Early history of game laws Receptl]y wi-len check-ing providing for acIosed season soie files Fish & Wil(ilife for eer. This Act closed the $S,'ervisor P 'W, $winson dis~- de(er season frani January Sered a report onl the early ioth t uv Iy st eachyvear. Ii history of Gam-e & Fish. law 1839 another Act was passed enforcement in Ontario. This providing for elosed seasons report was compiled and for other species oi wildlife. wrtten by the late Gardon D. This 110w legislation madle Buie who wvas Fish and provisions's for a deer seaston Wildie, Supervisory for the cinmencing August Est and Lindsav District froni I.49 terminating Jafluary 3lst. util lits retirement niw.960 * There were no bag limits for Thre author af this report deer and other species pro- passed away in 1969 after aine vided tbey were harvested years in retirement at Stay- during the season. ner, O)ntario. Thre first Provincial Act for The report deals with the the protection of wildlite was peria d 1821 until 1946. enacted by the Ontario Legis- lature- in 1869,~ This act fhe first attempt ta conser- changed the game seasons ve wiidlife in the province frani the former Faderai Act, dates, baek to .1821 when a Duriag this periad and until Federal Act was enacted atter 1890 there were no Fish .......... ~ ....WAildIife law enipreement officers in Ontario. In l 1890, however, the pro.- vincial legisiature established UNITED CIICII a -Game anid Fish Commis- <.. sian", with its terms ai (froua Pastoral reference ta study the status Cage ai thre fisfr and wildife resaurces in Ontario. ln the same year the legisiature inister passed an Act for the protect- B .Lo oin ai Gamne & Fur-Bearing Rev. B.E ,nýanimais. The Act alsao made B.Th. provision for- thre appointment ORGANIST ~ a &"HI f Provincial Game lnspec- RNIT &COR tors" wha would enforce the DulR eCTOR provincial game laws. Dougas DweIlLegisiatian was also enact- SUNDAY SEPTEIMBER 29th ed praviding for the Appoint- ment ai 'Fisheries Overseers ORONO UNITED CHURCH who ,vould enforce the pro- vince newly enaeted Fisheries Chutrchi Sehlool - 10: 00a.11. Laws." In addition these (Senior Dept.)ý - 9:50 a.mi. officers xere appainted "Jus- Morning Worship - il 1: 1a.mn. jY UîN ITE D CIHURilCIU Aniersary Ser ice -9: 15 an Speaker - r.arin Covin I - Special _Music Chureh Sehiool - 11: 00 a.m11. DialI-A-Thaouglt 983,-91511 ST.1 SAVIOURS A,'NGL1CAN Established 1869 Reulr uniday Warship Serivice - .10:00 a.m. Iy Communion- '~~'tand Tiîird Sundays ing Prayer- ecan and Fourtir Sundays Hol Baptism by appoitaient with Rectar 9987-4745 Rev. Il. Robert ILiyne, Attention Fai WHY -PAY Fm Phone, 668-3381 DX F muEmýL For Prompt "Caurteous CALL US TOD.A ýOGOSI4.,FUJLL HOON f RF-Nt DUE ÀAi4-! Elmer' s Garage TEXACO SE",RVICE Mill St. North, Orona Phone 983-5130 J IORE? SAVE ON " Diesel Fuel " Motor Oil " G;tsoline -Collect OIL iService 'Y tices ofaicth Peace- for enforcemient ai the Act. The Federai Fîsheries Act at that fine wis enforced by Federal Fishieries Inspectors whose duties mostiy pertain- ed to Commercial Fishing on thec Great Lakes. So concerned were maay people over the province 1 s dwindlirtg finiT and wildlie resources that in 1878 a iish and game protective associa- tion was organized at Camp- bellford, Ontario. Thre iirst president was J.W. Dinwoodie and the iirst secretary was Stewart Coclt bath oi Camp- belliord. Several other assoc- iations brouglit considerable pressure to bear on thre provincial legislature for greater protection~ of thre provinces fisir ancd wildlife resaurces. Ater thre turn ai the century the Game and Fislheries Laws were merged as one Act. Thre Ontario Garfe and Fisheries Department was established la 1905 replacing the Ontario Gamie Commission. Eniarce- ment af thre Federal Fisheries Act was turned over to thre province. Enfarcement off- icers wvere now entitled -Game and Fisheries Over- seers" a titie used until thre Department ai Game & Fish- eries merged with thre Depart- ,ment ai Lands and Forests in 1946. Ban building near fltood plain Newcastle planning advis- ory committee hias ovýerýturn- eId a recommeindation fromi planning director Ge-orge Howdenl to allow the rezoning of a lot on Newcastle village on the edge of a flood plain on' Foster Creelk. The à1pplicalion by Nicholas Dudar of 1119) King St.. East, ,vas ta builk! a home on Robert' St., west of Church St. Ministry of'Environment con- tractors had' already placed about 12 feet