VIlLLAGE FUTI The illage f'ountain ai the nor-th end of the Village, is now in operation after ifs, rest 1Ist prize - Coloured T.V. -..ticket nio. 2920 211d prîze - $100. Ticker No. 4562 1U E 21hi, 1971 period during the winter FÊnral rancIaTes Fioxwers have been planted around the base of the fountain and are awaiting a downpour of good rain-water. R.D. Schwalrn 569 Arnhem Oshawa, Ont.' -Miss Bennett 61 Hope St. Port Hope, Ont Recently arrangements were made for a group of Indian çhildren to attend the publIic school in a norfhern Ontaritovon. The 'princip~al of the school in the town was awvare that Iridian children somnefimes had a roiugh timeat the hands of otherstudenits, and to try f0 forestall this kind of situation, he called in a HUmnan Rights Commission counsellor f0 tatk 10 the other children. The counsellor asked the eilîdren if any of fhem had ever moved f0, a new school. and whaf they tbought if would feel like if they were the strangers. In Ibis way lie helped themn understand how t he Indian children would be feeling when they ar- rived, and the infegrafion proceeded' relafively smoofhly. Community counselling is one of the major roles of your Ontario Human Rights Commission. WVe bold semînars and dis- cussions wifh police in areas where thpre are communication barriers between themn and minorify groups. f0 help relieve fen-, I The Northumberland and Durham Stu dents' TRIP TO CHINA Officiai Draw N,.AIE JUNE4( I.4 AT 'TIIE BO)ARD) 0F EI)UCATION OFFICE WIN NERS Federal candidates for the upcom)iiing election appealed to thie xoung voters at Clarke Iligi School tast Tuesday mnorning. The fhree party representatives for this riding who.spoke were Liberal Can- didate Allan Beckeft, New Democrat, Russel Walker; and Progres sive Conservative Candidate and present MPP, Alan Lawrence' It furned out to be a raging battie between the liberals and conservatives, with the ndp member sitting calmly in the middle. Mr. Beckett iniated the program byv defending the Conservatives but in turn upholding thie libe rat party. He labelled his speech -as "The Challenge of Change", referring mainly f0 political differences. lie first stafed thaf "Leadership" is the issue in, this campaignt, but later to "'inflation as the issue, and leadership as the problemni sion and promote mutual udrtnîg VWe attend meetings of immigrants and naýtive-born minority groups to explain 10 them both their rîghts under the egisiation anid their reP<;onsituilities as citîzens of this Pro--vinice WVe ilso help bring people into contact wvith local agencies like home-and-school grOuJps. communîýfylt and government agen- ceand churches, wvhich are available to hep but whichn many people don t even knowv exisf. Wherever there s a difficulty based on race, language. colour or creed, the Human Rights Cýommission is available to gerterate discussion and motivate people f0 develop understanding and re- spQct for the others point of view. Our job is to belp bring people together and encourage heaithier relafionships among ail groups. If YO~Uwould like more information or as- sistance, contact the Human Riglits Com- mission at any of the follow;ing addresses: HAMI LTON 1 WVest Avenue JOSouth Postai Zone L8N 2R9 TeleIfphone 527-4501 KITCHENER 824 Kng Street WNest Postai Zone N2G iGi Teiephone 744-5211i OTTAWA 2197 Riverside Drive, Postai Zonie KiI 7X3 TeIophorie 731-7200 SUDBURY 1538 LaSile BolJeva-rd Postai Zone P3A lZ7 Teieýphonre 566-301 TORONTO 400 University Avenue Postai Zoýne M7A 1V7 Telephone: 965-5251 K EN ORA 808 $Robetson Street Postar Zone. P9N 1 x9 Telephone 468-3128 LON DON 362 Oundas Street Postai Zone N6B i1V8 Teiephone: 438-7291 SAULT STE. MARIE 125 Broçk Street Postai Zone P6A 3B6 Teephone 949-3331 THUNDER BAY 235 Bay Street Postal Station P 'relephone 3-45-2101 WINDSOR 500 O)uciiette Avenuep Posýtai Zone N9A 113 TeIephone 256-8278 Ontario Humain Rghtsý Commission. Mnistry of Labour Governiment of Ontario William G. Davis, Premier speak at Clarke M BY SI-IELLEX LOUCES He natu'rally oppossed t1heu Conservative's muf hod of cut- ting inflation by wgeand price controls, s ayýing îit will eliminate suppl, an ýd he backed the governmen 1ý t's1)r-t7 sent program. Fiowever, Conservaive Alan Lawrence wouldce tainly nof sit back and listeýn, witbout an argument. He( emphasized strongly and ýon- tinually that the libéral go- verniment 