Pictuï-ed above are the Eilceen Aldread, JIulie Harr- Twýeenies enrolied into the Ist iman. Shelley Farr-owý, Ellen Orono B3rownie Pack'hey Grahamn, Kaithryn Blaschke, are left to right back row: Kim Sherwin, Jackie West- Twelve new brwnesenrol1led DECEMBER llth, 1974 MiChelle Hartwig and Julie Grey w\elcomjed the parents and guests to the sf Oronio Pack Brownie Enroliment. Michelle lHartwig welcomned them in Sign Language wchife afler Michelle was finishied Julie repeated what Michele hiad said. We were pleased to see so) imany'ý parents attend this enrolmient. The Tweenies walked through the Enchanted Forest of flhe Brownimes crossinig over the StepngSones of Cheer- fulnless, Obedience, Good Tuns and Smniles. After each Twe(eies crossed this magîc land. they camle iacross a Upnlooking into the ir- ror vere wa sai : T Itle and tuirn me and show mne the elf, I looked into fthe mir-ror. and there saw -. After seeing thiemselves in the mnirror, Spotted 0,x] asked Brownl Owl if they ýcould join lher pack. BrowieOw said y-es and took Ilhe", mb the circle ai-d they each repeated the lrow- nlie Lw. Then theywver-e asked to corne to the Toad Stool and repeat the Brownie Promnise. Brown Owl it assistance from Tawny Ov presented each tweenie with a Brownie Pin and congratulat- ed te on joining the First O,-ronio Pack. Thi, follow ing tweenies be- cam11e Brownies: Jackie Westbrook, Julie Harriman, Cindy Sav sAngela Wet,S KathrynilBlashke, Shlley(, Far-row, hey Sharp, Alice Hlarrniman, Kelly Andferson, EfllnGrahiam. EiloeenAIl- dread, and Kim iSher1win. After they er ail enroleod lrook Front row: Alice Ilarriman, Cindy- Sparks, Kelly Anderson, Sherry Sharp and Angela West. w e gave them the Grand Howl this is a formi of welcoming then mlb othepak -When aIl Brownies were in the Brownie Circle we then proceeded with our Brownie Ring. The sixes sang their inîdividual songs around the f oad stool, which wvere done erwel]. Vil)GE PESENTED Also during the evening, Br own (OWl presented somne badges tb the Brownies who had earned particular badges, they are as folow:- TOYMAKER - Wendy Stacy THRPIFT - Hye Pottenl SWIMMER + Tammy MadilI and Nami Brow,ýn passed her Pet Keeper,FHouse Keeper, (Co and Collectors Badges. The whoe Brow i Pck reevdtheir Artist Badge. OurTwikleToes, Kerry Grady and Karen Atkins asitdBrown Owvl in pre,- sting tese badges to th'. brownies. TFawny Owl then started us off wi a sing song. We sang several selections plus a few Chrsitmas carols. Hen wev( broke up our circle and proceeded with the rest of our progrmme. Tawnly (Ow's group told the guests about 'Brownies in Other Lands. This is also a badge which they must work for. They decided to do Holn.Ilere each particfp- ated by teliJing the audience different aspects and tradit- ions of the Hiolland Brownies. They aIl recited the Hoiiand Poieand sang one of their Snowy Owl's ,group 1ihen dùlnonsi;rafied fheir talent by cecilii îî poe m s i n Si gn I arigu- w'îh I'îîni \adill, asdid I t iiîd Sieensals<î \it cd so î îgil ou fresrnefs ~c wuldlike Io tliii fîn ihl otb r of f he fiîwi sfoi- -ii I l is foi. oui 11)('01i11g Also a 5poeiat Ill .1oil t l îs I f i> (li1 % 1h 1)ther, 1he si (1S U ( 1w1't 1 crossud or Line 1(n ýs d 1Tho trîek Io Ithis ganw as whethr i ot your legs were ('ross(1 Il they, were thefhe silcîsswc Severa ipaen fguedfis ont bef.l oe o[ongyet olfi d id n'f ýWe then ndedour nro and-the Bo isSuee Tis was our final Bwnies mieeting ftor the yarot 197q.I We e]ebrtedin the formi of a ('hristmras Party. This yeaýr we deeided l oittO give gifts to eaeh other. W %bga iwth a game of Me.ory Thle brownil ies wecreexeptonally goodlat this gamie. Thenl we eolleted the nmoney' f oroui. Skating partyN, which is Decemiber 3)Othi at 1:00 at the Orono Arena. Afler thiat we wil hbe going to the Church for refreshmients. The tweeniies who were enrol- led Last week hfad itheir, pictures taken. Th'len we formied our Sing Song wtha special surpise guest - M1rs. A. Stevenson piaying the guitar. We sang several sefections Iromt the carol sheets whichi Tawny Ow brought for us. WVe then had crafts. We e ail to give coke bolttles to our- leaders. Thlen Tawny Owi sprayed these botties red and we made Santa Claus Candie Holders out of Oieem. Every- one did a good job mnaking thefrs and were verimagin- ativ-e. Then Trwînkle Toes - Kerry and Karen tlook the brownies in a circle and play'ýed a gamie while the rest o)f uslishedouftfthetreats for, thec nightf Brownies, ice creami candy canies, cookies and lemiionade. 1After ail was fîinished thec leaders distributed a Xmias Surprise Gift fr-om the leader to aIl brownies. A% special thanks to Mrs. A. Stevenson and Mrs. J. Quant- Sill for their hielp during our- Xmlas Party.- ML A1ER RY CH RI1STA AS TO Propose art centre for bowmanville eif Netonof 'nrîsklfc, ci~ ~ ~~i adorairofthe pholoîaphygalleis hi th louldytiaong ecanh ('rero mof a rt ofi $i500hefsoth of tt.os niab\ le und lta per m aoulicti- lt i rs!f w th tic s11(,m kîng a lial i<)a altrs grnnof$2Ille fi ý,,tb s Mr)uit)(5tofn I ould n t ec gt1 rom cte aTvownhefore' 1wi Coeunei wii maeil grnt Thoe ('ouna eitms is e Mr Newton woufd lîk toe \lr Njtons 10 1ivej phîogrphvand art. Thwseý Sales.and Service 24 HOUE BURNER SERVICE GULF FINANCING Low Interest Rates Tyrone 263-2650 GuiOf 9flaq..happiness abound in your home on Christmas Day and ilil die hours with love and contentment. O0rono Hydvero Electric Comission