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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Nov 1973, p. 4

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I-OION( WEKLYTES, NOVEMBER 28th, 1973 Direction displeases Mayor Rickard Dissatisfaction wjth the di- rection regional council was going, brought a warnmng Wednesday from Coun. Gar- net Rickard (Newcastle) that hie was going to raise the issue at a later date. He was speaking during débate that hired a regional personnel officer, and sawv hlmi decline to take the job because it didn't pay enoughi. Thle root cause of couincil's floundering on the mnatter were prior decisions, he su.,ggested. They -were -acting in a vadCUUm", and hie was con: cerned about the direction theyý were going and the dîlemmInas they were getting themselves into. The applicant hadn't heard thie salary level until almost the point of hiring because counicil hadn't decided until then how miuch the position was worth. Couni. Jon Potticary (Osh- awa) suggested that the execuitive committee should take hold of this and similar itemis and get moving with themi. Coun. Rickard seemed to aigree, but noted that when the comnmittee had tried to take the lead on several issues back on October 31, it had been told by council that it was over-stepping the bounds of its authority. S"I supported the chastise- ment then," Coun. John Goodwin (Whitby) said, but he added that the executîve had been given specific auth- ority to deal with personnel mnatters. Setting salaries for a per- sonnel, director- fitted that category., *BOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOLI I presents MEREDITII WVILLSONS The *MUSIC MAN' MBOWMANVILLE HIGH SCHOOL TilURSA TO SATURDAY : ecember 6 to 8 * or taff Has your furnace been cleaned and s e rvic e YET!!1 IFNOT CALL Harvey Partner PHONE 983-5206 T he FURNI1T U EE HIGHMY 1B&AR3NNEWVCASTLE HUGE SAVINGSi QUALITY FURNITUREi I BRAND NAME *BOX SPRINGS andMATTRESSESI go Day Option Plain * *(NO FINANCE CHARGES) I BUY NOW - IMMNEDIATE DELIVERY Open 7 days weeklyI I PHONE 987-5151 or 987-5161I Bowmanville has computer student service Students at Bowmanville Highi School and three other Ontario High Schools are using a communications ter- minal linked to a central computer in Toronto to help them in the difficuit task of selecting a career. The terminal has been installed on an experimental basis at Orangeville District High School, Roland Michen- er Hîgh School, South Porcup- i, and Bowmanville High School. It will enable students to make more efficient use of the Student Guidance Inform- ation Service (SGIS) which currently is being used by 100,000 students across the province. SGIS provides students with written data after they f111 out information request cards which are then processed either indirectly through local school boards or directl y' the Education Data Process. ing Branch in Toronto and sent back to the student.J Now, through the use of the' comnmunicati ons terminals.I about 4,000 students at the, thiree schools will be able te gain direct access to the computer through a ty!pewrit- er keyboard and "receive instant video readouts and or written printouts of 7,QOC career descriptions and 45C post secondary educational institutions in Canada. The student can follow a guidapce Icounselling system the only one of its kind in the world. "This method of informat- ion_ gathering is. allowing guidance counsellors more time with individual students and relieves them from some of the data-gathering duties in which they are now involved' he said. "IBy linking tlhe student to thé computer we are providing timely, up-to- date information on careers and training." Terebenec is ulsiig the communications terminal and here is following the ivisual readout o1 logical pattern from receiving a career description to obtain ing information on those institutions that offer the appropriate courses. The computer will also elaborate on the faculty at a particular institution. Mîcheal Gage, manager of the Customer Services Unit of the Data Processing branch, says the use of the commun- ications terminais makes this Orono Nursery Sehool Openig Dec. 3rd, 1973 -MONDA Y, WEI)'NESDAY, and FRIDAY MOItNINGS 9.15 a4n. to 11.45 a.m. 3 and 4 year olds Orono United Church CALL 983-9132 987-4012 MACS IN SEASON Bart letts and Flemnîsh Beauty PEARS Plums, Grapes, Vegetables Ice Cream and Fresh Cider FURFE D-S7FRUITMARKET HIGHWAY 115 SOU 0 OON Il came as a surprise to memibers of the political and techinical Task Force study- ing the new Northumberland area wihdoesi e Clarke or Newcastle that the Task Force set up under Provincial termis of reference is not working towards a regional type goverment eflg- ibie for large restructuring graints. Thie new Northumber- land County hlas had its assessmnent reduced by :36j per-ent due t o the fact that Clarke, Newcastle Bowman- ville and Darlington have been joined (1with the region 0 f Durhilm. .Mr. Irvine (Parliamentairv Secretary fro John Whit-' revealed that thp- province has no special grants in mind for the new North- umberland but if they want restructuring 'grants they would have to meet thie se-ven guidelines set out by,1 Mr. White (carlier tis mont1h. ',Your counity counicil wOuld have to apply for such desigation as a restructured county before you get grants,' Mr. Irvine stated. "Any action which is taken in thiis county will have to be action whichi is brought forth by the municipal govern- ments. If you want restrudt- uring you will have to send a letter to the minister asking for designation as a restruet- uired county, " he stated. Mr. Irvince cleared up the position of the present task force by saying, "In this task force you are not commiss- ioned to go as far as the Minister's type of restructur- ed counties". The seven criteria suggest- ed by Mr. Witeý in his speech are now being studied by the technical and political com- mittees of the task force, but one of the criteria that is difficult to meet is the involvement of the separated towns. The only separated towp is Trenton and it is involved in the difficult Quinte Planning Area situation. The western members of the Quinte plann- ing area, Murray, Brighton vilage and Brighton townip,;ii w:., î out of the planning area. Býey have petitioned the Alinister to remove them from the area. Mr. Irvine said that a di'cision on the Quinte plann- irq- area would take some a.iu that a consultant may be riid by the province toi in- ,estigate the workings of tL~Quinte planning board. (the county were to piition the minster for de- sgnation and eligibility for the restructîuring grants, they would be responsible for funding fifty percent of the study according to Mr. Irvine. The present task force is funded 100 percent by the province and task force members wonidered if they could not just use the findings of the task force study to meet the minister's criteria. DX SERVICE STATION Highway 35 and 115, just north of Newcastle Featuring: Premîumn Quality Products At the Most Reasonable - 1J Prices MIStove011 j Diesel 0O1 Available in any quantîty Phone 987-4215 N4o regional grants for Northumberland KITCHEN KENTUCKY STYLE CHICKEN CHARCOAL HAMBURGER F ISH AN DCH 1PS SCHRIMPS AND CHIPS ASK FOR PARTYI SPECIALSI MAIN STREET - ORONO Phone 983-5310 FOR FAST TAKE OUTSERVICES

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