ORONO WEEKLY TIMES, MARCH l3tb, 1974 -5 PHONE ORONO 983-5009 Ice Cream F R E DS FRuiT MARKETr HIGHIWAY ia ýmUTH OF OROONO Hydro concerned with take-over Harvey Partner and the Orono Hydro Commission representatives were among some 1500 delegates at one of the most important convent- ions ever held by the Ontario Municipal Electric Associat- ion. The annual meeting, held at the Royal York Hotel Mardi 3 to 6, involved discussion on some of the most crucial issues in the Association 's 65-year history. The OMEA represents about 350 municipal electric commissions who distribute electric power to about two million household customers. Much of the discussion centred on the government's recent decision to appoint only twoOMEA members to the new 12-man Ontario Hydro Board. The Associat- ion's officiai view is that this does not represent the local municipalities' ownership of the' electricity system. As well, the OMEA needs more representation on the Board to continue its traditional role of safeguarding- electricity consumers' interests, parti- cularlv in the 'area of rates. OMEA retiring president Lirnest Alexander told the meeting that the decision made by the delegates would affect the Association for a long time to come. In a press release thE' OMEA states that the Ontario government will be taken to the courts if it fails to give municipalities sufficient say in running the electricity system. This was decided in a resolution today at the annual convention of the Ontario Municipal Electric Associat- ion, which represents about BU350 municipal electric utilities who distribute electric power. The association, which has a70 per cent ownershîp- and $ 800 million stake - in the electricity system, is object- ing to the fact that the government has given it only two seats on the 12-member board of the Ontario Hydro Corporation. Today's resolution states that the Ontario government will be asked to issue commroni voting stock certificates in Hydro to each municipal electric utility concerned. Alternatively, the govern- mient will be asked to pay cash in proportion to each muni- cipality's equity in the sy- stem. If necessary, the delegates resolved, the matter will be taken to the courts. WHYPAY SA VE!! O)n Premiurn ueaI:ty FUEL OUL STOVEq OjIL PROMPT, COUIRTEOUS SER VICE CALL gressive Conservative nom-- Lawrence who in the election ination for the last federal defeated Russ Honey, lîberal elpetîion but Iost out to Allan incumbent at that time. Minister wants, 'Round About Us! name changed GRAY UNDECIDED There has been- consider- able comment on whether or, not Alex Carruthers will again seek election to represent Durham riding in, the next provincial election. Mr. David Gray of Hope Township bas been reported to state that he will flot make up bis mind until dloser to the election. He said there are a lot of factors to ne consirlereci. Mr. Gray sought the Pro- In correspondence with the Northumberland and Durham County Board of Education it is evident that tbe Minister of Education desires the Boards to cbange their name. The letter states tha thte minister of education feels' tha.t the name, Northumber- land and.Newcastle Board of Education is very appropri- ate. Tbe minister asks if this name is not suitable that the board consider alternatives After you turn 21 your parent's OHIP insurance no longer includes you. You're on your own. So apply for your own OHIP number. Don't delay or you could be walking into an emergency uncovered! Get an appli- cation form from an OHIP District Minlistry of Health Ontario Hon. Frank S. Mller, Minister. open to them and make a decision in the very near future. The minister bas also, askec tbat the Board advise bim of the approximate cost to make a change in name occuring due to changes required in stationery and other items. The Board is presently endeavouring to obtain the cost of tbe change to submit to the minister of education. Office and send it in immediately. Impoqrtant: Always quote <our OHIP number when contactin'g OHIP. The OIP District. Office in your area will answer any questions and help you with your application. Hamilton 25 Main St. W. 528-3481 London 227 Queens-Ave. 433-4561 Sudbury 295 Bond'St. 675-9111l Toronto 2195 Yonge Sýt. <EgWiton) 482-111l Mis sissauga , 55 City Centre Dr. 275-27.a0 King stan 1055 P-rincess St. 546-3811 oit'wa 75 Albert St. 237-9100 ThunderBay 200 South Syndicale Ave. 623-5131 Windsor 1427 Quellette Ave. 258-7560 ---------------------