of fli on the lot raising it above the flood plain level, the committee was told. Even Mr. Howden's recom- mendation came with the provisions that special condit- ions môst be. agreed ta by the applicant and the Ganaraska Conservation, Authority in' that area before the home is buiit. But this wasni't enough for some commnittee memb11lers. "This is a dneossituat ion", saidl Coun. Ken Lyall. "This is the main flood plain f or the village of Newcastle," he added, "and if something happens H'ilbe out at the home helping bail them out with rubber boots up ta my ears." -l don't agree with filling in flood ,plainis,",said committee mei(mber Doug Moffatt. "Peo- ple should not be artificially allowed ta create lots. "If a flood situation ever occurs, the town won't have ta rem ove the fui, it wiii be gone along with lhall ai the house." The committee also'recom- mended that the town allow no more rezoning where flood plain land has been fiiled without the prior written Land value disclosure urider landi fax act Urider thre land transfer tax .Il act, a persan registering a howev deed or siajilar documents is action: requtired ta pay transfer tax public whicl- is based on the pur- ration chase pricîe or ather consider- Ontar- ai ion given for. the land. To Board establish the purchase price, where an affidavit of value must ie \vallue attaclwd ta the deed when il is reasor registered. This affidavit is on time, file at thre land registration in det offices and is available for propei perusal by any persan who purpoý examines thre registered in- "l'c strument ta which the aifidav- transi it attached. imposr lit is, however, possible ionton uinder the act to avaid filing mninist this affidavit by paying the drc tax directly ta the Mnistry of wouîd Revenue in Toronto. The ledge. affidlavit disclosing the sale in l valuie ai the property is not Minist Hen needed at thle land tef registration office and e the f sa le price is not thereby made* availabie ta the general public. Th'le policy ai paying trans- fer tax directly ta the Ministry and thus abtai ning a degree of privacY with rospect ta the transaction, has been under review by the minister for some imontirs, as fthe resuit ai a request that sucir informat- ion be held in confidence by Ihe ministry,'lv- tIn ht time, ire iras considered a number ai viewpoints on the subject- inicluding briefs from inter- ested profes:sionai groups and* Dq "Op)inion is flot unanîmious on the, topic," Arthrur NMeen, Minister of Rvne disclos- __ cd. "We hav e tried ta balance aIIfr_ whthe felt ta()be the 1 legitimate 'need of imany taI know the value a!t wjh ind changes !hands agfns (th equally uinder-standable de- sire of someta havethe price paiid for the land kept confid- i ential. mua *CONFECTIONERY ANI) *GIFTS *OflONO, ONTARIIO* is increasingly clear, : ver, that property trans- 0 ns mûust be natters of 0 atspîn crecord. A recent illust- i n yoiir garden: nis a decision by the o io Land Compensation d .%,hieh îndicated that, 0 eavailabie, comaparative oi land sales. within a riably close area, and* are preierred evidence termining the value of 0S rty for compensation* ses. d also note that the land* *fer tax at noafinie* 6 sed a specifie require- 0 top qua lity aio secrecy on informat- 0 ce itwas lodged wi th the e DUtTCH -try. If it weren't filed Bu iy with my ministry it eh d have been public know- 0 nowin stock * *, With these considerat-0 in mind, I've directed the Ph0 8354 try ai Revenue ta adopt 0 Pioe93-22 ollowing polîcy". 0..MiSre VÏiIIiom C. Hall, B. COMM. Ckortered Accoudaont Phone Newcastle 987-4240 ALL DAY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY ýX SERVICE ,STATIONI [igliway 15 and 115, just north oi N-weastleI Featur ing: E- Prniium Quality Product.9 't the Most Reasonabie Prices Stove 011. ' Available in ay quantlty I L Phone 987-421.5 mUMMUMmmmmmmda TENDER-JUICY YOUNG ONTARIO FOR ROASTING (TENDERLOIN PORTION Loin 'O VIork 3-3%lM. avg. l. 1.0&9 FAMILY PAR9-IlioPls 1/4 1P ork L oi n (C hcp s l.119 'S TUIE FLAVOUR THAT COUNTS Loin Pork Chops ALLEAF" SWE% PICKLED IIALVES - CoV Cottag-e Roils -DEVON- BRAND MIILD AND SWEET Rindless Bacon, 16 oz. "BURNS" BEEF AND PORK -Srnall Link S sAPL eF"1o. Skinless Wieners "PRIDE 0F CANADA,, Cooked Hamrn Ib. $1.49 lb. 99c l.$1.34 lb. 79c lb. 88c, 6 oz for 89c RANCII STYLE - BY THE PIECE' Bologna lb. 54C Meaty Pork Hocks lb. 39c ~Tender Meaty Beef Hearfs lb. 59C Oroi CORN ISH.S.983-52.