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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Dec 1973, p. 7

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UNITED CHURCH Cla rke conserVatives Girl Gnode eekwTsWneay hold annu A we ago Satuirday the ClreTownshlip Coniserv- atives field their annual Pot Luick Supper and election of of ficers with a good crowd in aiittedancee. The meeting was hield in the Orpno Oddfellow's Hlall . Mlr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P Mr. Allan Lawrence, M.P. anid Mayvor elect Garnet Rickard of the nlew Town of Newcastle ail spoke at the meeting. The foîlowing officers w-ere elected ta office: Hlonourary presidents, J Orono Pastoral Charg-e Mlinister Rev. B. E. Ln B'.Th. sUNDAY,' DECEMBER 9,73 ORONO UNITED CUC Church School - 10:00 a.mn. WVorShlip Sér-vîce - 11.15 a.m). Group - will meet on Monda y at 8 1).mn. in the Friendship 11oom1. KiRBY ý'UNITED LCHUtRCH1 Wor-ship) Serv ice - 9.15 a.m. Chur-ch Scihool - 11.00)n Dial-A-Thoughit 98:>-91511 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Established 1869 Regular Suaday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m. Holy Communion- First and Third Sundays Morning Prayer- Second and Fourthi Sundays HoIy Baptism byý appoiiîtmleat with Rector 987-1745 Rev. H. Robert Hlaye,' BAL.Th. Orville Chatterton Electiieal Contracting El'ectrie lleating anid Service 1119 11 I pidFii.b phone Durhami Christian High School, in Bowmanville an 983,-5546 or 983.J-5940 inler-denomninational second- or4uno, Ontario a r.ysehool which bas operated out of renled space and ______________________portables for more than three years, is planning a new permianent structure. The town planning board JACK held a public meeting ta gel JACK opinion on plans ta build a 'q w ~ 7,500 sq,,- re foot core on R ICU A tiD Scugog Rd., about a quarter mile from the present temp- REALTOR orary quarters at no Christian Public Schooî. 99 King St.. E. There will be four class- BOWMANVILLE roomns and stili sonne port- ables until further building takes place. Whieîî Buyinîg or Splling DCHS opened ni 1969, said Cail Principal Ren. Siebenga. and since then has used two W ILFHAWKEclassroons and five portables Your Orono Area Enrolment now ttals 108 in Representative Grade 9 ta 12. Students are 983-5274 drawn from Oshawa to Ca- barough ta Lindlsay andi sup-i Memnber of O;shawa and port cames tramn about 2001 District Real Estate mem ber of five chapter Board organizalion who subscribe 10 the school's consti tution. "We are not affiliated now Durham County Sales Arena ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK SALE ~very Thursday Evenlag -~7:30 P.M. S11EEP-CAitTe 1<011IE: 2346U5 BILIO4L$j4 The Orono Police Trustees at their last regular meeting mnet with Messrs. Jack Mer-- cer and Gerry Duvaîl from the Orono Firefighters Assoc- iation in connection with establishinig an agreement turning the old 1932 fire truck over ta the Association ta be used for parade purposes and other similar events. The Trustees have received ap-: proval from the Province ta turn the truck over ta the Association. The agreement is ta stipulate that the truck be cared for by, the members of the Associa- tion and that upon no further us e ta the Association that it be turned back ta the munici- pality. The Trustees approved pay- Eleven municipalities ini the new Northumberland 'area met recently to discuss joint waste idisposai., Previously, the group had. met and decided to present a resohitiosi b eaeh municipa- lity--in the nuw Nothumber- lanxd area toithe e ffet of askistig for approval of a waste Fdisposai study for the area and funding firoq thes muni- cipltis at*up to 5aêntsper, capita for the waste study. jai meet 2nd ie wpresidentl, Jick Bair- stow Secretary, W.K., Lycett Assistant secretary, Alma Cuttelî Treasurer, John Murphy Auditors, Less Reid and Lyall Lowery. A considerable amount of discussion centred around the formation of Regional go- vernment which. cames into effect in this area on January lst, 1974. ment of $600 ta Mr. Ross Knapp who paid HaIe's Dis- posal this amaunt on demand ,for garbage, collection. As Mr. Knapp is a resident of Orono his garbage payments are made thraughi the hydro and was not required ta pay the charge ta Hales. Il was agreed by the Trustees that the Christmas lighting which has been car-, ried out in the Village over the past years during the month of December wilî be reduced this year ta weekends comn- mencing December 131h and continue on weekends until Cristams week when) the lights wiHl be lefitan. The Ontario Electrical 'Associa- tion has requested that such lighting be cut back this year. with any particular denomin- ation,"' said the principal, although in its beginnings, the school was supported'by the Christian