SPR NY ED CEILINGS APPLYING IBWL PLASTER REPAIRS Wally Lucyk ORONO Monuments und Family Our qUlalitv an" i sevi' lns 'otliing to be desired Ask the person Whio bought front us, a neigh- bour, friend or relative. The Rutter Granite Company 73 Ontario Street PORT HOPE Phone colleet V., W. BUTTERL Office -895-5216 Htme 885-5222 ILOKS FAT IN A FUR IOrono Towing G,ýENERAL REPAIRS Phone 983-5249 Orono SHamîltons: a insurances a ervice : Y our Friendly Ageney * AilPersonal and * insurance *19., jAVAILABLE a? the office. *Sadie Hamilton * Sue Sawyer k..> Jim-lare a For dependablesevce Despite some false starts, the organizational structure of Durham Region is finally jbeginning to jell, according to jWilliam Manning, chief ad- ministrative officer for the Jregion. In a report which outlined some current and past pro- blems of organization, Mr. Manning was critical of the timne period between the inaugural meeting of regional councîl Oct9ber, 1973 and the imrplementation of regiona] government, Jan. 1, 194. It "was too short to adequ- ately prepare for the assump- tion of the functions that had been assigned to the Region," he commented, in the report released Wednesday. One of the consequences à~ an enormous amount of over time which bas been workec by middle' and upper level marn-qa-rnt at the region. ee *JACK *REALTOR e 99 King st., E. I. BOWMXANVILLE *When Buying or Se1ing* 0 Cali :WILF 5HAWKE a, Your Orono Area 4 0 Representative 1 a983-5274 e Member of Oshawa ande e District Real Estaté ek 0 Board 1 PUMPING OUJT SEPTIC TANKS Bert Tompkins >Phone W25 John De With Real Estate Li mited Realtor Bowmnanvi lie 623-3950 and 623-3111 ïFor pruimpt, efficient service when buying or selling Contact. Joe Barnoôski' 786-2202 Ross Davidson 277-2:321 L)ave'.s Plumrbing Meaïinçi Electrica I andustrial - Commercial Residential, -ree Estimates. 786-2471 RR1, Orono O1rono Weekly Times, MNonda', 1Decemr.ber 23ird, 17- Cool room better Canadians will but cutting The colours of the new foliage ail the waydown to the back the thermostat this introductions are superb and sou ulne. This shows that the winter because of the energy will keep from fading for a plant has active and healthy. crisis and the cost of fuel long time, from Christ mas roots. Look for plants that' making the most poua well into April or May. Canadian winter house plant, have small green buttons in the Poinsettia happy , , the middle of the flower as The Poinsettia lîkes it col.In fact according to scientist s, Poinsettias literaI- ly bloom their heads off in temperatures in the low 60's and the newer "Naturally Healthy, Long Lastîng,' Poinsettia varieties develop- ed over the past few years have been.tailor-made to oui energy, cost Price squeeze. I 'V lu Lre - t', ue through the Canadian Orna- mental Plant Foundation and marketed by' members of Flowers Canada have a spec- ial king of,,incandescent red and a matching deep, shocking pink. Their branches are full and luxuriant and the plants are easy to6root. Select your "long lastîng, Naturally Healthy" Poinset- tia plants that have. green these buttons will eventually develop into flower-s. When you are transporting your plants home, make sure they are protected from tempera,. ures lower than 50 degress, is the cold schock will casue eaves to' drop and finally, ,vater your "long lasting" poinsettia thoroughly when your get it home and then fertilize the plant within several days and enjoy your Poinsettia for -nany months. r - --jRegional structure DRYWAL becoming of age TAPINGI Management of pupiic works department for instan- ce, who don't receive com, pensation for the overtime worked an average of about, 300 hours overtime between January and October. But this doesn't irnlude an~ additional -300 hours overtim e for each of the 23 employees because of working through lunch, or.ý cancelled coffee breaks, said Bob- Richardson, comrmiss- *ioner of works. Similar overtime bas been -chalked up by management. *personnel of most other de- partments. Mr. Richardson, bas worked 617. hours over- tfinie, S.--Jain, regional solicitor, 209 hours, William NlcAdams, commissionier of planning and development, 563 'hours Jack Gartley, commissigner of finance, 980 hours, Terry Stevens, director of personnel, 540 hours, and Cec Lundy, regional clerk, 585 hours. "I arn concerned about the excessive amount of overtime some of our employees have~ worked," said Mr. Manning. "We've got to decrease it. We can't continue, to ask temployees to work at thal SPace," hie added. The short transition period for the region dîdn't allow comimissioners sufficient etime to recruit qualified staff. The transition period should have been at least six months, said Mr. Manning, not two months. Mr. Manning suggested the opersonnel department is and. erstaffed and council should expand the number of em- ployees under Personnel Dir- ector Terry Stevens. At the regional council meeting Wednesday, Mr. Stevens was appointed commissioner of personnel. Because Mr. Gartley wasn't hired as commissioner of finance until December, hie didn't have enough time to analyze the accounting sys- tem proposed for the region. Within a iew mouîts ia because evident the system wasn't adequate said Mr. Manning, and it had to be changed in mid-year. "Thus, the finance depart- mé-nt has been unable to meet the requests of operating depai tments for a detailed breakdown of their expendi- tures to date," hie explained. Offices for the finance de partmnent, he added, are not spacious enough to' accom- modate the employees, who are "working in cramped quarters." He noted Durham Region was the fîrst region created Jan. 1, 1974, to prepare its budget however. For the social services department, Mr. Manning ;aid any increase in staff will resuit in overcrowding at the Simcoe St. N, Office. He said the dèelopment division' of the pla nning and development department is currently being reorganized to provide v higher leveiL4ofservie. j May od Bless Youand Yours In The Coming Year.' HAPPY HOLIDAYS from THE FRUENDLY PEOPLE 219 KING ST. EAST - BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 623-4481 lim