4-ORON() WEEKLY TIMES, JUNE l12th, 1974 KENDAL - No rain bas fallen in this area since thie twenty-fourth of May so everytbing is very dry,, the gardens just seemn to be standing still at this tinrie of writing.. The funeral of Mr. Bill Winn took place in Port Hope on Friday, d unie 7, from the Allison Funei al Parlours, to the Port Hope cemetery. Rev. J. Burns preacbed the funeral service. Bill was sixtx n ine years of age. He _____ORME Chior-Tripolin 8 mg. Tabs LYSOL SPRAY Rapid relief of allergies Fresh scent, ,, eliminates odours $188397gms $1.57 Swim n Tan GOGGLES Cri£k et $2.97- LIGHTËRS I)isposable Butane SCARVES $1.52 Hot Pink, Cool Green BEACH TOWELS 58C$21 Noxema BRUT 33 DEOD. POWDER For men of action, 2 1 170gm. izeShave Foam, 2-17 gm.SizeShampoo, Hair $1.77, Control and Deodorant ---,----- ý ý$1.28 to $1.49 First Aid auto Kts $4.19,; Remember - Father's Day Kentucky Style Chicken Snack Pak $1.15 Dinner Box,$1.65 9 Piecer $3.50 Regular Barn 1.5PIECES $5.25 Giant Barn 21PIECES $6,95 FOR FAST TAK E OUT S ERVI1C E E GEl Phone 983-5310 MAIN STREET ORONO DX SERVICE STTO Hliwaty 5 and 115, just north of Netvcastle P1remium Quality Productsi! At the Most Reasonable i Stove011 came to Kendal as a boy. He ran a saw mlill east of Kendal and bought and sold lumber. He has been ilI for several montbs. Sympathy is extend- ed to bis brothers Fred, Bob and Charlie. Mrs. George Winn, Bernice and Allen of Orillia were among those attending the funeral. Visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. Reg Elliott Iast- week zend were Miss Della Cbeeney of Toronto, Miss Clara Senes of Peterborough and Mrs. Irene Richardson of peterborougb. The Kendal United Church WOmen met in the new home of Mrs. Jack Stapleton on Wednesday eveing June 5 with sixteen ladies present. The president Mrs. A. Downes opened the meeting with the singing of "The Lord's my shepberd"' follow- ed by a prayer by Mrs. T. Stevens. Mrs. H. Foster read the scripture John 6 v. 34-51. Mrs. T. Stevens gave as ber subjeet "Deatb and Eternal Life." She spoke of the Victorian custom.of dressing in black as many young widows di d at the time of World War 1 and hanging crepe on the door wben aloved one bad passed away. Christ- ians should look forward to eternal life. Our friends have dleparted from these' shores like passengers on a ship that sails over the horizon. They will be welcomed on the other shore. She read Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar". The irmutes of the May meeting were read. Mrs. R. Elliott gave us our financial standing. Moved by Mvrs. T. Stevens seconded by Miss Ç. Stewart thtwe giv'e $100.00 towards' tbe manse fund. Carried.* Mloved by Mrs. G. Catbcart seconded by Mrs. J. Stapleton that wxe contribute $1000 towards the registration fee of each girl that goes to Quin-mlo lac Camp. Mâoney mnust be paid before tbe girls go to camp. Five dollars was requested of our U.C.W. to belpa buy a Cree typewriter for Norway Bouse in northern Manitoba. Mirs. Stevens saîd sbe and her husband would be pleased to send the money as that was the place where 'the had first met when tbey were young teachers. Kendal Salad Supper is to be hield WVednesday, June 26tb witb settings at 5 and 6 p,., Pýublic sebool childr-en's tick- ets are to be $1.00 Adults $300 Two outstanding bills to be paid were $1000 for the new Sunday School card table and $1000 for attendance award books to tbie Sunday Schiool. The meeting closed witb the singing of WI your anchor hold." -JUly is holiday month our next meeting wîll be in August at the home of Mrs. T. St\eens. Mýrs. J. Stapleton provided a delicious lun!ch. A vote of thianks was given to our hostess. A fine- service was held on Sunday In Kendal church. The choir sang, "Leanig on the Everlasting Am" Rex'. G. Montgomery chose as bis scripture Exodus(19 v .-14 Up & Down The Book Stacks ADULT Showdown at Little Big Horn by Dee Brown (author of "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee) Gardening Indoors and Out by Valerie Moolman A String of Amber by Bilodwen Davies (Story of the Mennion- ites in Can.) The Tailgate Cookbook by April Herbert (delightful meals for campers, travcellers' etc.) The Lark in the Clear Air by Dennis T. Patrick Sears (current best selling novel) The Greek by Pierre Rey JUNIOR Famous Firts in Medicine by Bette Crook and Charles L. Crook M.D. à Soldiers and Sailors;, What do They do? By Caria Greene Canadian Wildlife & Man by Anne Innis Dagg, The Black Fawn by Jim Kjelgaard, EASY READING & PICTURE BOOKS That Other Tiger by Miroslav Zahradka Grover & The Everytbing in the Wbole Wide World Mus- eum by Sesame Street MADELEINE HADLEY Chatterton Electrfr ORONO, ONTANI# Phone 9w-54& or 98I,540 ST. SAVIOURS ANGLICAN Establlshed 1869 ]Regular Sunday Worship Service - 10:00 a.m~ Holy Commnunio- First and Third Sundays- Mor-ning lPrayer- Second and Fourth Sundays Holy Baptismi by nppoiitment with Rector 19987-4745 Rev. P. Robert 1Hayne, B.A-, LTh. Hamltons Insurance service Vour Friendly Agency FOR AIlI Persona l & Commercial Insurance SADIE HAMILTON SUE SWE JIM HARE L O N G'YS c Ladies'Tgps. HALTER TOPS IN 100 % Cotton i lu ' summer colors - white - red - yellow Snavy -size sml $3.39 to $4.39 GIRL'S COTTON Ladfies'. PYJAMAS Short &Jai $3.99 to $6.99 Style - Polyest and Crimp - Whi NIGIITGOWNS AND Red -N' BABY DOLLS Size 8-: 1SIZE 8-14 $6.98 tg S EWING NYLON ZIPPERS REG. 50c SALE 35e D)ECORATOR BUTTONS RG. 49e SALE 35e ASHI0N1 ENTRE I iniaica iter Cotton hite - Brown iavy 20 ro$8.98 CENTRE MINISTRYOF NATURAL RESOURCES (DIVISION 0F MINES) The Pits and Quarries Cntrol Act 1971 NOTICE OF APPLICATION 1, Lorne1V Hardyv and Heiçb Visser, 11D Bowmianville Avene, W I lb, naroLIN :T7,. hereby give notice that application has been made for a licence to apen, e-stablish or operate a pit and quarry on the. lands described as follows: Lot No. 2, Conc. 8, Town of Newýcastle, Regional Municipality ofDrM (formerly' the Township of Darlington, Cut of Ontario) consisting of 27.30 acres, more or less. T'he estimated amount of sand, fi and gravel to be extracted annually is 15,000 tons. The operation will be'a intermittent operation with a portable plant installation. The last day upon whivch written objections mnay be filed with the Minister of Natural Resources is July 29th, 1974 at Queen's park, Toronto, Ontario Lorne Hardy Hierb Visser I Dated this 7th day of June, 1974. mm mmm m mmuc M mn * HALE'S Sand andGuFravel RR2,NEWCASTLE Pit Run Gravel * and Bulldozing I lI ,ilI IwPf f l e,ý A ff ËL