. These areas will be policed FL%»A KE"elBALLby the Ontario Provincial Police with the general thought the Durham policei Holl woo Rej ctsforce will gradually take over (THE LAUGH(;1-A-MINUTE CLOWNS responsibility for somne of VS them, Judge Kelly said in a telephone interview today. Clarke Defects The regional police, in short, will service fromn Lake Ont- C la rke H igh Schoo I Gymn ario 10 the upper limit of the old Township of Uxbridge and for the time being, the old T h ur s day, No0v. 22 lirits of the Town of Bw overcast and cloudy. A banquet for tbe Kendal U.C.W. troup of Browinies was beld -in the Kendal Cburcb Scbool on d S ON G SER V IC E Teewr ite agt Orono United Church'esad1futn ohro Sunday, Nov. 25 Kaarh 11.15 a.m. criticaIly r GUES SPAKERANDAnia rsh is defined as a body CONDUCTOR 0F SINGING of water witb rooted vegetat- Mrs. EROY OLL on occurring tbrougbout its Mrs. EROYTOL Lentire basin. 'While some IMMIEDIATE PASTPRESIDENT mYarsbes fili in tbrougb a 0F TORONTO CONFERE NCE successional sequence of open water 10 dry !and, many more ____________________________________ reach a state of equilibrium in ____________________________________ wbicb erosion and peat break- .dwon are balanced by growtb and the building of organic TOWNSHI P 0F CLARK E matter- and siltation. On tbe Kawartba Lake s tbe trend appears to be toward tbe elimination of marsb land, F in a I st I ent thQughnot througb the suc- rather through a regression to an open water state. Tbe rate of marsbland loss of T A X ES is not the same for ail lakes. Tbe ighest rate is for Buckho,.rn Lake, wbere over Due Thursday, November 29th, 1973. an approx. ten year period 75 Payale q th Brach Ofics ofthepercent of ils marsb area bas Payale i th Brach Ofics ofthedisappeared. Many of tbe Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce othier rates are also alarming. a t Orono and Newcastle, and the o ffice Tbe Bald Lakes bave lost 55 of tbe Township of Clarke. percent, Clear and Stony 50 percent, Katchiwana 36 per- cent, Lower Buckhorn antd H. DeWith, Lovesick percent and Treasurer and Pigeon bas lost 20 percent of Ta x Collector. ils marsb area. Losses on most of the otber Kawarthas (Balsam, Cameron, Chemung and Rice) bave been sligbt (2 m nu U mm m -mmm mm -~I 1 5 percent). Two lakes, * Canal and Mitchell exbibited :The F U RNI TU R E n h: g n SugnLk B A R Npercent. HIGHW BA115,N EWATE * Tbe importance of marsb- land 10 the ecosystem was * I described in a paper by Dr. C. *HUG E SAj VINGS* Sparling and R. Johnson. as f ollows: U'AL iTY F UR NITUR E , Tbe marsb land interface is ____________________of extreme importance to BRAND NA* wildlife. Most game species of BRAND AME *waterfowl nest in dense brusb on land, and feed in the B XSPRINGS and,MATTR ESSES adjacent marsb. Non-game * ALL SIZESI species, sucb as rail, bittern, ASK ABOUT OUR coot, gallinule and as i ASKABOUTOURhawk use the peripberal areas O ptio Plan of the marsh extensively for 90 .u'jay I l&Ieo P am nestîng and feeding. mle (NO FINANCE CAGS birds such as tbe marsb wren, * yellow tbroat and aider fly- BVY OW -INIIEID'UEDELIER1catcber, nest in the interface BUY OW -IMMEIA"E DLIVEI hzone. Animals, sucb as deer, Open 7 days weekly raccoons, muskrat and voles, GP use tbis protected land marsb' PHONE 987-5151 or 987-5161 interface extensively, in i ov- mmmmm m.fflm~m mm m1Imm 'îng from land or tmarsb areas f r t r I I c I ( r I -i ma rshes -educed te f eed. on tbe leading edge of the marsb, tbe submerged aqua- tics close te open water provide a rich feeding ground for waterfowi. Perhaps the most important aspect of this fringe area is its character as a prime food source and breeding area for game fish (Maskinonge and Largemouth Bass) in the Trent