Wtoo~eeklv 'Times. ~oiida. , .>ece niher 23rd. 197-1 STUTT'S PHARMACY We offer best wse and sincere appreciatian ta al aur friends on this Blessed Christmas. Ven-ezîa Rsarn FRED) and NMADDALENA CANCELLIERE D)U RH AM IF ARMERPtS' C(C We will be closed CO-OPERATIVE December 25th and 26th JN.UARY i and 2 Establishiýng chalet in ganaraska Approval was given Thurs- day evening by the Ganaras- ka Region Conservatiôn Auth- ority for the establishment of' a chalet in the forest f'or use by snowmobilers, cross coun- try skiers and others during flic wxinfer season. 11 1 TIlie (Chalet xiii operate duri ng ftic ni ontflisofJnu v l"cliua r.vantd Match on bot h Saturdax s and Sunidav\s. 'l'ilXu lhirtteccieî'd àa reporlii i(f)it froi uR-. For- tetrstat îng tibat sflowfinb i le atnf cross couily ski trails arte t nbe desi gna tedf.-i rils groini d anîd a pariki ng lot (Stat isicd i I f eforcst a rca Mlcbof*t fis wnrk is ,being dof il 1f) lue %inislr v nf Naiil ullieources %o tIiplat- ni ng ouit0f l ic district office in Lida l'lie fhalet is bcitug csiabl- ilued thrnugh thc co-operai- on ( ni(bePinie Ridge Trainuing S(choinnl winoperaite a camp ai ('nid Spriliigs on lhe Towni of Nxcaleanid Hope Town\ti sfîii i p bndarx ab1lout Iwo miesiorfb ofthuicCoity Road. Agreemet h as been roaclîed bclwecn Ithe Author- l> aîîd ife Scbnnl for the use id a lbuilding af the camp as a Ch,)alef forî tbree imontb period. ThoeIfmildin.g fias -iwo rooms aîid a xx asbrio.nm wilI be lucafed atîd mxiflihaxve a small -Snack iýila. JIt is also Ifie intentioin of the \ulfînrilx' fo focale picnic tables iii Ihe Chalet area. Ai flic presetit finie if will oifetate on Salurdays and Spunda ,x froni 9 iii fflictiorning hi S) i n f b a ftertîoni. Thec .\uti'ililare lob fire ton attcndatîts Io look af fer flic Cihalet atîd a parking lot. Io Illc f te chalet will iot fie throuigb thel(school canip grounds but rather by mirked routes f0 fthe north anid easf of the camp p roper. LI. Forrester aiso) stated that agreeement hadl beein made *withi an area property owner Io establisli a parking lot immnediatelyT south of the camp off the sideroad, about one hiaîfimile from the chalet. The parking lot area is about ten acres in size and the only matter left to be done at this lime was to have arrange- iients f'or the snowplowing of the lot, The Authority on Thursday also approved expenditures for signs and the operation of DUNIY 0iu>NIJ, ONT1ARIO PHONE 9835102 flic, chalet for flic fhree month pcriod, Trhe snack bar is fo have for sale coffee, blot chocolate and furt ber itemis as hot dogs and chocolate bars. FOREST TRAILS Fortester Stated that the f)isfrict Office in L'indsay was estaib ishing marked traits in flic forest for snomobilers xxilhfî tfîc astero sect ion naxiîîg ie bnp around the aiea Furthfe Mns tiiochities oifh one to Ibe Inca led aI t0e foresi head- (qtr 0' fr se ýin the forest, Tlhe M iîistr ' is also imilking lia ils iiifnîfit the western and e-asterti section nf' the forest. Aun aiea in fthe casfern section nftI flirfî'st is f0 be set aside for cross country 'skiing and xxn \sboc ng. Pre,%pa re s n-toJwf es-1t '75 Tbe Ganaraska Region Conserxvatiinn Aulbnriiy are planintg Snoxx (sf '75 to be held at Garden Hill Consev afion area wîfb the tentative dafe of Saturday, January 251 b. Mr. Bob I lodgson olfthe Ahority staff stated thlat the d;y w vuld include outdoor skating, cross country' skiing atnd nunerouls comlpetitive garnes Suwh as sn]owShioe raeska;tinig racus. skiing races and tobaggan rlaces. IH was also reorldtat a sniack bar will be operate(I hy flie Scols during tht' alter- noon,1 Il tis f he intention Io clear the pond of snow for skating andiohr(vns More particulars will be tui'nished latter. it is t)Cing oside half the pond imav' ýbe used for skating on a regular basi fnlowing the ,snlowf est. These belis ring out a note of thanks and our warmest holiday greeting's The Storsbergens ROAST BEEF FAIL1Y RESTAURANT_ Orono Fuel & Lumber Hamiiltons Insurance Orville Chatterton James Ard Floyd Nicholson Oxford B ricklayers Millson's Insurance Orono Electrie Lloyd Taylor Orono Building Contractor