Reformed Church. Enrolment is still about 70 75 prcent of Dutch ancestry he siad, but oly% two of the seven teachers are Reformied Chur- ci. Others include a Lutheran and a Presbyterian. A WAY 0F IFE -We believe religion is a matl'ter of a way of Iife,'" said Mr. Siebenga, explaining the school's phiîospohy. "Either yau are a Christian in everything you do, or you are somnething else. Education, too, is a part of life. "We believe every subject should be taughit from a Christian point of v7iew,"' he said. .At present there are Bible classes every day but event- ually, he said,.the school could reachi the point of having these discontinued. Tuition fees support the school which is fully accredit- cd by the Mýinistry 'of Educat- ion. .lany of those .municipalit- .iwho reçeived this miotion,' feit that the matter should be ei«t up to the new counti couincil when it is formcd dhis Januèl'y for the new Nort- humberland area. a critical point in~ waste haidling. They have sites wicb.havé only a ie of onel otwo years. ùtber Mncfl peihiles bav-e nu probltu wt11 waste disposai and are not FIRST GIRL UI DE COMP1ANY On Novemiber l7thi somet of the older guides help)ed the Or-ono Frfgtr colleet for collected1 around $30000 and better. We thank theguides for, helping the local firemen. The Orono Brownie and Guide mothers held a meeting on Nvember 28th. The meet- ing was heîd in Orono Public School. The meeting was to form a mothers group ta heîp the Guides and Brownies. There is a Guide enroîment coming up on December 3rd. The following Guides wîll be enrolîed: Tracy Doyle, Lydia Carman, Jackie West, Laurie Stacey, Shelley Lycett, Diane Colvin, Margie Reid, Kimi Richards, Debra Muree, Su- san Staîk, Paisley Stutt, Michele Stacey, Sheila Clark, Annette Hancock, Tammie Boughen, Karen Quantrill, Cindy Eikens, Collen Mloffat, Barbara Dennis, Marie Carr, ifiterested in joint waste disposal. In the ad boc commnittee 100 percent support would be needed for a study, but in counties council a simple majority couîd pass a resolu- tion calling for a study. Iligilway 115. Orono Kendra Kemp, Jo Anni Tax, BehGatcheîl and Nanicy The dte that the Tendér' foots had to pass to become a Gýuide (-are: The Gutide Promis, The GieLaw. The Guide Motto, The Guide Sign The Guide Handsbake, Whist- les, Hand Signale, Meaning of a Good turn and Do, Know where guiiding started, flag and one mnonths attendance. The above gfuides nassed the a1bove and nlow are ready to be enrwoîed. Sonie of the older guides past their home nurses badge with witb heîp of Mrs. Dean Wust. On November 26th the guiides visitedthe firehaîl and, learned about dynamite, what to do in case of a fire. Later the guides will be tested on the badge calîed 'Tire Brigade." by KERRY-LYNN GRADY MEN'S SOCKS Foi- longer wear and comfort, choose Harvey Woods s<cks. Dress socks, cushion foot socks, no elastic socks. sport socks, skate and ski socks. Mostly Krov wool and nylon in ankie, mid-calf and executive lengths. Sized socks as well as one-size. Ail of the popular shades. Nowý is the time to choose for gifts. wlule we have a good selection. $1.50 to $2.95 per pair ME NS Ti ES A ne%% stock of' men's ties, inicluding N ~ lledv-not by'Curie. ancy strips, checks, neat aIlloer designs and plan shades. Colours to coordinate %%fli ail of the popular shades in shirts. $3.00to $4.00Oeach ME N'S THE RMAL UNDERWEAR l'or cold %%ea(herý aheadt. thermial O shirts and longs b\ lre Woods. .NIedium and heav %%teighits. %White i offlv. simzes M, L and XL. $3.50 te $4.95 each MEN's BELTS flickùk bets ut genuille leathl- cr in classic 4res- np SLI 've as well ;1s ier casual stylIes. IBlack. browui. faat. Waist sizes :-" b 4If. $3.50 to $6.00 0sY's ELTS 11Moriee#ograinct gusu leather V 8s js~iadacswlde 1lurgondy. imaiy. black aud brama. EaCh $239 MEN'S CAPS Men's, reversible caps, alive tu blaze or Niens lnylon CapIs ini nay biu n oi. Iltthbave !tobin Iiood - style bris". earflaps lot- colider davs and arc sitoivrproof Aise a sicaps. $1.75 1ê$2.98 M<'us ji&s. sis sac .got-s. baudkercirfs. pyjama*. slippers. toques and face maslks. sw~h ARMSTRONG'S Agreement to be drawn for f ire truck NOTICE re Garbage ORONO POLICE VILLAGE ask your co-operation i that garbage be placed at the cur-b-side on Thursday by 8.00 p.m. so that the truck does flot have to retrack over the Village to complete its pick-ups. Thankiiling your for your co-operation in this The Orono Police Trustees Durham Christian VAND E VER ýY SATURDAY FAYADAMS andthe COUNTRYHITS FEAURIG FNECOUNTRY AND WESTERN MUSIC Informai- FuIIy Licensed NO COV ER - Plenty of Free Parking 1- NO MINIMUM Corneto Dinner -Stay to Dance ,-THE. NEW DUTCH OVEN Phone 983-5001 for reservations Joint waste proposai may go to counfy 17W 7 f

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