walerway system. In addition marshlands around the lake can act similar 10 a large bloller by taking up and holding nutri- ents added te tbe systemn from. oulside sources. As such then the marshes may act as a restraining influence on eut- rophication and tbe deteri.or- ation of waler quality. Con- versly. the removal may in fact remove the brake and intensify sucb things as algae growtb and growth of sub- mergent aquatics. Wbat bas bappened 1e Ibese marsb areas that are so, important te the Kawartbas? Wbile il is true thal under natural conditions marsbes tend te advance and retreat over a period of lime, il is unlikely Ibat such massive changes would occur nalural- ly. Many small marsbes have disappeared under tbe drag- uine to reclaim land for development. In other cases channels bave been cul behind or tbrough marsbes for access Tbis disrupts the mal of vegetation on the surface facilitating peat erosion from underneath. Marsb can then drift, as apparently bappens regularly in Buckhorn Lake. The drifling marsh if it does not iodge in some suilabie shoreline area can be event- uaily broken up by wave action and disappear. Whei e marshland loss bas been extensive the remainder requires ahl the protection we can give it. Il sbould be protecled against additional deveiopment. Where channel- ing bas Pccurred berms or fi islands should be maintained te minimizedisturbance The îmarsbes are valuable assets tb our lake environmnent aî,u deserve our protection. Novemibeir 22 is Thaniiiksgiv- lenr&si a cule jingle ing in the States so we may' v ifficulf age- lias corne expect busy' vhighways this 1i1 l'it)'moo 1tired 1 o work, weeknd. oo poor 10 quit. resent. The District Comn- inissioner Mrs. Jean Tate and he D)eputyý Commiissioner Mrs NIell Snelders of Orono were here to pr-esent the Sîxer ;tripes to Tracey' Hlediges, Brenda Curtis, and Susan Forth. Rev. T. Snelgrove was one of the honoured guests. Kendal 'houp of Brownies is cd by Mrs. George MacDon- ald as Brown Owl wbile Mrs. G.Langstaff is Tawny Owl. Neisha Neal is Snowy Owi and he Badge Secretary is Mrs.- C. Langstaff. A good lime was enjoyed by ilI. On Sunday morning Rev. T. Snelgrove spoke on Steward- ship using as his text 1 Peter 4 vers 10. "As good stewards." It is more blessed to give than to receive. Each one needs 10 give, or he becomes a selfish self centred individual. Give to others and God will give 10 you. A good steward gives [iimself, his talents bis time and aIl that he'is. Miss A. Burwash, Mrs. L. Burwash and ber grandson, Allan MacLean of Prince -dward Island now attending higb scbooi in St. Catberines vere guests of Mr. and Mrs. G.Catbc4rt lastweek end. ,Several ladies attended the Slewtonville Bazaar on Satur- lay from tbis village. Tbey ;aid tbere was a wonderful lisplay of borne baking and )tber fancy articles., KI'eTCH3EN SKENTUCKY STYLE CHICJ<EN CHARCOAL HAMBURGER FISH AND CHIPS b SCHRIMPSANDCHIPS ASK FOR PARTY S PE C ALS MAIN STREET -ORONO Phone 983-5310 FOR FAST TAKE OUT SERVICES 8.00 p.m. Watch good basketball s kills as weII as Comnedy for the last haîf of game Fronm the subline to the ridiculous Sponsored by the CLARKE STU DENT COUNCIL * j -j 3 Clarke Township Progressive Conservative Association POTLUCK SUPPE.R ELECTIO-N 0F OFF ICERS Saturday Novemnber 24 aI 6.00 p.m. ODDFELLOW'S HALL,' ORONO Speakers; ALEX CARRUTHERS, M.P.P. ALAN LAWRENCE, M.P. GARNET RICKARD, Reg. Gov. Mayor BR ING HOT DISH OR,1'IE EVERYBODY WELCOME IF YOU ARE IN NEED 0F CALL ORDER NOW! 796-2972 LARGEOR SMALL QUANTITIES MACS IN SEASON Bartletts and Flemish Beauty PEARS e Plums, Grapes, Vegetables Ice Cream and Fresh Cider F R E D'S FRUIT MARKET HIGHWAY 115 SOUTH 0F ORONO 6mâýý

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