riJ~,J i (lu GARDEN EDITION THfEGRE4T, GA RD EN E R'S23rd PSALM The Lord is the grower of my f iowers I sha 11fhot wa nt; He rests my tired muscles through the very colour of his green lawns; He Ieads me, rested, to the setting out of Iarkspur; He restoreth my soul while plant columbia and phlox.. Though the shadow of despair fail upon my garden path, I shallflot fear. Thou art with me in sunshine and in shadow;- In my gardeni'ng tools I sense thy comforting rod and thy staff Thou preparest a feast of beauty for me in the presence of a too - mechanized world; From season to season my cup overflows lt's wealth of daffodils,-delphinums, asters, chrysanthemums. Hold the balm of thy goodness and of Thy mercy; Sharîng Thy-l[ove and the f lowers of the garden with others, I find myseif aiready dwelling in Thy boundless and eternal gardensi EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR . . . ......... -va