'Havent been do- ing a thing to curb inflation." He then added that although Pierre Trudeau is a swinger and bas a beautiful young wife, "as a government lead- er and Prime M,\iisteri-n this couryr lhe is a G REAT BIG ZERO" Fie feels that Trudeau is insulting the people by think- ing that- they' wýill believe everything he puts torward f0 fhem. He said that aithough MrIj Trudeau says this is a needless election, if -n bis Hlighiest vehicle sales Geneiral 1Motors kept on truckin' wýith their highest car and truck sales lever last month say ýs GM's vie presid- Wn and general sales manag- cr J.D. Duf. The combined car-truck total tor May surpasses the* previons higb month. Mardli 197:3 by 7.094 units. AIltoget ber 56,947 GM vebie- les were sold. In Marcb, 1973 the company sold 49,85:3 units. opinion that if is one of tie necessary elections of this country' Fie suggested several solut- ions f'or the countrys-finan- cial problems.- The first was to cut down on gov erimental expenditures. ie was again -referring to the liberals aind their "Don)'f do as 1 do: (do as I say",. me tbods. Another solution he offered would be the bave more consultations between the provinces and the munic ipalit ies, and he definat 1ely sug- gested thaf a decrease in the supply of money within the counftry would be a big plus. Russe] Walker, NDP ýrepre- sentative, alfbougb lo t as outspoken as bis opponents, concntraedon the bigh cosf Of liv'ing.Fie says that, the Conser vafive's inflaf.ionary mneasures by wage and price contlrol would rlot be *a solution, because if would leave many businesses, and -especially farmqers, in. a bad Fie wouild like f0 ;ee full' finanilcial dîsclosures from corporationis, fax laws witb no loophofles, and a control put on adverf-ising. Foreiga owniersbip became a bigbllilited topic of conýerni f0 he stuidents. if is defînjafeIy a problem according fo,)1ý. Walker, and bie referred to Caniadians as being nothing mlore than "cColon1ial Servants witbin tisproblem., Mr. Lawrence added thiat wben a resolufion wý,as brou- ght in l- the Conservafives to contro0l foreigni ownership, if was vofed down jjby bofh the liber'tals and the NDP's. Fie feeLs thaf Canada is a self sufficient country, espec- ially', when if Cornes f0 pefroleum produofs, and flbere is no need for outside bielp. One of the first questions presented by the studeists was directed at Mr. Lawrence askingwh wage and price cOnt roi was expected f0 work, if if bas neyer worked ni other Co untries. His reply came in flie formi of a question, "who says if doesn't work ni other co untries?", He says the only alternative f0 wxage and price conitrols i,; inflation. The prices of oil and gas also camne nup and althougb Mr. Býe(cft explained the. f1iures f0 the students, mre. Lawrence simply answered thfif was because "We've gof a g1ufIess government wbo Ion,d anytbing about'if." If as a very informative ,sssioni for the students, and if wou), ld1bave gone on longer if fimie bad permifted.- Mr. E.G. Wifberspoon, after tban-king(_ the, candidates for 1983-5441 0Orono 1 'Fruk slesalonetoale record sbihd in Jline, Th1W completion of' this record shiattering m ronth is indi 1cative of 'high customler, accejJtance for GM produets and a- strong' e xpression -of confidence in the Canadian economyý, says Mr. Duffy. Mr. Duffy said that sales tbis year are running 6.5 percent ahead of last year's sales for cars and 20.5 percent ahead for trucks. TFhis trend has given the company "expectations for a robust market in the months ahead", Mr. Duffy comments. 'IR RE SPO NSI1B LED'S TR()YS ThREES AT ORONO TREN URSER Y Somie irresponsible charac- fer drove their car over some 300 silver maple trees at the Orono Tree Nurisery., It is estima ted the market valuje of the trees f0 be from $5,00 to $600 eachIl * iS FOsDI sace * Watchens L ighters * Chocolates * Supplies * Pipes. :Fathe rDay Cards:t G F 1 F0a.. 9p.. (9NFEIONE 83A524 Durham County Sales Arena ORONO, ONT. LIVESTOCK SALE Everiy Thursday Evening HG-IIORSES BUSINESS 983-9363;: HO0ME: '623-46857 BILL MOSLEY Orono Building Contractor Brick - Block - Co)ncrete Stone Work Carpentry -Cabinet WYork, Floors - Tue The Students have appreciated the tremendous support they have received in tbis endeavour. Peole problems can be serlous problems. This is what Ontario Us doing to help solve them Mn advance. BY SHELLEY LOUCKS